• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo delle novità vaccinali, rappresentate da vaccini contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale, ma è importante sostenere tutte le vaccinazioni, quelle presenti nel vecchio calendario e quelle che saranno presenti nel nuovo, è importante continuare a comunicare e sensibilizzare sull'importanza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale, anti-Covid, anti-Rsv e anti pneumococco che, se contratti da persone anziane e fragili, possono impattare in maniera molto severa sulla salute”. Con queste parole Roberta Siliquini, presidente Società Italiana d'igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica - Siti, è intervenuta a margine della nona edizione di Long-Term Care – Stati Generali dell’Assistenza a lungo termine, in programma il 16 e 17 luglio presso il Ministero della Salute e organizzata da Italia Longeva.


00:00One of the problems we have regarding fragile elderly people is mainly respiratory pathologies.
00:13We have some new vaccines, which are represented by vaccines against the syncytial respiratory virus,
00:23but it is still important to support all vaccinations, those present in the old calendar and those that will be present in the new, we hope, calendar.
00:35So it is important to continue to communicate and raise awareness about the importance of anti-influenza, anti-covid, anti-RSV, anti-pneumo vaccinations.
00:48That is, all those viruses and microorganisms that, if contracted by elderly and fragile people, can have a very severe impact on health.
01:01At Herpes Zoster we already have a vaccination that works very well, also in this case very useful for elderly people, fragile patients,
01:11especially oncological patients who have a lower level of immune defenses, higher than the physiological level of the elderly.
01:22I believe that the aim is to increase vaccination coverage. There are ways, the problem is complex, but the solutions are simple, if we want.
01:36It is enough to put them together and it is enough that there is an absolute synergy between political decision-makers, scientific societies, health professionals and the population.
