• 18 hours ago
Esaret - Episode 384 (English Subtitles) Redemption
01:15Love that cuz
01:33Guess the system
01:36Acuna Yaran
01:38Yesterday, I didn't like that. I'll tell you baby princess me
01:42Sen zaten çok güçlü bir çocuktun hep
01:45çok özledim baba seni
01:48Randa bile gördüm ben de sizi çok özledim canım kızım
01:51Abone ol
01:58Ya bizi bırakma baba
02:09Benim şimdi annenle çok önemli bir şey konuşmam gerek
02:12Sen içeri odaya geç onun için de oyna
02:16Belki odada seni bir sürprizde bekliyordur
02:19Hadi koş bakalım
02:27İçeride konuşalım
02:44Sahra'ya cevap veremedin
02:50Öyle olmasını istemezdim
02:54Ne oldu
02:58Ne oldu söylesene
03:01Bazı sorunlar çıktı
03:04Çözemeyeceğim kadar büyük sorunlar
03:08Maalesef işler değişti
03:11Sizi yurt dışına götürelim
03:18Tamam o zaman burada mı kalacağız yani saklanacak mıyız nereye gideceğiz ben tek gideceğim
03:29Şimdilik ayrılmak zorundayız
03:36Tehlikeli bir yoldan sınırı geçeceğim size bir şey olmasını göze alamam tek çözüm bu
03:42İki gün demiştim
03:45İki gün sonra sizi alacağım demiştim
03:48Evet söyledim tek düşüncem tek isteğim buydu
03:52Ama olmadı yoksa sizi bırakır mıyım sanıyorsun
03:59Çok özür dilerim
04:01Biliyorum seni hayal kırıklığına uğrattım hayatımız alt üst oldu
04:06Ama söz her şeyi düzelteceğim
04:09Ama böyle dememiştin
04:12Benim için de hiç kolay değil
04:15Ama yapamam
04:17Hayatınızı riske atamam
04:19Eğer sizi yanımda götürecek olursam çok büyük tehlikeyi atmış olurum
04:25Bunu kızıma yapamam
04:27Onun güvende olması lazım
04:31Ben dönene kadar
04:35Demirhanlı'nın evinde kalmanız en doğrusu
04:45Şimdilik güvenli tek yer
04:47Onun evi
04:49Güvenli tek yer
04:51Onun evi
04:53Onun evi
04:55Onun evi
04:57Onun evi
04:59Onun evi
05:01Güvenli tek yer
05:03Onun evi
05:11Demirhanlıyı ikimizde biliyoruz
05:13Onun evine yakında bile yaklaşmaya cesaret edemezler
05:17Sahra ile senin için en iyisi bu
05:27Ben o eve dönmem
05:31Yapma böyle ne olur
05:33Bak gururun sırası değil
05:39Ne hissettiğini çok iyi biliyorum
05:41O adamın sana yaptıklarını da çok iyi biliyorum
05:45Başka çarem olsa seni kendi ellerimle ona bırakır mıyım
05:49Yemin ederim
05:51Ne kadar uzun sürerse sürsün
05:53Sizi almak için mutlaka döneceğim
06:13Ne oldu baba
06:15Canım kızım benim
06:17Benim bir süreliğine
06:19Uzaklara gitmem gerekiyor
06:21Tek başıma
06:25Siz olmadan
06:27Ama neden
06:37İş yüzünden
06:39Anneye çok iyi bak olur mu
06:43Seni çok seviyorum
06:45Konişedi çok iyi bak
06:47Sakın yanından ayırma tamam mı
06:57Mutlaka döneceğim
06:59Konişedi çok iyi bak
07:01Sakın yanından ayırma tamam mı
07:04Sakın yanından ayırma tamam mı
07:14Mutlaka döneceğim
07:16Ne kadar uzun sürerse sürsün
07:33Ne kadar uzun sürerse sürsün
08:14Senden çok önemli bir şey isteyeceğim
08:18Mecbur kalmasam bunu isteyeceğim son kişisin
08:22İşler ters gitti
08:24Plan değişti
08:26Hira ile Sahra'yı yanımda götüremem
08:30Onları tehlikeye atamam
08:34Ne kadar süreceğini bilmiyorum
08:42Ben geri dönene kadar
08:46Onları korur musun
08:58Sana güvenebilir miyim
09:34Ben kızımı korurum
09:54Sana ihtiyacımız yok
09:56Gel kızım
11:30It's best if you stay at Demir Hanlı's house until I return.
