• 2 months ago
Soundmaker yang diinspirasi dari bunyi-bunyian tradisional daripada persembahan makyong, sebab pelajar berasal dari Kelantan
. Boleh buat bunyi-bunyian seperti – foley (bunyi tapak kaki) dan kesan bunyi

Bunyian instrumen yang ada dalam inovasi ni seperti rebana, gitar

Orang yang tidak ada latar belakang muzik pun boleh hasilkan bunyi.

Kalau korang suka produk ni, jangan lupa untuk mengundi Innovathon people choice awards di www.gempak.com/innovathon ok?

Merealisasikan Impian Inovasi Anda

INNOVATHON kembali dengan musim kedua, sebuah inisiatif menarik bersama Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dengan kerjasama Astro.

Saksikan pertandingan hebat dalam INNOVATHON Musim 2 yang akan disiarkan mulai 30 November 2024. Para inovator tempatan dari pelbagai latar belakang akan tampil dengan idea-idea kreatif dan berinovasi, bersaing merebut hadiah utama. Setiap episod menampilkan cabaran-cabaran sengit yang menguji daya kreativiti dan ketekunan peserta, sambil memberi peluang untuk merealisasikan impian mereka.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat bagaimana idea-idea luar biasa ini berkembang dan bersaing di layar kaca! Saksikan #INNOVATHON Musim 2 di saluran berikut.

Setiap Sabtu, 9 PM

🔭ASTRO AEC (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 6 PM

🔭RTM (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 9 PM

#Innovathon2 #MotivasiInspirasi #AstroMalaysia #AstroBaharu #AstroGo #sookaMalaysia


00:00My name is Alif Azhar Minjali, and I am a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Decorative Arts at the University of Malaysia, Sarawak, UNIMAS.
00:17I am a lecturer in the Cinematography programme.
00:20And in front of us today is my device called MyHorrorSomica.
00:26MyHorrorSomica represents what is very synonymous with Malaysia.
00:32And coincidentally, it is also a abbreviation for MyHorrorSomica.
00:35Because MyHorrorSomica focuses on the Kelantanese culture, which is MyHorrorSomica.
00:40So that's why we want to focus on the Malaysian culture.
00:44So if this device is exported to Malaysia, at least people will know that this is definitely a Malaysian-designed device.
00:51So why is MyHorrorSomica used in MyHorrorSomica?
00:54Because if we look at the current generation, if we ask them about the performance of a performer,
01:01most of the young people nowadays don't even know how to hear the sound of a MyHorrorSomica.
01:06So that's why we use MyHorrorSomica here.
01:08We don't want to say that the sound of a MyHorrorSomica is scary.
01:11We just want to emphasize that this MyHorrorSomica is one of the unique devices in Malaysia.
01:17So why is MyHorrorSomica used in MyHorrorSomica?
01:19Because my student wants to make a scary movie.
01:21So that's why he tries to include scary elements.
01:24At the same time, I noticed that the games are also in the same dilemma.
01:29Which is, for a video game to incorporate sound, it has to pay more to make music.
01:36So this is the problem that I try to solve.
01:39So for indie games or small-scale gamers who just want to open amateur games,
01:45MyHorrorSomica can help them to generate sound without paying a huge cost.
01:53When I talk about sound, I refer to sound effects and foley.
01:57Not music.
01:58Because I want to try to promote a movie or video game
02:02that can be promoted without depending on music that has rhythm.
02:08So let's see how a game or movie can work or live without music.
02:13It only depends on the ambient sound.
02:15We see that every time there are students, they present their work.
02:21The sound that comes out, the foley, the sound effects, all of these sounds are always there.
02:26We know that this sound is always downloaded from the internet.
02:29Every batch in each batch has the same sound.
02:32So it means that there is a delay in the foley that is always repeated.
02:36So that's why MyHorrorSomica aims to give a uniqueness to the sound of foley,
02:42sound effects, at least in the film industry in Malaysia.
02:46Sound is subjective.
02:49Open your ears.
02:51Put on your headphones.
02:52Accept MyHorrorSomica.
