• last month
Nilai tukar rupiah perkasa di awal pekan, dengan meninggalkan level Rp16.200-an per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Senin (17/02) siang tadi, Rupiah masih menguat di 0,46% di level Rp16.181 per USD.


00:30per dollar America.
00:31In the past, the Rupiah was up by 0.52%
00:34at the level of US$16,170
00:38in the trading on Monday morning.
00:41The Rupiah was up by 0.03%
00:44at the level of US$106.55
00:46in the trading on Monday morning.
00:49In the past, the Rupiah was up by 0.03%
00:50at the level of US$106.55
00:52in the trading on Monday morning.
00:53In the past, the Rupiah was up by 0.03%
00:56in January 2025
00:58reaching US$3.45 billion
01:02and far above expectations
01:03and surplus for 57 months.
01:07Let's update
01:09how the Rupiah exchange rate
01:10is moving towards the next main currency.
01:14And again, it moves above its position level
01:17at 16,200 shares.
01:20You can see the graph on your TV screen.
01:23Although the gap
01:25between the Rupiah exchange rate
01:27and the Rupiah exchange rate
01:29is still strong at 16,214,
01:32the Euro is at 17,043.
01:35The Poster Link is at 20,426.
01:39The Japanese Yen is at 106.82.
