• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “C’è la consapevolezza che l’Italia nel contesto europeo continua ad acquisire centralità e protagonismo. Sono convinto che il vicepresidente della Commissione, Raffaele Fitto, sarà un grande risultato per l’Unione e per l’Italia. Avremo un presidio che conosce le esigenze del territorio nazionale e lavorerà perché questa siano tutelate. Oggi viviamo un’Europa fragile che paga le distrazioni del passato, come non aver voluto una forza armata a difesa del continente.” Ha dichiarato il Ministro per la Protezione Civile e le Politiche del Mare Nello Musumeci a margine dell’evento “La nuova Commissione UE: un accento su Difesa, Mediterraneo e Housing” che si è tenuto allo spazio Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli a Roma.


00:00Meanwhile, the awareness that Italy, in the European context, continues to acquire centrality
00:14and prominence, was not an unexpected result at the time of the government's inauguration,
00:22and there were many flamboyant gossips that said the complete opposite.
00:27I am convinced that the Vice President of the Commission, Raffaele Fitto, has just confirmed
00:37that it will be a great result, not only for the Union, but in particular for Italy and
00:43therefore for all political forces, because we will have a Presidium that knows the real
00:51needs of the national territory and will work so that these legitimate needs can be met.
00:59Today we live in a particularly fragile Europe, a Europe that pays for the distractions of
01:09the past, even if it did not want an armed force to defend the borders of the continent,
01:20the insidious that come from the Middle and Near East are absolutely indecipherable in
01:29their evolution, and therefore the certainty that President von der Leyen and above all
01:39the presence of a Vice President and Commissioner constitute the premises for us to look forward
01:47with the objective of optimism.
