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Tyreek Hill is known for cheating on the truth... As he continues his apology tour, he sits down with Chris Simms to take back his comments. Tyreek Hill wants to STAY with the Miami Dolphins. However... he may have these two teams in mind.
00:00So, we got our own drama to deal with, that's what Tyreek Hill.
00:05Why, yo, can I ask, why are you dealing with it? There's nothing to deal with.
00:10I don't know that that's true.
00:12Wait, you're not dealing with anything because there is no football.
00:18Until there's football, all you're dealing with is a bunch of bumping gums.
00:24That's true.
00:25That's it.
00:26There's a bunch of bumping gums.
00:27So why are you reading too much into it?
00:29Look, one thing we know about Tyreek Hill.
00:31He ain't gonna stop talking.
00:32He doesn't stop talking, and him and The Truth are not mutually exclusive.
00:38Yeah, he does cheat on The Truth.
00:40He cheats on The Truth, he's a whopper teller.
00:43And he went on this media tour last week, and he was very apologetic.
00:49I get all that, but here's the deal.
00:53You can apologize for what you said.
00:56You can't apologize for what you did.
00:59But he also said he 100% wants to be back with the Dolphins.
01:03Of course, you don't want to get that pit cut.
01:05Here was him last week.
01:07Now, I apologize to our audience.
01:09You're gonna have to listen to people I don't really like very much in this show,
01:12one of them being He Who Shall Not Be Named for our tour.
01:15He was on his show.
01:17And this is what Tyreek Hill had to say to old Helldweller.
01:21You mentioned the situation that God put you in,
01:24and I heard you after the Week 18 game.
01:26It sounded like you didn't want to be in that situation anymore.
01:29And I understand it's an emotional time, but you said it.
01:31So where are you now?
01:32I'm in a good space, man.
01:35I've had a conversation with my mom, had a conversation with my wife.
01:39And basically, as a father, you don't need to put yourself in a situation like that.
01:45It doesn't matter how you feel.
01:49You know what I'm saying?
01:51Because at the end of the day, you're a leader of men.
01:54You're a leader of this team.
01:56So you've got to know how to handle yourself in those moments.
01:59Take accountability.
02:01And I'm taking full accountability of what I said, man.
02:04I don't deserve to say anything like that.
02:07Miami Dolphins, they're paying me to play.
02:11They've been very good to me.
02:13So why am I going to go out and say some of the things that I said, man?
02:18And I fully take it back.
02:19And I'm going to take full accountability of it.
02:23And I'm going to come back next year hoping to still be there
02:27and bust my tail, man, for the team, for the guys, for the fans, for the whole city.
02:31So you want to stay with the Dolphins?
02:32I want to stay with the Dolphins.
02:34I hear them.
02:35They're saying apology accepted.
02:39There you go.
02:40Chris Simms.
02:41Did he say, I hear them?
02:42Yeah, Chris Simms is saying, don't speak for us, Chris Simms.
02:44Yeah, don't speak for me.
02:45You don't speak for me, Chris Simms.
02:47So he's saying they say apology accepted.
02:49He 100% wants to be with the back with the Dolphins.
02:51Takes accountability.
02:52All right.
02:54Great stuff.
02:55Here's the thing, though, dude.
02:57Again, he's a bender of the truth.
03:01Now take this for what it is, because again, I don't care for this person
03:05coming up, but Bill Simmons, sports guy, Willie, he's claiming on his
03:16podcast that he ran into Tyreek Hill at the Super Bowl.
03:20And apparently Tyreek or people around him don't seem to have the
03:28Dolphins in mind as his future team.
03:30Take this for what it is.
03:32But listen to what little Willie had to say with his with his
03:35podcast cohost.
03:36Looks like they hit the worthy pick, but the offensive line is
03:39like really rough.
03:41There's other teams coming.
03:42The Chargers are going to be better.
03:44We saw Tyreek Hill on Friday.
03:46I was trying to come to the paths.
03:48Wasn't happening.
03:49But there was a team.
03:51Are you going to tell him what he said afterwards?
03:53What do you say after?
03:54I said, come to the Cowboys.
03:56And then he did the eyes thing.
03:57Like, I'm looking at you.
03:58I said, you may have to be all running back to.
04:00He's like, that's all right.
04:01I'm ready.
04:02So here we go.
04:03That is good news for Dallas.
04:04And then somebody that was with them was like, watch out for the
04:06Chargers and walked off.
04:07I was like, what do you mean?
04:14If I may.
04:17There's no football being played.
04:20So all you have is this.
04:23And I'm disappointed in you.
04:28Because you have used two people who you consistently make fun of
04:35or send to hell.
04:36Hate them.
04:39And you're using them to make your point.
04:40I'm not using them to make my point.
04:42I'm just presenting what has been said by Tyreek Hill.
04:45He said a lot of stuff.
04:47And then I'm being presented what may have been said by Tyreek Hill.
04:50Seemingly off the record, I guess.
04:51I don't know.
04:52That's not journalism, but whatever.
04:53It was apparently in a private moment seemed to be intrigued by
04:57going to the Cowboys.
04:58Was it a jokey joke?
05:01Is it a jokey joke?
05:02Is it a jokey joke?
