• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - La customer experience come elemento chiave per distinguersi nel panorama competitivo odierno. Questo il tema al centro dell’evento organizzato a Milano da JAKALA, dedicato ai professionisti del settore Pharma & Life Sciences e intitolato ‘La customer experience nel mondo pharma retail’. Un ruolo cruciale nel progettare esperienze coinvolgenti per i clienti lo hanno l'innovazione, l'analisi dei dati e la personalizzazione.


00:00From a strategic lever to a competitive advantage, the customer experience is becoming more and more
00:10a distinctive factor in a market characterized by rapid changes and growing competitiveness.
00:15Also in the pharma and consumer health world, the customer experience is now a central element
00:20in business decisions. We talked about it during the event
00:24the Customer Experience in the Pharma Retail World, organized by Giacala,
00:29European leader in data transformation and reference partner for innovation
00:34of pharma and life sciences companies.
00:37At the center of the debate, the use of data and digital technologies
00:41to optimize interactions with doctors, pharmacists, patients and consumers
00:45with the aim of creating more engaging and tailored experiences for each target.
00:50The Customer Experience and more generally the Customer Engagement theme
00:54is certainly in this central phase for pharmaceutical companies.
00:59Let's remember that the concept of customer in the pharmaceutical world
01:04is a complex concept, because pharmaceutical companies interact
01:08with a plurality of stakeholders, doctors, patients, pharmacists, institutions
01:14that clearly have very different needs and languages.
01:20The second element to consider is that we are in a highly regulated industry
01:25and therefore the contents, especially in the medical-scientific field,
01:29must clearly follow the rules of the regulatory and compliance.
01:34Companies in general, also in Italy, are undergoing a transformation
01:39that is evolving compared to a model of communication
01:43with their traditional stakeholders, which was very product-centric,
01:48very focused on brands, also because the brand obviously
01:53typically has a range of clinical or medical-scientific innovation
01:57and they are adopting models that are more focused on their customers.
02:03This obviously implies an important challenge from the point of view
02:08of management of change and also of adaptability.
02:12And in doing this, companies obviously have to equip themselves
02:15with all the necessary tools, so on the one hand data and analytics,
02:20but also the right technologies, obviously, to implement these models
02:24and also the right capabilities in the field of marketing.
02:28Innovation and personalization are the keys for the future of customer engagement.
02:33In general, a model that aims to have an effective customer engagement
02:39must generate value through the value of the content and therefore,
02:44obviously, in the specific case of pharmaceutical companies,
02:47medical-scientific innovation is also relevant,
02:51but also the personalization of the content.
02:54And this is where the need arises for companies to have data and insights
02:59that allow them to understand the preferences and behaviors of their stakeholders
03:05in order to then be able to create a personalized communication and engagement.
