• last year
(Adnkronos) - Oltre 2000 soci all’Assemblea generale Alis 2024; Edufin Index: In Puglia livello educazione finanziaria sotto la media nazionale; LabLab, con un'app Regione Lombardia guida gli studenti nell'orientamento; A Roma la prima edizione del Premio Tg Poste; Autostrade, Aspi e Polizia di Stato presentano ‘Navigard’ per la sicurezza stradale; Affitti studenti, fino a 630 euro per una stanza. Alla Camera l’incontro dedicato all’emergenza abitativa; Agricoltura di precisione e salvaguardia del suolo con INTERRA®Scan.


00:00In the next episode
00:21More than 2,000 members at the general assembly of Alice in 2024.
00:26Edufin Index, in Puglia, at the level of financial education, below the national average.
00:31LabLab, with an app in the Lombardy region, guides students in the orientation.
00:35In Rome, the first edition of the TG Poste award.
00:38Autostrade, ASPI and Polizia di Stato present Navigard for road safety.
00:43CFI approves the balance on June 30, 2024, investments and resources for 7.3 million euros.
00:50Accommodation for students, up to 630 euros for a room.
00:53In the room, the meeting is dedicated to the housing emergency.
00:56Precision agriculture and safeguarding of the soil with scan land.
01:05More than 2,300 members and 90 billion euros of aggregate invoicing.
01:10These are the numbers of ALIS, the Intermodalità Sostenibile logistics association,
01:15which has gathered in Rome members, companies, stakeholders, numerous government officials,
01:19institutions, professionals and young people from all over Italy in the General Assembly 2024.
01:25An opportunity to make the point on the year that is about to end and on what will come,
01:30in a period marked by global events that have a profound impact on the economy and the stability of the markets.
01:36Our sector has made a difference, it has absolutely upheld the economy of this country
01:42and I believe that today the answer that has been given is very important.
01:45The policies that need to be put in place at the associative level are those to make clear the great mistakes
01:50that Europe has made with the two directives ETS and Fuel EU,
01:54which increase the transport costs by at least 20%,
01:58especially to the damage of the maritime intermodality sector, which is the most virtuous.
02:04So a great contradiction, so much has been done to create sea highways
02:09and so much Europe is doing to lead the position of competitive and virtuous transport.
02:14Numerous interventions of politicians and institutions.
02:18As Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, we bring investments on roads, highways, railways,
02:24sea bonus, railroad bonus, vouchers for patents, to find drivers who drive trucks
02:30that carry what is needed in houses and supermarkets.
02:34So in two years of road, together we have done a lot.
02:39The Assembly of Alice falls in a moment of great changes, also at the European level.
02:44In Europe there are changes, there are rules,
02:48think of the block of production of electric cars starting from 2035.
02:54So there is a path to do, we need an industrial policy at the European level,
02:59we need an Italian industrial policy, the work we are doing,
03:03to support industries from 0% to 100% and also supporting companies that take over.
03:12So there is a need for investment.
03:15Among the topics discussed during the Assembly, also the new European project,
03:19which includes the ETS taxation.
03:21What the ETS gives, that is, what the sea gives in terms of economic resources to our country,
03:29should be returned in terms of incentives through the Sea Motor Shift
03:34and through those that are the incentives also for the railroad, such as the railroad bonus.
03:38We wish it, we hope it and we try to carry on our continuous battles
03:43with a serene confrontation, with an open confrontation
03:46and above all with a loyal confrontation between us and politics.
03:51The Tour of Financial Education, organized by the Insurance Alliance,
03:55takes place in Puglia.
03:57The initiative, divided into seven stages,
03:59carried out with the collaboration of local institutions
04:02and the active involvement of the company's consultants,
04:05aims to improve the level of financial and insurance education of Italians.
04:09Bari hosted the final meeting,
04:11an opportunity to present the data produced by the EduFin Index 2024,
04:17an observatory on the awareness and financial and insurance behavior of Italians.
04:23In Puglia, financial literacy is less than 3 points compared to the national average,
04:2953 against 56, considering a scale from 0 to 100,
04:33but aligned with the average of southern Italy and the islands.
