• last month
👉 Un incidente violento se registró en el barrio de Flores, Buenos Aires, cuando un "trapito" (persona que ayuda a estacionar autos a cambio de dinero) agredió a un automovilista con un palo. El incidente, captado en video, muestra cómo el hombre primero se acerca al conductor para ayudarlo a estacionar y luego le pide dinero. Cuando el conductor se niega a pagar, la situación escala rápidamente hasta convertirse en una agresión física. El hecho ha generado preocupación entre los vecinos y comerciantes del área, quienes denuncian la falta de ley y orden en el barrio.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00He's not going anywhere. He's a classic of Mar del Plata.
00:03The same with the operatives.
00:05First, he's nice, allowing him to park.
00:10Yes, I think this man, this driver,
00:13must have parked his car many times before.
00:16You don't need anyone to tell you how.
00:18In fact, to have the right to park...
00:21You have the space, and suddenly he gets close.
00:23He starts, and if he doesn't, he grabs a stick.
00:27He gets close and shows it to him.
00:29He stands there, he shows it to him, he asks for money.
00:33He complains, and when he gets out, he pushes him
00:36and starts hitting him with sticks.
00:38Of course, he would scream at him.
00:40And people come to help him.
00:43It's a situation of total madness.
00:46We're talking about the city of Buenos Aires, in Flores.
00:48The neighbors get involved, trying to calm the waters.
00:52No one can stop them.
00:54Gabriel Prosperi is in the place,
00:56while we watch the moment of extreme tension.
00:59They all grab him. No one can escape.
01:06The thugs finally attacked this doctor with a stick.
01:09Now you'll see it.
01:11The piece of wood that threatened him,
01:14he left it on the floor, and look,
01:16people close to the thug show up,
01:19and they also attack the driver.
01:23There's a real lack of control in this image
01:26that we can show you, Gaby.
01:28They took off all his shirts.
01:29How did that man end up?
01:31Pablo, how are you?
01:32Hi, Bobby.
01:34It's a sample of what happens practically every day
01:38here, in this area of Flores.
01:40And why do we start with the train tracks?
01:43Because under that bridge,
01:45the merchants and neighbors of the area have denounced
01:48that many times they do the ranching,
01:51those people who are dedicated to this, in quotation marks,
01:55business of parking.
01:58They are small groups of thugs who are walking through the area,
02:02and when they see the opportunity, they get together
02:04and start working in this area.
02:06Under this pedestrian bridge is where they usually,
02:09according to what they denounce,
02:11the merchants themselves, who are also tired
02:13of these situations of violence.
02:15The merchants themselves of all these areas
02:17that we are now going to visit are tired.
02:19Under this bridge, now, after all this scandal,
02:22of course, there is nothing left there.
02:25What's more, they reinforced security
02:27by the police of the city.
02:29But this bridge is where the ranching is carried out.
02:32Now, let's walk to the area where this happened.
02:38We are in the middle of Flores neighborhood,
02:40a commercial neighborhood par excellence.
02:43A neighborhood that we have come many times
02:47to make chronicles because it is almost impossible to park.
02:51Here is a man who is just getting off.
02:53How are you, teacher?
02:54Were you able to park, Eureka?
02:56Yes, put it on, put it on.
02:58I take a few bags and I go, because then there are the rags there.
03:01It gets complicated.
03:02Why is it complicated with the rags?
03:04Because you have to put them on.
03:05Yes, you have to put them on.
03:06How much do they ask you?
03:07At will, 5,000, they tell you.
03:09At will, 5,000.
03:11At will.
03:11At will, 5,000.
03:12Have you seen the weight of the car?
03:13Yes, yes, we came precisely for that.
03:15You have to have a lot of will.
03:16At will, 5,000.
03:18Did it happen to you?
03:18No, no, no.
03:19It's not going to happen to me.
03:20At will, 5,000.
03:22No, no, no.
03:23Relax, you have I don't know how many.
