• yesterday
We get into a goosies-inducing Mixed Bag with Pat Riley's speech. Are the guys overreacting after a loss to the Orlando Magic?
00:00Miami Heat. They lose on opening night. Brutal. But it was a star studded night. Not on the
00:09court. Just by a gooseys because I think you could have took the people watching the game.
00:17Some of the players and they could have put up more number score points. I am pretty sure
00:21that if you put D Wade out there in his sweater, he would have given you better than one for
00:26eight. I'm just saying. Maybe I'm crazy Leroy. Why are you calling on his sweater? No, I'm
00:33just saying that's what he was wearing. He was wearing a lovely sweater. He was wearing
00:36a nice sweater. It was a lovely sweater. I have nothing against the sweater. I'm just
00:39saying he doesn't even need a jersey. Doesn't even need a jersey for last night. And he's
00:44doing better than what the stars put up for the Miami Heat. UD was so disgusted he had
00:48to wear shades, man. He was. He was. He didn't want to watch it anymore. He's like, you know,
00:54this is, this is, this is where we're at. But you didn't see, uh, this was a moment
00:58of a D Wade and Pat Riley before the ceremony got going. Gooseys, you know, the godfather,
01:05a couple of goats talking to each other, you know, everything they'd been through, the
01:11ups, the downs, a lot of downs, not a lot of downs.
01:15It was one down. That's when I say a lot of down, not just saying the many times I'm just
01:21talking about a lot, meaning money downs. It was one money dispute. It was bad. It was
01:28bad. Okay. Now it's all good now. Look at him, baby. Having a good time. Um, but it
01:35was a, it was an awesome night, man. It was, it was a great night for Pat Riley. Well-deserved.
01:40It's unfortunate about what happened on the court. So for mixed bag today, Leroy, I know
01:45not everybody got to hear the speech last night. Uh, figured we play the last few minutes
01:50of it so everybody can kind of enjoy and hear what the godfather had to say. And especially
01:54to his family. Cause I kind of thought that was the best part. I thought his, uh, his
01:58message to his wife, Chris Riley, and you don't realize the people, the people. Yeah.
02:04I thought that was the coolest part. So here was Pat Riley's speech last night and, uh,
02:09enjoy for the mixed bag, the godfather, Pat Riley.
02:19I'd like to finish, obviously. I can't thank everybody, but there's one person who I can
02:25thank. I want to say thank you to Elizabeth for coming. And that little beauty down there,
02:32Olivia James. No, not yet. And Paul. I want to get this one right. It was one summer night
02:44on a crowded mezzanine in San Diego. I saw perfect. The most beautiful woman ever. A
02:51flowered summer dress swaying softly as she walked towards me. Saw those hazel eyes and
02:57my heart leapt. Determined I would see her again. There are not going to be any games
03:03here. I went for her like Udonis Haslam is going to go for a loose ball right on that
03:09court right there. It started with a beach walk, a shared ice cream cone, long drives
03:19under the sun and under the stars, just drifting in bliss, singing out loud all Motown songs,
03:25the songs we love. They became our songs for life and still are. What was next? She got
03:33a ballplayer. I got somebody truly special. Then a proposal, a wedding, a marriage, a family. Chris
03:41and Pat, son James Patrick, grandson Connor James, daughter Elizabeth Marie, granddaughter Olivia
03:49James, son-in-law Paul, the Rileys, new lives, new teams, new friends, new challenges, new highs,
03:57new lows, honey. We've been through it all. Moving on, getting traded, getting cut, getting
04:03fired, career over, but always there's a new dream. LA Showtime was great. New York Madison
04:11Square Garden was exciting, but the Miami Heat has, will, and always be family. It's family. Teams can
04:22win. Families win championships. Mickey and Madeline, Nick, Jenna, Kelly, and Ronnie, I just want to
04:30thank you so much. Miami is a home. Some great success early and some failures, then championships,
04:39joy, parades, champagne. Chris was right there, always in 118, yelling and screaming with all of
04:48our friends. Nobody could ever wear a Celtic jacket there or anything in that one section.
04:55Look out. She was forever and always committed, keeping me going. We are vow keepers. We kept
05:03them for a half a century, both of us. We kept each other right, really right, right there in our
05:11hearts, souls, faith, and hoops. Thank you, God. I know now you sent me a great woman, a great partner,
05:20a great person, a great wife, great mother, great friend to all. In Miami, Chris, we built a great
05:31life together with the Heat, the staff, and our great fans. A life we told each other, Miami is it.
05:38We turned over every stone, kept each other there when our eyes closed. Our hearts never let each
05:49other go or anyone. It will end here one day. And that stamp there and that stamp over there,
05:59that's what it's all about, sweetie. We made it. We made it. I love you. Thank you. And to all the
06:08fans, thank you for 30 years of your support. Thank you for being here tonight. Love you all.
