• last year
Awolnation joined Klein. Ally. Show. live from the Forum before taking the stage at Almost Acoustic Christmas 2024!


00:00Good afternoon, how the hell are you? We are Client Alley Show on KROQ and joining us here
00:07at the big San Bernardino International Stage is none other than AWOL Nation. Let them hear
00:14it! Taken to the stage tonight, do you even know what time you're playing? Hold on, I've
00:18got a grid here. Do you even know when you're going to the stage? We play in like 15 minutes,
00:21so get in the front. Get the questions out of the way quickly. Yeah, like 6 or something.
00:26AWOL Nation will be taking to the stage at 6.20pm. This show starts early though,
00:30so this is going to be a good time of course. Thank you for being here and LA guy. Stocking
00:33stuffers right here out of the gates? Yeah, there's questions in there. Questions,
00:37very erotic questions. You put it down real quick. Oh god, questions. Get ready,
00:43growing up and being an LA band, what does the forum mean to you in general as a venue?
00:47I was telling my wife on the way over here, because it is a local show for me, you know,
00:51technically. This is kind of revealing my age, but I grew up seeing the Showtime Lakers here.
00:59To get to roam the halls of all the greats, Magic, Kareem, James Worthy, is an absolute
01:06honor. I don't know, this is probably the 8th time we've played here and it's anytime we get
01:10invited. And then on top of that, K-Rock is where I discovered the Metallica Black album,
01:16Nirvana, Nevermind, Soundgarden, that whole era of music and so it's always an honor to be a part
01:21of the station. And I used to listen to Loveline, learn about some racy stuff at night, you know,
01:27like when my parents didn't know I was listening secretly. So yeah, we're just honored to be a
01:31part of the whole thing. Well, Vladi is still in the halls here, so you'll see him tonight.
01:34Cool. We'll still see Vladi. Is there anyone you're excited to see tonight? I mean,
01:38obviously you play early, so and you were kind of saying before we came on that this is a bit
01:42of a night out for you and your wife. You got two two-year-olds at home, so it might be nice
01:47to actually enjoy some of the show. Yeah, I mean, I've never, well, this will be my second time
01:52seeing Beck live and he sang, I did a covers album, he's on that album. We did a song called
01:57Eye in the Sky, so it'll be cool to see him. And then we just played with the Smashing Pumpkins in
02:02Chicago, chatted with Billy a little bit and he was amazing and they were great and, you know,
02:08we love them too, so should be a really fun night. And one of the biggest alternative stories of the
02:12year, Emily Armstrong joining Linkin Park as their co-lead vocalist and you've performed with
02:16her as well. Yeah, she's on the new record The Phantom Five and when she recorded that vocal
02:22and we did the music video for it, I had no idea. Well, because she couldn't tell anybody. It was
02:28like, I think a year or so that she knew and couldn't say anything to anybody. It's funny when
02:32people have an NDA and they actually take it seriously, you know? I know, totally. I would
02:35have told everybody, hey, by the way, you know, and so. I heard a rumor that is The Phantom Five
02:41is not the last AWOL Nation album, right? We'll see. Who knows? Five seems really good. Put my
02:47heart and soul into all these records and songs and we'll see. And let's say it's not. What was
02:54a fun, dramatic little side note? Right. Yeah, it's good. Cause more demand, you know? Of course,
02:59supply and demand. We've been asking bands to reach into our stocking and pull out a question
03:03and answer it. These questions are very X-rated, but, you know, whichever one you want, you grew
03:07up on Loveline, so you should know, have no problem answering this. Let's see, what question do we
03:11have for AWOL Nation? Wow, this is, this is really gnarly. Go ahead. What did you have for breakfast
03:16today? Whoa, that's a euphemism, I should point out. I had a Wagyu New York strip steak just now.
03:26That is a heavy, heavy thing to eat. That is rock star stuff right there. Is there anything, just,
03:31you know, I'm also a newer parent and is, what are you doing to stay sane? Just because I,
03:36you know, I'm trying a few things. Some of them are working, some of them aren't.
03:39Is there anything that's working for you?
03:43Time to yourself can be fleeting and non-existent sometimes. Okay, yeah, I read, I read a book
03:48about motherhood, actually, because I have identical boys, so I have two, right? And someone
03:54recommended this book and in it, it said, and this is really boring stuff for this rock and roll
03:58crowd, I know, but some of you may be able to relate. It's all right, motherhood! Right, guys?
04:03And fatherhood. And fatherhood! So what happened, she said no matter what happens, you give yourself
04:10the 20-minute rule, so if all hell's breaking loose and it feels like the world's collapsing
04:14all around you, usually within 20 minutes it'll be fine. So 20 minutes, that's what I got. That's
04:19a good reminder. I hide in my bathroom for about six hours, but the 20-minute rule's good too.
04:24AWOL Nation, take it to the main stage here at the Forum for KROQ's Almost A Good Christmas at 6
04:2820 p.m. We're going to listen to Sale now on KROQ as we listen to the song, which is one of my
04:33favorite songs to ever talk up the ramp. You gave the DJ so much time to talk over it going in.
04:38What do you want to say about this song before you play it on the main stage later on today?
04:41That's a lot of pressure. I'm just happy, okay, I'll be happy if no one turns the channel right
04:45now. All right, this is, how can you? This is one of the greats. You can't, you can't. Let AWOL Nation
04:49hear it, be inside taking the stage. It's KROQ's Almost A Good Christmas, 33rd annual. You guys
04:55sold this thing out. We're going to upgrade someone's seats in a moment, so get your sad
04:58stories together and ready. We're going to upgrade someone's VIP style and give it up one more time
05:03for AWOL Nation. Aaron Bruno, real hometown hero. KROQ's Almost A Good Christmas.
