• 2 days ago
👉 Un hombre sufrió el robo de su auto por segunda vez. A pesar de las cámaras y alarmas vecinales, los delincuentes actuaron a plena luz del día. Gracias a la colaboración de vecinos y redes sociales, el vehículo fue recuperado en una comisaría local.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24


00:00This is Isidro Casanova. Look what's going to happen.
00:04As we always say, they leave home with a Z.
00:08The criminals are going to steal the car.
00:11Obviously, look at the two data of the neighbors.
00:14The fence, put by the neighbors.
00:16The camera, put by the neighbors.
00:18And that white car that you see under the pole,
00:22which is in that place, is the one they are going to take.
00:24With what consequences, Leo Godoy?
00:26Good day 24, sir. Tell us, are you there?
00:30How are you, Luis? Yes, we are here.
00:33In Espinosa Street, 3500.
00:36This is Isidro Casanova.
00:38Well, this is the scene where this robbery happened.
00:40The second that happens to this man,
00:43here at the door of his house.
00:46Look, those cameras recorded everything.
00:48And just a minute ago, he was able to recover the car
00:51that yesterday at 6 in the afternoon they stole from him.
00:53He had to bring it by shooting, as they say many times.
00:57Because, obviously, they took the keys.
00:59But, well, luckily, the fifth police station
01:02here in La Matanza was able to recover it.
01:04And just a minute ago, he returned to the car,
01:07in good condition in general, although some things are missing.
01:10Here is Mario with us, Luis,
01:13that I already leave you in contact with him.
01:14Hello, Mario. First, a big hug from us.
01:17What can we do for you?
01:20Now, how are you? Good morning.
01:21No, what you can do for me,
01:24and not for me, but for the community,
01:26is to let you know about the robberies in the area.
01:29Unfortunately, today you can't walk in peace.
01:33Yesterday, in broad daylight, at 6 in the afternoon,
01:36with security cameras, with neighboring alarms,
01:40the thieves did the same thing.
01:43I was surprised, they put a revolver in my head,
01:46they threw me to the floor, and they stole my car.
01:50Mario, our colleague Leo told us
01:54that this is the second time this happens to you, right?
01:58Yes, it was the second time.
01:59It was the second time they took my car,
02:01and, thank God, I was able to recover it twice.
02:05And how long did this happen?
02:07How long? When was the other robbery?
02:10No, the other robbery was in 2020.
02:12In 2020, and from that robbery,
02:15we decided that the cars no longer entered the garage.
02:18The cars sleep at the gas door.
02:20They enter the garage only when there is a hail alert.
02:24That's the only time I let them in.
02:26Then the cars are always on the sidewalk.
02:28This thing that we naturalized,
02:29that Juan, my colleague who lives in the urban area,
02:31tells us, we decided not to use the garage.
02:34We don't use it anymore because it's more dangerous,
02:36to open the gate, to risk that they enter the house,
02:39to leave the car outside,
02:41because if they steal it or damage it,
02:43I tell you, it's crazy that we naturalized this, Mario, right?
02:47Yes, well, yes, but it's true.
02:50It's crazy that we naturalized this,
02:52but it's the reality.
02:53That's the reality.
02:54The reality is that the cars sleep on the sidewalk because of that.
02:58Well, let's ask the silly questions,
03:00which are my specialty.
03:02Who went to give you a hand
03:03from the municipality of La Matanza
03:05or the government of the province of Buenos Aires?
03:08No, no, look, the car,
03:10when they stole it, I made the corresponding complaint.
03:14Then I published it in a WhatsApp group,
03:17a WhatsApp group, excuse me, a Facebook group,
03:20and this morning, when I woke up,
03:23in the Facebook group, a comment appeared
03:25telling me that the car is in the city police station.
03:29So, in review, fence, camera, neighbor alarm,
03:35WhatsApp group, and now Facebook group
03:38that recovers the car.
03:40So, what the authorities don't do,
03:42the neighbors and friends of goodwill do it,
03:45that they recover the car.
03:46And where was the car, Mario?
03:47We'll do it, Mario.
03:50Where was the car?
03:52The car appeared in the city police station.
03:55And how was it?
03:56But what?
03:57Was it taken by the police or was it parked there?
04:00Yes, yes, yes, yes, the car, yes,
04:02the car was recovered by the police, really, you see.
04:06And how?
04:07The warning was for the people of...
04:09Of course.
04:10The car, the car, luckily, appeared well, you see,
04:14it appeared as it was taken.
04:15I'm missing...
04:16What do I miss?
04:18The wheel of assistance, the jack, you see,
04:20they open the car and take things out.
04:22But then the car is complete, you see.