06:16There you go. Pat Riley yesterday at halftime.
06:20Are you okay, Tobin?
06:21I'm not going to lie to you.
06:25You know what, Tobin?
06:28We can't wipe his face with Clorox.
06:31You're not wiping with a wipe.
06:33First of all, you've already tried to poison me in here. You threw more aerosol spray in this room.
06:39That was her?
06:40As if a roach lived in here.
06:42Yo, you know what?
06:43She nearly killed me, man.
06:44I'm happy you explained that, Tobin, because I remember I went in there to get some of that
06:48Halloween candy, right?
06:49You know what?
06:50There's Halloween candy?
06:52So if my eyes look a little misty.
06:53So I'm not going to hold you, Leroy.
06:55If my eyes look a little red, Vlad, yes, I am very moved by Pat Riley's words to his wife, Chris Riley.
07:03But also, JFick tried to poison me.
07:05Okay, so now you know what?
07:07Let's be honest.
07:08Let's get back to the candy.
07:09I went to get the candy, right?
07:11And then when I went in there, the minute you opened the door to the studio, you're just engulfed with lice.
07:17Punch in the face.
07:18So I thought Tobin farted.
07:23Why would you?
07:24Why would you know that she's farting like that?
07:28I really thought you farted, and you were like, oh, man.
07:31I would not cover up the crimes.
07:32No, but I'm just thinking that you farted, and you're like, oh, man, this is bad.
07:36JFick comes in today.
07:38JFick, I don't know what her nostrils are flaring on, but she is, like, very bothered.
07:43We had a pumpkin in here that was starting to go, but I didn't notice it as much as you.
07:49I didn't notice it until you had said something, and then I didn't really notice it until you emptied an entire aerosol can spray in here, and it plumed into the air here, and it made it worse.
08:06No, it smells cleaner in here.
08:08It does not.
08:09No, it doesn't.
08:10You know what?
08:10You're welcome.
08:10That's because you burned your senses.
08:13Listen, I'm sorry.
08:14I went in there, and you got to understand, Tobin was just on the computer, so I pretty much acting like nothing happened.
08:21I'm just thinking, all right, let me get some candy here.
08:23Hey, I'm going to grab some candy.
08:24You were inhaling his fart, correct?
08:25And I'm like, oh, my God, this is a lot of light source.
08:28I'm like, dude, somebody must have farted.
08:30Maybe you're spraying it before JFick comes in, because nobody wants to fart in a girl's washroom.
08:34You know what I mean?
08:35Of course.
08:36So I would never fart in front of Avril Lavigne.
08:38But I didn't know Avril Lavigne just decided that she wanted to spray Lysol on everybody.
08:42She said, see you later, boy.
08:45But anyway, yes, I was very moved by that speech.
08:49Point for Tobin!
08:52How can you not?
08:5450 years together, a lifetime of basketball, and your grandkids are there, your kids are there.
09:01I mean, how do you not get moved by that?
09:03Well, we all know the real godfather in the Reilly family is Chris, is Mrs. Reilly.
09:10So the fact I just love the way he was showing his love and appreciation to his wife,
09:14because pretty much it seems like not a lot of moves happen without Chris's blessing.
09:18She's a support system.
09:19She's not the only support system.
09:21She might be the system.
09:22She's the backbone.
09:24Yeah, people don't like they say, like, don't mess with Chris Reilly.
09:27Since New York, we've heard that.
09:28Yeah, like, don't, don't, don't, don't.
09:31Um, but that's, yeah, it's an awesome thing.
09:33And I'm so happy that he got that honor.
09:37It was such a cool surprise that Mickey put for him.
09:42Just unfortunate that he went out there and completely screwed the poach and you ruined it.
09:49You ruined it.
09:50You let Paulo go out there and just wipe his feet all over Pat Reilly's new minted court
09:58with the same song and dance that you guys have been doing
10:03since you've been up 3-0 against the Celtics.
10:12We're going on 18 months here.
10:14You can't play in that damn building.
10:17Sending the fans home sad.
10:19Oh, we're going to figure it out.
10:21Oh, it's not a Rubik's cube.
10:24Maybe if I go over here and I go over here to the dog brick.
10:32So who are you upset at?
10:33All of them.
10:35All of them.
10:35Including Spoh?
10:37Yeah, of course.
10:39Of course.
10:40All of them.
10:41Is he not the head coach?
10:45It's only the first game.
10:47Yeah, it's the first game.
10:48But you want to know something?
10:49Some things are patterns.
10:50And you want to know something?
10:52How about when you have a team full of behemoths?
10:54You put out the seven footer.
