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Frank The Tank
00:01Monja, Monja, bon appétit, let's eat.
00:06It's time for Tank's Cooks.
00:09Bonja, Monja, bon appétit, let's eat.
00:13It's time for Tank's Cooks.
00:16It's time, it's time, it's time once again.
00:19Another episode of Tank Cooks.
00:20This time, I'm making poppy seed chicken casserole.
00:25Now, this recipe was sent to me by Christian Lindbergh.
00:28I'm going to change things up a little bit.
00:30He has me using sour cream.
00:31I don't like sour cream.
00:34He has me boiling chicken breast.
00:37Who boils chicken breast?
00:39I'm going to cook up some chicken breast,
00:41and then we're going to be making this poppy seed chicken
00:45All right, we got some butter melting in the pan.
00:47We're going to cook this chicken breast up in the pan.
00:52Yes, indeed, we've got some nice chicken breast.
00:55Chicken breast, chicken breast, making something
01:02with chicken breast.
01:04All right, we'll put these four places here.
01:07We'll just fry these babies up.
01:14Fry, fry, fry them up.
01:17Of course, when we fry them up, we've got to put some accent.
01:26Let's throw on some garlic powder, a little bit
01:38of lemon pepper.
01:39Put a little paprika on there to give it a little zing.
01:58See the breast is zing.
02:01There we go, there we go, and a little bit of minced onion
02:08just to round it out a little bit.
02:12There we go.
02:16Throw a little rosemary on there too while we're at it.
02:22And we've got to cook this up.
02:23We've got to cook it all the way through, both sides.
02:25Make sure it's no pink left.
02:28So it's going to take a little while to cook,
02:30so we'll start preparing our other ingredients.
02:32Chicken breast is cooked up.
02:34We need to smash up some Ritz crackers.
02:39Yep, we'll be smashing up some Ritz crackers.
02:44It says to use one sleeve.
02:45I'm going to use a little bit more than one sleeve
02:48in case we need a little extra here and there.
02:50So let's smash these up.
02:56All right.
02:58Put them in the bag and smash.
03:04Yep, let's get a little more.
03:08We'll smash up two sleeves.
03:11Two sleeves of Ritz crackers and smash them up.
03:15Smash them up, smash them up.
03:18Crash them up and crunch them up.
03:26Chicken sounds like it's cooking nicely,
03:29so let's smash this up.
03:31Smash up the Ritz crackers.
03:33Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
03:37Put on the Ritz.
03:39Then you take a cracker and you need to crush it up.
03:42You need some Ritz.
03:44Smashing up the Ritz.
03:46Smashing up the Ritz.
03:48Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
03:51Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
03:54Smashing up the.
03:55When you need a cracker that goes into a recipe,
03:59you get some Ritz.
04:00Smash them up quick.
04:01Look at this, look how fast they smash up too.
04:04That's why I guess they recommend Ritz crackers.
04:06I mean, that's the way the cracker crumbles.
04:10All right, let's flip the chick
04:15and spice on the other side now.
04:18This is called flipping the bird.
04:20Turn the bird around.
04:24Cook on other side now.
04:28Of course, we'll use the same spice mixture.
04:30La, la, la, la, la, la.
04:34La, la, la, la, la, la.
04:40All right, make sure it's getting up to temperature.
04:52Getting there, it's getting there.
04:55All right, what we're gonna do is we're gonna take
04:57this melted butter, which is a cup of,
05:00half cup of melted butter, which is a stick, entire stick.
05:03So now we need to get some poppy seed
05:09because it is poppy seed chicken after all.
05:12And what we need is, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
05:19We're gonna take a tablespoon of poppy seeds.
05:27And there we go.
05:30Says teaspoon more if desired.
05:32I desire more.
05:34All right, now we're gonna pour in
05:37some of this cracker in here.
05:39La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
05:43And mix it all together.
05:49All right, let's mix this up.
05:52Create some sort of cracker poppy seed concoction
05:58with the butter.
06:03There we go.
06:04Okay, now that we got our chicken done,
06:05we have to cut this chicken up into cubes.
06:09It says you can shred it, that's what they said,
06:12but I think cubes will taste better.
06:14Oops, almost dropped it.
06:16Almost lost my chicken.
06:17That would have sucked.
06:22There it is.
06:23Ooh, look at that.
06:24Got some residue spices.
06:27I'm gonna try to incorporate that somehow.
06:31All right.
06:36Let's chop up this chicken
06:42into cubes using our rock and chop.
06:46Rock and chop, rock and chop.
06:49Ooh, nice, look, there it is.
06:50You see, that's how you want it.
06:52Look, you want it to be all white breast there.
06:54You don't want to see any pink.
06:57No pink.
07:03That means it's cooked all the way through.
07:15Yep, yep.
07:24Chopping up the chicken breast.
07:27That's the way it makes it the best.
07:30When you're chopping up the chicken breast,
07:33don't make sure it rests.
07:35Chopping up the chicken breast.