03:25One appears, another appears, another appears.
03:27No, we are not for that, you see.
03:29Who can you tell?
03:30Hey, look, there's a rag here that wants to extort me.
03:33Is there anyone you can tell?
03:34At 9-11.
03:35Of course.
03:36And at 9-11.
03:37And then they appear there, you see.
03:39The cops just passed the motorcycle over there, you see.
03:41I don't know, there would be a mess there, you see.
03:42It's just that they told us to do the ranch down here on the bridge,
03:45but now there is no one left.
03:46Well, now the cops have just passed it over.
03:49If you don't have it there, you have it on the other side.
03:51So you have to do this.
03:52Park for five minutes as if you had a cosplay
03:55of the old parking lot and get out.
03:57And go.
03:59And if you don't have it, you have to put it on.
04:00But hey.
04:02Notice that he has, Gaby.
04:04Are you working here?
04:05Yes, we are working here,
04:07but I leave the car on the other side.
04:09Now I come, I leave a few bags and I go.
04:10I take it back there.
04:11What's your name?
04:13Thank you, Sergio.
04:14The testimony of Sergio.
04:15The testimony of the man.
04:16The man has the cloth, we call it that,
04:20but hey, he's a person who is in a situation of indigence,
04:23whatever it is, but he already has the stick ready.
04:27He has the stick ready with which he is going to attack
04:29in case they don't give him a beating.
04:30They don't want to give him a beating, you can see it there.
04:33Yes, yes.
04:34Wait, I'm going to ask Sergio.
04:36Wait, what happens if you don't pay them?
04:37Do they intimidate you with some element or not?
04:40Because this boy was hit with a stick in the middle.
04:41Yes, yes, yes, when they tell you at will,
04:44you already know what they have to put on you.
04:45And if not, tie yourself up.
04:47And if not, you're going to have problems.
04:49Because if one comes to you, another one comes to you,
04:50another one comes to you, one appears, another one appears,
04:52and you have to...
04:53If they don't, they're going to break your mirror,
04:55your self-portrait is going to appear.
04:56And it's going to be more expensive.
04:57It doesn't work.
04:58We let him work.
05:01We let him work, Sergio.
05:02Yes, I think that when...
05:03It's a very complex situation.
05:05He throws the stick there in the sequence.
05:07And we're also showing, Gabriel, I'll tell you in photos,
05:10the size, the size of the stick.
05:13It has a salient, it has a nail,
05:15it has a tip that causes damage.
05:17We're also showing how the doctor was hurt
05:20and the shirt was completely destroyed.
05:22In that case, not because of the cloth,
05:24but because of his wife or a woman who accompanied him,
05:27who also attacks him.
05:28No, no, how did this health professional look?
05:31Now, I think that when he throws the stick,
05:33because he already sees a certain refractory attitude from the inside,
05:36as if he's not going to give him anything,
05:38I think he brings it and shows it as if to tell him,
05:40look, I have this.
05:42Look, if you don't collaborate, I have this stick.
05:44We'll be back with you, Gaby.
05:46But Leo, do you think that the stick was there before?
05:48Did he put it himself before?
05:50Did he have it prepared?
05:51It gives me the feeling that it's something they have there by hand.
05:56In case it happens.
05:57In fact, he throws it as if to say,
05:59look, I have the stick here,
06:01and if you don't leave or you pay me,
06:04I'll break your car with the stick.
06:06And I don't know if he doesn't use it too, Leo, you know why?
06:08We've seen him working a lot on the street.
06:11To get out of the car, with something,
06:12you put a little bit and a stick, two little bits and a stick,
06:16and I reserve the place.
06:17Also for that.
06:18Gabriel Prospi, walking through the commercial area of Flores,
06:22which is where this happens.
06:23Let's see, how high are you from Avellaneda Street?
06:26Tell us a little bit about the context, Gaby.
