• 2 months ago
00:00and it's just amazing it is just amazing when when you just start to realize it
00:08now I'm start to realize it when when when you're in a relationship yeah talk
00:13to me and you're in a relationship that's strong and vibrant and healthy
00:19yeah positive and uplifting and people see that and they see your relationship
00:27is good and it's burgeoning and it continues to blossom people are jealous
00:34of that they're envious of that and they try to get into the nobody can come
00:44between guru and Steiny ain't nobody no Bonte he'll be s&g reunion and we have
00:50one every day before we put your headphones on hockey change but he had a
00:56study report card he went in I talked about your new glasses life is getting
01:03soft I'm not taking because you're still smiling what's up baby not much I'm
01:13having shoulder issues went to the gym and shoulder yeah usually that's my
01:19malady from carrying you please too many shots no I lifted yesterday oh well
01:27that'll do that's what you said you're gonna do it 2025 I know have you picked
01:31up any well not yet not yet not yet what we got oh man here's I'll be tell you
01:38what we got we got Ross Tucker coming up in an hour so we're gonna yeah we're
01:44gonna talk some Niners till Ross Tucker playoffs gets here and then we'll jump
01:49into the Warriors there's a lot going on with the Warriors great tiny great
01:52story written about Steph Curry and the Warriors by Tim Kuhn of the ESPN and
01:59Tim's a Bay Area guy and is a just a phenomenal writer and story was really
02:06good story was really good about the tightrope the Warriors are trying to
02:10walk with Steph Curry to try to get him another crack at a fifth title and which
02:17we all love and understand study remember you were like I know you might
02:20do a different I don't I don't necessarily love it but I understand it
02:24no I'm saying I love it we love it because I feel like it's a debt that the
02:28Warriors organization as a whole some people yeah yeah I work with one that
02:34does it but well it's not that I don't it's that I don't wake you up when it
02:38works yeah and just like you know it's pretty hard what they're trying to do
02:42yeah anyway so here's what's going on with the Niners ladies and gentlemen
02:47they fired their special teams coach shocker Ryan Schneider Brock Purdy talked
02:53to the media yesterday about his contract situate no no he's not that was
02:58a little uh-oh what what do you know Evan yeah what do you know that we know
03:02is I know everything Brock Purdy's contract extension and then there's
03:06just some interesting things I want to get into Charverius Ward I don't know if
03:13you heard this sound but it's heartbreaking it really is and then Fred
03:19Warner's what we got a lot to talk yeah let's start with what many think is the
03:24biggest offseason I don't want to say issue but let's say their priority the
03:30number one priority is Brock Purdy and Brock Purdy's never gone to free agency
03:36before and he's probably gonna get a contract extension so what's he thinking
03:40here's how we're starting to show take a listen now I want to obviously get it
03:44done if that's a an opportunity to be able to get that done quick that'd be
03:48great just so we can get back to phase one get after it with the receivers and
03:51our team and you know just continue to grow because man we all got to grow
03:57together we got to come close and learn and be the best versions of ourself as
04:01fast as we can and phase one is my mind of OTAs coming back getting all the guys
04:06back and let's roll let's get after this offseason together but with that being
04:10said everybody's timing is a little different and stuff but you know for me
04:13at the end of day I want to win I want to win for this organization and
04:16everybody here I'm not I'm not the kind of guy that wants to have any kind of
04:21drama associated with anything I'm here for this organization for my teammates
04:25in the locker room and you know I want to be very professional about it we play
04:28professional football for our living and and you know I want to keep the main
04:32thing the main thing and not get distracted by all the chaos that can go
04:36on within it but I want to just be clean about it and respectable and you know
04:39get something done and get back to work all right you know I think I think with
04:44the I think what it as it relates to Brock Purdy the question no longer is
04:51you know what are they gonna do or how much it feels like the issue now becomes
04:57when is all this gonna happen and how much do how much are the to me it's
05:05about the 49ers prioritizing getting it done early now it's after the last few
05:11years I feel like it's not enough just to get a deal with last year matter of
05:15fact now it was a nightmare the most important thing is to get Purdy signed
05:20by late May ish when the OTAs come around right I totally agree but I'm gonna
05:26say this and I'm no psychic but sounding at the end of the day so much of the
05:31discussion and rifle rightfully so especially when you talk about the
05:34quarterback position and what the what numbers we threw out a different random
05:39times but that just that's that clip right there has me thinking Brock Purdy
05:45is so focused on football and ready to start the offseason program and get that
05:50continuity with his with his teammates and his receivers that I got to be
05:55careful here standing I'm tingling because it's almost like the
05:59negotiations are gonna be a slam dunk it's almost like he's saying that I'm
06:04getting that from him to where yeah he's gonna get an ultimate raise from what
06:08he's getting right now but there's not gonna be a root canal in regard to I
06:13don't feel like him asking for something that's so just ridiculous and it's gonna
06:20be Brandon IU part two that's just what I get from the young man well I would be
06:25shocked I would be shocked if Purdy weren't sign sealed and delivered I mean
06:33maybe maybe not not by OTAs but certainly he's got to be there when
06:41training camp opens a month after that but if you have Lynch and Shammy and you
06:45hear that or Perron study I offer him 22 million yeah but I mean it almost does
06:53feel like that's so positive about wanting to do this then I wonder if they
06:59throw a number out there if he's he wouldn't be let's just do this let's get
07:03and I know that look when we're talking about quarterback contracts it's total
07:08value it's guarantee it's average annual and and for the sake of ease around this
07:14show we tend to use the 40 to 60 like base our average average annual salary
07:21even though that doesn't tell the whole story but it does seem to me like Brock
07:27Purdy has seen what not what holdouts and hold-ins can do to a season and he's
07:35not ready to do that and hopefully the Niners are not ready to do that too this
07:40is as much on the Niners as Brock Purdy because to me what I'm hearing from
07:44Brock Purdy is he's willing to not necessarily take a pay cut and he's
07:49willing to be he's willing to do what needs to be done to get this done early
07:54and I and the 49ers they have to be ready to do that too but they have had a
08:01history of not doing that so where do the 49ers stand with Brock Purdy right
08:06now they have identified him and rightfully so I mean it's been three
08:11seasons it's 92 and a half whatever you want to call it and there's been way
08:15more good and greatness than bad the reality is quarterbacks don't grow on
08:20trees this was just a just a a terrible season from a record standpoint you're
08:26watching the office after a Super Bowl visit so again I gotta quit using the
08:31word profiling or exercising that study because I look at a guy that I think is
08:36humble when you look at his attire Brock Purdy that is coming to the game and
08:41looking like the guy next door but the bottom line whatever number he gets let's
08:45just say it's 40 and people that's on the cheap that's gonna be life-altering
08:50for what he's making right now and you know I'm the guy that said Cinemax max
08:56you know a movies in the making for Brock Purdy and what he's done but the
09:00bottom line whatever number he does get Stiney and however fast it does happen
09:04he's the winner and all this because it's gonna be way more than he probably
09:08ever thought he'd make in the league and the quarterback for the Niners trying to
09:12avenge a season where we really don't have answers as to why they went at 6
09:17and 11 you know what one of the things I was thinking do is this and I know this
09:22is gonna be an extreme example but to me how much money Brock gets paid is
09:28actually less important to me than when he signs the contract well just think
09:35about what you just say it's true I mean if like I would almost pay Purdy 60 to
09:41get him in here for OTAs as opposed to well you could get him at 40 if he
09:47comes in right before the year yeah and I would I'm thinking I'm feeling that
09:52we had to have learned our lesson no doubt about