04:36Puglians rejected or promoted at the level of financial education.
04:40So, let's start with the Italian context.
04:42Italians stop at 56, a scale of values that goes from 0 to 100,
04:47where 60 represents the sufficiency.
04:49So, I would say, sent back to September.
04:51There is still a lot to do,
04:54and as far as the Puglian situation is concerned, we are below the national average.
04:58So, if the national average is 56, Puglia stops at 53,
05:03in line with the rest of the south and the islands.
05:06Instead, moving on to gender inequality,
05:08Puglia records a slightly wider gap than the national average,
05:126 points compared to the 5 recorded at the Italian level,
05:16and a value among the lowest in Italy.
05:18Financial education represents an emancipation and protection tool for women.
05:23Active and aware management of money can help to move away from
05:27situations of dependence and the so-called economic violence.
05:31We have a program that is women who speak to women about money,
05:36and this therefore pursues a double goal,
05:39both to promote the financial language to the female,
05:43and to go towards a female target.
05:46In fact, 80% of the participants in our events are women.
05:51In addition, we have a collaboration with the Foundation Libellula,
05:56which is a protection association for women victims of violence,
06:02and we contribute to their training courses with literacy courses
06:07promoted by our financial promoters.
06:14An app to accompany students in their orientation
06:17and help them choose an experience in the companies of their dreams.
06:21This is LabLab, the app in the Lombardy region,
06:24which allows students to visit companies,
06:26get in touch with the reality of work,
06:28and live an entire day in the company.
06:30It is very easy to access,
06:32because you just have to download and enter through a banal QR code,
06:37and enter your data,
06:39and this will give you the opportunity to choose
06:43among the hundreds and hundreds of companies
06:45throughout the Lombardy region that are being downloaded,
06:48choose that company where you can have your job experience.
06:53It is very important because it is a step-by-step accompaniment
06:57in the course of orientation,
06:59for a course of study, for entry into the world of work.
07:04A highly innovative tool,
07:06useful not only for students, but also for companies.
07:09Once again, the Lombardy region pays attention to the theme of training,
07:13a real added value in the job market.
07:16Today, more than yesterday, the theme of the world of work
07:20goes hand in hand with the theme of skills and therefore training.
07:24Today we talk about training in all sectors at 360 degrees,
07:28because it is the great added value for our economic and productive world.
07:32The theme of updating skills,
07:35the theme of transferring real skills to our workers and collaborators,
07:40which allow us to be more and more competitive in a job market
07:45that is in constant and continuous evolution.
07:49It went to the 29-year-old Annalisa Berti,
07:51Tuscan journalist and social media manager,
07:54the TG Post Journalist Award,
07:56the recognition of the first edition,
07:58established with the aim of discovering and launching young talents in journalism
08:02who, with their skills,
08:04are able to tell the news by experimenting with new languages.
08:08The winner has been awarded recognition
08:11for having carried out a social media service
08:14focused on the request for passports in post offices,
08:17a product that the jury of excellence has judged fresh and direct,
08:21with a new language and captivating graphics,
08:24in line with the typical communication of social media,
08:27a content consistent with the values of inclusion
08:30that inspire the Polis project of Poste Italiane.
08:33Poste Italiane is an inclusive company,
08:36it is in all its manifestations,
08:39it is with its employees,
08:41because we have a majority of female colleagues,
08:44it is with respect to the services that we present to customers.
08:48I think it is beautiful that even on the occasion of an award
08:52that goes to the young talents of journalism,
08:55there was, first of all, a huge participation
08:58with more than 1,500 competitors
09:01and that two girls, including the winner,
09:04have also been awarded results.
09:08In a historic moment characterized by profound changes,
09:11the young people become ambassadors of change
09:14and Poste accompanies them in this process,
09:17promoting training and valuing talents.
09:20It is the task of our company, with the young people,
09:23who are the ones who push the change more than others,
09:27who are at the top of the list of those who carry out the change,
09:32to be present and accompany them.
09:35So it was natural, speaking of communication,
09:38giving a signal of great attention,
09:41very serious to communication,
09:44to privilege communication and journalism for young people.
