• 7 hours ago
Gelin - Episode 64 (English Subtitles) - The Bride
08:28Beyza gelmiş. Şükürler olsun.
08:35Bir daha böyle saçmalık yapmayacaksın.
08:37Seni babanın evine götürüyorum. Yürü!
08:40Cihan! Hayır!
08:42Cihan dur!
08:43Götüremezsin hiçbir yere Beyza'yı.
08:58Çok şükür.
08:59Beyza öldü meraktan. Neredeydin kızım?
09:05Merak edecek bir ÅŸey yok hala.
09:08Bir hata ettim, geldim buraya.
09:10Ama gideceÄŸim.
09:12Sizin tadınız hiç kaçmasın.
09:14Ay ne demek tadınızı kaçırmak yavrum.
09:17Biz her yerde seni arıyorduk zaten.
09:19Öldüm meraktan. Aklıma bin bir türlü şeyler geldi.
09:26Sen de konuÅŸsana oÄŸlum.
09:28Gitmesine izin mi vereceksin?
09:34Ä°stemiyor iÅŸte hala.
09:38Niye zorluyorsun?
09:39Hiç gerek yok, ben gidiyorum.
09:42Konuşsana oğlum, karnında bebek taşıyor bu kız.
09:49Kimseye minnet edecek deÄŸilim.
09:52Hiçbir yere gitmiyorsun.
09:58Karışma dedim.
09:59Sakın Cihan!
10:01Sakın karışma bana!
10:03Yürü kızım, konağa gidiyoruz.
10:05Ya bırak beni!
10:06Hiçbir yere gitmeyeceğim diyorum.
10:08Tek başıma kalmak istiyorum, anladın mı?
10:10O konağa da girmeyeceğim, size de kalmayacağım.
10:13Buradan, kendimle kalabileceÄŸim bir yere gideceÄŸim.
10:17Beni rahat bırakın, anlamıyor musunuz?
10:24Ne yaptın?
10:25Oğlum, tutsana kaldır, konağa götürelim.
10:30Beyza iyi misin?
10:31Cihan tutsana kaldır, hadi.
10:33Beyza iyi misin yavrum?
10:35Kendine gel Beyza.
10:37Al al oÄŸlum.
11:11Cihan dur!
11:18Yukarı odasına çıkar.
11:26Ne diyorsam onu yap, karnında bebek var.
11:43Sen de yukarıya çık bak, eksik gedik bir şey varsa.
11:46Hadi ben de geleyim.
11:51Ya herkes Beyza'yı ararken, o burada mıymış?
11:54Nasıl gelmiş ki?
11:56Ben getirdim.
12:00Sen mi getirdin?
12:01Yani zor oldu biraz ikna etmek ama, sonunda başardım.
12:06Beni değil de, çocuğunu kucaklasaydın keşke böyle.
12:30I wish you'd hugged your child, not me.
12:48Look, so you don't get confused.
12:56Take off your shoes.
12:59I'm fine.
13:02I'm just a little dizzy.
13:06Okay, dear.
13:08Don't think about anything now.
13:15Go downstairs and prepare something to eat.
13:17She must be hungry.
13:24It's enough for me to drink some water.
13:26Then I'll get up and leave.
13:28What do you mean, Beyza?
13:29Don't drive me crazy.
13:31You're not going anywhere.
13:38I have pride, aunt.
13:41My son said a ton of words.
13:43I took my share.
13:47Come here.
13:48I'm not in the mood.
13:50He says he'll go.
14:01Come here.
14:09Are you comfortable?
14:25Why don't you have a stopper?
14:29Why don't you listen to me?
14:31Why do you do what you know when I turn around?
14:34That's enough.
14:36I'm sorry.
14:40I'm sorry.
14:41Do you think I'm going to forget what you did?
14:45You're right.
14:50I'm sorry, but when Beyza said I was going to hit my son in front of me, did I hit the girl?
14:58I couldn't.
14:59My conscience didn't let me.
15:05That's enough.
15:10You can't convince me.
15:13Cihan, I know how conscientious and merciful you are.
15:18Why do you show mercy to people you don't know?
15:23Are you that angry with your uncle?
15:25Who is this, why?
15:31How long has our room been your wife?
15:34Don't be too happy, nephew.
15:36This is life.
15:38People may like it, but life doesn't forgive.
15:41Everyone will pay for their choices in the end.
15:48Don't push me, Ancar.
15:49I said that's enough for you.
15:51Cihan, look, I beg you, don't do things you'll regret later.
