• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questo premio ha una storia e le motivazioni che tanti anni fa hanno spinto le persone a organizzarlo sono sempre più valide, e cioè salvare i dialetti del nostro Paese e renderli fruibili a chi arriva oggi nel nostro Paese senza conoscerne la storia. Il Premio anche grazie al fatto che per primo ha dato valore alla scrittura dei dialetti oltre che alla tradizionale orale, è riuscito ad attirare l’attenzione di tante persone, che siano autori o studiosi, e l’interesse accademico delle Università” ha sostenuto Luca G.A. Abbruzzetti, presidente Autonomie locali italiane Lazio, al termine della consegna dei premi “Salva la tua lingua locale" a Roma.


00:00This award has now reached the twelfth edition, in short, it has a history, so the motivations
00:10that pushed it many years ago, those people who imagined it, like Luigi Manzi, who today
00:15we will remember the figure with a special award, was to save a local language, to save
00:22this heritage that are the dialects of our country and make it available to those who
00:28today arrive in our country and do not know our history.
00:32We are, let's say, in the previous centuries, at least those who have united the nations,
00:37there has been a work related to uniting and therefore unknowing what separated.
00:44In this case, local languages ​​were considered an object of separateness between the various
00:49countries, the various states that made up our country.
00:52Today we are going to rediscover what is our history, so this, as I said before,
00:58is also useful to those who come to Italy today, have decided on Italy as their own
01:04homeland, as their place of life, and therefore to make our history known through
01:10local languages.
01:11Among other things, the important thing that has not been done until before this award
01:16is the writing of the local language, because, let's say, the dialect is almost always a
01:20spoken language.
01:21In this case, we see that it is also a written language, therefore with a lot of research,
01:25because there is also the interest of universities in this area.
