• last year
Emiten peternakan ayam PT Janu Putra Sejahtera Tbk (AYAM) mencatatkan laba bersih senilai Rp6,56 miliar hingga kuartal III-2024. Realisasi laba AYAM meningkat 48,41% year-on-year (yoy) dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu sebesar Rp4,42 miliar.


00:00We move to the premier of the Peternakan Ayam Committee, PT Janu Putra Sejatra TBK, with Kodesaham Ayam,
00:11noting a net profit of 6.56 billion rupiah until the third quarter of 2024.
00:17The realization of Ayam's profit increased by 48.41% year-on-year compared to the same period last year, which was only 4.42 billion rupiah.
00:30This achievement makes Ayam's base share profit of 1.64 rupiah, from last year, 1.38 rupiah per share.
00:37Ayam's net profit grew by 33.70% year-on-year compared to the same period last year, which was only 4.42 billion rupiah.
00:46The realization of Ayam's net profit increased by 48.41% year-on-year compared to the same period last year, which was only 4.42 billion rupiah.
00:57The realization of Ayam's net profit grew by 33.70% year-on-year compared to the same period last year, which was only 4.42 billion rupiah.
01:04The net profit was dominated by the sale of commercial broilers, while Ayam Umur Sehari absorbed 31.39 billion rupiah.
01:13According to the financial report to the Indonesian Stock Exchange, the company also accumulated egg sales of 16.66 billion rupiah,
01:20while the chicken carcass absorbed 5.75 billion rupiah.
01:25The share price increased by 32.12% year-on-year, to 180.39 billion rupiah, leaving Ayam's chicken carcass 14.64 billion rupiah.
01:38After the business burden was cut, Ayam's operationally recorded the carcass before the taxes exceeded 8.61 billion rupiah,
01:45with the operational carcass amounting to 7.47 billion rupiah.
01:50The financial chart shows that the total assets increased by 3.82% year-to-date to 369.33 billion rupiah,
01:58liability or debt increased by 4.52% year-to-date to 162.02 billion rupiah, with equity grew by 3.27% year-to-date.
02:19For more UN videos visit www.un.org