15:58If Beyza is determined, she should stay here for a while.
16:03Because when she gets out of that door, she'll go and get the baby.
16:06She won't give up.
16:08And you'll go to the sin of your uncle who wasn't born with her.
16:18Why are you so angry, Cihan?
16:21What happened between Beyza and your uncle?
16:25Why are you so angry?
16:30Is there something I don't know?
16:41Are you comfortable?
16:43How can I be after what my son said?
16:47He was also very curious, don't look.
16:49That's why he got angry.
16:51We forgot.
16:53Alone in the streets.
16:59Didn't you ever think about the baby in your belly, Beyza?
17:02Aunt, okay.
17:03I'm not in the mood to listen to you right now.
17:06Okay, whatever.
17:07You came out.
17:09That's enough for me.
17:11Okay, whatever.
17:12You came out.
17:14That's enough for me.
17:16Thank God you're back from the wrong.
17:19He didn't come to himself.
17:21He said he brought a dagger.
17:27How did this happen?
17:29I don't understand either.
17:31That girl in the condom wrapped me up for two days.
17:34Do you know what happened?
17:36She's suffering the pain of conscience her husband can't stand.
17:39If he hadn't come to me.
17:41I had already adopted this child.
17:43He was an obstacle to me.
17:45He turned me from the door of the baby.
17:47What made you so angry?
18:08Why did you erase your uncle, Beyza?
18:17What happened between you?
18:21Tell me.
18:23Tell me what happened.
18:25I know.
18:26I know I should act accordingly.
18:37Come here.
18:46Come here.
19:17Come here.
19:18Come here.
19:19Come here.
19:20Come here.
19:21Come here.
19:22Come here.
19:23Come here.
19:24Come here.
19:25Come here.
19:26Come here.
19:27Come here.
19:28Come here.
19:29Come here.
19:30Come here.
19:31Come here.
19:32Come here.
19:33Come here.
19:34Come here.
19:35Come here.
19:36Come here.
19:37Come here.
19:38Come here.
19:39Come here.
19:40Come here.
19:41Come here.
19:42Come here.
19:43Come here.
19:44Come here.
19:45Come here.
19:46Come here.
19:47Come here.
19:48Come here.
19:49Come here.
19:53Come here.
19:57he was in great trouble.
20:00That's why I wanted to help him.
20:03It wasn't my intention to hurt or upset you.
20:09When you look at me like that, I feel so bad.
20:20You don't understand me.
20:22You don't listen to me.
20:25It will all pass.
20:28As long as you are with me.
20:39What are you saying, Beyza?
21:06Are you crazy?
21:07I've been watching my grandson for years.
21:10How dare you do this?
21:12Don't be mad at me.
21:14Your son wanted this.
21:16He dragged me down this road.
21:18Haven't you wanted it for years?
21:20God gave it to you.
21:22How could you give up so easily?
21:25Don't go to the pot before the meat.
21:28When I'm here, you don't say a word.
21:30Go down and eat something.
21:37I couldn't face Sinem, but he's right.
21:46I want to hold my son in my arms, too.
21:48But I can't give birth without marriage.
21:50I can't do this to him.
21:52Of course there will be a wedding.
21:54Are you kidding me?
21:56Cihan doesn't give up on that girl.
21:58He doesn't even care about the child to be born.
22:00That's not possible.
22:02My son will not give up on his child.
22:05You say that, but we didn't beg Cihan.
22:09He treated me like a matriarch.
22:12He was going to open a house, he was going to pay for everything.
22:15But he never got married.
22:19Don't you know Cihan?
22:21He said that because he had to.
22:23He'll find the right way in the end.
22:26Would he ever hurt his child's mother?
22:28He'll get a divorce sooner or later.
22:31Just be patient.
22:38Cihan, my son.
22:40Leave us alone.
22:57Open your eyes, Cemil.
23:00He's not opening his eyes. You killed Cemil.
23:02You killed Cemil.
23:04Am I a murderer now?
23:06Am I going to rot in prison?
23:08This is what you did to me.
23:12What are you still saying?
23:13You killed him.
23:18I'm in trouble.
23:21Wake up, Cemil.
23:25His finger is moving.
23:28Get out of there.
23:33Is he sleeping?
23:35He's sleeping.
23:37Wake up, Cemil.
23:39He's sleeping.
23:40Wake up, Cemil.
23:49Mom, Cemil is opening his eyes.
24:00What happened to me?
24:02Your hand is blind.
