• 8 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'impianto FIB3R si aggiunge agli oltre 100 impianti che il Gruppo Hera possiede, investendo sempre di più sull'economia circolare. Questa rappresenta una soluzione per l'industria italiana, in quanto unisce la competitività alla sostenibilità ambientale, concreta e pragmatica; promuove filiere corte e circolari, riducendo così la forte dipendenza dall'importazione estera di fibre di carbonio. Questo impianto, infatti, è capace di rigenerare la fibra di carbonio, ottenendo una fibra di carbonio riciclata, che ha le stesse caratteristiche di una fibra di carbonio vergine. Quindi, risparmiamo energia e riduciamo la dipendenza dall'importazione estera”. Queste le parole di Orazio Iacono, amministratore delegato di Gruppo Hera, in occasione dell’inaugurazione a Imola del primo impianto italiano per la rigenerazione dei compositi in fibra di carbonio su scala industriale, realizzato da Herambiente, controllata del Gruppo Hera e primo operatore italiano nel recupero e trattamento dei rifiuti.


00:00Innovation for us means maintaining that uniqueness that allows us to compete on a global scale.
00:13Innovation also means traveling new roads, which often hides a great opportunity for growth.
00:22Innovation has always been there, it still is, and it will always be there.
00:28Obviously, it is an innovation that is realized by getting in touch with others.
00:33We don't transform ourselves, but we transform ourselves together with our partners,
00:38which are institutions, universities, research centers, and industry.
00:45Industries that are present in this beautiful territory, in this beautiful land.
00:50And so, the FIBER system is added to the more than 100 plants that the ERA group owns,
00:59investing more and more in the circular economy.
01:03This is a solution for the Italian industry,
01:07because it unites competitiveness with environmental sustainability.
01:13Concrete, pragmatic, it promotes short and circular lines,
01:18thus reducing the strong dependence on foreign import of carbon fiber.
01:23Because this system is able to regenerate carbon fiber,
01:28thus obtaining a recycled carbon fiber that has the same characteristics as a virgin carbon fiber.
01:36Therefore, we also save energy and reduce, as I said before, the dependence on foreign import.
01:46We are strongly rooted in this territory.
01:51Imola is our home, we are close to the racetrack.
01:56Carbon fiber is widely used in the automotive world, as well as in aerospace and naval.
02:03Here we had an unused environment,
02:06so instead of occupying a new land,
02:11we preferred to re-modernize,
02:15thus restructuring this environment,
02:18dedicating it to FIBER.
