• last year
(Adnkronos) - È stata presentata a Roma l’edizione 2025 del Calendario vaccinale per la Vita, che prevede tutte le vaccinazioni attualmente disponibili in Italia. Tra le principali novità l’inserimento della vaccinazione anti covid, che rimane importante poiché la malattia non è scomparsa e continua ad essere pericolosa per gli anziani e la popolazione fragile, e della vaccinazione contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale - Rsv. Aggiornato sulla base delle più recenti evidenze scientifiche, il documento è stato redatto grazie alla collaborazione di cinque società scientifiche: la Società italiana di igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica - Siti, la Società italiana di pediatria- Sip, la Federazione italiana medici pediatri - Fimp, la Federazione italiana dei medici di medicina generale - Fimmg, e la Società italiana di medicina generale e delle cure primarie - Simg.


00:00Based on the most recent scientific evidence, written with the contribution of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, the Italian Society of Pediatrics, the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors, the Italian Society of General Medicine of Primary Care and the Italian Federation of Doctors of General Medicine,
00:20the 2025 edition of the Vaccination Calendar for Life, presented in Rome by the Empam Foundation, includes all vaccinations that can guarantee for each age group, from birth to senescence, the promotion of an optimal state of health through prevention.
00:36It is extremely important to be able to vaccinate against all infectious pathologies that unfortunately persecute us throughout our lives with extremely different pathologies.
00:50The updated Vaccination Calendar for Life includes all the vaccines that are now available in Italy and that are safe and effective against infectious pathologies.
01:06Infectious pathologies that unfortunately we have seen in recent years have not disappeared, but together with antimicrobial resistance they represent and will represent one of the main causes of disease in the coming years.
01:22Among the main innovations included in the new Vaccination Calendar for Life is the vaccine against COVID-19. The disease has not yet disappeared and continues to be dangerous for the elderly and the frail population. There is also the vaccination against the syncytial respiratory virus.
01:38It is very important that in the next year, in the next update of the Vaccination Calendar for Life, there will also be vaccines for the adult and the elderly. There is a medical need in the elderly population. About 20% of influenza syndromes with very serious complications are due to RSV, so we must prepare ourselves because in the next calendar, next year, there will also be these vaccines.