24:04You were going and I stopped you.
24:10Are you crazy?
24:12I'm Derya.
24:14I'm the sea with waves.
24:15Can I ever leave you?
24:18So that's what you're saying.
24:20Of course, Derya.
24:22God forbid.
24:24You're the crown of my head, dear.
24:30Is it always going to be like this?
24:32Won't it change?
24:34I can't say for sure.
24:36Some patients can return to their old state in a short time.
24:39But in this type of patients, the process can be longer.
24:47Thank God.
24:49My naive guy is back.
24:54But you slept a lot.
24:56You don't have to come and sleep.
24:57Come on.
24:58Get up and make some tea.
24:59The menemen were ruined because of you.
25:03What did I do, Derya?
25:05Come on, get up.
25:06Go to the kitchen.
25:07Come on.
25:09Get up and go to the kitchen.
25:10Okay, okay.
25:11Okay, dear.
25:12As you wish.
25:13I'll be right there.
25:15My head hurts.
25:18Let me see.
25:21Mom, what happened to Cemil?
25:23What else?
25:24He went back to his factory settings.
25:28Thank God.
25:30I solved everything with a touch of a small pan.
25:33I call it an alternative.
25:35Derya calls it an alternative.
25:44If you came to send me, don't bother.
25:48I'll go when I feel better.
25:51You don't have to fire me.
25:53Where are you going?
25:55To take my son?
25:59When you say my son?
26:01Do you think you're a father when you write father on your ID card?
26:05Is it that easy?
26:10Let's not talk nonsense.
26:12We both said what we wanted.
26:14You talked, I talked.
26:16We couldn't reach an agreement.
26:18Now everyone can do whatever they want, Özgür.
26:20Don't worry.
26:22You won't have a problem because you're a child tomorrow.
26:26You can't take my child.
26:28I will never let this happen.
26:30Oh my God.
26:32I don't want to lose my son.
26:34I don't want to lose my son.
26:36Do you have a problem with this child?
26:38Let's see if he wants to be unmarried.
26:40Does he just want to write his father's name on his ID card?
26:43No, Cihan.
26:44I can't do this to him.
26:45I can't give birth without marriage.
26:50That's why while we're still on our way.
26:55Someone has to take this responsibility.
27:03Don't make me lose my patience.
27:07What happens if I make you lose your patience?
27:09Will you scream?
27:11Will you kick me out of the house?
27:13It's not something you haven't done.
27:15Don't upset yourself.
27:17Relax with your bitter wife.
27:19I'll take your place.
27:20Don't do this.
27:27That child will live.
27:31If you want that child to live, you'll pay the price.
27:36You won't show off.
27:39If you say I can't,
27:41I know where I'm going.
27:43I'll go and get the child.
27:45But no.
27:47If you say I can't give up my child,
27:48I know where your wife is.
27:50You'll go upstairs.
27:52You'll say, I'm going to have a child.
27:54We need to get a divorce.
27:56You'll come and get me married.
27:58If I can't show this courage,
28:01how are you going to be a father to your child?
28:04How are you going to be an example to him?
28:06I'm not afraid of anyone but God.
28:09This has nothing to do with courage.
28:12Is that so?
28:14What's stopping you?
28:15What's happening to you?
28:17The only thing that's not between you and me.
28:21I'm in love with my wife.
28:23I have nothing to do with love.
28:26It's been a long time since I stopped asking for love from you.
28:30The only thing I think about is my baby's future.
28:34It's up to you.
28:37Give you three days.
28:39Sit down and think.
28:42Which one is important to you?
28:43Tell me.
28:45Make a decision.
28:47Your baby
28:49or your love?
29:05You shouldn't have said no.
29:08What are you saying, mom?
29:10I'm saying this for you, son.
29:11Don't you see?
29:13He's out of balance.
29:15He says he'll try to get back at the kid.
29:17If something happens,
29:19you can't get rid of your conscience for the rest of your life.
29:21Are you giving me advice?
29:25What are you going to do?
29:27Are you going to send Beyza?
29:30Let her stay here.
29:32For now.
29:36Okay, let her stay.
29:38What's going to happen upstairs?
29:39I'll figure it out.
29:41I don't want any more problems.
30:09I'm sorry.
30:31Why don't you come to that pain?
30:35I told you what I meant.
30:37I apologized.
30:40How much longer are you going to make me angry?
30:59Guess where I am.
31:01Don't talk like you don't know, Beyza.
31:03Where are you?
31:05I'm where I belong.