05:04Or is all like we've been wondering with all of this, this whole
05:10media tour that he's on, is it a whole lot of BS that he's throwing
05:16out there?
05:17He's saying one thing, but he means another.
05:20And is it time to just move on?
05:22Get ahead of it, Leroy.
05:23We've already seen a big situation here in town blow up in a team's
05:27face because they didn't get ahead of it.
05:29But it works differently in football.
05:31It works differently in football.
05:33But dude, come on.
05:35You can't be on the other side of 30 and be acting a fool because
05:39unlike basketball football, you can get your money took football.
05:45They could cut you and just not pay you any money.
05:49So from that standpoint, you got to be careful.
05:53But I'm just saying like the guy is out here and he's going on
05:56podcast and he's saying the right thing for right now after doing
05:59the wrong thing.
06:00But if it's true that he's flirtatious with going to other teams
06:04and he doesn't really want to be back with the Dolphins because
06:08again, what's going to happen when he has a game where he doesn't
06:15catch as many balls as he thinks that he should have or doesn't
06:17block the way that he should or shows up late to camp or whatever
06:20decides to sell shorts instead of be at practice.
06:24It was a fun run.
06:26It was like football crack.
06:28I loved it.
06:32One has nothing to do with the other.
06:37Your thought process behind that.
06:41Could be valid, right?
06:46And the other part of it with him going on a apology tour, right?
06:53Like he's running for president.
06:55That's a whole nother different situation.
06:59I would say.
07:01I don't make anything of anything that he's saying because it's
07:05not football season and it don't matter.
07:08We'll forget.
07:09He'll he'll say seven other things between now and the start of
07:13We notice.
07:15So you getting caught up three days after four days after the season
07:19get caught up in with Tyreek Hill have to say you're going to be
07:22a nervous wreck by the time football starts.
07:24I'm not really a nervous wreck because what I'm what I think
07:26everybody wants to do.
07:27And I think even what Drew Rosenhaus was trying to get ahead of
07:30was like, hey, he was emotional in a moment.
07:33I told you that.
07:34But I don't know if he was.
07:35I think you, but like, I think, I think what he said after the
07:38game is probably closer to the truth.
07:39Then why?
07:41Because if he's saying, if he is saying, even if I, even as much
07:44as a halo, if that is true, that he's got flirtations with going
07:47to the chargers of the Cowboys going somewhere else, then him
07:52saying that I'm out is more closer to what he really wants than
07:55him being emotional about it.
07:57Like, it's a convenient thing to say you're emotional, but it could
08:00also, it also in emotion, it can, it can reveal the truth.
08:04It can be more of a truth teller.
08:10All the other stuff, whatever, like the biggest issue.
08:14And I told you this, I'm going to keep saying this.
08:17I don't care what somebody says, right?
08:21We all say some dumb stuff.
08:24And, and, and, and it's funny because we look at other people
08:27that say dumb stuff and we get on them and cancel them acting
08:32like we ain't never said no dumb stuff.
08:34So I'm always cautious or just attacking somebody, you know,
08:39saying stuff right after a game and being emotional.
08:42Yeah, but I'm not attacking him ever.
08:44I'm asking if it's, but if his feelings are legitimate, like
08:47just because he's just because you're emotional in a moment,
08:50doesn't mean what you're saying is not something you believe.
08:52Um, like I could, I could take it back or I could overlook it,
08:58but it doesn't mean what you said didn't have some validity
09:00to it, you know, like you've never, I guess.
09:04I mean, I get what you're saying, but that's more to make
09:07your point, right.
09:09That there's some truth to it.
09:11Like when I said I dismissed it, I really dismissed it.
09:15But what I can't dismiss is what he did on the field.
09:18That part of it.
09:21It, that part of it is grounds for, okay, we've had enough.
09:25It is.
09:27I don't know whether the other stuff plays a role into it,
09:29the stuff we don't know about, but once you get to that point
09:34to where you're saying, I'm not going back on the field.
09:38Now that says more to me than any of the words coming
09:42out of his mouth.
09:43I don't care how much he smiles.
09:44I don't care how much or whatever.
09:47They asked you to go in the game and you said no.
09:52And he made Waddle sad.
09:53We, we need, we need to have a conversation about that.
09:57That's what he should be apologizing for.
09:59He's over here apologizing for this over here.
10:04The, all of these little things over here on the right.
10:07And we have a problem with what's going on over here.
10:10I don't have a problem with his mouth.
10:12Tyree go talk.
10:14We got to, we, we threw all of the crap that Tyreek says
10:17every year.
10:18She didn't talk in his like, right.
10:20Breathe him.
10:22But what separates what he did from any other football player
10:27is the quitting aspect of it.
10:29He has never addressed that.
10:31He has never said anything about that because everybody's
10:33concentrating on what you can get out of saying something
10:38It's a lot harder to get out of doing something stupid.
10:41That's deep, dude.
10:43It's that classical music.
10:46That's a point.
10:52Why does Luke Keaton look like a PGA golfer?
10:56He shrunk down.
10:59He looks like, he looks like.
11:01He don't, he don't look, he don't look like, oh boy,
11:04used to have like cheek muscles and stuff like that.
11:07He looks like Luke Keto-ly.
11:10Luke Keto.
