• 2 months ago
Rupiah tergelincir terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat dibayangi penguatan ekonomi Amerika, dan sikap Hawkish The Fed. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Rabu (08/01) siang tadi, pelemahan rupiah semakin dalam di 0,47% di level Rp16.200 per USD.


00:30US$175 per dollar, where the weak Rupiah in the middle of the US dollar index rose slightly to 0.08% at 108.63.
00:40The movement of Rupiah is imagined to lower the expectations of market players for the opportunity to break out of the
00:45conflict of interest in the near future, where the change in expectations means that the US economy is still
00:52struggling to trace the data of the opening of the US labor market that has just been released, the condition shows an increase to the highest level in 6 months.
01:00On the other hand, the Federal Reserve Office again released a shocking statement underlining concerns about inflation.
01:08Let's just try to update how the movement of Rupiah exchange value to a certain amount of the main currency of these players.
01:14You can watch the graphics on your TV screen or browser.
01:18The movement of Rupiah exchange value to the US dollar at 16,207 Rupiah, then to the Euro at 16,839 Rupiah,
01:27Pound Sterling at level 20,248 Rupiah, then to the Japanese Yen at level 102.55 Rupiah.