31:07At the mansion.
31:09How did you do this?
31:12Thanks to that stupid girl.
31:14She put me in the mansion with her own hands.
31:17My plan is working.
31:20What did Cihan say about this?
31:22Didn't he object to you staying there?
31:24Of course he did.
31:26The moment he saw me, he tried to send me to your house.
31:28But the dagger defended me so well,
31:30it showed Cihan his claws like a panther.
31:33When my aunt followed me,
31:35with a little faint,
31:36Cihan had to put me in the mansion.
31:41I'm afraid of you.
31:44What's going to happen now?
31:46This was the first step of the plan.
31:48I don't know what's going to happen next.
31:51It's up to Cihan.
31:53Convincing Cihan won't be as easy as entering the mansion.
31:56Cihan has no intention of giving up on that girl.
31:59If he wants his child, he will give up.
32:02I gave him three days to decide.
32:04But you still come to visit me tomorrow.
32:08If you come,
32:10maybe it will be easier for Cihan to decide.
32:26You could have shot me with a dagger.
32:29But I won't give up.
32:31Neither my child, nor the dagger.
32:35I will solve this issue without harming them.
33:00I'm in love with my wife.
33:01What am I saying?
33:05I have nothing to do with love.
33:07It's been a long time since I stopped asking you for love.
33:10The only thing I think about is my baby's future.
33:13It's up to you.
33:15Give you three days.
33:17Sit down and think.
33:19Which one is more important to you?
33:21Make a decision.
33:23Your child or your love?
33:31I'm in love with my wife.
33:33It's up to you.
33:35Give you three days.
33:37Sit down and think.
33:39Which one is more important to you?
33:41Make a decision.
33:43Your child or your love?
33:45Make a decision.
33:47I'm in love with my wife.
33:49It's up to you.
33:51Give you three days.
33:53Sit down and think.
33:55Which one is more important to you?
33:58Make a decision.
33:59Your child or your love?
34:30You didn't slice the cheese.
34:33Mind your own business.
34:35Sit down and cry.
34:37You're the one who got into trouble.
34:40You're just wandering around.
34:42Mind your own business.
34:44You're so eloquent.
34:51What are you fighting about?
34:55She's making breakfast.
34:56She's making breakfast, ma'am.
34:59Where's Fadime?
35:01She went to the cellar.
35:03Call her.
35:05Why? What happened?
35:07We're going to give you information, Ms. Aysu.
35:09You'll understand when you call her.
35:12Did Ms. Burcu need anything?
35:15Now listen to me carefully.
35:17Beyza should go back to the mansion.
35:20She'll stay here from now on.
35:22You won't do what she says.
35:23You'll do what she says.
35:25Whatever she wants, whenever she wants,
35:27you'll prepare and take her immediately.
35:30You'll take care of her nutrition.
35:33Do you understand?
35:35Okay, ma'am. Of course.
35:37Of course, we'll do it.
35:39Is Ms. Beyza okay?
35:41She's fine.
35:43She's very fine.
35:45She's carrying the heir of the Develi sons in her womb.
35:53God bless you, ma'am.
35:55May God bless you all.
35:57May God grant you a healthy baby.
35:59Amen. Amen.
36:02What will happen to Hancer?
36:04Everyone will keep their mouths shut.
36:07Hancer won't know anything.
36:09When the time comes,
36:11she'll be sent out of this house.
36:26Where's Beyza?
36:28Where's my daughter?
36:30Stop, Nusret.
36:32Calm down.
36:34She's resting in her room upstairs.
36:36Why don't you call me and let me know?
36:38I was going to call you now.
36:40I went down to pick up the phone.
36:42Calm down.
36:44Let them make you coffee.
36:46I didn't come to chat, Ms. Mukadder.
36:48I'm going to take my daughter.
36:53Beyza is resting in her room.
36:55She must be devastated now.
36:57Let her rest.
36:59She can rest at home now.
37:01Didn't Beyza tell you?
37:03Beyza will stay here from now on.
37:05She'll stay with us.
37:07No way.
37:09My daughter can't stay in the house she was fired from.
37:11I won't let her.
37:13I don't understand why she came here anyway.
37:15I don't understand how she did this.
37:17But of course, I'll ask for her account separately.
37:20I'll sit with the damage.
37:22Think about your daughter, your granddaughter.
37:26I'm taking her because I think about her.
37:29Nusret, stop.
37:42What's going on here?
37:44I have nothing to do with you.
37:46I came to pick up my daughter.
