• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Vista la stagione, le vaccinazioni contro influenza e covid sono assolutamente obbligatorie, non solo per i fragili. Per questi ultimi, poi si tratta di un servizio gratuito fondamentale per migliorare e allungare le aspettative di vita”. Così Roberto Bernabei, presidente di Italia Longeva al Forum Prevenzione vaccinale dell’anziano e del fragile presso il Ministero della Salute.


00:00Now, given the season, of course, influenza and covid are absolutely mandatory and to be done not only for the fragile, but for all those who intend not to be bound for a week, ten days of fever, cough, pain for the bones, etc.
00:27So it's really a must. For the fragile, in addition, there is the fact that it is the only gratuity to camp better and longer.
00:38Then, of course, there is today also the vaccination for pneumococcus and herpetzoster, which are a complement of this defensive strategy.
00:50We start from the fragile, but I repeat, all ultra 65-year-olds would still deserve this step.
