(Adnkronos) - “Siamo qui per celebrare un patto con il mare. Noi dell'Associazione delle energie rinnovabili offshore stiamo seguendo con attenzione i tanti progetti di rinnovabili dal mare. Abbiamo bisogno di rendere l'Italia indipendente energeticamente. Dobbiamo raggiungere degli obiettivi europei importanti di decarbonizzazione per arrivare alla neutralità climatica. Servono tante rinnovabili, non bastano quelle a terra”. E’ quanto affermato da Fulvio Mamone Capria, presidente Associazione energie rinnovabili offshore - Aero, in occasione degli Stati Generali 2024 di Ontm - Osservatorio Nazionale Tutela del Mare.
00:00We are here to celebrate an agreement with the sea.
00:10We at the Association of Offshore Renewable Energies
00:14are following closely the many projects of Renewable from the Sea.
00:21We need to make Italy energetically independent.
00:27We need to reach important European targets
00:31of decarbonisation to reach climate neutrality.
00:36We need many renewables.
00:38Those on the ground are not enough.
00:40We need a sea effort.
00:42That is why many Italian and international operators
00:46are working to build important projects
00:51far from our coasts,
00:53to produce gigawatts for our national transmission network
01:00but also to produce green hydrogen and green ammonia.
01:04These are very expensive projects.
01:09The investments we are already making are incredible.
01:14Many of these initiatives are carried out through scoping,
01:20which are studies on the possible impacts of these projects on the sea.
01:30Thanks to our scientific activities with the best marine biologists,
01:35we know where we are going to connect our chains
01:40and where these floaters with these aerogenerators will be positioned.
01:45This is a study that shows the importance of marine biodiversity protection
01:51but also of marine life.
01:53From a landscaping point of view,
01:55we are far from the coasts.
01:57We are 10-12 miles ahead.
01:59We are imperceptible to the human eye compared to a horizon.
02:05There are many criticisms.
02:09We need to clarify the planning of marine spaces.
02:17We are waiting for the decree to regulate the FER2 floaters,
02:23which are the incentives that are given to these innovative energy systems.
02:29Finally, we need to have ports to become strategic infrastructural hubs for our territory.
02:43These could be Augusta, Taranto, Brindisi, Civitavecchia and many others.
02:48These are ports where we are going to assemble these large floaters
02:53with the aerogenerators to be transferred to the sea.
02:56They will provide a lot of employment.
02:58We also need a lot of training
03:00because we could reach thousands and thousands of jobs,
03:04especially in the middle of the day in Italy.
03:07Thanks to the National Organization for the Protection of the Sea,
03:11a federative pact was born to gather the best experiences
03:16and put at the service of this great innovation,
03:19which are the renewables from the sea.