• last year
(Adnkronos) - Oltre 400 le opere pervenute alla giuria. Menzione speciale per Vito Tenore che ha tradotto la Costituzione Italiana in 21 dialetti, sempre più strumenti di inclusione culturale. I dialetti come ponti tra passato, presente e futuro. Beni da preservare come patrimonio culturale locale e nazionale, allo stesso tempo. Questo il senso del Premio "Salva la tua lingua locale”, giunto alla 12ª edizione, riconoscimenti che sono stati consegnati oggi presso la Sala Protomoteca del Campidoglio a Roma. A riceverli, un dizionario con i gallicismi siciliani, saggi in ladino di Fassa e in astigiano, poesie in bisiàc e in romagnolo, una tesi di laurea sul dialetto genovese, opere in dialetto sammarchese, venosino e griko, una canzone in friulano e un lavoro teatrale in dialetto napoletano.


00:00The dialects as bridges between past, present and future, goods to preserve as a local and national cultural heritage at the same time, this is the meaning of the award Salva la tua lingua locale reached the 12th edition, recognitions that have been delivered at the Proto-Moteca room of the Campidoglio in Rome.
00:22Recognitions that tell of everyday life, local legends, rites and ancient traditions and that in their linguistic diversity unite Italy from north to south.
00:52It is a very strong incentive to write in local languages, in the dialect.
01:22In a time of globalization, it may seem strange to pay attention to a local phenomenon, but without falling into localism, but as a form of inclusion, as a form of cohesion of a local community, it is important that the local languages, the local dialects, really give value to all forms.
01:53More than 400 works were produced in this twelfth edition.
01:57The news of this year is the special award dedicated to the memory of Luigi Manzi, writer, founder and organizer of the award since its first edition, awarded to the poet, narrator and Roman playwright Marco Palladini for the opera Pasolini, Rome and the post-history.
02:12The motivations that pushed many years ago those people who imagined Luigi Manzi, today we will remember the figure with a special award, was to save a local language, to save this heritage that are the dialects of our country and make it available to those who today arrive in our country and do not know our history.
02:35Among the special mentions, the one assigned to Vito Tenore, president of the section of the Court of Counts for the constitution translated into languages ​​and dialects, a precious collection that recalls the importance of inclusion and respect for cultural diversity.
02:47From the Music Jury, special award also to Giancarlo Governi, director of RAI, writer and creator of the Folk, Phonet, etc., including all the local languages ​​and Italian dialects, from Valle d'Aosta to Sicily.