12:06Are we going there again, mom?
12:15Snake! Snake!
12:19Snake, what are you doing here? Snake!
12:22What are you doing here?
13:40How can this be?
13:43She's in the same place as you.
13:48This is like putting salt on a wound that's been bandaged.
13:52Bleeding every day.
13:59You don't want it.
14:02Your look.
14:04Your steps.
14:07I know.
14:09You're like walking to your execution.
14:21You didn't want our daughter.
14:23Every time I look at you, I only remember this.
14:29With you.
14:32How can she be in the same house with her own father who doesn't want her?
14:45It's not easy for me either.
14:49Everything I dream of belongs to someone else.
14:56How can I?
14:58It's like yesterday.
15:00The pain and hatred are like yesterday.
15:04God, this is a nightmare.
15:26You'll be safe.
16:26Here you go.
16:32Thank you, dear.
16:34Enjoy your meal.
16:44I'm looking at the effect of the good news you got from Orhan.
16:48I don't understand. What good news?
16:50Look, he's pretending he doesn't know.
16:53Didn't Orhan tell you that he took Hira to his husband's house?
16:59What's the matter? Look, you're smiling.
17:02But you're right to be happy.
17:05Your opponent is Kartopu.
17:08Sister, what are you talking about?
17:10What do I care about Hira?
17:12What did he do to me?
17:14Besides, what a shame.
17:16I don't see anyone as a rival.
17:18I don't expect anything from anyone.
17:23It's all the same.
17:25You know what you're saying.
17:28It makes me feel so bad.
17:32Besides, it's a shame.
17:34Let's close this subject, please.
17:36Let's not close it, dear.
17:38Yes, this time your luck is gone.
17:40But there is no rule that this will always be like this.
17:43To marry the man you love.
17:45You move on now.
17:49I'm trying to help you.
17:54War gives you strength.
18:00You'll have the heart to conquer.
18:02Let it be yours in your heart.
18:04I thought we were talking about love.
18:07What difference does it make?
18:08They're both the same thing.
18:11Get a grip on yourself.
18:14You're so beautiful.
18:15You're so smart.
18:17Besides, you have a sister with you who is a strategist.
18:20You won't lose any war.
18:26Every sentence you say is unworthy.
18:28Your accusations are baseless.
18:30There will be nothing between Orhan and us.
18:32Understand now.
18:36You're the last person I'm going to recommend about love.
18:43I mean, it's not a goal for me to reach at the end of the year.
18:47If there is an emotional flow between the two people, there is.
18:50Otherwise, this is not something that can be done with tactics and strategy.
18:56So you're not going to do anything about Orhan.
19:00Keep being such a cutie.
19:02But you need to know this too, little lady.
19:05As long as you don't let the tear in you out of the cage, you can't have anything.
19:16What time is it?
19:17I have to call Orhan.
19:19That's what I'm saying.
19:21It's about work.
19:26Not on the phone.
19:27Talk to him face to face.
19:28Talk about it at dinner.
19:31You're right.
19:32Actually, it would be better if we talked face to face.
19:34It's not a matter to talk on the phone.
19:38Anyway, if you're going to call, call with the image.
19:42We neglected the garden a lot.
19:44Tell the gardener to plant colorful flowers like this.
19:48Let it revive the landscape a little.
19:52What do you think of Sardinia, lady?
19:54It has various colors.
19:59The garden of the irons we mentioned.
20:02Plant English roses.
20:04Plant a lot of flowers.
20:06The garden of the irons we mentioned.
20:08Plant English roses.
20:10Plenty of jokers.
20:12If it holds, a little lilium.
20:16You're right, lady.
20:17I'm taking notes right away.
20:23I'm going to the workshop.
20:24I'm going to paint.
20:36I'm going to paint.