10:57What's he going to do?
10:58He's not 18 years old.
11:00What's he going to do?
11:01Be on ice?
11:02Because he doesn't know the system.
11:04Spoh, do tell.
11:05What is the system, Spoh?
11:07Stand around and look at each other?
11:10Tickle our bellies?
11:11What do we do?
11:11What is the system that Kal-El Ware isn't going to get a shake until February?
11:19I'd love to know.
11:20I'd love to know.
11:22Same thing.
11:24We had this conversation before.
11:27Are any of these young guys going to play?
11:30Let's put Thomas Bryant out there.
11:33Imagine if you would have put Kevin Love out there.
11:35Kevin Love wasn't there.
11:36But imagine if he was.
11:37Kevin Love against Paolo.
11:40Nah, Paolo would kill him.
11:42What are we going to do?
11:44He's just going to be on ice.
11:45And then what?
11:45Then he's going to learn next year?
11:47Get him out there, dude.
11:50You ever notice basketball and football have the totally opposite thought process behind
11:58draft picks?
12:00Basketball, they want to groom their guy because they think they got the first six or seven
12:06years before they hit their prime.
12:11Football, let's get him out of there.
12:12Because get him out there now.
12:13Because we need to know.
12:14Because we don't want to be paying this guy without knowing whether he's going to
12:19whether he can play or not.
12:20Yeah, same thing.
12:22It's like that.
12:23Except, yeah, like most, I think most franchises play their first rounders, but not the heat
12:29if you're over six, eight.
12:31Our boy Sonny Steve wants to know how long.
12:33I'm not calling for anybody's job.
12:35I'm just frustrated.
12:36Isn't everybody frustrated?
12:38It's just the first game, Toby.
12:40No, it's not the first game.
12:42It's not.
12:45Did you not hear, Vlad?
12:47Did you not hear Pat Riley's speech?
12:50Does it not make you more mad listening to that and then realizing what went forth on
12:57the court than thereafter?
12:58I'm going to go with a comment I heard last night during the Nets Hawks game.
13:03Don't ask me why I was watching.
13:05What the hell?
13:05You must have.
13:08Of course.
13:08You didn't even have to say that.
13:10It was gambling.
13:11I mean, unless you're Trey Young's relative, I don't understand what anybody else is doing
13:15watching Nets Hawks unless you are Hawks Tobin or a degenerate.
13:21I was watching that, and then I was also watching Detroit, Indiana.
13:24First game.
13:24Don't ask me why.
13:25But they asked one of the Detroit players we're going to have because they were leading.
13:31You know, the Pacers led the league in scoring last year, and he said that was last year.
13:35So that's why I'm going to you, Leroy.
13:38This is the first game of a new season.
13:42I know they still have some of last year's tendencies and Henderson's still there, but
13:51it is a new season with new personnel.
13:54Here's the kicker.
13:58OK, and here's why we are so frustrated.
14:05Everybody's healthy.
14:08You don't have to have a mixed match of a lineup.
14:12You don't.
14:14You have your stars.
14:16Nobody's banged up.
14:19Why are we still seeing the same basketball we ended last year's season with?
14:25Because it's the first game of the season.
14:29So I could understand if they were off on defense because it takes time to get that
14:34system and be on a string and all that.
14:37But they couldn't score last year, dude.
14:40They were at the bottom of the league scoring.
14:42It's going to happen.
14:44I listen, guys.
14:48I just don't feel like I understand it's the first game, but I just don't want to see the
14:52same crap I saw last year, Leroy, and I understand that.
14:56And you said that you said that yesterday before the game that with the guys healthy,
15:01you don't want to see the same pipe.
15:03But I'm also saying it's also one game into the season.
15:06If this happens in the first 15 games, if you see this type of production, then I can
15:11Well, I already got the bubble guts because I'm scared.
15:13I'm going to see it.
15:14Well, you just might have had a fart.
15:17I think you just might have had a fart.
15:19It just might have been a fart.
15:23Well, no, you say he's getting bubble guts.
15:24That just might have been a fart.
15:26It's not diarrhea.
15:27If it happens 15 consecutive more times.
15:30I'm just blipping a radar, and then you bust Charlotte's ass.
15:34What's going to happen?
15:35You're going to be good again.
15:36So that's what makes me while he coyote.
15:38I always buy back in.
15:40But right now I'm really mad, and you ruin bad Riley night.
15:44And sexy sauce says it right when he says, I blame the Bahamas.
15:48He's right.
15:50Way to give him more.
15:52I knew that was coming.
15:53Somebody told you not to go have training camp in the Bahamas.
15:58Play like a bunch of like you had a bunch of daiquiris in your hand, and Paolo said,
16:03watch this, dude.
