• 2 months ago
00:00Uh, here it is. Uh, the entire playoff tree for you. You were talking about some of the matchups
00:04before. Uh, that's where it is. The road to New Orleans, uh, for the Super Bowl. Uh, the Chiefs
00:11and the Lions will have the buys this week. The Chiefs really get two weeks of buys because they
00:16didn't show up on Sunday. So they get two weeks off, uh, Kansas City. Uh, and then there are
00:21matchups, which we're going to dive into a little bit, uh, here now, Scotty. So, uh, we're set.
00:26This is the best time of the year. Playoff time. All the boring, uh, nonsense games that we watched
00:31the last three weeks are gone. Serious January football is here. Let's go. I mean, let's have
00:38at it. I mean, you know, I thought it was interesting to see, uh, who didn't make it.
00:43Like the Bengals, they come all the way back, go to nine and eight. They don't make it. Uh,
00:47the Dolphins, they were going for three straight playoff years. They haven't won a playoff game
00:52since before Christ, but they didn't make it. And then what, you know, right after their game,
00:56you see Tyree Kelly goes, or, you know, he wants out. Well, I, you know, we, we played me and Joe
01:04played it yesterday, uh, when you were off. So we played Tyreek after the game, given the whole,
01:09I mean, I'm out, man. I'm going to see you later. I'm getting out of here. Like what,
01:13what's his problem. I mean, I know it was a long year from there, but that's like,
01:18you know, why would you want to leave Miami? Honestly? Uh, we always say, and that's such
01:24a great place to be. Uh, but I guess he's had enough. Uh, so, but he does have a contract.
01:29Let's remember that. Can't just walk out the door with Jimmy Butler at his new home. When he leaves,
01:36was there anything funnier than seeing that team suspend him for seven games for opening his big,
01:41fat mouth, all these guys wanting to leave Miami. What is the matter with them?
01:46Uh, I mean, seriously, Butler, Tyreek, Miami, why not? It's a, I mean, it's, uh, it's a hell
01:57of a lot better than being here in the winter. That's for sure. We're going to head down to
02:00Miami. Uh, let's start with, uh, Saturday night since, I mean, come on, it's the Steelers. In
02:06fact, I got to have to wait. I got a couple of clips of Tomlin for you, uh, that we will play
02:10when we come back. Uh, we'll hear from Harbaugh as well as round three between the Ravens and the
02:16Steelers. They split this year and you're going to hear all the numbers again this week. Scotty,
02:20I'm going to give them to you. Tomlin's record against the Ravens. Tomlin's record against the
02:25spread against Lamar. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're going to get it all from me, uh, because
02:30I think the Steelers are going to cover on Saturday night. So you're going to hear all of
02:33it from me all week long. Well, I mean, look, it is a playoff game and they are playing for
02:40their lives. It's one and done, or you either get it done or you're finished season over gladback
02:46time. So, you know, I could see it being a game, seeing them winning is so far in my rear view
02:54mirror. And I don't care what I said. I don't care about the Philly. I don't care about the,
03:02you know, the Baltimore, I don't Kansas city. Then tonight, what's the difference.
03:06They lost all four of the games. They fought away two of the games.
03:12Uh, let's start Tomlin with, uh, talking about the last four weeks. Of course they haven't been
03:16good. They've lost all four games heading into the playoffs. Here's Mike. You know,
03:21it's important that we take the lessons learned from the last month. Um, unfortunately, um,
03:28you probably learn more when, when there's failure. And obviously we've experienced some of that.
03:33Um, some of it, not jaw dropping things or earth shattering things, more confirmation of things
03:40that we believe in or, or things that we engineer victory by. Um, we suffered the consequences of
03:45not winning the turnover, the battle in recent weeks. And that's been very evident. Uh, we've
03:51also suffered the consequences of not performing to our standards in the red zone offensively and
03:56defensively. And oftentimes your ability to win possession downs within those situations,
04:03define you that four point swing doing that four game stretch. We weren't strong enough
04:09defensively in that area. Um, and we certainly weren't strong enough offensively in that area.
04:14I can't listen, Mike, I can't take it anymore. This guy just blows smoke about he's smarter
04:22than everybody in the room. And he's going to use big words and all of his rhetoric. And the
04:27reality is, is that he, you know, let's face it. He hired art Smith. He hired Matt Canada.
04:34Both of those guys are literally along with Ken Dorsey, the three worst offensive coordinators
04:41in the history of the national football league. Ken Dorsey should no more be allowed to coach
04:47football. Then I should be running the NFL. Let's stop this guy. Art Smith is a hack.
