• 2 months ago
Less talk, more action! Leroy isn't interested in what Chris Grier has to say. Mike McDaniel speaks to the media on late players and how they will deal with their tardiness. The Dolphins General Manager addresses the Tyreek Hill comments and reveals what has been said to Cheetah.
00:00NFL playoffs get going this week, Miami dolphins, uh, today, I believe Chris
00:06Greer is meeting with the media.
00:09I don't want to hear it.
00:12There's nothing you can say that would interest you.
00:14No, nothing.
00:15I want to hear the question.
00:16Here's what I am.
00:17I I'm past the point of hearing what somebody has to say.
00:22So we can comment on that.
00:25I'm more concerned with talking about what somebody does.
00:32So we already know your offensive line project didn't work for whatever reason.
00:39It didn't work.
00:41So I don't want to hear about that.
00:45I want to hear about what you're going to do about this old ass team, because
00:50everybody's extremely old and you're paying a lot of money to old guys.
00:54This is no knock on their abilities, but if you have a whole bunch of young
00:59guys, old guys, even when you have success, it goes from a hundred to
01:05zero really quick, and then you're terrible.
01:08So you need to build, you need to have an infrastructure.
01:12Usually the way you do that, the way you can stay relevant is to have a
01:17valid offensive line, a valid defensive line, one that can be together for a few
01:22years, buys you time, draft me some stout interior lineman.
01:31Who's never missed a game.
01:34That's what I want.
01:34Can I, can I, can I say this?
01:39Fans want guys to draft a need.
01:44Don't draft the need because what happens when you draft a need is you
01:49sometimes end up picking a player higher than his true value is.
01:56And I don't want that.
01:57You want Gente?
01:58I just want what you got to let it play out.
02:02You got, you have to let it play out so that when they get to 13, I want to
02:09see what is the best available player.
02:13I don't want reaching.
02:15I don't want drafting out a need best available player.
02:18Now, if there's a player that could fit your situation more, that's one or two
02:25spots back or a guy falls down.
02:28That's fine.
02:30But how many times have we had guys that the dolphins drafted me?
02:34Go wasn't even on our radar.
02:41So let's draft that.
02:44I don't want to hear, oh, but we needed this.
02:47We needed that.
02:48Even if it ends up working out, you could have had that guy like, no, it's
02:54time for this organization in this team to draft players that are going to be
03:01with the team for longer than two or three years, Bruce Buffett, dude.
03:14I thought you couldn't say that.
03:15Oh, wait, that's Bruce.
03:16We're not allowed to say Michael.
03:19He almost got me caught up there with you.
03:23What are you doing, dude?
03:23Why is he running over here?
03:31The, uh, by the way, you said it first.
03:33So anyway, I didn't say nothing.
03:35Chris Greer is speaking to the media right now.
03:38Oh, now he is great.
03:40Will the dolphins accommodate Tyree kills desire to play or trade him elsewhere?
03:43Barry Jackson tweets out Chris Greer quote.
03:45Mike and I have had a conversation with Tyree productive conversations.
03:49I will keep those between us in a frustrating season.
03:51He was very emotional in a game where we had a chance of
03:54coming back from two and six.
03:56Greer said Tyree did not backtrack quote, but didn't ask me for a
04:01tray, uh, didn't ask for a trade with me again.
04:05Like I told you before, could you tell, are we smart enough to look at the way
04:12that interview went and saw how he kept getting more and more heated and heated
04:17that, you know, at some point he was going to say something, he may regret.
04:21Did you not get the feel from that, from just watching the way that interview went?
04:25That is what, uh, Omar Kelly said the next day that essentially he was, uh, not
04:30forced to speak, but heavily suggested that he should speak and therefore said
04:38something he probably didn't mean, but damn, it's just undo.
04:42How do I go back on a team?
04:44Listen, nobody, Pat Riley was emotional when he told Jimmy Butler to shut up.
04:49Nobody gave him a pass.
04:52You guys have sat here, blame me all year for it.
04:55I don't want to hear it.
