• 2 months ago
Leroy hands out his "Game Balls and Game Bums" for the weekend! Tyreek Hill says he's ready to leave Miami and do what is best for his career and family. Leroy breaks down what Tyreek's statement rippled to after the game. Omar Kelly follows up to his now viral video of Tyreek claiming he's "out" of MIA.
00:00I'll get your game bum
00:03My game bum goes Terry kill. Yeah, because like man
00:08I've never heard anything like this. He has just changed his avatar on social media because
00:15He doesn't walk out on social media
00:18He changed it to Antonio Brown peace sign, but he changed his face to it's in it's now his face on Antonio Brown
00:26Yeah, hilarious like that's like that's
00:30Do regardless of how you feel about that how the season went?
00:35There's a lot of people in that building. They have supported you
00:38Right and they've compensated you
00:42No matter what like they went out of their way not to pay other people and to redo your contract. Yeah
00:48Yeah, yeah, so that has to mean something
00:50Yeah, the player says I've given you everything and and you're not gonna extend me or whatever that works both ways
00:58I think it's I think it's a rough look
01:01I don't know what this means for his future with the team because obviously look he's you know
01:06When he's at his best, he's very important to winning, but if he doesn't want to be
01:12Things get a verse like okay. Yeah, listen to him. I get hurt again next year
01:15are you gonna pack it up and fold again like or are you gonna or
01:19You know cuz like I just think that
01:22Hey, it was all gravy the last couple of years when you were a record-breaker
01:26Right. So I don't know
01:28Did you think like it now now because you didn't get a thousand yards what he can't go back to the Dolphins and re-up
01:33Again, is that the problem? No. No, I don't even think it has anything to do with numbers. It's like
01:40when you look at Tyrese numbers
01:42You also got to consider what role he played in that
01:45Yeah, oh dude drops galore, right?
01:48And and so to sit here and say oh, I'm not being used or I'm not being this like let's go with human nature
01:57If a quarterback has questions on whether you're gonna catch the damn ball. He stops throwing it to you. I don't care who you are
02:04This was a him. This is Omar Kelly's video from yesterday in the locker
02:09You know Snoop did a great job of you know filling in whenever he learned the offense, you know getting this going but you know
02:16Whenever you're missing, you know
02:18Your franchise player man. It kind of sucks
02:29I don't even know bro, you know, this is my first time. I haven't been in the playoffs man. So
02:39I mean for me, like I said, man, I I just got to do what's best for me and my family
02:44If that's here, that's where wherever the case may be man. I'm i'm finna open that door for myself
02:50as i'm opening the door like
02:54i'm out bro, you know, so it was great playing here, but
02:59You know, I at the end of the day bro. I got to do what's best for you know
03:03For for my career and you know, what's best?
03:06Because i'm too much of a competitor to be you know, just it's out there
03:14If it is hey
03:18Yeah, it gets
03:20All right. There you go. So let's let's let's break this down
03:27You ever have a conversation with somebody and things get start building
03:32And it ends up being that
03:34He didn't go into that conversation thinking that
03:38Right, but it ended the conversation on that note and and I would say
03:46You acknowledge some of the reasons why you didn't have success and then
03:52Acted if though they didn't matter
03:55Like I don't know that that conversation was on both sides of it
04:00You know what? I mean
04:02from start to finish but to say
04:05I gotta do what's best for me like
04:08What's best for you is to have your quarterback healthy enough to throw it to you
04:12Bro, what's best for you and your families that you catch the damn ball?
04:16Or what's best for you and your families that you don't quit at halftime?
04:20Like well, how come how come all the things that have to do with what's best for me and my family?
04:26Is everybody else and not you?