06:30Now we're going to the corner of Bacacay and El Guerra,
06:34Yes? The day is coming to an end.
06:36Good afternoon, how are you?
06:37How are you?
06:38The day is coming to an end.
06:39We can see that they're closing.
06:41There's a little bit left, but it's almost over.
06:43How do you get by with the little rags?
06:45Normally, Flores is the neighborhood without law.
06:51Everyone does what they want.
06:52I think that we, in the videograph,
06:54we're already writing that down.
06:55Flores is the neighborhood without law.
06:58Because everyone does what they want.
06:59There are little rags, mantel, there's everything.
07:04How long have you been in business here?
07:06I've been here in the company for a year.
07:07A year.
07:09And this year?
07:10No, I'm in the company.
07:11And this year, how is it going?
07:13We have to live together, there's no other way.
07:15There's no other way.
07:16Is that a resignation or an agreement between parties?
07:21Call it whatever you want.
07:22An agreement that you can't reject, right?
07:24Of course.
07:25There's no block that doesn't have a little rag.
07:29There's no block that doesn't...
07:30But it's not just here in the capital.
07:33It's all of Buenos Aires.
07:35Do you want to complain?
07:36No block, no block.
07:37When the games start, there are little rags everywhere.
07:42In the stadium area, we've also made reports,
07:45and there are usually the bars of each team
07:48that govern the groups of little rags.
07:51Who are they here?
07:52No, I have no idea.
07:53I have no idea.
07:55I really have no idea,
07:56but all the squares have little rags.
07:58All the squares have little rags.
07:59What about the incident here, nearby?
08:01They called me today, asking me if I knew anything.
08:04I really had no idea,
08:05but we're busy all day.
08:06But it doesn't surprise you?
08:08Obviously, that kind of thing usually happens,
08:12fights between little rags.
08:14Now, the number 11s probably came and got rid of them.
08:18What's your name?
08:20Thank you, Ricardo.
08:21It's hard to work like this, isn't it?
08:22We already put up the map.
08:23They're the owners of the street.
08:24Yes, yes.
08:25We don't know if they put up the map.
08:27Yes, several Cs left us this series.
08:28We put up the map.
08:30Yes, yes, yes.
08:31Flores, the place that doesn't have rags.
08:33It could be the number one place.
08:35Yes, yes.
08:36It's not the only one, right?
08:37We're already composing a tango, if you want,
08:40with that title.
08:41As it is.
08:42Let's see.
08:43Let's see if one takes it and laughs so as not to cry.
08:46Of course.
08:47The truth is that living like this,
08:48having to work,
08:50many of these people who are there in Flores,
08:51who are going to park,
08:52are not only those who are going to buy,
08:54but also those who are working.
08:57And we have seen whole blocks with one spot after another.
09:01Because there are people who have obviously become owners of the street.
09:05It's so difficult to work and live like this.
09:07Here, for example.
09:08It's so difficult.
09:09Here, for example.
09:10Many times it's the merchants themselves who put this up,
09:12obviously, so that they don't park here
09:15because they need the place.
09:17But other times it's precisely those who,
09:20from early on, especially in the first hour,
09:22decide that they put up a flag here
09:26and don't park if I don't give permission.
09:29Those are the most violent groups.
09:31And also the fights, Gaby,
09:33the fights that must take place between them
09:36on the territory.
09:37Because those disputes also exist there, right?
09:43From there, of course.
09:44And now what we see is police presence.
09:47Yes? We see the police presence.
09:50Much more intense.
09:51Here we come, precisely,
09:53to the corner of Bacacay and Elguera,
09:55where the fight took place.
09:57Notice that there are several curtains that are closed.
10:01And what do we have here on our right?
10:03Look, Mario, the bridge.
10:04That's why this area is easy to access
10:07for the groups that, precisely, do ranching there
10:11and leave through this street, which is Elguera Street,
10:14to practically take possession of this whole area
10:17to Avellaneda Street.
