• 2 months ago
Backstage with KROQ’s Klein.Ally.Show, AWOLNATION’s Aaron Bruno tells Ally, a new mom herself, “I read a book about motherhood, actually, because I have identical boys. I have two, right, and someone recommended this book and in it, it said no matter what happens, you give yourself the two minute rule. So, if all hell's breaking loose and it feels like the world's collapsing all around you, usually within two minutes it'll be fine.”


00:00Is there anything just, you know, I'm also a newer parent, and what are you doing to
00:07stay sane?
00:08Just because I, you know, I'm trying a few things, some of them are working, some of
00:11them aren't.
00:13Time to yourself can be fleeting and non-existent sometimes.
00:16Okay, yeah.
00:17I read a book about motherhood, actually, because I have identical boys, so I have two,
00:24And someone recommended this book, and in it, it said no matter what happens, you give
00:28yourself the 20-minute rule.
00:29So if all hell's breaking loose, and it feels like the world's collapsing all around you,
00:33usually within 20 minutes, it'll be fine.
00:36So 20 minutes.
00:3720 minutes.
00:38That's what I got.
00:39That's a good reminder.
00:40Our friends at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health are all about hope, recovery,
00:44and well-being, and they're here for all of us.
00:48Get emotional support, service referrals, and crisis counseling simply by calling their
00:5324-7 helpline at 1-800-854-7771, or for more information, visit www.dmh.lacounty.gov.