37:48She was fired and came back home.
37:50But I'll teach her a lesson.
37:52Now I'm taking my daughter and leaving here.
37:55Don't worry.
37:57If you're going to take care of her, take her.
37:59Don't do anything stupid again.
38:02Are you telling me this?
38:04Is the man who doesn't take care of his child saying this?
38:23Don't do this.
38:25You can't take Beyza away from here.
38:27This is not her place anymore.
38:29It's my place.
38:33How can you say this?
38:35When you take Beyza away from here,
38:37he says he'll take your baby.
38:39Maybe that's the right thing to do.
38:41A child without a father will come to this world.
38:44Father and daughter.
38:46You must have lost your mind.
38:48Do you hear what you say?
38:50We're the only ones to blame.
38:52I talked to Cihan.
38:54He'll do what's necessary.
38:59I talked to Beyza.
39:01Let her tell you.
39:17Don't call me dad.
39:20I'm so angry.
39:22What are you doing here?
39:24I didn't come on my own.
39:26The dagger didn't leave me.
39:31You can't stay here any longer.
39:33Come on, pack your things, we're leaving.
39:35Nusret, don't do this.
39:37Beyza should stay here.
39:39You say she should stay here,
39:41but what will my daughter do here?
39:43My son doesn't give up on the other one.
39:45Will this child be born unmarried?
39:47How can that be?
39:49Cihan will do what's necessary.
39:51He'll divorce and marry Beyza again.
39:53Don't get upset.
39:55Your son doesn't listen to you anymore.
39:57Come on, Beyza.
39:59Shut up.
40:01I'm not going anywhere.
40:04What does that mean?
40:08Why did you call me here then?
40:11I gave Cihan three days off.
40:13If he doesn't give up on his decision,
40:14you'll come and take me.
40:18Do you think Cihan will change his mind?
40:21Will a man who doesn't respect his mother and father
40:24take care of his unborn child?
40:26Nusret, don't be so hard on Cihan.
40:29You're being unfair to Cihan.
40:31Your son deserves so much more.
40:33Anyway, Mrs. Mukadder.
40:35Come on, Beyza.
40:37Dad, please understand me.
40:39This is my baby's last chance.
40:41I promise.
40:42If Cihan doesn't do what's necessary,
40:44I'll get out of here myself.
40:46I won't even remember his name.
40:59As you wish.
41:03only for three days.
41:07Everything will be taken care of in these three days.
41:09Don't worry.
41:10We'll see.
41:12Especially if Cihan doesn't leave that girl.
41:14Look, I'm telling you now.
41:16Whatever Beyza says will happen.
41:18I can't give up on my daughter
41:20for the sake of Cihan.
41:43I won't be able to come today.
41:45Can you handle it?
41:47Of course, I can.
41:49Did something good happen?
41:51Beyza came to the mansion last night.
41:55There's more.
41:57Hançer brought her.
41:59Wait a minute.
42:01What do you mean?
42:03Beyza said she'd take the child.
42:05Hançer took Dayan and brought him to the mansion.
42:07What's going to happen now?
42:09I don't know, Engin.
42:11The atmosphere is very tense.
42:13I can't leave Beyza and Hançer in the same environment.
42:15It's not clear what Beyza will do.
42:17What are you going to do?
42:19You can't stay at home all the time.
42:21In the end,
42:23Beyza will stay with Hançer.
42:25If she wanted to say it, she would have said it by now.
42:28I think her intention is to make you say it.
42:30To force you to do this.
42:32Anyway, Engin.
42:33We'll talk later.
42:38Aren't you going to work?
42:40I'm at home today.
42:42Did you make a deal with your uncle?
42:45Like what?
42:47I heard the voices,
42:49but I became a listener without wanting to.
42:52What did you hear?
42:54You said you'd take care of Beyza.
42:56What are you going to do?
42:58Are you going to talk to her ex-husband?
43:01I'm going to talk to her husband.
43:03You learned. Are you comfortable?
43:05Look, you're going back and forth and coming across the same issue.
43:08That's enough.
43:10I'm asking you.
43:12Don't get involved.
43:16Breakfast is ready.
43:18They're waiting for you.
43:20Okay, we're coming.
43:32Don't go like this.
43:34I don't like it at all.
43:36We could have gone to breakfast.
43:38You've already made it clear to us, Mrs. Mukadder.
43:41I'm not going to eat at the table where my daughter was fired.
43:44That comfort is specific to your son.
43:47He's the only one who has the courage to put his predecessor on the same table as his predecessor.