10:19We're going to walk, precisely, to Avellaneda Street.
10:22Yes? There, Mario is showing you the bridge that I was telling you about
10:26and that we just showed you from the train tracks.
10:29I reiterate, this is the moment
10:31when the neighborhood is already starting to...
10:36Turn off, right?
10:37Turn off, in a way, the frenetic activity.
10:39Sure, both in Once and here, where you are walking,
10:42we explain to people,
10:43they are activities that usually have a cut,
10:45not beyond the next afternoon.
10:47Look at the pots I was telling you about.
10:50In this case, they are water cans, empty and pots.
10:53Who puts this, let's say?
10:55The shopkeepers put it.
10:57Here, the shopkeeper is closed.
10:59Has anyone left the place?
11:01How are you, sir?
11:03Good afternoon.
11:04You were able to park. I congratulate you.
11:06Parking here is a lottery.
11:08No, it's a lottery.
11:09On top of the water cans, you have to pay them.
11:13I didn't ask you about the water cans,
11:14and you just told me about the water cans.
11:16Yes, because I always park around here
11:17and sometimes I'm lucky to find a place to park
11:20and I don't see anyone.
11:21Otherwise, the cans that come there,
11:24if you take them out, the shopkeeper comes
11:25and wants to hit you.
11:26Ah, look.
11:27That is, those water cans that we see, they put them themselves?
11:29They put them themselves.
11:30They are street owners.
11:32Aren't they the shopkeepers who make a place to unload?
11:36They are the shopkeepers that some put.
11:38You say that if I take out one of those water cans,
11:40I come with my car, I can have a bad time.
11:42No, you have a bad time, yes, you have a bad time.
11:45Some shopkeepers do put them there.
11:47Those who have the business,
11:49the business is right there,
11:52and out there, sometimes, yes, but some don't.
11:55Not around here.
11:56Why can shopkeepers have a bad time?
11:58No, shopkeepers put them...
12:00No, the shopkeepers leave them, they leave them.
12:02To load and unload, okay, but no.
12:04But then they take possession of the place.
12:07They come from behind, they touch you like this,
12:09you can't do that.
12:10Did you find out what happened to the doctor the other day?
12:12Yes, just half a day ago.
12:14It's very ugly.
12:15Yes, it's the place, yes or yes, you have to pay.
12:17And it's four lucas you have to pay.
12:19How much?
12:20Four thousand.
12:21Not even ten minutes.
12:22My God.
12:23Now I'm leaving.
12:24No, no, you have to pay.
12:25You have to pay four thousand lucas.
12:27Four lucas you have to pay.
12:29If not...
12:30Now, how do they all know this?
12:31They all know this.
12:33If you don't pay and you leave,
12:35the car will probably be punished too.
12:37Of course, and safe.
12:39If they don't come with the car, they will.
12:41What's your name?
12:43Thank you, David, very kind.
12:44Very good, thank you.
12:47Gaby, listen to me.
12:48If I get one of these videos...
12:51But everyone knows how it is that there is no...
12:53Look, the city government has a section
12:57for complaints and irregularities in the public domain.
13:00You can make a note, you have to upload it,
13:02then they call you.
13:03But I say, this is known, we have shown it many times.
13:05The thugs now, in this case, are more violent than ever.
13:09Of course.
13:11But look at the sequence,
13:13that later the violence continues,
13:15because the doctor stays in the car,
13:17and the fight continues with another person behind,
13:20the same thug.
13:21I don't know.
13:22Let's see if they call the police.
13:24Let's see, Gaby, who are you talking to?
13:26I don't know, I think so, I don't know.
13:28No, we are talking here with the merchants.
13:30Very good, what do they say?
13:31And talking about the thugs.
13:32If we have to get them all out or regularize them.
13:34I don't know, what do you say?
13:36You, who are always...
13:38No, no, no.
13:39What do you mean, regularize them?
