• last year
(Adnkronos) - Oltre agli anziani “in cui il sistema immunitario” è meno efficiente, la vaccinazione antinfluenzale è da raccomandare “sicuramente per tutte le persone con patologie respiratorie, cardiovascolari, con malattie croniche, ad esempio del rene, quindi nefropatie croniche, pazienti oncologici”. Inoltre SItI e SIPREC in un documento congiunto sottolineano l'importanza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale per i pazienti con patologie cardiovascolari, raccomandandola non solo agli over 65 ma anche agli under 60 con patologie cardiache, alla luce dell'aumentato rischio di eventi acuti correlati all'influenza. “Lo ha detto Roberta Siliquini, presidente Siti, Società italiana d’igiene medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica, in occasione del 57esimo Congresso nazionale della Società scientifica che si è  svolto a Palermo.


00:00The categories of fragile patients are numerous, they are all those people who have diseases
00:13that on the one hand can cause immunodepression, immunocompromission in itself, and on the
00:20other hand this immunocompromission can be caused by therapies that must be done following
00:27the presence of these pathologies.
00:29Specifically, there are certainly all people with respiratory pathologies, with cardiovascular
00:36pathologies, with chronic pathologies, for example, of the kidney, therefore chronic nephropathy,
00:45oncological patients and many others.
00:49I would like to add to these categories, however, the fact that even the caregivers, that is,
00:55those who take care of these people, must be immunized because it is necessary to create
01:01a protective shell around the fragile patients so that it is really impossible for these
01:10patients to come into contact with the virus.
01:13Why is it important to vaccinate them?
01:15Because the influenza virus, which is not absolutely banal as they say, in these patients
01:22can cause serious effects that have to do with the fact that their immune system is compromised
01:31and therefore they can hardly respond to an infectious insult in an adequate way, and
01:38on the other hand, these pathologies can aggravate, infectious pathologies can aggravate the basic
01:45We know that over 65 years old vaccinated people are preferred, let's focus on citizens
01:51under 60 years old with cardiovascular pathologies.
01:54What is the position of scientific societies, including SITI, that represents them, regarding
01:59the vaccination of this at-risk population?
02:01Among these there are the elderly, but also all people who are not elderly but suffer
02:09from a chronic pathology.
02:11Specifically, subjects with cardiovascular pathologies can have very important severe
02:18reactions, especially a series of physiopathological mechanisms as a reaction to influenza, and
02:28this is why the enhanced vaccines are recommended for these subjects, even if they are younger,
02:38but with an immune system and a basic pathology that is very responsive, in some way in a
02:47negative way to the influenza virus.
02:51For the elderly, we know that there are vaccines more recommended than others because we know
02:59that the immune system is less productive, let's say, in the younger patients, the recommendations
03:11of these two societies are to express a fundamental clinical judgment, that the clinical colleagues
03:18instead become carriers of the sensitization of an elderly subject to the fact that the
03:26vaccination will not only not worsen their basic pathology, but rather it will be a help
03:33to continue to cure, to chronicize their pathology and, in the best hypothesis we hope, to cure it.