43:52Let go of your hostility, Nusret.
43:54That boy is not just Cihan's son.
43:57He's your son.
43:58We have to think about him before anything else.
44:01It's obvious what we think.
44:04Let's see how much your son thinks about his child.
44:07We'll see.
44:09Enjoy your meal.
44:28Three days.
44:58Three days.
45:28Three days.
45:42What are you doing early in the morning, Cemil?
45:45I'm not doing anything, Deryem.
45:47I brought flowers for the flower of my life.
45:49Which garden did you send these to me from?
45:52I didn't send them from anywhere, Deryem.
45:54I went to get your favorite bagels.
45:55When I was returning, I picked them up from Hacce's garden.
45:58I looked, there were flowers like this in Hacce's garden.
46:01I said, don't these flowers look good on Deryem?
46:03I took it from there and brought it, Deryem.
46:05Come on, get ready, breakfast is ready for you.
46:07If you prepared breakfast, you should have brought it to the bed.
46:11I was going to bring it, Deryem.
46:13You're so crazy, you're waking up.
46:15I was afraid that your hand would hit your foot and it would spill on you.
46:17That's why I didn't do anything.
46:19Don't move now, I'll bring it right away.
46:21No, no, I'll come.
46:22One pepper, please.
46:24I already prepared it.
46:26There's only one egg left.
46:28Deryem, look, my head hurts a lot, it's swollen.
46:32I think I hit it somewhere at night.
46:34Something happened.
46:36Of course, you must have hit it.
46:38We'll apply ointment, don't worry.
46:40Okay, okay, Deryem.
46:42Come on, get ready slowly.
46:44Oh, thank God.
46:46He hasn't returned to Nemrut Cemil since last night.
46:48Oh, I'm a victim of this idiot.
46:50What was Nemrut Cemil like?
46:52He was an enemy.
47:14I told your uncle to sit down and have breakfast with us, but he had work to do.
47:21Come on, bring us some tea.
47:34We couldn't talk to you that night in that mess.
47:38What good did you do to bring Beyza?
47:41I was afraid she would do something crazy.
47:49If it weren't for you,
47:53who knows what Beyza was like.
47:58Come on, okay.
48:00Come on, sister.
48:02Don't you do the service?
48:21You squeeze fresh orange juice.
48:23Beyza needs vitamins.
48:25You eat well.
48:29Why is Beyza upstairs?
48:31Why isn't she eating breakfast?
48:38Because she's punished.
48:43Because she didn't listen to my uncle.
48:48Because she didn't listen to my uncle.
49:05Do you see?
49:07She was punished and returned to the mansion again.
49:11Look at her.
49:13She finds out she's pregnant the moment she gets divorced.
49:15She finds out she's pregnant the moment she gets divorced.
49:17Karadolu was also born on the same day.
49:19She's dressed up for trouble.
49:23Well, I don't know this or that,
49:25but it's going to be us again.
49:27Beyza took Mrs. Mukadder after her.
49:30We're going to take care of Naz and Niyaz for nine months.
49:33So what should sister do?
49:35She doesn't know anything, poor thing.
49:39That's what upsets me the most.
49:42If only she hadn't made Mr. Cihan wait too long.
49:45Is what you say easy, mom?
49:47How can he tell his beloved woman?
49:49Well, that's not something to hide.
49:53If I knew my daughter-in-law a little bit,
49:55she wouldn't stay in this mansion for a minute the moment she found out.
50:00It's going to be a mess.
50:02It's going to be sister Hancher.
50:18Come on, girl, you're going to be late for school.
50:20Go get ready with your sister Gülsüm.
50:46Is what Minel said true?
50:55Why is Beyza up there?
50:57Why doesn't she have breakfast with us?
51:08I asked you a question, Cihan.
51:13Why is Beyza up there?
51:15Hancher, that's enough.
51:19Because I thought it was appropriate.
51:25Stop asking me questions.
51:27Have breakfast.
51:29What would you do if I didn't?
51:33Are you going to punish me, too?
51:42Are you going to lock me up in my room?
51:46How do you talk to me?
51:57Calm down, son.
52:02Don't get involved in things that are not your job.
52:04Don't get involved in things that are not your job.
52:15If I hadn't gotten involved in this, I wouldn't have brought Beyza to this house.
52:19What I don't understand is why Cihan treated Beyza like a prisoner.
52:35Tell me, Cihan.
52:37What is Beyza's crime?
52:43Being pregnant with her husband?