21:06I'm going to paint.
21:15You go to the workshop.
21:32What does this mean?
21:33What are they doing in this house?
21:36They'll stay here.
21:38Doesn't this woman have a husband?
21:41Why doesn't he take care of his wife and child?
21:45No answer will convince you.
21:48So don't deal with the reasons.
22:10What did you do?
22:12You set up our house like a snake again.
22:53I'm fine.
22:55It's just a little windy.
22:56This is me.
22:58Let me open the window.
23:24Are we always going to stay here?
23:31For now, the only safe place is his house.
23:34You will be safe.
23:35We know who Demirhan is.
23:37They don't even dare to come close to his house.
23:41This is the best place for you and Sahra.
23:43I'm going to stay here for a while.
23:44You have to.
23:45You have to.
23:47It's not the time to be proud.
23:48I know very well what you feel.
23:50Mom, are you okay?
23:51I also know very well what they did to you.
23:54What does this mean?
23:55What are they doing in this house?
23:56Doesn't this woman have a husband?
23:57Why doesn't he take care of his wife and child?
23:59If I had another choice, I wouldn't leave you to him with my own hands.
25:03We couldn't talk when you called.
25:05If you don't mind, I was going to say let's get things out of the way.
25:12Are you okay?
25:13Your voice sounds bad.
25:16I'm fine.
25:22Do you remember the documents about the logistics agreement I told you about the other day?
25:28We said let's go over some items.
25:30What items?
25:32There are three items that we need to detail in the contract.
25:36I say let's meet for dinner and go over them face to face.
25:45Actually, I have another job to take care of tonight.
25:49Can we take care of it on the phone?
25:55As you wish.
25:57Let me get the documents.
26:08Mom, wake up.
26:10Wake up, please.
26:30I brought water, mom.
26:32Open your eyes.
26:34Wake up, mom.
26:40Mom, wake up, please.
26:42I'm so scared.
26:46Please don't die, mom.
26:49Please don't die.
27:07It's not about the company the logistics company has an agreement with.
27:11We're going to make the policy based on the company we work for.
27:15Don't change that article.
27:19I'm taking notes.
27:35Something happened.
27:40Don't tell me. I'll call you later.
27:50Did he cover your face?
27:52He'll call later.
27:54So you don't meet in the evening.
27:56Since you made the contract on the phone.
27:59Did something happen?
28:01I had to turn it off.
28:07I wish I was a little more persistent.
28:09I wish I had guaranteed dinner.
28:14You can call me later.
28:20What happened?
28:23What happened to your mother?
28:25Calm down.
28:27Tell me.
28:28Where is your mother?
28:29I can't wake up.
28:37No, I got the answer. You're giving up.
28:39Be a little bit.
28:41Did he say no this evening?
28:42He said no.
28:43You'll say let's meet at breakfast tomorrow.
28:47Find a way to keep yourself close to Orhan.
29:12Open your eyes.
29:14Do you hear me?
29:17Open your eyes.
30:31Wake up.
30:33Don't leave me.
30:34Wake up.
30:41Wake up, please.
30:46He'll be fine.
30:48Don't worry.
31:05There are beautiful flowers in the garden.
31:09Mom loves flowers.
31:11When you wake up, you'll feel good.
31:15Mom loves flowers.
31:22Come on.
31:50God damn it.
31:52There is no salvation from that woman.
31:55We sleep, we wake up.
31:57We find ourselves in the same nightmare.
31:59We find ourselves in the same nightmare.
32:03Ma'am, please calm down.
32:07I'm worried that something will happen to you.
32:09What do I care?
32:15That woman has settled in my family like a disease in her son's mind.
32:21It's already getting worse.
32:24But no, I will never let this happen.
32:29I will never let that woman have my son again.
34:00Will you always take care of me like this?
34:03Taking care of you is always a necessity for me.
34:08I need to know that you are okay.
34:11I will always take care of you, like breathing, drinking water.
34:17Even now.
34:23...I won't fit in my bed.
34:30I love you.
34:32I love you.
34:34I love you.
34:36I love you.
34:38I love you.
34:40I love you.
34:42I love you.
