• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Realacci: “Questo nostro rapporto non dice quello che bisognerebbe fare ma quello che l'Italia fa, quasi 3 milioni e 200 mila occupati sono green jobs e il 40% dei nuovi contratti richiedono forti competenze verdi in tutti i settori. Oggi chi non va in questa direzione danneggia l'economia.” Queste le parole di Ermete Realacci, presidente della Fondazione Symbola, durante la presentazione del quindicesimo Rapporto GreenItaly, presso la sede di Unioncamere a Roma.


00:00This report does not say what should be done, it says what Italy does sometimes without knowing it.
00:11And what confirms this report is that there is an important part of Italian companies,
00:16more than a third, almost half in the manufacturing field,
00:20which in the last five years has made investments that have to do with the environment.
00:25So, energy savings, renewable sources, recovery of waste,
00:30reduction in the use of water, matter, innovation in the production process.
00:35And these companies do it not only for increased sensitivity, but because they do better.
00:42With a joke we could say, because being good is good.
00:46And these companies are the ones that innovate more, export more,
00:50produce more jobs.
00:52Already today, 3,100,000, actually more, almost 3,200,000 employees are green jobs, as they say.
01:01And, above all, on new jobs, on new contracts,
01:0540% require strong green skills in all sectors.
01:10A lot, obviously, in the most innovative sectors, in research and development,
01:15but also in the most traditional sectors, from agriculture to building.
01:19In short, to touch a little on current affairs,
01:25the words that Mattarella, with great force, said in Bonn a few days ago,
01:31are confirmed by these reports and in particular by this.
01:34Mattarella said, on the one hand, that the problem is very serious.
01:38We see the news every day, from the media to Veneto to Sicily in Sicily,
01:43and they demand an acceleration on those policies that have been too slow in the past
01:49and that, instead, must be accelerated.
01:52Whoever said that addressing these issues, addressing the green transition,
01:58damages the economy, is wrong, because, on the contrary,
02:01this is precisely the way to make our economy more competitive.
02:05Someone did not understand it, this relationship shows that Italy,
02:09an important part of Italy, is moving in this direction.
