• yesterday


00:00I found out I was diabetic.
00:02Most people find out by taking a test.
00:04I was a little more adventurous, you know?
00:07I drank three half gallons of Tropicana orange juice.
00:12I started hallucinating. I passed out.
00:13Incredible night, yo.
00:15I should have been there. It was a party.
00:19My wife told me the last coherent statement I made was,
00:22Shorty, I'm sorry I had a rough game on Sunday,
00:26but me and the rest of the O-Line,
00:28we're gonna come through for Daniel Jones next week.
00:30I promise you, you know?
00:33For anyone confused, I don't play for the New York Giants.
00:37What bothered me, even in my diabetic dreams,
00:41I could have played for anybody.
00:43Well, I played for a 6-and-10 team, you know?
00:46I had all the options, history at my disposal, you know?
