• last year
(Adnkronos) - "L'Italia non sta spendendo meno - in prevenzione per la cura contro il cancro - ma, finalmente, sta spendendo di più, in quanto anche quest'anno il finanziamento per il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale nominalmente è più alto del finanziamento dell'anno precedente. Il problema, però, è che questo finanziamento non è sufficiente a coprire i bisogni, sia perché il valore del denaro si è ridotto, ma soprattutto perché ciò che cresce è la domanda di assistenza, legata alla capacità sempre più frequente di cronicizzare la malattia cancro e ciò avviene grazie a progresso diagnostico e terapeutico”. Lo sostiene Francesco Perrone, presidente Aiom (Associazione italiana di oncologia medica), intervenuto in occasione della conferenza stampa di apertura del XXVI Congresso nazionale della società scientifica oggi a Roma e in svolgimento dall’8 al 10 novembre.


00:00Italy is not spending less, Italy is spending nominally more, because even this year, in
00:11the end, the financing for the national health service is nominally higher than the financing
00:17of the previous year. The problem is that this financing is not enough to cover the needs.
00:24This is a bit because the value of the money has been reduced, but it is not my job to
00:30be an economist, but above all because what is growing, and this is a great pleasure to
00:36observe, is the demand for assistance linked above all to the ever-increasing ability to
00:44chronicle the cancer disease, and this happens thanks to the diagnostic progress, to the
00:51therapeutic progress. The number of patients we can cure is increasing, and those cured
00:57have the right to see the social scar of knowing or declaring that they had cancer, the reason
01:06why IOM is very focused on the law for the right to oblivion, but the patients who do
01:14not heal or not yet, and who chronicle, have many needs for assistance. They also have
01:21various needs, which are not necessarily 100% guaranteed by us as oncologists, but which
01:29also require other figures of the national health service, for which there is a shortage,
01:35an important shortage, and this is why we hope that the financing can improve significantly
01:43and that this can correspond to a more efficient organization of the forces on the field.
01:51We do not have a dry request that can solve the problems, because the problems are very
01:57complex and we are aware that it is not possible to solve them with a procedure. We also appreciate
02:03significantly the efforts that the Ministry is making to answer some of the issues and
02:09problems that we are facing. What we offer is the collaboration of oncology, because we
02:17know that it is a relevant part, from a quantitative and weight point of view, real and perceived
02:24in the national health service. We are available to collaborate with institutions to try to
02:31identify strategies that, in addition to trying to provide solutions in the short term, we would
02:39strongly like, and this is a specific request that we make, strategies that have a programmatic
02:47vision on the medium and long term, because the national health service is a great wealth
02:53of this country. It must be defended immediately, but it must also be defended with measures
02:58that help, in the medium and long term, to remain efficient and guarantee the health of the citizens.
