• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Nel lavoro della precedente Commissione ci sono stati due momenti topici: Afghanistan e Ucraina. In Ue si è parlato di difesa europea a fronte di queste due vicende. Questa nuova commissione dà un segnale e dovrà lavorare per una maggiore integrazione partendo dai dossier industriali per fare passi avanti effettivi nonostante non ci sia variazione dei trattati. Immagino un focus più forte sulle materie nuove individuate.” Ha dichiarato l’ex Ministro della Difesa Roberta Pinotti a margine dell’evento “La nuova Commissione UE: un accento su Difesa, Mediterraneo e Housing” che si è tenuto allo spazio Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli a Roma.


00:00There have been two topical moments in the last five years, so in the work of the previous
00:10commission. Afghanistan and that precipitous and dishonorable escape of the West, and then
00:17the war in Ukraine. In both these moments, very strongly European leaders have said there
00:23is a need for a European defense because we cannot be linked, in the case of Afghanistan,
00:28to the decisions of the Americans, and only theirs, and to Ukraine, because the war is
00:33in Europe. So the task of this commission, which has given a signal, because for the
00:40first time a commissioner has defended it and has set up instruments, will be to work
00:45effectively for greater integration, starting from industrial files, but not only, also
00:51with respect to those that must be the policies, to take effective steps forward,
00:58despite the fact that there is still no variation of the treaties that continue to provide for
01:03the defense a national role and not European. Certainly I imagine a much stronger focus.
01:11I repeat, we are working with varied instruments, with treaties that have not been modified,
01:17but with a political will that has been expressed in the two figures that have been identified,
01:21which I believe are an important signal. The steps forward, depending on how it works today,
01:27are still connected to the will of the national states, to the work of the European Parliament,
01:34and the commission will therefore have to strongly interact with the work of the Council,
01:39the Parliament and the Commission so that the goals can be achieved.