13:40You, who maybe suffers from all this,
13:44every day.
13:45Yes, but well, I don't know,
13:47the thing is when they put you in a hurry.
13:49If I'm going to park somewhere and they put me in a hurry,
13:52I get angry.
13:53So, it's like that.
13:54The person who...
13:56Do you understand the reaction of the doctor,
13:58who appears in the video and who fights with the thug?
14:00I didn't see it, I don't know how it happened.
14:04If it's like that, yes, I'm on the doctor's side,
14:06because they can't attack you.
14:09Of course.
14:10I'm on the doctor's side.
14:11If they attacked him, because...
14:12And if one chooses not to pay, neither?
14:14No, that too.
14:15Have you seen this before, sir?
14:18Attacks of thugs on motorists?
14:20David, a merchant, used to tell me,
14:22if I take out one of these cans,
14:24David told me, I can have a bad time.
14:27No, no, not here.
14:29Not here?
14:31No, not here either.
14:32No, no, no.
14:33Come, come.
14:34What's your name?
14:37Why do you say, we are not hitmen?
14:38We are not hitmen either.
14:39Not because you want to take out a car,
14:41we will grab you by the pine, friend.
14:43But do you park cars here in the area?
14:45No, I work here.
14:47You work here?
14:48Yes, textile.
14:49And you put the carcasses here?
14:51We are going to unload a container now, that's why.
14:53Ah, that's fine, that's fine.
14:55They reserve the place to be able to work.
14:58They put the cans, they reserve the place,
15:00and if you take out the can and want to park,
15:02you tie it up, as they say, bad and bad.
15:04It's not like that.
15:05A merchant we just spoke to.
15:07Ah, I don't know him.
15:09No, these carcasses are ours,
15:12because we are waiting for a truck,
15:14a Mazda type 6.
15:15They reserve their place.
15:16Do you know the carcasses of the neighborhood?
15:18They stay until 10 at night and can't park the truck.
15:21They have to live with them, I think.
15:23Can you identify the carcasses?
15:26Do you know when they come?
15:27They told me, they do ranching here on the bridge.
15:30When do they start coming?
15:31You say, uh, again.
15:32But the easiest thing is to listen.
15:34Do you know the carcasses of the neighborhood?
15:38It's easier, you have to come in the morning.
15:40In the morning is the issue.
15:41In the morning, you'll know who the carcasses are.
15:43We've been there, we've been there, Gaby.
15:45We've shown it, that's why it's interesting
15:47that all this continues.
15:48Come in the morning.
15:49It circulates around here,
15:50and there you'll know who they are.
15:52At that time, 5.30, 6 in the morning,
15:54it's their land.
15:55Yes, they can't come at this time.
15:57What are you going to find? Nothing.
16:00Or are you going to find something?
16:02But the testimonies are important,
16:04because I just asked the merchants how they lived here.
16:06The first thing they tell me when they want to park
16:08are the carcasses.
16:09I don't ask them anything,
16:10I don't know.
16:11We are merchants, we are things.
16:13Yes, what happens is that you are always witnesses of this.
16:16We, listen to me, we need a place here, look,
16:19when we have to...
16:20But it's not with you, man, it's not with you.
16:22You don't listen to us, but nobody is talking about the man.
16:26Perfect, totally understood.
16:27We continue the round.
16:30We have to load the fabric and we have to keep the places.
16:33Gaby, it was clear, it was clear.
16:35They work for the business, load, unload.
16:37Yes, it was clear.
16:38Nobody gets mad about the situation.
16:40I myself take my family, my daughters, to buy there.
16:43And if I see that they are loading and unloading,
16:45that situation does not bother me.
16:46That is labor, that is labor.
16:49Now that you start parking.
16:51I parked two million times in my life.
16:53I've been driving for 32 years.
16:55And a guy comes, more, 35.
16:57And a guy comes and starts making me a sign.
16:59He invents a labor that does not exist.