04:55The play calling is so boring. I said at one point Saturday night, I have had more fun at church
05:02than sitting in this stadium, watching this absolute shack pie of an offense, uh, run their
05:10gamut of, of nothingness. They run up the middle off tackle on every single play. They do nothing
05:16else. When they throw the ball, you want to keel over. How about this? It's 39. They always throw
05:22a three yard pass. I mean, they are so anemic. I'm done with it. Don't even start with me. I'm
05:28done with it. I can't even believe you're taking the pen. Honestly, I'm done with it. I'm going
05:33to have a stroke. I may get up right now and leave right now on this show. I can't take it anymore.
05:39It's going to be a blue collar game. Yes. 16, 13, 2013 Raven somewhere. The defense for the
05:46Steelers will show up on Saturday night in Baltimore. Uh, here's the deal with Tomlin
05:52and the playoffs. I don't have to tell you this. Mike's now eight and 10 in the post season. He
05:57has not won a playoff game since 2016. Uh, he's lost to the wild card round, uh, three of the
06:03last four years. Uh, you had sent me a thing, uh, all these teams that also hadn't won playoff
06:09games. There's actually more than that list even was. And they've all fired their coaches three or
06:14four times, uh, since 2016, the Steelers of course haven't with Tomlin. Mike's well aware of his poor
06:20record in the post season. Uh, here he is saying there's nothing I could do about it. We got to
06:23win this week. I don't know that it needs to be restored. I just think that we've been in too
06:28many battles and we've had too much success, um, to, to be fragile in that way. We certainly can
06:34hate our recent performances and, and, and, and the outcome of those recent performances,
06:40but I don't think it's reflected in terms of how we feel about ourself or our ability to make plays
06:45or engineer victory or win games. So basically avoided it. Uh, the question is basically what
06:51he did, uh, about how he's played and how he's gone in the playoffs, uh, in the past 10 for Mike,
06:57uh, staring at possibly eight and 11 on Saturday night. Let me play you a hardball. Then I'll give
07:02you the, he doesn't win anymore in the playoffs. He just doesn't, he doesn't win. He won once.
07:08That's it. And it was early, you know, it was, it was very early in his coaching career. The one
07:13time that he won and that's where they say sometimes, you know, enjoy it because you never
07:18know when you're going to be back or when you're going to do it again. Uh, and he hasn't unfortunately
07:23since here's Harbaugh on the other side with the Ravens on facing the Steelers for a third time.
07:29We know them, they know us pretty well. Uh, there's always that little, uh, you know,
07:33chess game going on a game of Thrones. I don't know, whatever, uh, with them, because it's always
07:38something different. There's always wrinkles thrown in every week. So, uh, that's the part
07:42of it that we study really hard. Yeah. I listen, I just talked to somebody about, um, you know,
07:51the Steelers and he said to me what they lose to Buffalo by. I was like 14, 17.
07:59Yeah. I think it was 14, 31, 17. I think off the top of my head was the score of that game last
08:05year. That's what the Steelers are going to lose to the Ravens by. Look, I, I know it feels that
08:12way and I know, uh, everyone's on the Ravens. I, it's 10 at some places I'm seeing some nine and a
08:18half, uh, as well for this game. Uh, I just feel like every time these two get together
08:24and I know last time in Baltimore, a few weeks ago, they ended up covering a big number.
08:29This is always, uh, a bit, a defensive struggle. This is always a game. This is never a high
08:35scoring game, especially when the stakes are this high. I don't think the Steeler offense
08:40will be good, but I think the Steeler defense will be good. And they're going to keep them
08:45in the game for as long as they possibly can. They're not going to win, but I think that's way
08:49too many points for a matchup like this Steelers and Ravens way too many. Look, let me just say
08:54this. So, so we're clear here. The Steelers defense is ass. Okay. They haven't stopped
09:00anything in a month. I mean, nothing. They can't stop anything. First downs, third downs, fourth
09:08downs. They don't stop anything there. No one is afraid of the Pittsburgh Steelers defense anymore.
09:14Their season went like this. It was, everything was going smooth. They're 10 and three. And then
09:19they went off the rails, like a train flying off the tracks into the woods and it flips over and
09:24everybody dies. That's exactly what the Steelers season did when you're 10 and three and you
09:28finished 10 and seven. And now you've got a road wildcard game. You're going to lose.
09:32It's going to be a fiery landing. Trust me. Well, hopefully that fire landing by him.
