• 2 months ago
👉 Un altercado entre jóvenes una playa popular resultó en tres jóvenes atropellados por un vehículo todo terreno. A pesar de que todos están fuera de peligro, el incidente pudo haber terminado en tragedia. El conductor del vehículo, tras ser confrontado por la multitud, huyó del lugar pero fue posteriormente detenido. Este incidente ha suscitado un debate sobre el comportamiento irresponsable y la resolución de conflictos menores que pueden escalar a situaciones peligrosas.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00a beautiful moment and someone who undertakes it with a vehicle
00:06of those that are used to move around the medians, on the beaches
00:12let's hear what happened
00:14this is the one who just shouted
00:16this one, this one
00:20is the lady of
00:22I'm going to take it
00:24you're going to take it?
00:26today she said
00:28and what did you sign?
00:30because you are a cagona
00:32because you are trying to cover something
00:36yes, obviously I'm going to sign it on your face
00:38because you are a cagona
00:42take it, sister, come on
00:54we give the context to the situation
00:56while we see that an ambulance arrives
00:58after another place
01:00this is on the outskirts of Monthermoso
01:02a place so quiet
01:04quiet in quotation marks
01:06but quiet, beautiful to go
01:08to spend the summer with family
01:10the area
01:12that is known as the pot
01:14a classic of the end of the year
01:16where many young people
01:18are going to party on the beach
01:20they play music
01:22and look Fito what I'm going to tell you
01:24when this whole thing begins
01:26that can lead to a tragedy
01:28they were with electronic music
01:30those who were already in the place
01:32and another who approaches with that vehicle
01:34with a different style of music
01:36then they superimposed
01:38I don't know if it was cumbia
01:40on electronic
01:42the musical genre is the same
01:44and in that situation
01:46some who begin to complain
01:48and fight with others
01:50and the one who arrived with the speaker
01:52obviously with a different musical style
01:54undertakes it
01:56begins to go around in a circle
01:58and ends up
02:00running over three young people
02:02some had to be attended
02:04in the place
02:06others were transferred
02:08luckily everything was out of danger
02:10but it could have been
02:12a tragedy
02:14and on top of that, of course, the other begins
02:16aggressions, fights, an attempt at lynching
02:18and the responsible, who at first you see
02:20some want to hit him
02:22he gets on top of the vehicle
02:24that is overturned
02:26and then when he gets out of this situation
02:28logically because the thing got spicy
02:30he runs away through the meadows
02:32those that we have back there
02:34which are a feature of the place
02:36and then they end up
02:38delaying and I understand that
02:40also freeing
02:42now notice that this one, as is usually said
02:44Bobby, this guy
02:46he went to rot, right?
02:48he went to rot because he didn't bother him
02:50for something, he wasn't in front of his house
02:52we are talking about a building
02:54that is outside
02:56what would be a neighborhood
02:58we are talking
03:00about a person who is going to
03:02rot, I reiterate
03:04for nothing
03:06to fight with the spirit simply
03:08to destroy a party
03:10a real party breaker
03:12that is, he is already looking for the conflict
03:14it is not that the conflict comes to him
03:16it is not that they are bothering him
03:18at the door of his house
03:20it is not that they are invading his property
03:22he is going to look for the conflict
03:24let's see, from the point of view
03:26and sorry, if he didn't take it out more expensive
03:28because he overturned
03:30yes, and because later he managed to escape
03:32and it was faster than those who came after
03:34now from the legal point of view
03:36this is going to end up with, I don't know
03:38a kidney incident
03:40or it can become something more serious
03:42that has to do with a
03:44homicide in the degree of attempt
03:46I don't know, you tell me Fito
03:48what do you see from the analysis of this fact?
03:50No, very simple, mild injuries
03:52mild injuries, so simple
03:54and with this it closes
03:56and if I have seen you I do not remember
03:58but everything, because let's say
04:00because it ended with
04:02with three wounded, none that has
04:04died, but also one
04:06does not think that a misfortune could have happened
04:08and as Gabriel said, he had plenty of room to go
04:10and put himself in another place and not go
04:12but the issue is not the space
04:14the issue is not the space
04:16it is to fight the other
04:18it is to fight the other and it is how they derive
04:20child conflicts, that's why we talk about
04:22altered states and Fito also made
04:24reference to how some people arrive
04:26because some people, it's not all
04:28it's not all, but a music
04:30another music
04:32is so big, some know Ponte
04:34Hermoso, they know what it is, you can go
04:36200, 300, 500
04:38meters to another place, put
04:40the music that you like
04:42throw the rocket that you like
04:44Mom understands that you are going to spend the new year
04:46that you are going to celebrate, that you put the music
04:48that you are going to have fun with the people who are there
04:50and you are going to generate a conflict, that is what is not really understood
04:52is that we
04:54we already combed canas with Bobby
04:56yes, yes, yes, Fito is younger
04:58Fito is younger, but we already have canas
05:00look, look, don't even talk
05:02but we have
05:04I have an 18-year-old son
05:08he could have been
05:10or could be at some point
05:12at a party like that
05:14and a crazy guy comes
05:16because I don't know how to call a guy
05:18who comes with a car and a waffle
05:20to break a party because he doesn't like the music
05:22they are listening to
05:24he comes to ruin it
05:26and even after escalating the violence
05:28but there it is, it's like a pleasure to go
05:30to generate a conflict, to discuss, to hit
05:32to end violently
05:34when in reality one should be thinking about celebrating
05:36to put the music you want
05:38to have a place to spare
05:40everything is really unusual
05:42look, in a while we will continue to go through situations of this type
05:44because also
05:46they will not be able to believe what happened in San Nicolás
05:48they were going to have fun, especially girls
05:50but well, it doesn't matter, I don't want to put it in a gender question
05:52what happened there too