04:29You see what i'm saying 100 100 so no, I ain't cool with that I ain't cool I ain't cool with how it
04:38Got to that point
04:40Because he basically backed himself into a corner
04:44To where I don't know if he can unsay it
04:49Like that's why after a game after a loss after a rough season. You always take a deep breath
04:56Always take a deep breath
04:58Just comment on the game at hand
05:01And and and and keep in mind
05:05If you only talk about the game at hand, you're gonna have to talk about why you didn't go out and play the second half
05:12uh, omar tweeted out yesterday says I haven't addressed this on twitter because it wasn't uh,
05:15This isn't the ideal space since people generally don't listen. Tyree killed denied our request to talk initially
05:21He was frustrated and didn't want to say things he regretted
05:23He was strongly encouraged to talk to show that he's a leader
05:27And he did however, as we all know tyree's battled maturity issues his whole career at the end of the interview
05:32He let his frustration get the best of him
05:34I expect he'll walk this bag, but the damage is done
05:37The damage was not being miami's most targeted player all season. Tyreek knows he's better than how he played this season
05:43He's frustrated and he didn't get to show up for whatever reason and he's clearly a poor loser
05:48This is now a mike mcdaniel issue
05:51And he now must go from buddy to disciplinarian can he so the
05:58The sore loser part
06:00is true
06:03We're all like that. We all hate to lose right some more than others the more competitive you are the more you hate to lose more
06:11that being said
06:13You can't be that person
06:16You can't have these comments
06:19And then say i'm out the second half
06:21Right, like the two don't go together
06:23Right, and I think that he spoke before mike mcdaniel revealed that I don't think I think we were all wondering why
06:29He didn't and he had said that uh, he had said something the fact that we saw the chief score
06:35That implied to me. It was like, oh he implied that he took himself out, but mike mcdaniel kind of confirmed it
06:41So I guess the game was because I guess
06:44Yeah, from what I understand at the at met life they were showing highlights of the game to kind of get the dolphins to
06:51To let up I guess I don't know. I mean we saw we all saw what the score was and apparently new york
06:56Jets fans were yelling at it
06:58It's uh, 24 nothing. Bo nicks light it up
07:02Could you imagine you don't gotta try no more cheetahs. It's over. I have never
07:09Been in a situation like that
07:11Scoreboard watching you've never been in a scoreboard watch. No
07:15You know what the funny thing was though
07:16I remember back in the day when we didn't have phones and you had to rely upon
07:21The the ribbon board, you know where they would put
07:24Oh, oh, yeah, that's what they used to do constant scores. Yeah. Yeah
07:29We used to look at the scores like we looked at the scores too
07:32Like it like we would look at the scores just to like be just as shocked as other people like, you know, like whoa
07:39This is getting something like getting the beat down what happened, you know, you don't see numbers or nothing you just see score
07:47Yeah, I don't i'm not a big fan
07:51first of all
07:53I don't care
07:55Understand the person that you're dealing with
07:58from an organization
08:00as far as everything even omar tried to
08:04Soften the blow. Hmm saying that not
08:08It's a maturity thing
08:10He's gonna have to walk that back
08:12It's not a good spot to be talking to tyreek
08:17Right. It really isn't
08:19Um, so yeah, you're right froggy
08:24I'm hurt dog. I'm hurt
08:28It uh, it did seem like
08:30He didn't start that interview with the intent, right?
08:35Everyone down
08:36It does seem like it boiled up, but I think you're right man damage is done. How do you go back from that?
08:40How do you come back from saying i'm the same way everybody else does?
08:45I don't know. It's like it's very easy
08:49For tyreek to come out and say I didn't even want to get interviewed because I was just
08:54Pissed off or or whatever, but I did it and it boiled and got to that point and I probably regret
09:01Saying that's a mature response a lot of time at us for assuming you assume
09:09I said what he should say. Yeah, and what has he done is start off that conversation by saying immature
09:16Is highly unlikely that he will right? It's the same thing. I say to you with jimmy
09:21um, yeah, but jimmy here's the thing with jimmy jimmy's was jimmy jimmy's move was calculated like the thing that
09:27I jimmy jimmy is it to me?
09:30This has all been part of the plan for jimmy to get the heat to a breaking point where they will trade him
09:37From my standpoint that that's there's there's a little bit of a difference there in that jimmy almost plotted this
09:44Throughout. Okay
09:46I'm sick, then i'm gonna
09:48It's like you guys have the time then pat riley has his whole statement where he says
09:52Not trading jimmy butler and jimmy butler is like okay
09:56And then he had this all whole thing go out and then we have the press conference where he's yeah
10:01That was all very clearly like orchestrated by him to to make it known. I'm done
10:07I I don't think jimmy butler acted off of emotion. I think that the emotion he he's he has been at this point basically
10:16Since whenever the heat I think the heat said no to the extension. I think at some point jimmy butler
10:21This is just my theory. I don't know this
10:23I think at some point this season jimmy butler was genuinely happy again being in miami and he was hopeful that
10:29The heat and his agent would go back to them and be like attention
10:34And the heat said no and then all of this has flared up
10:38That's my thought. He thought he could play a couple of good games still yes team at 500 and they would extend him
10:44Yes. Well, I think I think I think that that was you know, they're playing pretty decent
10:49I think that he had just had a really good
10:51Understood understood, but I think that that's I think that's what happened. That's my guess. I I get it
10:56But but I mean, let's let's let's be realistic here
11:01I'm, not blaming anybody. I'm not i'm not blaming the heat
11:05Based on the fact that you're leading the team to 500
11:08It'd be different if it was second in the east
11:10Yeah, i'm not blaming the heat for not changing their stance
11:13I know like they wanted an available guy to be through the whole season
11:17I'm just saying my theory as to when it all flipped for jimmy
11:20I don't know what game it was
11:22But I think that he was hopeful that you know how to do kind of like it here
11:25The vibes were good him and tyler hero. They're joking
11:29And then all of a sudden it's like oh
11:31an ankle injury turns into
11:33an illness and then
11:36okay, eventually you have to come back from the illness and then
11:39You know, we all know what happened. We all we all we all saw I just I just don't think like
11:46For whatever reason you can't complain about getting an extension if that's what you're gonna give
11:50the organization agreed
11:53Like I and and and and keep in mind
11:56He was the one
11:59Nobody said
12:01If he won't extend you better go out and earn it if he wants this he better go out and who?