09:39They just got to be with their hopefully the fiery landing can be under 10 points.
09:46Uh, for the bod Saturday night, let's just keep it under 10. Uh, if that's going to be a fiery
09:51landing for them, uh, the early game on Saturday will be the chargers and the Texans in Houston.
09:58Of course, the Texans win the AFC South second year in a row, but they always put games on
10:03Saturday. Did you notice? Well, that's that Texans always play when they make the playoff
10:09Saturday at four 30. This is a staple, a tradition unlike any other. Yes, they do.
10:15Here is their head coach, uh, D'Amico Ryan's, uh, on facing the chargers.
10:20Yeah, man, we're, we're really excited about, you know, this matchup versus the chargers,
10:24really coach football team. Uh, you can see coach Harbaugh's imprint on the football team
10:30instantly. Just how sound they are, uh, in all three phases, very sound football team.
10:36Uh, they can run, they're very, very balanced offensively, run the ball. Well, of course,
10:43one of the better quarterbacks in the league and he's done a really great job. I think it's just
10:49doesn't turn the ball over a lot. And it's a lot to be said for a quarterback who does that,
10:55right? Really puts the scene in really good situations. I'm sure. I mean, this team's as
11:01bad as the Steelers. They finished just as bad as the Steelers. That's for sure.
11:09Texans are dogs at home to the chargers, uh, chargers minus two and a half,
11:1642 and a half. The chargers signed Ezekiel Elliott to their practice squad
11:20in case any of their running backs, uh, go down. Of course, they've had some injuries
11:25throughout the year. This is not the last time you're going to see. He's going to get picked
11:29up by somebody for five minutes. Like this guy will serve no purpose on the chargers whatsoever.
11:35Zero. He's finished. He's like a boxer that just won't get a clue that he's finished. They just
11:42keeps fighting. I mean, this guy is Donald Cerrone. I mean, honestly, he's so finished.
11:52Done. You're done. Cash, cash, the checks. That's what it's all about. Uh, at the end of the day,
11:58his checks are this big now. They're still going. He's still going to the window though. He wants
12:04to keep making that walk. You got to keep making that walk to the window with the checks every
12:07week. Uh, no one that loves him, tells him no one that loves him, tells him he's got to stop this.
12:14No, no, there's nobody that does that. Uh, we will come back. I'll give you the Sunday numbers.
12:20Uh, the three games on Sunday, including the bills who will have a bow Knicks and the Broncos
12:25in orchard park, uh, early on Sunday to start the task for the bills. That, that is a test.
12:31I am very excited about the game Monday at a Sunday at one o'clock at the below, of course,
12:36is the Buffalo bills. They're the two seed in the AFC. They will take on the Broncos who got that
12:41last spot after they, uh, really, I mean, the chiefs handed him this, but the chiefs didn't
12:46show up to the game. Uh, and the Broncos destroyed him at home, which allowed him to be
12:50here. So rookie bow, Nick's going to make his first playoff start. Uh, this is now eight and a
12:55half for this game. Uh, and one of the bigger totals, uh, Scottie that we have going at 46
13:02and a half, it's 47 and a half yesterday. Uh, so it's going down just a touch. Um,
13:08you know, the bill should handle their business here. You and Gabe talked about this earlier.
13:13This should be a game where they should win comfortably, but maybe it's just me being
13:19pessimistic bills fan. I'm not so sure that's the case. I've seen them screw around in this
13:24wild card round in the past. These with this Alan McDermott, since they've been around,
13:30um, I could easily see the Broncos, uh, either backdoor in this or hanging around in this game,
13:35because the one thing about the bills is Scotty. Yes. They score a lot of points,
13:39but I, you know, their defense can give up some points as well. Uh, and that's what would worry
13:43me in this game. I'd be worried about scoring points against that Denver defense.
13:49And I'm not worried about that. I don't think that I don't, I think Denver's defense that I
13:54don't think they're that great. I think it's a little bit of an over. I know that their numbers
13:57are there. You look at some of the games this year where they played some really good quarterbacks
14:02and they gave him up that Saturday night game with burrow a couple of weeks ago. I mean,
14:05Cleveland went in there and scored 40, 35, 40 points on them. I think that Alan will,
14:10will score. I'm more worried about the defense stopping, uh, the Bronco offense,
14:15which I think has gotten better over the last few weeks. They've scored a lot more points.
14:19I know that yesterday, uh, whatever it was, or, you know, Sunday that I was watching the Denver,
14:26Kansas city game. And I know that Kansas city played no one and that there, what,
14:31what was out on the field was not the Kansas city chiefs and they got smoked by Bo Nix.
