Nilai tukar rupiah mengalami pelemahan, dan kembali diperdagangkan di atas Rp16.400-an per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Selasa (18/03) siang tadi, pelemahan rupiah makin dalam di 0,33% di level Rp16.449 per USD.
00:00Let's move on to other trading indicators, where the value of the Rupiah exchange experienced a weakening and was again traded at more than 16,400 US dollars.
00:15According to the data, the Rupiah exchange experienced a deeper weakening at 0.33% at the level of 16,449 US dollars.
00:25Previously, the Rupiah exchange experienced a weakening at 0.09% at the level of 16,380 US dollars in the morning trading.
00:35However, a few minutes after the opening, the Rupiah exchange experienced a weakening at the level of 16,409 US dollars.
00:43The Rupiah exchange experienced a weakening at 0.12% at the level of 103,490 US dollars.
00:50The Rupiah exchange experienced a weakening at the level of 7% at the level of the Samkabunga index, and was again traded at more than 16,400 US dollars.
00:58Meanwhile, on the other hand, the market players of the INC are related to the release of Sukubunga Bank Indonesia on Wednesday and Sukubunga Teved on Thursday.
01:09From the consensus, INC and Teved are projected to hold Sukubunga Ajuan.
01:15We will immediately update on the Rupiah exchange's movement towards a number of major currencies.
01:21You can see the graph on your television screen, Mirza.
01:25The Rupiah exchange's movement towards the US dollar seems to continue.
01:30Moving up to 16,480, trying to approach the level of 16,500.
01:36Then to the Euro at 17,814 Rupiah.
01:40The Pound Sterling at 21,374 Rupiah.
01:43And the Japanese Yen at 109,98 Rupiah.