• 2 months ago
Frank The Tank
00:00All right, now we have to lower the temperature to 300 degrees, so big 3-oo-oo.
00:08And now we're going to take it out and insert a thermal demolidator.
00:14Manja, manja, bon appetit, let's eat, it's time for Tanks Cooks.
00:22Bonja, manja, bon appetit, let's eat, it's time for Tanks Cooks. It's time, it's time, it's time
00:30once again. Yes, that's right, it's back with another episode of Tank Cooks, and today we're
00:38going to be making prime rib with a Yorkshire pudding. So the first thing we gotta do is we
00:45gotta crush up some peppercorns. And I'll let you know that the prime rib has been sitting
00:54around for about two hours, getting up to room temperature,
00:59because you don't want to put a cold prime rib, so we're going to need eight tablespoons of
01:04peppercorns. Oops, one and a half tablespoons. Where's my other peppercorns, upper peppercorns,
01:13where's my other, here we go. Whoops, goddammit, motherfucker. Eight tablespoons, that's two
01:21tablespoons, three tablespoons, four tablespoons, five tablespoons, and six, seven, and eight.
01:35All right, now we're going to take these peppercorns, and we actually gotta crush them.
01:44We gotta, all right, so let's crush these peppercorns. Crush, crush the peppercorns,
01:49peppercorns, peppercorns, crushing up the peppercorns.
01:54Oh, wait, these things don't crush.
02:05To the next step,
02:09we need a couple of sprigs of rosemary. So let's take some sprigs of rosemary,
02:18and we have to pluck off the leaves. Pluck off the leaves, pluck off the leaves.
02:26Let's pluck these leaves off for the sweet, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck,
02:32pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck,
02:39pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck.
02:46All right.
02:54Here we go, another sprig out. I'm gonna pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck,
03:02pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck. I think I need a, uh, one of those, what do they call those
03:08things, the bong, bong, bongs, and bing, bing, bings. Uh, all right. Oh, you can put some dry
03:19rosemary in here too, just for the fuck of it. Here it is, just some dry rosemary
03:30to make sure we got enough rosemary. Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck.
03:38Got some thyme too. This thyme is on our side, don't want to have too much thyme on our hands.
03:45We'll do the same thing, plucking these leaves. Too much thyme on your hand,
03:54too much thyme on your hand, don't want to have too much thyme on your hand. There it is. All right.
04:08All right, get that little spoon out here and crush this up a little bit better.
04:12Mix it together. You know what I can do? I can get a little mixer. Maybe that could do it. Or
04:21yeah, now that will puree it, fuck it. All right, but I'm going to put some
04:25garlic powder in here, of course. Of course, some accent.
04:32Toss in some kosher salt,
04:39some dry thyme,
04:45some lemon pepper. Got to open up the lemon pepper because this is a new bottle.
04:53Lemon pepper, open up the lemon pepper.
05:19all right. Then we got some steak rub. We'll also rub this on here too. Some of this butcher blend.
05:27Get a nice little hole, like big old beating there. How much garlic?
05:36This is about eight cloves minced. You know, it's probably, this is probably enough.
05:48All right.
05:48That's probably about eight cloves, I would say. All right.
06:03Mix this up.
06:05Mix it up and mix it up. Hurrah. Mixing up the ACD suddenly. Hurrah. We're making prime rib.
06:23Rib ready? Primed and ready? Got the prime rib primed and ready. All right, so what we're going
06:33to do is we're going to stick the fat side up, which is this side. We got the fat side up.
06:52And we'll spritz some olive oil on this all around. Spin it down to the ground.
07:01It's olive oil onto it. We'll throw some
07:09accent directly on it. Yes, you know, you really want to wake these food flavors up.
07:16Throw some of this steak rub on here too. Steak rub. Steak rub.
07:24Oh, I didn't open it yet. There it is. All right. Get some of this steak rub on here.
07:45Rub it in. Rub it in. Rub it in. Rub it in. Rub it in all around. Look at that.
07:53Rub it in all the way. Rub it in. Now we're going to take this and we're going to rub it in.
08:07Rub it in. Like, really, like, get your fingers in here. Rub it in all the way in there.
08:17Oh, yeah, there it is. Rub it in. Yes. Kind of like Michigan always rubs in the loss to
08:29piss off Ohio State University. All right. Now we're going to start this with a flash cook.
08:36It says 45 minutes, but this is for a 10 pound roast. So I'm going to put this in
08:40a 500 degree oven for 30 minutes and we'll see how it comes out.
08:51And then we have to cook a little bit slower and lower. So let's put this into the oven
08:56and we're going to put it in the lowest level, the lowest rack possible for 30 minutes. So,
09:02Alexa, set a timer for 30 minutes. All right. While the prime rib is
09:10priming up in the oven, we're going to try to make a Yorkshire pudding. So first off,
09:16we need five eggs. So let's get five eggs using our Easy Egg Cracker. Easy Egg Cracker.
09:46All right. So that's five eggs. Then we're going to need a cup of half and half.
10:09Wouldn't that make it a whole if it's half and half? All right. What is half and half exactly?
