• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Per raggiungere l’obiettivo dell’eliminazione dell’epatite C “è necessario trasformare questo screening da sperimentale in strutturale. D'altra parte, l'obiettivo dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità è l'eliminazione entro il 2030. Ci chiediamo per quale motivo ogni anno bisogna ‘sudare’ per avere una proroga, esattamente come quest'anno. Lo screening scade il 31 dicembre e il governo ha appena rifiutato di approvare un emendamento, a costo zero, sull'ampliamento della fascia a cui fare gli screening e sulla proroga. Ci chiediamo quali siano le intenzioni del governo”. Sono le parole di Ivan Gardini, presidente associazione EpaC Ets, a margine dell’evento che si è svolo a Roma sulle strategie per eradicare l’infezione da Hcv.


00:00What do you think is necessary to transform this screening from experimental to structural?
00:12On the other hand, the goal of the WHO is the elimination by 2030.
00:18So we ask ourselves why every year we have to sweat seven shirts to have an extension,
00:26just like this year, because the screening takes place on December 31st
00:32and the government has just refused to approve an amendment at zero cost
00:38on the extension of the band for screening and the extension.
00:45An amendment signed in large part by exponents of the majority, therefore at zero cost.
00:51So what are the government's intentions?
00:55This is the question we ask ourselves, when on the other hand we ask the working groups
01:01to make a national strategy with HIV, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.
01:10But we ask ourselves, what do we work to do if the screening takes place and is not extended?
01:18The only actions we can take is to continue to convince parliamentarians
01:23to continue to present amendments, because what is left?
01:28The financial law and perhaps a thousand extensions, and then the show is over.
01:34There are no other instruments. Here we need political will.
01:40And we do not see the political will to include the elimination of hepatitis C as a national priority.
01:49And if this is not prevention, what is it?
01:53It is useless to talk about prevention when we refuse to do prevention.
02:00There is something that does not fit.
02:02And what will all the money that the regions have in their bellies do?
02:07Who cares?
02:09Who is going to see if those tests that have been bought have not failed?
02:17There are a lot of questions that politics must answer.
