• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo fermi a 13mila infezioni scoperte. Probabilmente ne sono state” individuate “di più, però non ci sono i numeri perché evidentemente non si riesce a mettere insieme tutto ciò che è stato fatto sinora”. Con queste dichiarazioni, Ivan Gardini, presidente Associazione EpaC Ets, è intervenuto in occasione dell’evento “Epatite C: Obiettivo eliminazione, il momento è adesso. Strategie e modelli organizzativi per riscrivere la storia delle epatiti virali”, presentato a Roma, che ha visto la partecipazione di Istituzioni, Società Scientifiche e Rappresentanti dei Pazienti.


00:00We are part of the monitoring group that receives the reports from the regions.
00:11Unfortunately, the official numbers are still the same as in December last year,
00:18because we are still asking the regions to modify the numbers that do not return.
00:25We are still waiting for 13,000 infections discovered,
00:29but probably more have been discovered,
00:35but there are no numbers,
00:38because evidently we cannot put together everything that has been done so far.
00:45On the other hand, it is also true that there are regions that have started this year,
00:49so it is difficult for them to provide numbers.
00:54But at least the regions that started from a TOT,
00:58at least they provide them and they provide them correctly.
01:02So it is also difficult to be able to give the policy such numbers to say it is worth it.
01:10Apart from the fact that already among 10,000 infections there are none, I would say.
01:14But there are many others.
01:17All those who work in gastroenterology, hepatology and infectious diseases know this.
01:27We all know that there are still a lot of people, especially in a range of 60 years and above.
01:32We are also talking about settings such as prison, SERD, problematic people, etc.
01:43But in my opinion another 100,000 infections can be eliminated.
01:49Of course, it depends on how fast you go, how much you can do.
01:53Also because then people die.
01:58I mean, sooner or later you always have to remove a TOT because every year someone dies.
02:05So there are still infections to be eliminated.
02:09And the most virtuous regions are always those, then in the end Emilia-Romagna in the lead,
02:15Lombardy, Veneto, who have the structures, but also the will to do things.
02:24And so this also reflects the situation on other health issues.
02:35There are no exceptions for the moment.
02:38As far as the cures are concerned, there are no money problems.
02:41Also because now we treat maybe 15,000 people a year,
02:46more than 50,000 a few years ago.
02:50And now the drugs cost an absolutely affordable amount to treat many, many more infections.
03:01And so it is not as certain as, for example, HIV, where an infection,
03:06how to say, you have to save money for life.
03:09As long as there is a lot of money, right?
03:13But it is true that everyone is cured.
03:16And so, as far as PTTC is concerned, the problem of money, of therapies, does not exist.