10:20All right. So get a cup of half and half. So let's get that cup of half and half.
10:30Put this in the bowl. Now we've got to mix this up, whisk it together
10:35till it's fully blended.
10:40And I got my little mixer here with a whisk attachment to speed up the process.
10:48I didn't even have it recording. Fuck. Well, I'm trying to make Yorkshire pudding too.
11:13It's got five large eggs. You know how I do that with the Easy Egg Cracker. If you didn't see it,
11:19a cup of half and half. Wouldn't that make it a whole?
11:23And now we put this in the fridge and we wait for the prime rib to finish.
11:26Let's get this dermal demominator inserted into our prime rib. So we'll take it out of the oven.
11:37Ooh, it's smoky.
11:46So I have to stick in the dermal demominator. Dermal, dermal thermometer. Dermal thermometer.
12:10We're going to set the temperature to 125 degrees. So we're basically getting it to
12:18close to medium rare. So it's going to cook a little bit extra before we settle it in.
12:23And there goes the fucking fire alarm for about another hour or so. Fucking digital goddamn
12:31piece of shit demominator. Not even fucking registering a goddamn motherfucking thing.
12:37All right. Well, let's try it with this fucking thing.
12:42Goddamn motherfucker. Oh, dermal thermometer. Goddamn motherfucker.
12:48Am I supposed to stick it out a little bit more? What am I supposed to do?
12:52Is that what I'm supposed to do? Let me stick this fucking thing in. Hopefully it works.
13:07Is that how I get that thing to work? How does this motherfucker work?
13:13It's not registering a fucking thing. This thing's a piece of shit.
13:21All right, let's take this prime rib out of the oven.
13:25And get ready to make this Yorkshire pudding.
13:38All right. All right. Well, the next thing we have to do is we have to use a slotted spoon here
13:46and get these pans and things out so we don't get a lot of this,
13:50uh, the extra peppercorns and stuff. So we got to take this and pour it a little bit into each cup,
14:00making sure we don't get any of those peppercorns in here. So just a little bit,
14:07just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit,
14:13just a little bit. Don't want that to fall in there.
14:17Yes, indeed. Whoops, you see it's going right into the cups there.
14:24Hard to see, but you know how it is. Just a little bit. Come on, pour, pour, pour.
14:33There you go. There you go. All right. I got to stick this back into the oven
14:41for a couple of minutes. And so we're ready to, uh, to start to smoke a little bit. So
14:47we'll put that in there for about five minutes and we'll see how
14:50we're doing before we get to pour in that batter. All right. Now comes the next step
14:54where we have to add the batter to this, um, well, hand dripping cook.
15:01Nice and smoky, as they said it should be smoky. Smoky the dokey. All right.
15:22All right. Now we're going to pour in the batter, about half full for each cup,
15:28to make the Yorkshire pudding. Yorkshire pudding. Yorkshire pudding.
15:38Yorkshire pudding. Yorkshire pudding. For the pudding pudding.
15:48Putting the Yorkshire in the Yorkshire pudding. There we go. Now we got to stick this back in the
15:56oven for about 10 minutes. We'll see how it looks in 10 minutes as we're getting pretty close to
16:06getting this prime rib primely done. All right. Looks like we're ready to get ready for this
16:13thing to be plated. So let's take out the Yorkshire pudding and get ready to plate this meal.
16:26Oh, way out of my hand there. Right. There we go. Yorkshire pudding. All right. We let this
16:41thing sit for about 20 minutes and, uh, the juices should be back aligned nicely in here.
16:49So let's cut this up. A nice little piece. Here it is.
17:00Rib. Prime rib. Gonna make a prime rib. I think it came out good. Look at that.
17:09There it is. And I was worried. Yes, I was. And Kelly does not know a Jew. And I lost another fork
17:20in my pocket. So we got a fork. Let's grab one of these Yorkshire puddings and get ready to plate
17:31our or eat our meal, actually. So time to plate the meal. What we'll do is we'll pour a little
17:41garlic butter on here. Time to play the meal. Serve it with a little bit of
17:54steak fries. Time to plate the meal. All right. Let's see how this
18:02prime rib came out. Looks pretty good if you ask me. So let's get a little salt here. We got our
18:08our Yorkshire pudding. So let's see how this tastes. Nice and thick, too. And you can even
18:17save some and reheat it later. It's better sometimes to make it with mashed potatoes and
18:22gravy or something like that. But let's see how this came out. Serving it up steak style.
18:26No. Came out pretty good. Came out pretty good. Of course, got Yorkshire pudding.
18:44And probably going to be better off using the pan drippings as you kind of bland, kind of boring.
19:03But, you know, Yorkshire pudding. Yeah, not good, but the prime rib came out excellent.
19:11And if you have any recipes to send me, email me njtank99 at gmail.com.
19:16If you never know when I'm going to cook something, I might cook one of your recipes.
19:21I've had this prime rib in my freezer for a year now and I need to cook it. So
19:26I had to find a good recipe. But until next time, Mange Mange. Bon Appetit.
19:32Let's eat.