17:01Making me help park something I don't need.
17:04And I put a price on you.
17:05It becomes invasive, it hits the door.
17:07You can't even open the door.
17:09The truth is, it's kind of violent.
17:11That's the situation.
17:13And on top of that, you put a tariff.
17:15And if you don't collaborate, you get much more expensive.
17:18Because why do you end up giving up?
17:20And that is extortion and threat.
17:22Because if I don't put the five lucas,
17:24that I have to work a lot to earn five lucas.
17:26Then the other one,
17:27more expensive I'm going to get an optic,
17:29more expensive I'm going to get a mirror of the car.
17:31Or a razor on the door.
17:32Yes, but also, it's not that sometimes,
17:34let's say, what we see is that there is a threat.
17:37Because a person doesn't come...
17:40Let's see, everyone is asking us today,
17:42everywhere, in the city of Buenos Aires,
17:44some places in the urban area too,
17:46they ask you for something in the street.
17:48You go to a supermarket, they ask you to buy them milk,
17:50to buy them bread, people who are in need.
17:52Here they come to squeeze you.
17:54Here they come to squeeze you, that if you don't put a tariff,
17:56I hit you with a stick, or I scratch you and break your car.
18:00That's a squeeze, that's a threat.
18:02And the truth is that we have shown it so many times,
18:05that it is striking that no one is controlling,
18:08the traffic police, the city police,
18:10because they are affecting not only the merchants who are there,
18:13and who need to put tariffs,
18:15because if they don't, they win the stop,
18:17but all the people who are going to buy,
18:19in good faith, to look for a slightly better price.
18:21And finally, they have to leave five lucas to a guy
18:23who comes to threaten you and squeeze you
18:25because he's going to break your head.
18:29Yes, that's right. That's right, that's right.
18:31That's why we want it, more than anything,
18:34as we did already, and without measuring the question.
18:37Did you see?
18:39That we talked to them about the parking lot
18:41and automatically they spoke of the word trapito, right?
18:44We didn't even allude to the subject.
18:46I have the experience, Gaby.
18:48Good afternoon, gentlemen, how are you doing?
18:50A question.
18:52Ah, it's David. Ah, yes, he's moving.
18:54Well, David, can I ask you a question?
18:56No, no, that's it, another, another, come on.
18:59What nonsense, David's brother is Drupi.
19:01He's Drupi, he's on your side. Listen to me.
19:03I have the experience of having gone, Gaby,
19:05some early Saturday,
19:07to take my daughter to buy there with her mother,
19:09and the truth is that you already have
19:11a lot of meters of several blocks taken.
19:14They are already, as we saw just now,
19:16in a section with tachitos,
19:18you already have a lot of meters taken already
19:20by the tachitos,
19:22so that the trapitos work.
19:25They already have the appropriate place for you.
19:27The area is expanding more and more, right?
19:29Of course.
19:31It is expanding,
19:33that almost even Juan B. Justo
19:35often arrives at the parking lot
19:37there near Avellaneda Street.
19:39Of course.
19:41Well, now we are arriving precisely
19:43to Avellaneda Street, Leo.
19:45Here we are in the corner of Elguera and Avellaneda,
19:47which is the heart of this whole area.
19:49As you can see, it is already deactivating,
19:52the day,
19:54we are already entering
19:56in the closure area of Persianas,
19:58the premises
20:00are already doing
20:02the counting
20:04of what they have earned
20:06in the day,
20:08some are doing the recharge
20:10for the next day,
20:12as we just saw,
20:14there is already space to park,
20:16there is space to park,
20:19so if you want to come now,
20:21maybe don't be intimidated
20:23by the trapitos
20:25and you can park
20:27almost quietly.
20:29They also force
20:31these situations
20:33that the motorists
20:35who come to buy
20:37have to incur many times
20:39in lack of traffic,
20:42in fines, because they park
20:44in places where it is prohibited
20:46and there they are charged a fine.
