• last month
👉 En un impactante episodio ocurrido en el barrio de Flores, Buenos Aires, un médico fue agredido violentamente por un 'trapito' al negarse a pagar una extorsión de 5.000 pesos por estacionar su auto. El agresor, Tomás Aranda, ha recibido prisión preventiva mientras se lleva a cabo la investigación. Este caso ha generado indignación y debate sobre la seguridad en las calles argentinas y la efectividad del sistema judicial. La víctima, Alejandro, quien estaba acompañado por su esposa durante el incidente, ha compartido su experiencia y el impacto emocional que ha tenido en su vida personal y familiar.

👉 Seguí en #CódigoDeNoticiasA24
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00:00An episode that shocked us all, a doctor attacked in Flores by a thief.
00:06The news, while we are going to review that video that shocked us all on February 1st,
00:11is that they have dictated the preventive prison to this thief.
00:15That this thief is going to continue to be arrested, which we do not anticipate.
00:20It is great news for everyone because there is a rotating door of justice in general with the thieves.
00:27But in this particular story, and we are going to have a key testimony that Soledad Largui brought us,
00:33but we want to remind you that the situation was very violent,
00:37where this doctor is demanded 5,000 pesos when he is parking in the neighborhood of Flores,
00:45in El Guerra and Bacacay.
00:47Look to the right, there is Tomás Aranda, the thief to whom today they dictated the preventive prison,
00:53that is, that he will continue to be arrested during the investigation.
00:56The doctor Soledad is parking, obviously with the rhythm that one has,
01:02but the trapito is ready to ask for 5,000 pesos.
01:06And look at this moment, the trapito goes and grabs a wood and puts it on the door,
01:11as if saying, you go down and you are going to have a bad time.
01:15This is going to be in terms of force, of course.
01:18And there is the resolution of this case because Alejandro defends.
01:22It must be said that Alejandro, who is the doctor in question, came with his wife.
01:27Yes, let them come to you like that, with that violence,
01:29when you are with your family inside the car parking.
01:32The woman, notice how she tries to contain the situation,
01:35but it is a situation that, let's see, a bullet to the head can kill you.
01:39And on the other hand, this is what we Argentines feel,
01:42that we are hostages of what happens to you on the street,
01:45and someone comes and threatens you and tells you, give me money or I'll kill you,
01:48and you have to stay quiet.
01:50Hand in hand with the crime, this is the problem, Javi.
01:53A fact, how are you doing, good afternoon.
01:55Remember that I had also asked for 5,000 pesos to be able to park the car.
01:59That is the area where those raids were made a few days ago,
02:03the street cut and others, by the street vendors, in this case, the manteros and others.
02:09Well, this man, along with his wife, in addition to attacking him,
02:12the doctor defended himself, let's say it, because this also happens.
02:16The doctor defended himself from the attack, to blows, by El Trapito.
02:20What happened in the last hours is that, as you said,
02:23they confirmed the preventive prison of this 35-year-old man,
02:27who surrendered in a police station in the province of Buenos Aires,
02:31but he had been quoted in the city of Buenos Aires.
02:34This also served, in some way, to say, and see if he escapes.
02:38To justify the preventive, the preventive prison.
02:40Clear, the preventive prison, and is housed in a police station in the city of Buenos Aires.
02:44Waiting for the oral and public trial.
02:47One more prisoner.
02:48It is a case that, as Argentines, it is important to review,
02:53because it gives the feeling, in this case, that not everything is worth it,
02:56that not everything is free, that they come to kick you in the street,
02:59as it happened to you, Rolo, as it happened to me,
03:01and as it surely happened to all those who are watching this program,
03:05but that perhaps this case means a break, and that not everything is worth it on the street.
03:10And remember, remember, Sole and Rolando,
03:13that, in this case, the police managed to deal with him,
03:16and the city police arrested him.
03:18Yes, good job.
03:19He was handed over to justice.
03:21He then, well, what we already know, right?
