• 2 months ago
👉 Evelyn Diana Carrera, una paciente de 35 años del Hospital Central, denunció a través de una carta que un enfermero abusaba de ella antes de su muerte. La justicia investiga el caso como posible mala praxis y abuso. Su hermana Estefanía relata la serie de eventos que llevaron a la trágica situación, incluyendo múltiples operaciones y presunta negligencia por parte del hospital.

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00:00She was born in a hospital and she wrote, before she died,
00:04there's Evelyn,
00:06that a nurse was abusing her.
00:09This generated a great shock.
00:11She was Evelyn Dayana Carrera, 35 years old.
00:15She had been in this hospital for two weeks,
00:19the central hospital.
00:21There's the letter, the message,
00:24that she writes.
00:27She was with gastroenteritis
00:30and justice investigates a bad practice and an abuse.
00:34Estefania, her sister, is listening.
00:36Estefania Facundo Pastora, 24 years old.
00:39How are you?
00:41Hello, good afternoon.
00:43Thank you for being here.
00:44Tell me, what do you know?
00:47Well, my sister came to the hospital on November 30th
00:53and she was operated on the first day.
00:56In fact, she was operated on four times
00:59in the period of November and December
01:02because she had many complications.
01:05And on December 12th,
01:08she told my mom on paper
01:12that someone was abusing her.
01:14She was intubated at that moment
01:18and she was sedated,
01:21but the sedatives were being removed.
01:23So, every time we went to therapy,
01:27she was very upset.
01:29It's like she wanted to get rid of the intubation
01:31to tell us something.
01:33So, my mom read the paper and wrote.
01:37Of course.
01:38So, that's where Estefania appears,
01:41that paper we're looking at,
01:43which is like a sort of message of despair
01:46that your sister writes.
01:51Yes, my mom asked the nurse to give her a piece of paper
01:54and she wrote it as she could
01:57because when she was in bed,
02:01she didn't have that much strength.
02:03But as she could, she informed us of that
02:06and the complaint was made immediately.
02:08When she writes this,
02:10we see,
02:11they rape me, they say, right?
02:13Your mom receives it there.
02:15At that moment, she realizes,
02:17she takes the napkin.
02:18How did it go?
02:19How did she react?
02:20Because, really, your daughter's napkin,
02:22which is also intubated,
02:23must have been very hard.
02:25She told you.
02:26What happened at that moment?
02:28At that moment,
02:30she just received a call from my cousin
02:34and told her,
02:35come immediately to the door,
02:38because at the door,
02:39apart from security personnel,
02:41there were police officers.
02:43So, she approached the first police officer she found
02:47and told her,
02:48look, my daughter just wrote this to me.
02:51Please, I need to file the complaint immediately.
02:55And well,
02:56they took the data and filed the complaint,
02:59but when the police wanted to interrogate my sister,
03:02they had already sedated her
03:05and she fell asleep.
03:09Of course.
03:10What do we know about this?
03:11The nurses realized my mom's reaction
03:14because she was a little desperate
03:16and so was my sister.
03:17So, I don't know if they sedated her
03:19because it wasn't good for her to be so upset.
03:22They realized that she was reporting this.
03:27And then we couldn't bring her to another hospital
03:32because we didn't have the resources.
03:35And apart from the fact that in Mendoza
03:37hospitals don't have...
03:40It's like they tell you,
03:41we don't have the resources to take care of people.
03:43Of course.
03:45And she's still hospitalized.
03:46So, they go to the police.
03:48They try to get the police to come and talk to Evelyn,
03:51but Evelyn is sedated again
03:53and she stays there for how long?
03:57My mom, a few days later,
03:59talked to the general director of the hospital
04:01and he transferred her to another intensive care unit.
04:05After that, she started to evolve in a favorable way.
04:09In fact, she was fine.
04:12But there was a lot of negligence from the hospital
04:17because in the last week,
04:19they didn't pay attention to us
04:23when we told them,
04:24my sister is sick.
04:26Her head hurts, her belly hurts.
04:29I mean...
04:30Of course, she was sick.
04:32Yes, I mean, she had evolved well
04:34and suddenly it started badly.
04:37And it wasn't that she had been sick for a while.
04:41What also happened
04:43is that when they operated on her,
04:45first they operated on her
04:46and then there was a perforation.
04:48So, there was a medical negligence.
04:51And here you have two problems, Estefania,
04:53which is what we saw with Nora.