04:24Tell me, what do you do, Mario?
04:29Look, I'm an industrial vehicle mechanic, you see.
04:33I work with elevators, with those things, you see.
04:37And the car, apart from for walking, with all rights,
04:39I imagine you use it to work too, right?
04:41And, look, I use the car for work more than for walking,
04:45because, you see, I work in the Pilar Industrial Park,
04:49with 70 kilometers here, so every day I go and come with my car, you see.
04:54How long have you lived there, in Isidro Casanova?
04:57And already 30 years.
05:00And when would you say...
05:02I ask everyone the same, right?
05:04When would you say it started to get so difficult?
05:09Difficult, difficult...
05:11It's getting difficult in this time, you see,
05:13because the robberies are all the time, you see.
05:15I mean, there are no neighbors since they didn't rob them, you see.
05:18I mean, here, as I made a comment before,
05:21once they stole from me, a little while ago,
05:23the electricity cables of the house, you see.
05:25Ah, well.
05:26At two in the morning I wake up with a person
05:28who was hanging from my gate
05:30and took one of the cables, you see.
05:33And he leaves me without light.
05:36I mean...
05:42Of everything.
05:53I ask you a question that you may not answer me,
05:56I mean, don't worry, I don't want to get you in trouble,
05:59but it makes me curious.
06:01Why do they keep winning with that level of insecurity?
06:04Why do they keep winning?
06:05I mean, the mayor repeats the mayor.
06:07Why do they keep winning?
06:08Why do they vote?
06:10Excuse me, I couldn't hear you well, Luis.
06:13Let's see, let's see.
06:14There you can hear me better.
06:15A truck just passed by.
06:16There you can hear me better.
06:17There I can hear you a little better, yes.
06:18No, I was saying, it's a question that you may not answer me.
06:21But my curiosity is,
06:23why do they keep winning, the same politicians,
06:25who don't solve the issue of insecurity?
06:27Why do they keep winning, the same mayor, the same governor?
06:30What explanation do you find?
06:34Well, look, it's a difficult question to answer,
06:40but I wouldn't say you have much to choose from.
06:47That's also where the issue comes from,
06:49because it's wrong.
06:52Our only tool is politics, isn't it?
06:58Because transformations are made by politics.
07:00But, unfortunately, we don't have a very good political class,
07:05because it seems that so many years of democracy have been squashed.
07:10That's the reality, I think.
07:13We're looking at politics, instead of a tool for transformation,
07:16as a tool for life.
07:18I think that politicians, instead of being politicians of vocation,
07:23are politicians to live from politics.
07:25That's what I think.
07:26And I'm saying this in general,
07:28not as a particular politician.
07:31I'm saying this in general,
07:32and I think it's in common for people like me to think the same.
07:37Politicians are a way of life now, not a vocation.
07:43They're not public servants, as they should be.
07:46They live from politics.
07:48You're optimistic, you think this is going to change,
07:51you think everything is going to stay the same.
07:53How do you see it, Mario?
07:56Look, I have to be optimistic,
07:59because if I'm not, I won't even go out to work.
08:03At some point it has to change,
08:06because in order for this to change,
08:09it's not about naturalizing things.
08:11We don't have to naturalize things,
08:13and we have to go back to having a little more rebellion, I think.
08:18Things have to be said, and we have to take action.
08:24And what's missing here in this country is action.
08:28More than anything, in the political class.
08:30And how is your family made up, Mario?
08:33Look, my family is made up...
08:36I'm a widower, and I have my family and my three children.
08:41I have my three children.
08:43And how old are the children?
08:44All of my family.
08:46The children are all grown up.
08:48I have children who are 33, 29, and 26.
08:53They live with you?
08:55Yes, there are two who live with me, and one who doesn't.
08:59And how do you make it up?
09:01I imagine, like every father,
09:03the fear that they'll go back home safe,
09:06that they'll have a normal life, like we had.
09:09How do you make that up in your head?
09:12Look, it's difficult.
09:17I'm not lying to you.
09:20My son, who doesn't have a car,
09:23I'm going to look for him at the bus stop.
09:25He sends me a message, and I get there,
09:28and I'm with the car, waiting for him at the bus stop,
09:30and we come here with the car,
09:32because it's safer to come with the car than walking.
09:34Now, you realize that it's crazy,
09:37and I insist, let's naturalize the crazy.
09:39The garage is no longer used,
09:41in your house, because you know they'll come to rob you.
09:44A 20-something-year-old kid,
09:47who's not a kid, but you have to go look for him,
09:50because it's safer.
09:52You're sleeping, and the cables of the light are going out.
09:56It's difficult, Mario, isn't it?
10:00Yes, it's very difficult.