03:24He arrived at the hearing the day before yesterday,
03:28and the judge directly decided, at the discretion of the prosecution,
03:33that this man remain in preventive prison.
03:36Let's say the process was fast.
03:37It was fast and it was exceptional.
03:39We are all outraged.
03:40Let's hope this is a turning point,
03:43because somehow we are all Alejandro.
03:45We are all that doctor who was with his family,
03:48to whom they came to try to steal money just to park, Sole.
03:52Well, let's see, Alejandro does not give notes.
03:54You will have seen that there was no coverage of this case,
03:58at least not with his word,
04:00because, for security or for a personal decision, he does not give notes.
04:04And he is being an exception with us, who value him very much.
04:07Alejandro, good afternoon, we greet you from Código de Noticias.
04:11Good afternoon, Soledad, Orlando, for everyone.
04:15Well, for us, the truth is that this case deserves to be told from beginning to end.
04:20And this is the end, or at least it is a very important step,
04:24that justice has dictated the preventive prison for the aggressor.
04:28Do you have that feeling that we mentioned in the presentation,
04:32that not everything is worth it, not everything is free?
04:34It is not that you have to eat it, because you are a good person and the other is bad,
04:39then you have to be quiet when they attack you in the street.
04:43Do you have that feeling of justice?
04:46Yes, the truth is that I think that, without making any ideological question,
04:51I think that from Minister Burrich in La Nación
04:54and the Secretary of Security of the City and the Deputy Secretary,
04:58who have been especially concerned about the case,
05:01and the Prosecutor's Office 22, who are the ones who are taking the case,
05:05have changed that feeling that I had,
05:08and that is installed, as you well said,
05:12that there is a rotating door and that everything is worth it in the street,
05:17and that anyone can torture you, threaten you or hurt you,
05:21because the street was no one's land.
05:24And well, it gives the feeling now that this is changing in some way,
05:29and that gives a little more tranquility.
05:31I have children and they are all the time going around,
05:36and then this change, this feeling, gives me a little more tranquility.
05:40Alejandro, good afternoon.
05:42You really had a tremendous time with your family.
05:46We all have families and we imagine what it is like to be there,
05:49for you it must have been very complicated, and then to see this image replicated.
05:53I want to ask you, you were just talking about the importance of the message
05:56that justice gives with this.
05:58Now, you personally, do you feel calmer with this measure?
06:02Because somehow you ended up exposed to the situation.
06:07There is a certain risk if this man returns to the street immediately,
06:11and you somehow were the one who left it in evidence.
06:15Do you personally and in terms of taking care of your family,
06:18do you feel any relief with this?
06:21How are you, Rolando? Good afternoon.
06:23Yes, the truth is that it gives you a little tranquility anyway.
06:26I want to tell you that we are with police custody,
06:30because the threats were explicit and I was very, very scared, very worried.
06:38I am a doctor and although one is used to it,
06:40I worked a lot with Urbano to face situations of aggressiveness.
06:44Something like this never happened to me with so much violence and such lack of control.
06:51Police custody?
06:53I think, what a world upside down, right?
06:57Because you are a doctor, you dedicate your life to saving lives,
07:01we get tired of reporting in the news the situations that are sometimes very aggressive,
07:06very unfair for doctors with the important job they do.
07:10And now you have to be in custody because a madman extorts you,
07:14asks you for 5,000 pesos and wants to hit you with a stick.
07:18Let's not just stay on the fact that now we are going to review,
07:22you make the decision to say, let's see, he's going to hit me with a stick,
07:25I go out and take care of this situation because if not, a stick comes to my head.
07:30But how did your life change from that 1st of February, if I'm not mistaken,
07:34was the fact, until now?
07:38And horrible, Sol, it is a super unpleasant feeling,
07:42of fear, of having to have psychological and psychiatric assistance
07:49to be able to rest, the constant concern every time someone leaves my house,
07:54that there is no one waiting for him.