04:55You have the alleged malpractice
04:57and the alleged abuse that she writes.
05:03There are two things.
05:04There are two facts.
05:05What is justice doing for this?
05:08Two cases have already been opened.
05:10And well, we had to go to a lawyer
05:13so we are going to pursue it
05:15until the last consequences.
05:17Of course.
05:18There is no justice,
05:19because they ignored us
05:22when we told them that she was sick.
05:24There was little cleaning in the hospital.
05:29That's why we also think
05:32that she got a general infection.
05:34Because that's the last thing they told us,
05:36that they took her...
05:37Because the last day she was alive
05:39they took her back to therapy
05:41because they said she had an infection.
05:43But the previous days
05:44when we told her that she was not well
05:46they never paid attention to us.
05:48It's like they minimized the picture
05:51that was being presented.
05:54Of course.
05:55No, no, it's really crazy.
05:56And now, among the nurses who took care of her,
05:59To think a little about who it could be.
06:00Have you detected who it would be?
06:01There were several nurses.
06:02Of course.
06:03Have you identified people already?
06:04Of course.
06:06We don't know the exact location of the person
06:10because the investigation is still in progress
06:12regarding sexual abuse.
06:14But yes, they took the cameras
06:18and I don't know if there was a list of staff
06:20who entered more or less in the part of that therapy.
06:24Because she was first in the UT2,
06:26which is called...
06:28there in the hospital
06:29and then they transferred her to the UT5.
06:31There in the UT5
06:32and that's when she started to improve favorably
06:34and very fast.
06:36On the other hand, the UT2 was already bad.
06:38They had her tied up,
06:40they had her more or less sedated all the time
06:43and they had her intubated.
06:45So, it's like we assumed
06:48that she wouldn't improve there
06:50if she stayed in that same place.
06:51Of course, of course.
06:52And was there a camera?
06:53Did you know if there was a presence of a camera
06:55or in the corridor or in the room
06:57or when she was in intensive care or nothing?
07:02There was no camera in therapy.
07:03There was no camera in therapy.
07:04That's what our doctors told us.
07:06Yes, there are cameras in the corridor.
07:11We know that the prosecution asked for those files
07:15when all this happened.
07:17And they were...
07:18I mean...
07:20In fact, here we were quite fast
07:22in terms of going to the prosecution,
07:24making the complaint.
07:25The forensics moved at the time
07:27and they went to do a swab test.
07:30I mean, they were there
07:33trying to take the case.
07:41Do you trust the justice system?
07:45At this moment,
07:49the only thing we have left is to trust the justice system.
07:53Because if the justice system doesn't fail us,
07:56then this will be left to nothing.
07:58But we are trying not to leave it like this.
08:01I'm trying to investigate everything the lawyer asks me.
08:06Of course.
08:09In fact, this has become quite viral.
08:11This case...
08:12Of course, not only for Evelyn, but...
08:14She has told me that she has lived in situations
08:17in this same hospital.
08:22We hope to call those people to help us do justice,
08:25not just for her.
08:27Of course, what you are saying is very important.
08:29Not just for Evelyn,
08:30but for people who have gone through this situation.
08:33Imagine being hospitalized,
08:35with totally low defenses,
08:37and that a situation like this happens to you.
08:39But also to alert to future situations.
08:42Isn't that right?
08:43I think this is very important.
08:45To get to know Evelyn a little more.
08:47Evelyn was a young person,
08:49but she was the mother of two teenagers.
08:51Is that right?
08:53Yes, that's right.
08:54She had her children.
08:56And well...
08:57She was always looking for a way,
08:59because she didn't have a job,
09:01so she was always looking for a way
09:03to give her children whatever they needed.
09:08And now the kids have stayed with us,
09:13The mother was very supportive of them.
09:15Of course.
09:16They were always with her.
09:19And well, she couldn't get out of this,
09:22but we are going to do justice for the kids, for her.
09:25It's the most important thing.
09:29Estefania, we send you a huge greeting.
09:31Here we are to accompany you,
09:34so that you don't feel alone
09:36in this sad moment you are living.
09:39And we hope that justice can work
09:42with both causes very seriously.
09:45Both the alleged malpractice,
09:47and that request for help
09:49that your sister made before she died.
09:53Yes, we hope that justice doesn't fail us in this case.
09:57Estefania, a big kiss. Thank you.
09:59A kiss. A huge kiss.