09:48The award ceremony was held in Rome,
09:51at the Cascina Poste,
09:54in the presence of the top of Poste Italiane,
09:57of a large number of directors,
10:00national press heads, TV and web,
10:03and dozens of journalists.
10:06The response of the world of journalism today
10:09was what we proudly expected,
10:12the presence of all the media directors in our country
10:15and that we are doing well
10:18also in the reputational element
10:21and in the training of our young people.
10:25State Police and Autostrade per l'Italia
10:28present Navigard, the new technological platform
10:31to guarantee more safety on the roads of Italy.
10:34The new technology, thanks to a complex system of algorithms,
10:37offers solutions dedicated to road safety,
10:40which collect, elaborate and make available data
10:43for an evolved monitoring of the behavior of road events
10:46in compliance with the regulations on the beach.
10:49Navigard is a new technology
10:53for the control of traffic flows
10:56and the behavior of users in the highway system.
10:59It is not only a system to hit
11:02when there are missing behaviors,
11:05but also to study what are the behaviors
11:08and therefore to educate users
11:11to improve their behavior.
11:14We have seen it today,
11:17the measurement of speed
11:21with the known tutor,
11:24the verification of weights,
11:27the characteristics of dangerous substances
11:30and the amount of vehicles with dangerous substances
11:33that cross the entire highway system.
11:36The technologies expand the possibilities
11:39of monitoring and control.
11:42It has been highlighted how important
11:45the acquisition of data and the elaboration of these data
11:49to monitor and know the phenomenologies
11:52of traffic on the highway network.
12:00A total of 7.3 million euros of new investments
12:03allocated in the first half of the year
12:06for the benefit of 25 cooperative companies.
12:09These are the first data emerged
12:12in the course of the Assembly of CFI,
12:15which was convened in Rome
12:18for the approval of the balance sheet on June 30, 2024
12:21and for the renewal of social charges.
12:24Data that testifies how CFI successfully
12:27continues its institutional mission
12:30in the implementation of the Marcora law,
12:33born to strengthen and grow
12:36social enterprises in a cooperative way throughout Italy.
12:39I believe that, compared to the address
12:42of the Marcora law,
12:45CFI is an indispensable tool
12:48because it intervenes precisely
12:51where business crises could deliver
12:54either a situation of difficulty
12:57and practically tragic end
13:00or, from a situation of difficulty,
13:03instead, an opportunity for rebirth.
13:06I strongly believe in this tool
13:09and I believe that, compared to the Marcora law,
13:12the Marcora law, compared to the Marcora law,
13:15does provide a better solution
13:18but I am convinced that, together with the Marcora law,
13:21it also provides a better solution
13:24in efficiency, in efficiency,
13:27in efficiency and in efficiency.
13:30I hope that we will be able to
13:33determine the best way
13:36The cooperatives live in the country, they breathe the difficulties, they breathe the opportunities.
13:42It is clear that it is a difficult time, where the economy is rancid, the GDP does not grow,
13:46there is a finance that costs and therefore another element of difficulty.
13:52Despite this, the resilience of the cooperatives is historical,
13:56also because they are able to compress costs and they are able to synergize,
14:04to put at the center of the value the delivery of the members and the maintenance of the work.
14:10The last exercise was also characterized by the continuation of the Small to Big project,
14:15co-financed by the European Union.
14:17A sort of launch ramp to support the growth of small-scale cooperative realities.
14:22In the course of the exercise 2023, CFI has delivered 12 new Small to Big interventions,
14:28bringing the total of the financed cooperatives to 26,
14:32with an overall investment of more than 9 million euros.
14:36We are in a phase in which cooperation must regenerate itself
14:40within an economic scenario that is changing
14:43and on this we are all working together within the Cooperative Alliance.
14:49We think there is also a need for a public intervention,
14:53not so much in the economic dimension, but in the definition of industrial policies
14:58that also see in cooperation and in the social economy
15:01one of the parts of the future development of this country.
15:10630 euros, this is the price you get to pay for the rent of a single room
15:15in the main city-towns of Athens,
15:18and the out-of-town students and their families
15:20are forced to support sometimes unsustainable costs.
15:24The average is 372 euros,
15:27a figure that shows an increase of 23% in one year.