14:39I mean, I thought Bo Nix was going to run for 300 yards. I mean, it was unbelievable when I
14:44was watching 38 to nothing. Now I know that has no bearing whatsoever on this game, but I'll say
14:51this. I think that, uh, he's good and he's a problem. And if he gets any confidence at all
14:59in that game, it's going to be a game. Uh, I'm with you. That's the problem with me is I think
15:05there's going to be confidence. Cause I think he's gonna be able to throw, uh, if the bills can get
15:08up early, get themselves, uh, you know, 14 point lead, 10 point lead. And the pass rushers can go
15:14and take Nick's down. I think that would change the game, middle game Packers and the Eagles
15:20in for Philadelphia, several storylines here. Of course, one of them being Jalen hurts. I'll
15:24tell you about that first. So hurts is technically still in concussion protocol.
15:29Now he was in it all week last week. You knew he wasn't going to play anyway in a game that
15:33meant nothing. He can't come out of it. Technically Scottie till tomorrow when the Eagles practice,
15:39if the Eagles practice and he's out there, he's out of protocol. You're going to play. He doesn't
15:43practice tomorrow. That's where things might start to get sticky in terms of the Eagles this week.
15:49Here is Nick Sirianni. Of course, they played the Packers way back in week one
15:55in Brazil. Uh, as Nick is going to tell you here, uh, that was a very long time ago.
16:00Yeah. Still obviously early on in our stages of, of scouting them, but people, you know,
16:05teams develop and teams, uh, you know, from game one to game, you know, where we are now 18,
16:11there's everyone's, everyone's a different team. Uh, you know, some, some teams have different
16:15players, um, because of injuries, you know, schemes, you start to get used to what you're,
16:20what you're good at, what you're not good at. Um, so everybody is in a different mode than
16:25they were, you know, week one. Now, obviously there's things that are staples that, uh,
16:30are good for, you know, that are, have been good for them that have been good for us that remain
16:34the same, but you know, there's, there's a lot of changes and a lot of differences. I just,
16:37I just see a really, at the end of the day though, I see a really well coached, um, you know,
16:43fundamentally sound football team. Um, and with a lot of really good football players,
16:49you know, rock, a lot of solid football players on that roster. Everyone, I don't want to give
16:54you anything record. They, they all sound identical. Is that, Oh, they're fundamentally
17:00sound in all three phases. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's so boring. Well, it's playoff time.
17:08Nobody wants to give anybody put the cheese out there for anyone. Uh, no one wants to go and do
17:13that. They're all going to talk nice about each other. This is a physically shot. There's a
17:18fundamentally sound football team. And you know, they rarely play well, they play their well-coached
17:22team and they got great players. Everybody's good this time of year. It is a playoff game.
17:27There's a playoff team. Uh, look, I watched the Packers last couple of weeks. The Packers are
17:32beatable. Uh, you've seen it. Uh, I know that game didn't mean anything last week against the
17:36bears, but Viking game the week before that, they got a lot of problems, I think on offense
17:41recently because they're running the ball too much and not letting love do his thing. And he's
17:45not going to have Watson either tears his ACL finished, uh, for Christian Watson. Who's always
17:50heard as it is, uh, right now, uh, that is sitting at four and a half for the Eagles,
17:5745 and a half. The total I'm on the Eagles right now, uh, for this game, unless Hertz isn't playing.
18:05Yeah, I I'm with you. I think the Eagles are going to win the game by a touchdown or more.
18:10And I think they're going to win because of their, uh, defense, their defenses.
18:14Amazing. And they're a problem and Barkley and he's going to do his thing. But then again,
18:21I think Josh Jacobs can give, uh, the Eagle some level of difficulty if he can get going at all.
18:28But I haven't seen the Steelers. Couldn't run the ball for five yards against the Eagles.
