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Sebanyak 18 Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) dicabut izinnya oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) pada periode Januari-Desember 2024. Adapun otoritas mencabut izin tersebut karena indikasi melakukan praktik fraud.

Pada semester I-2024, jumlah BPR yang tutup jumlahnya naik tiga kali lipat dibandingkan tahun lalu. Terbaru, muncul bank bangkrut bernama PT BPR Pakan Rabaa Solok Selatan dari Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat yang kemudian dicabut izinnya oleh OJK per 11 Desember 2024.


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00:05Meanwhile, the total of 18 banks went bankrupt and were revoked by the OJK or the Financial Services Authority
00:11in the period of January to December 2024.
00:13This number exceeds the average number of banks falling every year.
00:2218 banks were revoked by the Financial Services Authority or OJK in the period of January to December 2024.
00:30The average of these banks is the People's Economic Bank or BPER or BPRS,
00:35which is dedicated to doing practical fraud.
00:37The latest to appear was a bank called PT BPER Pakan Rabah Solok Selatan from Kempaten Solok, West Sumatera,
00:44which was then revoked by the OJK on December 11, 2024.
00:50Before the revocation of the permit, the regulator has established the status of the bank's supervision as a health bank.
00:57According to the LPS 18, this is the number that exceeds the average number of banks falling every year,
01:04which is only 6 to 7.
01:06Meanwhile, LPS has received a budget to save as many as 12 BPER this year.
01:11This means that the number of BPER that fell has exceeded the budget.
01:15In the first semester of 2024, the number of BPER that closed has tripled compared to last year.
01:22The number of BPER that were revoked or often referred to as bankrupt banks
01:26has also exceeded the average of the last 18 years.
01:29Here is the list of 18 bankrupt banks in December 2024.
