• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il Covid ci preoccupa fino ad un certo punto grazie per alla campagna vaccinale massiva che c’è stata, a differenza di quanto accaduto per l’influenza . Quindi il mio appello ad anziani e fragili è vaccinatevi.

Lo dice all'Adnkronos Salute Antonino Giarratano, presidente della Siaarti - Società italiana di anestesia, rianimazione, terapia intensiva e terapia del dolore, a margine del 78esimo Congresso nazionale della società scientifica, in corso a Napoli.


00:00We have a situation that, in my opinion, may seem paradoxical.
00:08COVID-19 worries us to a certain extent, and I will explain why.
00:12In fact, with the massive vaccination campaign that there has been in recent years,
00:17even 70-80% of the elderly, of fragile patients in general, have been vaccinated with at least two or three doses.
00:23And so, in a way, unlike what has happened historically in vaccinations for influenza,
00:29we find that most of the elderly and the fragile have not been vaccinated or have not been vaccinated for practically years.
00:36So I expect that COVID-19, obviously, can impact in a way, due to the characteristics of the virus,
00:41impact in a way that is certainly still important.
00:44But I am more concerned, or equally concerned, about what can happen in relation to the fact that
00:50influenza will act heavily this year against fragile and elderly patients
00:56and the population is much less protected because it has not been vaccinated.
01:01From our point of view, COVID-19 and all viral diseases that destabilize,
01:05excuse this term to make sense, because they clearly determine an organ failure in fragile patients,
01:11all these pathologies are, let's say, pathologies that will create problems in intensive care.
01:16It is obvious, however, as I said, that since the population for COVID-19 has been vaccinated in a percentage
01:22that is quadruple or quintuple compared to those who are vaccinated for influenza,
01:25so the message is for the elderly, let's say, call for COVID-19 as soon as the time comes,
01:30but also categorically do the anti-flu vaccine.
