01:31Nous attendons toute la semaine pour avoir un bon jour relaxant ensemble.
01:35Alors, qu'est-ce que nous devrions faire, Zoé ?
01:38Faire, maman, faire !
01:40Okidoki, Zoé.
01:45C'est bien que nous, les Pogos, nous sommes nés ensemble.
01:48Ce Pogo sera un snack.
01:50Un snack !
02:01Bien, vous savez, je ne comprends pas, Zoé.
02:04Nous avons connecté tout selon les plans,
02:06d'ici ce que je peux voir.
02:08Je pense que nous avons suivi toutes les instructions.
02:11Il doit y avoir un TAB501B6,
02:14mais où est le slot 78SG1 ?
02:17C'est bien que nous sommes nés ensemble,
02:19sinon, nous aurions peut-être un problème.
02:22Un snack !
02:24Un snack !
02:25Nous allons lisser ce...
02:27Oups !
02:30Du papier, des ciseaux, du bleu, de la peinture,
02:33tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour toute l'après-midi.
02:52Un snack.
02:54Un snack.
02:55Bien, ne restez pas là.
02:57Ne restez pas là.
03:04Ça marche très bien, père,
03:08ça ne bouge pas.
03:10Je suppose que c'était le slot 78SG1.
03:13Laissez-moi essayer.
03:23Il suffit de le tourner.
03:26Il suffit de le tourner, père.
03:31J'ai oublié à quel point c'est amusant de peindre les doigts.
03:36C'est agréable.
03:38Maman et Zoé passent un temps agréable et détendu,
03:42comme père et Oly.
03:47Il suffit d'accrocher la tension.
03:49Est-ce fixé ?
03:52Mais, pour être sûr...
04:01Okidoki, père.
04:03Okidoki, Oly.
04:05Je l'ai juste étendu un peu trop.
04:16Un snack.
04:22Wow !
04:32Nous pouvons faire des formes.
04:45Pas trop serrée.
04:47Et pas trop lisse.
04:49Right. And we should know, cause...
04:52We Polies are born put-togethers, right Dad?
04:55You betcha, Ole!
04:58You did it, Dad! Just right!
05:01But, just in case...
05:06Hey! This is fun!
05:41And with the cotton balls, we can make cute little bunnies!
05:46So we're happy, bunny mommy!
05:54Someday together, this turned out to be...
05:57It's okay, Dad.
05:58I don't understand it.
06:00We Polies are born put-togetherers.
06:03But this pogo stick...
06:07What do you think this is for?
06:11Why, it's a bounce control knob!
06:13Well, roll me up and bounce me around.
06:16It wasn't a spring at all!
06:21Uh, Dad?
06:22Just a sec, Ole.
06:24It's putting up quite a fight!
06:27Uh, Dad?
06:28A drop of oil. That should do the trick.
06:34Bouncy. Bouncier. Bounciest.
06:44Well, we finally got it right.
06:48Yep, sure did.
06:51Fixed it real good.
06:53Mm-hmm. We did, didn't we?
06:57Sure bounced us around.
07:00All over the place.
07:02But we got it fixed now.
07:05Yep, sure do.
07:14Too bad Dad and Ole missed out on all the fun.
07:22Kinda nice having our feet on solid ground.
07:25Just watching the clouds.
07:27You betcha!
07:28I had enough bouncing for one day.
07:31But we still put it together, didn't we, Dad?
07:34Just you and me.
07:35Just me and you.
07:44Riveting, rivets!
07:47Today is the day!
07:51Today's the day you get to wear your new sweater?
07:54Oh yeah, that too, Ole.
07:56But today's also the day I finally finish my model boat!
08:01You've been working on it a long time, Pappy.
08:03I've been working on it a long time.
08:05I've been working on it a long time.
08:07I've been working on it a long time.
08:09I've been working on it a long time.
08:11I've been working on it a long time, Pappy.
08:13A whole month?
08:16Why won't this fit?
08:20I think it goes the other way.
08:21I'll try it upside down.
08:23How about we let Pappy finish his model?
08:25Just thinking the same thing.
08:28Don't come on, you!
08:31Too well, bust my bolts!
08:34Bust bolts!
08:36Oh well, nothing a little glue won't fix.
08:41Oh! How about that?
08:43Out of glue!
08:44Baby hungry!
08:46Well, now's as good a time as any to get us all a snack.
08:57Pappy fix!
08:59Pappy's gonna be real upset when he sees what you did.
09:03No, Pappy fix!
09:05Baby sleepy!
09:08Maybe I can glue it back together before he sees it.
09:16Hey, Pappy, what you doing?
09:18Oh, what do you mean?
09:22I'm looking for my model.
09:24It was right here.
09:26Hear that? Dad wants ya!
09:31Well, okie-dokie.
09:35Gotta hurry!
09:39Uh-oh! Out of glue!
09:41I'll check the garage!
09:45What's the hurry?
09:46Nothing, Dad!
09:51Gee whalikers, Ollie.
09:54Pappy's gonna be real upset when he sees what you did.
09:58Maybe I can glue it back together before he sees it.
10:04Nuts and bolts! What a time to be out of glue!
10:06I can't think!
10:12Hey, Pappy, what you doing?
10:15Looking for you.
10:17Why are you looking for me?
10:19Ollie said you needed me.
10:22Say, you seen my model anywhere?
10:26You know what? I did.
10:28See my model?
10:29No, I want you outside.
10:31To, uh, hold the ladder.
10:34Glue! Glue! Glue!
10:38That's right. Hold the ladder right there, Pappy.
10:46Okie-dokie. Now I can fix Pappy's model.
10:50Huh? Where'd it go?