10:04It's like Montenegro.
10:07You have a camera, and the cameras don't help you.
10:11The neighbor's alarm also helps you,
10:13because no matter how loud the alarm is,
10:15they'll rob you anyway.
10:17I don't want to get you in trouble.
10:19I don't want to get you in trouble,
10:21because you live there, and you stay there.
10:23But if the mayor of La Matanza
10:25or the minister of security of the province were watching you,
10:27what would you like to tell him, as a citizen,
10:29who pays taxes, as a worker,
10:31what would you like to tell him?
10:34As a citizen, the mayor of La Matanza,
10:38I'd like him to at least put cameras.
10:42All the cameras here are for the neighbors.
10:46You walk around this neighborhood,
10:48and all the cameras are set up by the neighbors.
10:50There are neighbors who made a collection,
10:52and they made safer roads,
10:54by putting cameras in them,
10:56and things go out through the WhatsApp group.
10:58At least they should worry a little bit about that.
11:02I don't know if they don't have cell phones,
11:04if they don't have gas,
11:06but at least, since we have neighbors,
11:08cameras wouldn't be a bad idea.
11:10Because the cameras here,
11:12I'm telling you the truth,
11:14you have them on the road, on the avenue,
11:16to set up cars,
11:18because that's the truth.
11:20Gustavo, my colleague, Gustavo Gravia,
11:22wants to ask you a question, Mario.
11:24Mario, I don't see in the images,
11:26or maybe I don't realize,
11:28the age of those who robbed you,
11:30the criminals.
11:32Were you able to figure out
11:34if they were minors,
11:36teenagers, elders?
11:39Look, the one I was able to see,
11:41was a 20-year-old kid,
11:43because I saw one,
11:45and then I saw that there was another one,
11:48but then they made me throw myself on the floor,
11:51and they took the car.
11:53And you are close to,
11:55San Alberto is relatively close
11:57to some settlements,
11:59that have become more and more complicated.
12:01I don't know, San Petersburgo,
12:03Puerta de Guerro,
12:05all those settlements that are very close
12:07to the neighborhood of San Alberto,
12:09there in La Matanza.
12:11Does that give you a certain fear
12:13that this will happen to you again,
12:15and that, I don't know,
12:17if I had the chance,
12:19maybe I would leave this area?
12:24I didn't understand the question well,
12:26but yes, there are settlements,
12:28there are settlements,
12:30I calculate that it is like everywhere,
12:34if we live here,
12:36I calculate that everyone lives with fear,
12:40no, I,
12:46I don't get close to those areas,
12:52I'm not going to try to avoid it,
12:54it's like everything,
12:56I'm not going to go down,
12:58and I'm sorry I didn't...
13:00From my part, I thank you.
13:02I don't know if Leo Bodoit
13:04wants to ask you another question.
13:06No, Luis, I think everything is said.
13:08The only thing,
13:10look at the level of thefts,
13:12of cars,
13:14they had to put together a Facebook
13:16where every day the number of stolen cars
13:18are published,
13:20the victims go to that Facebook,
13:22look, and if they find their car,
13:24a car that was abandoned in his block, I take a photo of it, I upload it there, look at how they had to
13:29organize because every day many cars appear, I imagine, what you usually enter, there are many
13:35cars published? Yes, there are many, there are many cars, whatever, the people of Facebook, you see, there are many cars and a lot of false data,
13:41you have to be very careful, you see, I trust this data because it was made by the publication,
13:50if not, when they ask you for a phone number, the warning is good, there you see, do not take a lot of notes,
13:56to the people who steal the car, for example to me, yesterday they drove me crazy calling me in private,
14:02that yes, we have the car, to the people, the only thing I tell them is to ask for a special car data,
14:08all cars have a special brand, if you are going to have my car, tell me what brand my car has, what
14:12special brand, then there we go and see if it is really my car. Well, so as not to be a victim again,
14:18thank you Mario, thank you Mario and thank you Leo, I did not greet you Gustavo, good morning, how are you?
14:24One more, we already know everything that the neighbors do, there is a protocol with the jets, you do not have to look at it,
14:30deliver everything, do not resist anymore, then there is a protocol, fence, alarm, whatsapp, and now a Facebook group,
14:38Facebook that recovers the car, Mario was recovered by a group, hey, it seems that your car is next to you,
14:45what else do you want the citizen to do? No, and car that, from what I understood, Mario said that he was in the police station,
14:51yes, it caught my attention that the police station, they check us quickly with the
14:56car registration address, know who the car is, call him by phone, tell him, sir,
15:02we have your car, stay calm, at least, it's weird, it's weird, it's weird, I don't want to delve into that
15:10subject, but it's weird, it's weird.
