• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’infrastrutturazione dei porti italiani è storicamente in ritardo, ma ci sono molte risorse disponibili. Dalla realizzazione di una infrastruttura di combustibili alternativi adeguata, dipenderà la competitività dell’intero sistema marittimo-portuale nazionale. Siamo felici di contribuire al processo di decarbonizzazione ma sarebbe anche giusto che parte delle risorse raccolte tramite la tassazione sui carburanti venisse date alle industrie italiane che si occupano di shitting e che più di altre investono nella decarbonizzazione”. Cosi Lorenzo Matacena vicepresidente Confitarma in occasione dell’Assemblea pubblica della Confederazione italiana Armatori che si è svolta a Napoli.


00:00All these new phenomena, including digitalization, obviously favor the dialogue, which has always been between port and, let's say, back port in general, between armors, between ship and port,
00:20between the various subjects that populate the world of shipping, with a, as has been said several times and also with great force, with a particular eye, let's say, towards safety, not only the safety of the processes, but also the safety, let's say, of the operators, of all those who are involved in the operations.
00:40Regarding digitalization, I would say that over the last few years we have accumulated a series of small delays and that we have the opportunity to quickly meet them in this year that we are about to live.
00:57Digitalization is not only necessary to create efficiency within the logistics chain, but it is, I would say, indispensable, now it has become indispensable, also to manage all those phenomena related to the safety of ports and workers.
01:17So it is obviously an element that will define or help define the success or failure of the Italian port system in the future. The Italian port system obviously needs investments, there are some ports that are more efficient and others less efficient.
01:37I answer your question in a provocative way, that is, the world of shipping is the only one that currently pays taxes on ETS, so even if the ports were totally infrastructured and were absolutely efficient, today there would be a problem of competition distortion or of different costs that develop within the logistics chain,
02:05since the rubber transport, which pollutes more than the maritime transport, is currently not subject to taxes related to the emissions that are emitted into the atmosphere, while the world of shipping, unlike that of transport and unlike that of air or railway, is subject to taxes.
02:28We say to the government that we are happy to pay taxes, we are happy to contribute to the decarbonization process, we would like, and it would be right, that an important part of the resources that are collected through the taxation of fuels end up with Italian companies that deal with shipping, which invest more than others in decarbonization,
02:52because if it is true that it is right to punish those who pollute, it is also true that it is right to support those who try not to do so.