11:03Well, that's it.
11:05What am I holding the ladder for when no one's happy?
11:09It's gotta be here somewhere.
11:13Gotta talk to Dad about Zoey messing with other people's stuff.
11:18He's looking for something.
11:21Hey, Pappy, what you doing?
11:23I think your dad's got a couple of gears loose in the attic.
11:28See my model, Ollie?
11:30Uh, see my curveball, Pappy?
11:33Maybe later. Right now.
11:35I think it's as good as yours. Maybe better.
11:39Better than mine?
11:41Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?
11:50If I can just get Pappy's model back together before...
11:53Huh? Where'd it go?
11:57Ah, let me get this sweater off.
12:00Well, let's see if you've got an arm like your old Pappy.
12:04Hey, Ollie?
12:06Where'd you go? Ollie?
12:09Now where could it have gone?
12:18Ah, there it is.
12:19Gonna have to talk to Ollie about messing with other people's stuff.
12:23Everybody got a screw loose.
12:27Nope, nope, nope, nope.
12:28I'm not holding any ladders nobody's standing on.
12:30I'm just sitting right here and finishing up my model.
12:34Yeah, as soon as I can find it.
12:37All righty then, I'll hold the ladder for you.
12:40Huh? What?
12:43Okie dokie.
12:45Where's the glue?
12:59I have to have a talk with you.
13:03What's going on with your springs?
13:05Oh, where's my model?
13:07Gotta, uh, water the weeds, crappy.
13:10And, uh, paint the trees.
13:13Is there any clips today?
13:19Oh, Pappy boat!
13:21Pappy fish!
13:29Pappy glue!
13:35It's gone.
13:36It's gone.
13:37Oh, waterin' weeds, paintin' trees?
13:41What a clips!
13:43That does it!
14:00Who's seen my model?
14:03Well, uh, you see, uh...
14:06He was, uh, uh, Pappy glue.
14:13Yeah, pretty silly of me to break it in the first place, huh, Zoe?
14:20I thought Zoe broke it.
14:26Anyone seen my new sweater?
14:44Dad, say Dad!
14:49Race car session!
14:53Dad, say dad!
14:57Let's play Race Rangers!
14:59I said it loudest.
15:01Okie dokie.
15:06Oli, Billy!
15:08Okie dokie, Zoey!
15:10Nous sommes l'espace-fille d'Oli et l'espace-fille d'Oli,
15:13et votre princesse de l'espace Zoey est emprisonnée dans la Torre de la Retournée.
15:17Attendez jusqu'à ce que nous défendions tous les monstres mauvais et vous rescuions!
15:22Okie dokie?
15:23Okie dokie, Oli!
15:37Très bien, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
15:39Tout d'abord, nous devons traverser la Torre des Monstres Mauvais.
15:44Elle a accusé de nombreuses victimes.
15:47Attendez, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
15:56Aidez-moi, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
15:58Aidez-moi! Aidez-moi!
16:00Attendez, l'espace-fille d'Oli! Je vais vous sauver!
16:03Aidez-moi! Prends ça!
16:11Merci, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
16:13À plus tard, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
16:15Nous devons continuer à sauver la princesse de l'espace de la Torre de la Retournée.
16:29L'espace-fille d'Oli!
16:32Un touche-pouce nous tourne la pierre.
16:49Vous devez tourner la pierre! L'espace-fille d'Oli vous a touché!
16:52Oui? Je vais mettre mon veste de l'espace-fille d'Oli supersonique.
16:57Wow! Génial!
17:01L'espace-fille de Spartacus!
17:05N'ayez jamais peur, l'espace-fille d'Oli!
17:07La petite arme secrète!
17:09Le turbo-pouce!
17:19Machines accomplies!
17:20La princesse de l'espace Zoé est sauvée!
17:23Danser? Jouer au danser?
17:27Allons jouer à la course!
17:34Je peux danser maintenant?
17:40Okie-dokie, Zoé!
17:41Envoie le flic et commence la course!
17:47Non, Zoé! Envoie juste le flic!
18:21Je suis de la Rolianapolis 500!
18:25Dansez maintenant!
18:28Allons jouer aux pirates!
18:32Dansez maintenant!
18:40Je suis le pirate Barnacle Billy et vous êtes mon prisonnier.
18:45Non, vous êtes le prisonnier.
18:47Attendez juste jusqu'à ce que le capitaine Oly vous récueille.
18:51Je vais vous placer dans un chenal Barnacle Billy.
18:55Vous ne voyez jamais tout ça.
19:01Mec d'amour?
19:05C'était la pirate Barnacle Billy malade.
19:09J'ai honte, mais c'est mieux pour moi.
19:11Vous allez dans le fond de la mer!
19:29T'es fatigué?
19:30Danse, danse, danse!
19:33Non, Zoey, on ne danse pas.
19:35Et sois attention.
19:37Tu es le prisonnier.
19:38Je vais te coller et changer des choses.
19:41Maintenant, où étions-nous?
19:49C'est pas facile d'être des pirates.
19:52Et ça vous fait sûrement faim.
19:54Et faim.
19:56C'est l'heure du déjeuner !
20:04Danse !
20:05Danse maintenant !
20:20Vous avez l'air un peu fatigués, les gars.
20:23Oui. Jouer tout le temps est difficile, maman.
20:26Je suis tellement fatigué que je peux rester ici jusqu'à ce que j'aie l'âge de Papy.
20:39Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec elle ?
20:42Peut-être qu'on peut jouer encore une fois.
20:51Danse ?
20:52Danse maintenant, Oly ?
20:53Oui, maman.
20:57Danse !
21:03Danse !
21:06Danse !
21:07Danse !