07:39Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
07:42Make it even smaller, some pieces.
07:44Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop.
07:46Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop.
07:49Be sure not to chop off your finger or chop your hand.
07:54That's not part of the plan.
07:59Here we go.
08:01Here we got our chicken all nicely chopped up,
08:04ready to go into our little mixture.
08:08All right, the next step is to get some chicken soup here,
08:15the cream of chicken soup.
08:17And instead of sour cream, I'm going to be using butternut.
08:23Cause I don't like sour cream.
08:25I don't like sour cream at all.
08:26Sour cream sucks.
08:28So we'll take a can of cream of chicken soup.
08:40We'll put it in this bowl.
08:49Pour it in the bowl.
08:53And then we're supposed to take, that's 10.5 ounces.
08:59And then we need eight ounces of sour cream.
09:05That's eight ounce container.
09:07I'm going to probably use a little bit more.
09:09Of course, I'm going to use that out of this.
09:14Yeah, here it is.
09:18All right, mix it up until it's nice and creamy.
09:22Here we go.
09:26La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
09:30Mixing it up right, right.
09:33There it is.
09:34Oh, look at that.
09:35It's mixing up nicely.
09:45Okay, we got our casserole dish.
09:47We'll start off by pouring a layer of this soup mixture
09:51into the casserole dish.
09:54Make it an even layer.
09:56Spill it on here.
09:59Do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
10:01La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
10:04La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
10:08All right.
10:10Now we have to bring in the, the chicken.
10:16Pa pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, ka.
10:19Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,
10:22ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.
10:27Yeah, there it is.
10:30Whip it up a little bit more.
10:32Here we go, here we go.
10:37There we go, there we go.
10:40Make sure we got an even smooth layer.
10:43Bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok.
10:50Looks pretty smooth to me.
10:53Now we'll put in a little bit more of this soup mixture to top it off.
11:17Bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok.
11:21La la la la la la.
11:23Top with the soup mixture.
11:28La da da da dee dee dee.
11:34La da da da doo doo doo.
11:38Puppies eat chicken.
11:43Now, we get our cracker mixture.
11:48All right.
11:50Let's pour that all over here.
11:57Pour it all over the place.
12:01Our puppies each.
12:02Great cracker mixture.
12:05Cracker mixture on top.
12:07On top.
12:08On top.
12:09On top, on top, on top.
12:10Top it all off.
12:12Here we go.
12:13There we go.
12:18Add some more.
12:20We'll add a little bit more here.
12:23Just to cover it up a little bit extra.
12:26That's why we need a little bit extra.
12:30Toss a little more of these puppy seeds on here.
12:33All right.
12:36Now, we got to put in some cheese.
12:39It says to use cheddar cheese.
12:43Well, I'm going to throw in some mozzarella on here.
12:46Yes, this is expiring.
12:50I feel like mozzarella will be good on here.
12:53So, let's get the moose.
12:58All over.
13:00Yeah, there we go.
13:03And finish it off by some more cracker mixture.
13:08There it is.
13:10There it is.
13:11Look at that.
13:15All right.
13:16Let's do some more puppy seeds, too.
13:21There we go.
13:23And there we have it.
13:24Now, we're going to cook this in a 350 oven for 25 to 30 minutes.
13:30When the cheese starts to bubble and melt, that's when you know it's done.
13:34So, let's put this in the oven at 350.
13:37I'll put it in for 35 minutes just so I make sure it's extra done and cooked and nice.
13:46So, Alexa, set a timer for 35 minutes.
13:49Oh, yeah, we're done.
13:51Bubbling, cooked.
13:53Got to take it out and let it settle, and then we'll be ready to plate the meal.
13:59It looks pretty good, I would say.
14:01This puppy seed chicken, which was given to me by Christian Lindbergh.
14:06Yes, that's right.
14:08It's time to plate the meal.
14:11Time to plate the meal.
14:16Time to plate the meal.
14:20There's our puppy seed chicken.
14:23Time to plate the meal.
14:28Time to plate the meal.
14:33We'll add a little bit of green beans to our dish.
14:36Get some nice side dishes here.
14:38First, some green beans.
14:41Time to plate the meal.
14:46Time to plate the meal.
14:50Get a little bit of stovetop stuffing action going.
14:56Time to plate the meal.
15:01Time to plate the meal.
15:06And there we go.
15:07Puppy seed chicken.
15:11All right, let's see how this tastes.
15:13Get a little bit of salt action on here.
15:17See how this came out.
15:18Puppy seed chicken.
15:20Here we go.
15:23Get a nice little piece there.
15:26Make sure we got a nice chicken here.
15:28A little taste of everything, the Ritz crackers and everything.
15:35Wow, not bad at all.
15:38I think it came out excellent.
15:40Thank you, Christian Lindbergh.
15:41And if you know anything else or want to send me a recipe, email me, njtank99 at gmail.com,
15:47like Christian Lindbergh did.
15:49And remember, manja, manja, bon appetit.
15:52Let's eat.