15:31These are just some of the data from the investigation
15:34conducted by the Consulting Group for the Management and Protection of Real Estate
15:38and Rental Only, in collaboration with the FIAP,
15:41the Italian Federation of Professional Real Estate Agents,
15:44presented to the House of Representatives with a press conference,
15:48during which two proposals were also presented at the regulatory level,
15:53aimed at introducing an advantageous taxation
15:56and making the payment of the rent more sustainable.
15:59The first involves the exemption of the IMU in favor of the owners,
16:03because it stipulates transitory contracts in favor of university students.
16:07The second proposal, instead, concerns the tenants, that is, the students themselves,
16:11that is, the exemption, or rather the detraction, which is now at 19%,
16:15would be increased by 30% for a year of total location,
16:19with a monthly savings of 150 euros against the 40 euros expected today.
16:24From the investigation conducted by the FIAP,
16:27it has also emerged that choosing small university cities
16:30or going to live in peripheral areas of large centers
16:33saves up to 40% compared to large university cities.
16:38This favors both the student and the possibility of using lower location rules,
16:45because we have seen how in these cities the rules are for a single room lower,
16:51even at 250 euros, but a flow of students
16:55can undoubtedly lead to a higher consumption of goods and services
16:59and therefore greater opportunities for the city itself.
17:04In the meantime, the government makes it known that it is working to facilitate students out of office,
17:09which according to the data of the Ministry of Education are almost 450,000.
17:14Also through the resources of the PNRR,
17:17it is planned to implement 40,000 students and places of residence,
17:24plus 60,000 to reach 100,000 total places of residence
17:29and also to reach a European trend.
17:34Among other things, these new places of residence will be reserved
17:39at least for 30% to deserving students,
17:42who obviously come from families with low income.
17:46There are many concrete actions and we must continue in this direction.
17:54More than 800 points of analysis of data per hectare,
17:57a complete check-up of the soil on 27 layers,
18:00detailed information on the soil structure,
18:03pH, macro and micronutrients,
18:06carbon dioxide, altitude and water available for plants.
18:10Precision agriculture is possible with Interrascan,
18:14an innovative technology for the analysis and interpretation of soil data,
18:19presented in the World Soil Day by Singenta,
18:23a company of the world agro-industrial panorama.
18:26For us, the fundamental aspect is to combine the importance of the quality of production
18:32for the benefit of farmers, which are our common heritage,
18:35and innovation and the ability to always bring new solutions
18:39that can help the farmer to enhance his own production,
18:44but respecting the environment and health,
18:47therefore in a very beautiful and broad concept
18:50that matches very well with the importance of the World Soil Day.
18:55The tool presented by Singenta allows farmers to adopt
18:59more sustainable agricultural practices,
19:02optimize the quality of crops by exploiting precision agriculture,
19:06mitigate the increase in costs and above all preserve the health of the soil.
19:11Singenta is actively engaged in research,
19:14in finding and bringing to the field technologies
19:17that allow us to manage this very important resource,
19:22from the agronomic side, but also from the side of preserving the health of the soil
19:27in a longer period of time.
19:29This important resource today undergoes degrading processes year after year
19:35and this is the moment in which we have to do our part.
19:38As Singenta, we are actively engaged in this.
19:41Lombardy is the first agricultural region of Italy
19:44and in this context the primary sector plays a central role
19:48in the process of ecological transition.
19:50Precision agriculture allows farmers to produce with respect to the soil.
19:55We need more and more agriculture that invests in technology,
20:00believes in research, because we believe that this is the best way
20:05to produce quality agriculture that respects the soil,
20:10but that also knows how to make economic economy and economic growth,
20:14because precision agriculture is certainly a more efficient agriculture
20:21that creates income and employment.
20:50Youth and social sustainability
20:52Photography in a studio on the Under 35
20:57Regenerative agriculture
20:59Awarded the Good Farmer Award
21:03On the way to Rome, the first edition of the Social Sustainability Week.
21:06At the center of the debate, social sustainability,
21:09a topic often put in the background by environmental sustainability,
21:13but central for young people.
21:15Young people are the weak link, up to this point,
21:17of the whole process that leads to sustainability.