34:44I love you.
34:46I love you.
34:48I love you.
34:50I love you.
34:52I love you.
34:54I love you.
34:56I love you.
34:57I love you.
34:59I love you.
35:06Always be with me, okay?
35:09No matter what.
35:11No matter what.
35:14Are you here?
35:18I'm here.
35:28I'm here.
35:42Slow down.
35:44Don't act in a hurry.
35:45Zahra, where's Zahra?
35:50In the garden.
35:51She told me you were unconscious, she was so afraid.
35:55It's safe here, don't worry.
36:25You knew you wouldn't take us with you, you knew you'd entrusted us to you, but you didn't tell us.
36:37I found out later.
36:40The plans have changed.
36:45If I didn't have to, I would never...
36:47It's not easy for me to stay here.
36:55I know you don't want it, but this is the best for both of you.
37:13Because you know the best and the best of everything, don't you?
37:17My opinion, my right to make decisions about my life, even if it means counting my will to nothing, the only truth is yours.
37:26You make your decision without asking.
37:33There is no old Hira anymore.
37:36I make the decisions about my life.
37:39I take care of my own good.
37:41If I think what's right for me and my daughter, I'll do it.
37:49Do whatever you want.
37:52No one will stop you.
37:55Stay or go.
38:12the only safe place for now is his house.
38:17I'll take care of him.
38:30I'll take care of him.
38:32I'll take care of him.
38:35I'll take care of him.
38:38I'll take care of him.
38:41We both know Demirhan very well.
38:43They don't even dare to come close to his house.
38:47He is the best for you and Sahra.
39:41Is my mom awake?
39:47Can I have these flowers?
39:52How did you know that my mom loves flowers?
40:11You know me best in this life.
40:20You understand me best.
40:22What I love and what I am sad about.
40:25You are the last person who makes me cry whenever I lose my way.
40:47I'm sorry I came without telling you.
40:50I was wondering when you hung up because something happened on the phone.
40:53Is everything okay?
40:59They didn't leave?
41:03They'll be here for a while.
41:09I understand.
41:14Let's get this done on the phone.
41:20Thank you so much. They are so beautiful.
41:43I'm afraid something will happen to you.
41:46Don't be afraid.
41:48Do you know why?
41:50Because mothers never leave their babies.
41:54I will always be with you.
42:09He collected the flowers.
42:17If I don't give him water, he can take it.
42:35Come in.
42:50Mr. Orhan sent it.
43:17I'll be back.
43:19Sit down.
43:23Eat your food.
43:25You eat too, mom.
43:27I'm not hungry. You eat.
43:42Do whatever you want.
43:45No one will stop you.
43:48Stay or leave.
44:11I'm sorry.
44:20So her husband entrusted them to you, right?
44:24They should be safe.
44:27But he doesn't want to stay here.
44:31But it has to be logical for the child.
44:36If you want, I can arrange a safe place in Istanbul.
44:40My mother is with me.
44:52How long do you think this situation will last?
44:55I don't know.
45:00He said he would come back and take them.
45:03But it doesn't look like it's going to be that easy.
45:07So it's not clear how long it will last.
45:12I understand.
45:14It's a difficult situation.
45:20For whom?
45:36To be continued...
46:06To be continued...
46:29If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have stayed in this hell for a second.
46:34Everything is for you to be safe.
46:49But I can't stay here like this.
46:51There must be a solution.
47:03To be continued...
47:33To be continued...
48:03To be continued...
48:33To be continued...
48:52The only thing that doesn't change is my faith and pride.
49:04To be continued...
49:08Despite everything, you will stay here with me.
49:14You can't be anywhere else.
49:33To be continued...
50:03To be continued...
50:33To be continued...
51:04To be continued...
51:10To be continued...
51:29To be continued...
51:40To be continued...
51:47To be continued...
51:58To be continued...
52:09I decided to stay, but on one condition.
52:37I will pay for the food we ate and the bed we slept on.
52:42By working.
52:45Here, in this house, I will work as a servant.
53:065 months later
53:15I'm going to make a new bed and new sheets.
53:21I still have a lot of things to do, and I want to do the best I can.