18:33They, they couldn't do anything. No. Uh, look, you got it. And if I'm with Florida,
18:38you gotta let love, uh, do his thing. I just feel like there's been way too much
18:43reliance on Josh Jacobs, uh, recently. And you look last year, that guy went into Dallas and
18:49won almost one in San Francisco. He's shown he could play well on the road in the playoffs,
18:55but you gotta let him do it. You gotta let him sling it a little bit and not wait until you're
19:00down 20 points, uh, to let him start slinging it in that spot. Right. We'll come back and I'll
19:05give you the numbers on the last couple, including, uh, Washington and Tampa Sunday night
19:10and the Vikings and the Rams, uh, which will be the Monday night game in Los Angeles at SoFi,
19:16uh, as we get ready for a big wild card weekend. Uh, did you see your boy toenails get the 11th
19:24season of a thousand yards? We know Todd Bowles is a very conservative head coach. Now he's done a
19:30tremendous job at Tampa, but it must have really been painting him that he couldn't just kneel that
19:35ball out at the end of that game and just get the hell out of there with his victory. He's got Bakers
19:40throwing the ball around trying to get Mike Evans, his yards. Uh, here is head coach Todd Bowles
19:46talking about that situation and letting Mike go and get that record. Good morning. The ball gave
19:50you a game ball. It was ostensibly because not only did you get Mike the record, but the risk
19:56you took to get Mike the record, um, was, was the heart beating a little fast in that situation for
20:02you knowing that what was all at stake there? No, I was just hoping it was complete and, you know,
20:08I think Mike owes me a million dollars. Cut him a check. Owes him a mill. He made three on the catch.
20:17You gotta give him, you gotta give a third of that over to the head coach, right? Give him a couple
20:20stacks, uh, for letting him get that record. I hope since the time we saw him, he has already
20:29done that. Uh, I'm hoping that he's already gone and died. Uh, this is the Sunday night game,
20:35uh, the bucks minus three biggest total of the weekend to 50 and a half. I like the bucks.
20:44I, you know, I, I do too, but you said it earlier, they have no defense and this guy,
20:53Jaden Daniels, a bad-ass. I didn't, you know what I could literally see in this be a one,
21:00one or two point game. I really think that that's a sucker line. I do not feel this is a walk to
21:06the park for the Buccaneers. They were losing yesterday or Sunday. I keep forgetting what day
21:13it is. They were losing Sunday. I was watching the game. I watched the entire game. I mean,
21:17what were they down? 16, six and a half. They had to rally cap to win that game against the
21:25crappy saints. And the bucks had Baker Mayfield and Mike Evans playing who the hell wasn't playing
21:32for him just so they could win that division. So I think they got their hands full with
21:37Washington. I'm not so sure Tampa is going to win that game.
21:41Uh, should be a fun one. Uh, hopefully lots of points, uh, on Sunday night with that big total,
21:46uh, hanging around 50 and a half. And your last game will be Monday night.
21:51The other NFC game between the Vikings and the Rams. Of course, the Vikings,
21:55Scotty, they had a real hard time Sunday night in Detroit against the lions, uh, in that game
22:00that could have gotten the one seed and the buy here is head coach, Kevin O'Connell. We got to put
22:05that behind us and get ready for the Rams. Playing a team. We went on the road on a short
22:10week and played against early this year and they got the best of us. So, um, there's a lot of
22:14aspects of yesterday, uh, going into this game, um, that, uh, I think we've got the type of people
22:22and, um, the type of, uh, you know, environment here and team here that we're going to, we're
22:27going to accept the challenge and, and go compete like crazy, Ben and, uh, try to get this thing
22:32done against, you know, uh, like I said, a really good team that gets to play at home,
22:37rested some of their guys, you know, all of these things that can be, um, evaluated as
22:42how this game's going to go, in my opinion, don't really matter. We got to prepare our team,
22:46get our guys turned over, get them tactically ready to go and go compete like crazy.
22:52I mean, they laid it so bad on Sunday night and you and I've said on the show a number of times
22:59they're one and done, that they're just not, they're paper champions. They're, it's all,
23:05it's all smoke and mirrors with the Vikings. They're just not that good.
23:12I'm with you. And I think you saw some shades of that, obviously on Sunday night in Detroit
23:17against the Lions when they've played a really good team. Now the Vikings are favored here on
23:22the road minus one and a half, uh, 47 and a half total. I like the Rams. I think you do too. I
23:32think we're going to be on the Rams here on Monday night in this game. Yeah, there's certainly, uh,
23:37some lean in that direction for sure. And Stafford's frankly better than Sam Darnold
23:43will ever be. I mean, this guy's won the super bowl and he's really good and I've never felt
23:51Sam Darnold was good. And then all of a sudden this year people started talking about Sam Darnold
23:56being a hot commodity in the off season. I've even heard rhetoric that he would go to the Jets again.
24:02Can you imagine him going back to the Jets after the way they treated him? Rex and Darnold,
24:06two old friends, Rex and Sam Darnold, bring them both back, uh, for the Jets.
24:10Do you think the Jets are hiring Rex Ryan?
