Art et designTranscription
00:00George, George of the jungle, strong as he can be
00:02Watch out for the tree
00:05Watch out for the tree
00:07George, George of the jungle, looks like a snake
00:10Watch out for the tree
00:15When he gets what's great, he makes his escape with the help of his friend
00:18A little bit of faith, a little bit of luck, make his elephant shout
00:21Magnolia and Ursula stand still
00:23George, George, George of the jungle, friends of the enemy
01:00Stop being playful
01:05Then, Magnolia needed help with her research
01:07I was studying inter-species dating, but the couples wouldn't stay together
01:15So I used an eensy-weensy bit of glue, or maybe more than that
01:21Yes sirree, George gives
01:24And gives
01:27And gives some more
01:28And all he gets in return, pain, agony and punishment
01:33Hey George, five minutes, ok? George needs break
01:38I'll deal with evil son later
01:42Go away soundtrack, not listening
01:45La la la la la
01:47Breaking the style, the music
01:50No time to lose, George and Ape consult the all-knowing Ape Council
01:56With the strike over, we can once again consult the banana bits of fate
02:01What banana bits of fate say?
02:03Before, the future
02:07Is that a scream?
02:08It's hard to tell, wait, it's changing
02:13It's the volcano, that's it
02:15The volcano
02:17The volcano
02:47The volcano
02:49The volcano
02:51The volcano
02:53The volcano
02:55The volcano
02:57The volcano
02:59The volcano
03:01The volcano
03:03The volcano
03:05The volcano
03:07The volcano
03:09The volcano
03:11The volcano
03:13The volcano
03:15The volcano
03:17The volcano
03:19The volcano
03:21The volcano
03:23The volcano
03:25The volcano
03:27The volcano
03:29The volcano
03:31The volcano
03:33The volcano
03:35The volcano
03:37The volcano
03:39The volcano
03:41The volcano
03:43The volcano
03:45The volcano
03:47The volcano
03:49The volcano
03:51The volcano
03:53The volcano
03:55The volcano
03:57The volcano
03:59The volcano
04:01The volcano
04:03The volcano
04:05The volcano
04:07The volcano
04:09The volcano
04:11The volcano
04:13The volcano
04:15The volcano
04:17The volcano
04:19The volcano
04:21The volcano
04:23The volcano
04:25The volcano
04:27The volcano
04:29The volcano
04:31The volcano
04:33The volcano
04:35The volcano
04:37The volcano
04:39The volcano
04:41The volcano
04:43The volcano
04:45The volcano
04:47The volcano
04:49The volcano
04:51The volcano
04:53The volcano
04:55The volcano
04:57The volcano
04:59The volcano
05:01The volcano
05:03The volcano
05:05The volcano
05:07The volcano
05:09The volcano
05:11The volcano
05:13The volcano
05:15The volcano
05:17The volcano
05:19The volcano
05:21The volcano
05:23The volcano
05:25The volcano
05:27The volcano
05:29The volcano
05:31The volcano
05:33The volcano
05:35The volcano
05:37The volcano
05:39The volcano
05:41The volcano
05:43The volcano
05:45The volcano
05:47The volcano
05:49The volcano
05:51The volcano
05:53The volcano
05:55The volcano
05:57The volcano
05:59The volcano
06:01The volcano
06:03The volcano
06:05The volcano
06:07The volcano
06:09The volcano
06:11The volcano
06:13The volcano
06:15The volcano
06:17The volcano
06:19The volcano
06:21The volcano
06:23The volcano
06:25The volcano
06:27The volcano
06:29The volcano
06:31The volcano
06:33The volcano
06:35The volcano
06:37The volcano
06:39The volcano
06:41The volcano
06:43The volcano
06:45The volcano
06:47The volcano
06:49The volcano
06:51The volcano
06:53The volcano
06:55The volcano
06:57The volcano
06:59Le monobile
07:01Le monobile
07:03La recette
07:05La recette
07:07Les mots
07:09Le monobile
07:11Le monobile
07:13Le son
07:15Le monobile
07:17Le scénario
07:19Le scénario
07:21La recette
07:23Le moteur
07:25Le son
07:27Jouer face à George, utiliser la force, jouer face à George encore...
07:31Hein ? Hein ? Hein ?
07:32Qu'est-ce que je dois faire ?
07:39Wow ! Il est là aujourd'hui !
07:42Face with the George Apocalypse, an assembly of all jungle animals gathered to save their home.
07:48Our king turns against us !
07:50We must activate the self-destruct and purge the jungle with moonlight fire !
07:58On three ! Turn and activate !
08:01Wait ! That's what we're trying to prevent !
08:03Your point is ?
08:05You'll be destroyed too !
08:07What ? Ah ! Oh yes ! Totally !
08:14Destroying our home isn't the answer !
08:16George saved us all, over and over again !
08:19It's time for the jungle to save George !
08:22I don't know ! It sounds like a lot of effort !
08:25Our plan is like just one button !
08:28We'll dig it out !
08:30Democracy is the worst !
08:32Who wants to save George ?
08:40Who wants to blow everything up and start over ?
08:43It's a tie ! We win !
08:46Oh ! An eight-council approach is worth ten other animals for some reason !
08:51If you don't like the rules, go live in someone else's jungle !
08:54The Steve rule first !
08:56A king's vote is worth ten times ten !
08:59A million !
09:02That's not allowed !
09:03Steve is a jungle citizen !
09:05I may be stronger, smarter and normally much more evil than any of you !
09:10But as George would say, me from jungle too !
09:14The Steve votes to save the jungle !
09:17We never get to nuke anything !
09:22George, weasel heart or not, we know you're a good person !
09:26George not me !
09:27George bad !
09:29Now !
09:34Nobody wanted to end the season this way but...
09:37Kill the sappy !
09:38Kill the sappy !
09:39Kill the sappy !
09:40Kill the sappy !
09:41Kill the sappy !
09:42Kill the sappy !
09:43Kill the sappy !
09:44Kill the sappy !
09:45Kill the sappy !
09:46Kill the sappy flashback !
09:50And for the incredible power of editing and sappy music,
09:53George was reminded just how much he loved his jungle home !
10:03George !
10:06Hey, jerk weasel !
10:08I'm George's friend !
10:12George, weasel !
10:20Uh-oh !
10:26Hey !
10:28George have heart again ?
10:30It's back where it belongs !
10:32But Steve need heart too !
10:34I had a spare hippo heart !
10:36And as everyone knows, hippo heart is the best medicine !
10:40Steve can be whoever he wants to be now !
10:43The Steve has a lot of learning to do !
10:46About the Steve...
10:49But jungle, me destroy it !
10:52It will regrow, until then things will be a little crowded !