• 2 months ago
Backstage with hosts Megan Holiday and Nicole Alvarez, Beck tells us that he’s recently been keeping his brain in check by meditating.


00:00What do you do to kind of keep your brain in check, staying mentally fit and well?
00:08What are the things that kind of keep you sane?
00:11A good friend of mine got me some TM classes, which I did, but I haven't been doing it.
00:20Is it those transcendentals of meditation?
00:23I have not transcended, unfortunately, but I really would like to.
00:28I would like to.
00:30I don't know.
00:31I'm probably a bit of a nature person.
00:34And then also my friends, you know, just being with my friends.
00:37Our friends at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health are all about hope, recovery,
00:43and well-being, and they're here for all of us.
00:46Get emotional support, service referrals, and crisis counseling simply by calling their
00:5124-7 helpline at 1-800-854-7771, or for more information, visit www.dmh.lacounty.gov.
