• l’année dernière


00:30L'Histoire du Trafic
00:46Trafic, go!
00:52Trafic, stop!
00:56Student, cross!
01:00Student, stop!
01:03Comment ça se passe?
01:04C'est comme avec l'Officier Dan.
01:06C'est facile ici, mais à l'extérieur de mon école...
01:09Tu peux le faire.
01:11Je pense que oui.
01:12L'Officier Dan va m'aider pour la première fois.
01:19Ne sois pas si bossy.
01:21J'ai laissé mon livre de spécifications.
01:23Quand Trafic Patrol dit stop, tu dois arrêter.
01:26Quand mon frère bossy dit stop, je n'ai pas besoin d'arrêter.
01:29On n'est pas à l'école.
01:31Et tu parles trop.
01:33Goliath, qu'est-ce si le garçon de l'école s'active comme Sally et ne s'arrête pas?
01:37Je le frappe.
01:38Ça fera beaucoup de bien après qu'il ait couru.
01:42D'accord, je le frappe de retour alors.
01:45C'est une bonne idée.
01:47Reste sur la courbe prête à frapper, juste en cas.
01:50Oui, juste en cas.
01:52À l'extérieur, David.
01:56Tu ne m'as pas entendu crier?
01:57Tu seras en retard pour l'école.
02:01J'aimerais que je ne t'ai pas entendu dire une seule chose.
02:10Tu peux sûrement briser, chérie.
02:17Oh, sois calme, Goliath.
02:19Arrête de t'inquiéter, ma chérie.
02:21C'est l'été.
02:25Allons-y, Johnny. On sera en retard.
02:27Je serai en retard dans un instant.
02:29Toutes prêtes à m'aider à l'école sur le changement d'après-midi?
02:32Oui, mais je suis inquiète quand tu ne seras pas avec moi.
02:36Salut, papa.
02:37Tu veux un hot-dog?
02:38Trop tôt.
02:44Pourquoi sonne la cloche de l'église?
02:45Le prêtre a dit qu'il avait besoin de réparer un peu.
02:50C'est une belle grande cloche que tu peux entendre sur tous les sons de la cloche.
02:54J'aime ce son.
03:00Je suis toujours un peu inquiète pour la patrouille.
03:02Ne t'inquiète pas. Les enfants vont obéir à tes signals.
03:05Mais je suis nouveau.
03:06C'est ma première fois cet après-midi.
03:08Je serai là pour t'aider.
03:10Il vaut mieux qu'on y va.
03:12Quelle heure est-il?
03:13J'ai brisé ma cloche.
03:15Qui est-ce qui est en avant?
03:17Je ne sais pas.
03:19Hey, toi, là-haut.
03:20Tu as le temps?
03:23Toi et le chat rouge.
03:24Quelle heure est-il?
03:26Il ne répond pas.
03:27Il ne tourne pas.
03:28Il fait comme s'il ne l'entend pas.
03:30Je vais le faire tourner.
03:39Comment t'aimes-tu ça?
03:45Tu penses que tu es trop bon pour parler à quelqu'un?
03:47Tout ce qu'on voulait, c'était le temps.
03:49Quel chat rouge a pris le doigt de ce garçon.
03:53Viens, Johnny.
03:54Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
04:01Pas un mot.
04:02Qui est-ce qu'il pense qu'il est?
04:04Je ne l'ai jamais vu à l'école.
04:05Il va probablement aller à l'école privée.
04:07Très bien. J'espère qu'il va rester là.
04:16Pourquoi tu n'apprends pas à conduire?
04:19C'était proche.
04:20As-tu vu le chat rouge?
04:22Il n'a même pas tourné.
04:25Tu ne t'en fous même pas s'il y a un accident?
04:29Il a souri.
04:30Il ne s'en fous pas.
04:32Davy, peux-je goûter à ce chat rouge?
04:35Voyons s'il s'en fous.
04:46L'école est sortie. L'école est sortie.
04:48Vite, Davy.
04:49Tu es le garçon de trafic.
04:51Je suis prête.
04:53Mme Porter m'a laissé aller à mon château tôt.
04:55Est-ce que l'officier est à l'extrémité?
04:57Bien sûr. Il t'attend.
04:59Viens, Davy.
05:00On va avoir un groupe de garçons tout de suite.
05:10Je dois y aller.