21:20This process has been reduced to environmental sustainability,
21:22which is actually a small segment,
21:24while social sustainability, which is more difficult,
21:27controversial and naturally involves more complicated actors and subjects,
21:34has been relegated to the background.
21:36And young people are exalted by this.
21:39To explain why it is complex to talk about social sustainability,
21:42the anthropologist Cenci.
21:44In our imagination, the two words, sustainability and social,
21:48do not match.
21:49And why don't they match?
21:51Because while environmental sustainability can be measured, standardized,
21:56can add fears and universal hopes,
21:59social and subjective sustainability should add,
22:03but often disaggregates,
22:05easily becomes the opposite of what it should be.
22:08At the opening day, the results of the survey
22:11of young people and social sustainability,
22:13promoted by EICON, were presented.
22:1585% believe that the work-life balance is fundamental
22:19and almost 70% strongly ask companies
22:22to focus on the physical well-being of people.
22:26They are not willing to compromise in terms of contractual aspects
22:30and 67% deem the use of internships and term contracts inappropriate.
22:36From the research, the great interest of young people
22:39for the topics of social and environmental sustainability is won.
22:42In particular, topics such as energy sustainability,
22:45climate, evolution in the digital field,
22:49but also the quality of work, health and inclusion.
22:55Young people were also concerned about access to public health.
22:59When you worry about health as a young person,
23:02it means that the level of insecurity
23:05has really entered the depths of our society.
23:08It seems quite clear to me that,
23:11even compared to what is happening around them,
23:15we have clear and precise ideas.
23:19Despite being driven by attention to these issues,
23:22young people often have to deal with their own economic availability,
23:26as evidenced by the survey.
23:28A series of choices, even daily,
23:30are closely linked to the availability of funds.
23:35So they would like to be much more sustainable,
23:38but they cannot, for example, on urban mobility,
23:41because they do not have the possibility of using sustainable mobility.
23:46Cascina Bagaggera, in the Brianza Lecchese,
23:48in Ram Radici, in Moncaglieri,
23:50are the winning agricultural companies of the The Good Farmer Award,
23:53an initiative dedicated to young farmers under 35
23:56who have launched projects inspired by the principles of agroecology
24:00and regenerative biological agriculture.
24:03The Davines Group, which has promoted the award
24:05in collaboration with the Foundation for Sustainable Development,
24:08wants to contribute to the dissemination of a new agricultural production culture
24:12that supports the ecological transition.
24:15The two awards, worth 10,000 euros each,
24:17will be used by the winners for the purchase of materials
24:20and for interventions aimed at improving and developing agroecological practices.
24:25Today we are adding one more step,
24:27which is our strategy of collaboration and strengthening of a line
24:33that in the cosmetic industry is very important,
24:36that of raw materials.
24:38We do it with the help of organic regenerative agriculture,
24:41which is an agricultural practice
24:43that wants to bring agriculture from being part of an environmental, ecological problem
24:50to being part of a solution.
24:52The same thing that the cosmetic industry wants to do,
24:54which is to move from the problem to the part of environmental and ecological solutions
24:59for a more sustainable world.
25:02The two winners of the first edition of the The Good Farmer Award
25:06were selected by the Judiciary Commission of the award,
25:09composed of six members, including university professors
25:12and experts in agriculture, agroecology and sustainability.
25:16For us, regenerative agriculture is looking at the total ecosystem,
25:23not just at a product.
25:24So the health and healthiness of a product
25:28tells the health and healthiness of the ecosystem where this agricultural product lives.
25:33Regenerative agriculture was a choice, let's say, of the heart,
25:38because I grew up in this space, in this environment,
25:43and I want to take care of it.
25:47For more than 20 years, the Davines Group has integrated sustainability
25:51and commitment to the environment in its business model,
25:54undertaking a path of regenerative growth.
25:57Having a great passion and having in some way even set the business goal
26:02on these issues as B Corp,
26:04we have set up a project of this kind,
26:08like the Good Farmer Award,
26:11which wants to bring us closer to those farmers
26:15who can produce the quality of our raw material
26:19and, at the same time, contribute to the regeneration of the environment.