12:06Jimmy butler said that i'm gonna go out and who i'm gonna go out
12:11You see what i'm saying?
12:13I think
12:15Pat riley said to him. I want you to play more games
12:19When the game started adding up when he wasn't playing then he realized
12:23I ain't gonna do it. Anyway, so I might as well just get out of here
12:29Like it's like, you know, you already missed the fourth the first 10 questions of the test. I think yeah
12:36Exactly cracking your brain during the rest of the test 100 percent. I think it's and I think it's from both sides
12:41I think that he probably looked at him and like
12:44We've you know, we we know where this is at we're kind of done it's it was it was
12:49It's bad that it's ended so venomous, but I think they both have just kind of reached their expiration date
12:55You don't want to pay me. We're kind of tired of the paying you for the guessing game
12:59You were incredible, but it seems like it's probably reached its limit, which maybe it probably has at best
13:05It's got one more year in it. We're not gonna pay until you're 37
13:08He's like cool
13:10Send me somewhere where I will and I think on his end probably feels like the heat haven't really tried that hard
13:15but I think really what the
13:18Nobody wants I think I think the pairing is I don't think people want them
13:21I don't I think I think that's the thing like there's there was a report this week
13:24You know, everybody was saying warriors warriors warriors warriors
13:28The word out of the warriors was the locker room doesn't want them
13:31The players in there don't want them
13:33I you know, ethan scolling made this point this this week, which was a good one that steve kerr spent all summer
13:40On the same stab with eric spolstra. You don't think that there were some stories over some french wine while at the olympics
13:47I just think that why are you looking at me like that froggy?
13:52Does jimmy think his value is higher than what it is? I think it is. Yeah, I think so. Okay, I think so
13:59I mean 35 is the kicker for me and I told you that
14:03Because when that comes crashing down that's coming, you know, it hurts my heart though
14:07I know the market isn't big but I know that if he does end up going somewhere
14:12Jimmy butler's gonna be on a revenge tour. No, and if
14:16He's gonna try there you go. I think he's gonna try
14:21Well, I think he's gonna give maximum effort and then something's gonna happen. You're gonna miss the last month of the season
14:27i'm still
14:28i'm still waiting for kevin to rant and just go to the suns and be like
14:31You know, i'm unhappy
14:34Waiting on that for sure. Why don't you trade jimmy butler for me?
14:37You think they'd do that and be stuck with bradley beale?
14:41Well, I mean they are stuck with bradley beale bradley beale bradley beale could sit here the entire time be like
14:46I like arizona
14:49Because if you're bradley beale, you're just like you're like bradley aren't you sick of it here
14:53Wouldn't you want to go to detroit?
14:55and if i'm probably be i'm like
14:58I think I like the golf here
15:00Is he the only one with all these deals that has a no trade clause I think it's him and lebron
15:04I think are the only guys with no trade clauses. There's some guys who have like
15:08Caveats, like I think if you're on like a one-year deal with a certain amount of experience you get to negate trades
15:14But as far as like multi-year deals, I think it's him and lebron. I think are the only guys who have it
15:19And uh, and that was bradley beale in the same class with lebron
15:24I don't have him in the same class. That's literally what it is in the league. He's literally the only guy who has that
15:29I'm just saying and I think and from what I understand is his agent
15:34His the age bradley beale's agent
15:38Is the father of the son's like head of basketball operations
15:44so like
15:45he kind of did daddy a solid bringing in bradley beale because bradley beale wanted to come to miami and miami was like
15:51will only trade for you if you
15:53Wipe out the no trade clause
15:56Which he wouldn't do
16:03Don't want bradley beale. I don't want bradley beale either
16:07I and by the way, this comes from somebody who really wanted bradley beale. You wanted everybody at one point
16:14You scored 25 and and tobin's oh whale antenna goes up in fairness, though
16:20I love everybody because let me tell you something
16:22I had one good moment on saturday and it was keisha johnson with that chase down block
16:27And I was like he needs more minutes
16:31That's me, I understand I know what I am
16:38Timbo says that tobin wants fat boy zion
16:41I could be talked into it
16:43No, i'd have a conversation. You know what I need. I need an active participant
16:48That hammy right?
16:50I do agree with your point last week though about the lifestyle down here
16:53You want to talk about bbl's because you we'll run into him at half moon every morning
17:02Oh, that's a full moon dude the usual
17:05You know, you want the usual yeah box of those things there