05:11Tu termines ici.
05:13Je peux le faire.
05:16Hey, Goliath!
05:18J'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour passer.
05:20Je pensais que tu étais effrayé de le faire seul.
05:35Regarde qui est là!
05:48Go back!
05:50Get back!
06:03What's the matter with you?
06:07Don't you listen to anybody ever?
06:09If he got run over, they'd blame you.
06:12Well, I did for a while.
06:14If he got run over, they'd blame you.
06:17Well, I did forget the whistle and the right stop signal.
06:20You told him. You hollered.
06:29He didn't even say thanks.
06:37Mr. Reed, did you ever hear of such a dumb kid?
06:39I think you just said two key words, Davy.
06:42Hear and dumb.
06:44From all you tell me, I think the boy is deaf.
06:46And because he can't hear, he's dumb.
06:49Not the kind of dumb you mean.
06:51Dumb meaning he can't talk.
06:53Could that be it?
06:55Remember how he acted? Remember?
06:57Didn't hear us ask what time it was.
06:59Didn't hear me bark at him.
07:01And didn't hear the ambulance siren.
07:03He tried to tell us he couldn't hear.
07:05And we made fun of him on the way to school.
07:08You didn't know, Davy.
07:10I don't care.
07:11Dad says never make fun of anyone, and I did.
07:14Dad, I still don't see why he can't talk.
07:17If you never heard how words sound,
07:19you wouldn't know how to make sounds.
07:21Oh, some deaf people can learn to talk and read lips.
07:25The other method is talking with their hands,
07:27spell words with their fingers, and make signs.
07:30But he knew we wouldn't understand that.
07:32I wonder what it's like not to hear anything.
07:35Not anything.
07:37You can find out, Davy.
07:40With earplugs. I have them in the store.
07:43If you put them in very tight, they shut out all the sound.
07:46I want to. I want to know.
07:50All right, Davy. Put in the earplugs.
07:52But that's not all.
07:54What else?
07:55Don't talk either.
07:56Find out what it's like not to be able to tell anybody anything at all.
08:03He won't hear any of us now.
08:10He won't hear any of us now.
08:40He won't hear any of us now.
08:42He won't hear any of us now.
08:44He won't hear any of us now.
08:46He won't hear any of us now.
08:48He won't hear any of us now.
08:50He won't hear any of us now.
08:52He won't hear any of us now.
08:54He won't hear any of us now.
08:56He won't hear any of us now.
08:58He won't hear any of us now.
09:00He won't hear any of us now.
09:02He won't hear any of us now.
09:04He won't hear any of us now.
09:06He won't hear any of us now.
09:08He won't hear any of us now.
09:10He won't hear any of us now.
09:12He won't hear any of us now.
09:14He won't hear any of us now.
09:16He won't hear any of us now.
09:18He won't hear any of us now.
09:20He won't hear any of us now.
09:22He won't hear any of us now.
09:24He won't hear any of us now.
09:26He won't hear any of us now.
09:28He won't hear any of us now.
09:30He won't hear any of us now.
09:32He won't hear any of us now.
09:34He won't hear any of us now.
09:36I sure did.
09:38Like what?
09:40When you whistled for me.
09:46Goliath's right there.
09:48What's the whistle for?
09:50Don't be so...
09:52Sally, listen.
09:54To you, I'm sorry I said what I said this morning.
09:56What did you say?
09:58I said I didn't want to hear you talk.
10:00I do. I like to hear you talk.
10:04Mother, baby's sick.
10:34School for the deaf.
10:36And he had on a red cap.
10:38That's Peter Gray, all right.
10:40He told us about the ambulance.
10:42Told you?
10:44With his hands.
10:46You mean, spelled words with his fingers and made signs?
10:50Peter has learned to talk a little here and read lips.
10:52But he's shy about trying it with strangers.
10:56Could I see him?
10:58I'm glad you want to.
11:00It means a great deal to me.
11:02I'm glad you want to.
11:04It means a great deal to the deaf when hearing people pay them any attention.
11:06It doesn't happen often enough.
11:08I'll go get Peter.
11:14Could you teach me how to say I'm sorry?
11:16Like this, over your heart.
11:18Thank you.
11:20Peter and I will be back in a minute.
11:24Baby, this is Peter.
11:32Peter is saying thank you.
11:36I say it too.
12:02I say it too.