07:57The truth is that it is horrible, it is unfair, it is unfair for everyone,
08:04beyond the fact that I am a doctor and that I came to donate blood,
08:07that I spend it, I take advantage of it,
08:09400 blood donors are needed every day in the city,
08:12so I don't care, everyone donates blood, please,
08:15even if they don't ask for it, because it is always necessary.
08:18And I say, the truth is that it is horrible, it is horrible
08:22and there are no words to describe it, because you feel part of something
08:28that has nothing to do with your life.
08:31I am in favor of life, precisely.
08:33I dedicated myself, since I was 18 years old, when I came to study,
08:38to try to help and relieve people,
08:41and now I have to face such a violent and unpleasant situation.
08:48Alejandro, to give us a bit of context
08:51of how you ended up in this terrible situation
08:54that has marked you so much involuntarily.
08:57When the video was broadcasted, at first some thought,
09:00well, but he gets out of the car, he throws himself on top of the car,
09:05what is the justification?
09:07How was that moment for you?
09:08What was it that you lived from inside that car?
09:11I ask you because you have really spoken very little.
09:13Once, with Soledad, in the newsroom, and just now you are talking,
09:16and we wanted to take the opportunity for you to tell us
09:19what you lived at that moment.
09:22Look, the truth is that what happened was that my wife went down to buy something,
09:27on time, so I took the wheel, because as I was coming to bleed,
09:32I was not driving, for obvious reasons of security.
09:37And this guy, as soon as he enters, he approaches and begins,
09:42very, very prepotent, to threaten me and demand the money,
09:50as I had unfortunately given my wife the bike to make it faster.
09:55I didn't have it, because otherwise I might have fallen into what we almost always fall into,
09:59which is to give him a hand and get the problem out of him,
10:02because the impunity, of course, the impunity is there,
10:05so you know that you have a problem for sure.
10:07And what happened later is that, I don't know, you don't see it in the video,
10:11I went down the glass and I was talking there for a minute with him,
10:15but he didn't reason, and his speech was getting more and more violent,
10:19every time I break everything, I kill you, I burst you.
10:22Yes, until he went to pick up the stick and put it under the door.
10:26Sure, and then, when I get out of the car, I see that he has the stick in his hand,
10:32so I pretended that the stick was coming from inside the car,
10:37and I, sitting there, unprotected, with that stick, I didn't see it well.
10:44So my reaction was to try to disarm him,
10:48don't ask me how I managed to get that stick out of him,
10:51because I still don't know, I turned into Kung Fu Panda in a second,
10:54it's crazy, but it's horrible, guys, it's horrible.
10:57I feel very bad about this, I feel very bad that there are injured people,
11:01that I'm injured, that my family is scared, it's horrible.
11:05Doctor, you know what? The city police stopped him in La Plata,
11:09we were telling you before, because this man obviously left the place.
11:13I say because the amount of people who are wandering and taking advantage of each other,
11:18as in your case, to get money, to get money,
11:22and it's not those tricks that you say, well, you give it to him,
11:25and the truth is that they don't pressure you, and you, to give him a hand,
11:29it's wrong, but hey, these are all mafiosos, they are all criminals.
11:33Yes, totally, violent.
11:34I say because you, doctor, will feel guilty also for the situation,
11:38I don't know, it could have been solved, but you are the victim, doctor,
11:41like so many others.
11:42Totally, totally.
11:45Alejandro, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
11:48we all thank you on the team, it is very important to listen to your voice,
11:51because one stays in a video and there is a life that follows,
11:54and no matter how much this guy is detained, you are afraid,
11:57your family is afraid, it is a total injustice.
11:59From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for talking to us.
12:03Well, I thank you, and I apologize to the other media,
12:07because as you said, I didn't give many notes,
12:10but well, with you I chose to do so,
12:13and I especially want to thank the 7C police station for detaining him,
12:18and the 11 police station that takes care of us every day,
12:21and to all of you for putting this issue of relevance,
12:25and that people make the complaint,
12:27that people make the complaint and donate blood.