04:56You know, he might've gotten away from that from just saying,
04:59yeah, I got to pay him.
05:00I said the one thing that may have just flipped the little switch on him and he
05:05went a little too far and does anybody give Pat Riley the past?
05:07No, it's held over Pat Riley's head all year long.
05:11And coincidentally also over my head the entire time.
05:15So, but, but here's the deal.
05:18When you direct something that you say towards another person, it becomes
05:25more difficult to take back, right?
05:30Because here's what happens.
05:31The rats run over to the other person and go, what he said about you.
05:37This is what he said.
05:38What is your comments?
05:39And they go back and forth.
05:40I didn't say that about anybody though.
05:42That's not what I'm going to get.
05:43No, no, no.
05:43You said, does Pat get a break?
05:45I said the difference between what Pat Riley said and what Jimmy said is Jimmy's
05:51comments and Tyreek's comments were only about them.
05:56Pat Riley commented directly to Jimmy Butler.
06:02So it's harder to take that back.
06:07Even if you say that's not what I meant, damage is done.
06:10Whereas when you say something that only involves you, it's much easier to take
06:15back and say, that's not what I meant.
06:16What did the rats say?
06:19This is what Pat said.
06:20This is what Pat said.
06:21What's your comments?
06:22Mike McDaniels from Barry Jackson.
06:24Uh, Mike McDaniels said there were certain players who were late this year
06:28who had been fined multiple times and it won't be tolerated.
06:31He said, fines have not been enough.
06:33Hardiness was a theme in his meeting yesterday.
06:36McDaniels said he will deal with this.
06:39I told you what he needs to do.
06:41And it's not a knock here.
06:46When I was in the NFL, I was a big fan of the McDaniels.
06:48Here, when I was younger and I have accepted these rules in my house, here's
07:00what it is.
07:03My dad would say this, the level of punishment that you get is solely based
07:11on you, not me.
07:13So if I say don't do something and we can only have a conversation, good.
07:20If it happens again and I have to raise my voice.
07:24You're still not getting it.
07:25Maybe you'll get it after I raised my voice.
07:28If it continues, right, then you got to be punished.
07:32If it continues again, then you're going to get your boat whooped.
07:38But the level of punishment that you get is on you, not on me.
07:46And he said, quote, one thing I learned is finding guys didn't particularly move
07:49the needle in a way I needed to.
07:51I'll adjust as I should as a head coach.
07:56Like just sounds like you've got to fight them, but here's the problem.
08:00Here's the problem.
08:03Here's the, here's the problem.
08:04Second time this week, Daniel told Tyree kill.
08:08Uh, here's what he said.
08:09He says he met with Tyree kill and told him leaving a game is
08:14unacceptable and won't be tolerated.
08:19What does that mean?
08:19That means he's going to be back.
08:21Season's over suspended.
08:25You know, we just can't have you around.
08:28You know why you don't have to worry about that.
08:33Tyree should care more about what he did to the players in the locker room than
08:37what he did to the coach and organization.
08:40That's a fact, right?
08:42So Zach Seeler saying kind of show and discuss without, without really
08:48saying anything, just being disappointed.
08:51That should have more of an impact.
08:53That's what leaders do on the team.
08:55That the impact is not from the coach saying he didn't like it, but from your
09:00boys, the guys that you went to battle with those guys, your other offensive
09:05players to the guys on defense saying, wait a minute, we out here, you know,
09:11doing this and send them to the cards.
09:13Give me T Higgins.
09:16Send him to, you mean, I'm like, how does that really the Cardinals, the Cardinals?
09:21Send them to the Cardinals far away.
09:22Send them to everybody wants to go to Arizona.
09:25Jimmy wants to go to Arizona.
09:27You want to send them to Cincinnati?
09:30But isn't it free agent?
09:30Can we get T Higgins on the, on the, on the market?
09:34We'll swap.
09:36I don't know how it works.
09:38Me either.
09:39We got cut in the NFL.
09:41We got cut and re-signed.
