• 2 days ago


00:00I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted.
00:02I haven't been able to take any content here.
00:04I haven't really done any of that,
00:05because I have just been putting all of my energy into challenges.
00:09Yeah. And...
00:11Just give me a second.
00:15So, I struggle with crippling anxiety.
00:18What's going on, baby?
00:20I think I just got a bit overwhelmed,
00:21because I've been feeling a lot of anxiety.
00:23I've been feeling a lot of anxiety.
00:25I've been feeling a lot of anxiety.
00:26I've been feeling a lot of anxiety.
00:28I think I just got a bit overwhelmed,
00:30because I've been feeling, like...
00:31Obviously, I struggle with anxiety,
00:33so everything's just been a lot.
00:34Yeah. I was really worried about that,
00:37like, affecting me on the show.
00:38Like, I was, like, scared that it was going to, like,
00:40not let me, like, be myself.
00:42To be honest, I've been coping better than I thought I would.
00:44Yeah, same. It's the first time I've cried.
00:46And you're doing, like, incredible.
00:48You've done amazing. I'm so proud of you.
00:49You're an elite. You've, like, powered through this entire competition.
00:52You should be very proud of yourself. It's so crazy.
00:54This has been a crazy experience for all of us, you know?
00:56I feel like, with all of us at the Slughouse,
00:58it's been really good, because we're all doing the same thing together
01:01and being surrounded with each other 24-7.
01:04It's like we've created family now, isn't it?
01:06Like, we know so much about each other, and, like...
01:08We're all so close. Yeah.
01:11I do feel really at home at the Slughouse,
01:13because you do always have that sense of family
01:16with other sex workers,
01:17and it's the same in the queer community as well.
01:20We're close to the end now.
01:22Yeah. We're almost over.
01:23Tomorrow's going to be emotional.
01:24I know, yeah.
01:26Everybody's been so lovely and, like, helped me through it.
01:29But, yeah, I've just been powering through
01:32and fake it till you make it, I guess.
01:34Oh, we love you, Mama. We love you, Mama.
01:36You're so cute.
01:40I love you. I love you.
01:44Sabrina, congratulations on your win last night.
01:47I'm so happy about it.
01:50I feel like I do quite a few shoots
01:52and I quite like alternative porn and fetish porn,
01:55so it was so nice to be able to showcase my quirky, sexy side.
01:59And I was, like, worried about this one,
02:02because I'm like, this is absolutely my chance
02:04to apply the feedback that I've been getting.
02:06We did the skit, and I felt like I was really living in
02:10what she was trying to bring out of me,
02:12so it felt like a victory yesterday, you know?
02:14Yes! Definitely. And fun.
02:16And fun. We had fun.
02:17I bet you were the sexiest pirate.
02:20I don't know about that, but I was like,
02:22oh, you know what, I'd wear this again.
02:23I know.
02:25Yesterday felt like a big victory to me.
02:28I was just excited to see what the day had in store
02:30and I was ready to take everything on.
02:31So, do you like working in nightlife?
02:33Yeah, I love it.
02:35I feel like I had to find a balance at some point.
02:38I remember when I was dancing loads
02:40and I feel like I, like, slipped into using nightlife
02:43as an excuse to, like, drink or do drugs
02:46and kind of didn't really see that it was actually hindering me.
02:50I used to go and I'd dance and I'd think,
02:52oh, I need a drink to calm down, I need X drug to stay awake.
02:56And then I'd finish the shift and I'd literally be so ill.
02:59Like, physically, I'd maybe, like, be vomiting
03:01or, like, I'd be, like, just really upset.
03:04I've met a lot of inspirational, sober people in nightlife,
03:07so I just want to take from them, really.
03:09You know, I'm in recovery myself.
03:11Really? Yes.
03:12Oh, my gosh.
03:15And I didn't start working in nightlife
03:17until I was already in recovery.
03:21Stripping was the first job I got literally straight out of rehab
03:24and I knew I've always wanted to be a stripper
03:27and it's all the more reason to really keep on my toes.
03:31One mistake away from me going right back to being that person
03:35and losing everything I've worked so hard to build.
03:37I don't think I would have found the degree of success
03:41that I've found in that field
03:42if I wasn't able to keep my shit together.
03:44It's so inspirational to me to see you as the star you are now.
03:47Oh, my God, thank you.
03:48And to know that you've come so far.
03:50If you met me before, it's like night and day.
03:54Literally a totally different person.
03:55It's like all about your own individual journey
03:57and just to not reject or stigmatise any of it is so important.
04:00Absolutely. And if we weren't taking care of ourselves,
04:03we probably wouldn't be here.
04:05No, definitely not.
04:06Oh, my God. I know I love you.
04:08I love you even more.
04:09We get each other. I love you.
04:11I love Sabrina and, like, we really...
04:13I vibed with everyone, but we really vibed this time around
04:16and, like, for us to kind of share something in common
04:19and be able to kind of bounce these ideas off each other,
04:21it's always nice to talk about that with someone.
04:23You're amazing.
04:25Seriously, no bullshit.
04:26If you are struggling with addiction,
04:28here are some ways to get the support you deserve.
04:34We're nearly at the end.
04:36I'm not ready. I'm not ready.
04:37I'm not ready.
04:39Not to be that cliche bitch,
04:40but it actually is like I've made so many, like,
04:42really good friends right now.
04:44I like you guys quite a bit.
04:45I like that.
04:46Roxanne, I wasn't so sure about you at first.
04:48I was like, I don't know, like, what is it about this guy?
04:52He's a little guard, a little abrasive.
04:53He's a little brash.
04:54He can come across a little bit much.
04:57I think it's actually that we're quite similar.
04:59I tend to, like, not like...
05:01I'm like, what is it about this guy?
05:02And then I look in the mirror, I'm like, ah.
05:04You're such a sweetie pie, though.
05:05Thank you. Thank you.
05:07Like, I am a nice person.
05:08It just takes me a while to, like, show that.
05:11Coming in here has been hard and, you know,
05:14it's taken me a couple of days.
05:16Being business-lag and stuff like that,
05:17like, I feel like, for me, it's such a coping mechanism.
05:20For the first, like, ten years of my life,
05:22I wasn't even raised by my parents.
05:24My mum was a single mum and she worked two jobs,
05:26so there would be days where I wouldn't see her,
05:28like, from, like, the age of, like, five, six.
05:31I was taking myself to school.
05:32I was packing my own lunches.
05:33Like, sometimes if I didn't see my mum,
05:36like, for, like, a day or two,
05:37I would have to go to school with no food
05:39because she was always working,
05:40so I had to look after myself from that age.
05:42And, like, you know, with getting to know everyone,
05:45like, I was kidnapped as a child as well.
05:49So, for me, like, I was kidnapped and raped,
05:51and so, for me, it's just...
05:54..it's hard to...
05:56I don't know, like, when I see everybody, like,
05:58compliment each other and get along,
06:00I'm not used to that. Like, I was never given that,
06:01so it's hard for me to give that to other people.
06:04I think, for me, I really wanted to take this opportunity,
06:06I guess, to explain myself and tell the other contestants,
06:10hey, this is why I'm a little bit guarded.
06:12This is why, you know, I might not have opened up in the past.
06:17That has been such a relief for me
06:19that I was able to do in this time.
06:20So, that's why it's taken me longer
06:22throughout this competition to feel comfortable
06:24and to let go, because I just haven't felt safe.
06:26But I'm starting to feel that way now.
06:32Thank you so much for sharing that with us, though, like,
06:34and, like, you know, that you can trust us.
06:37I am in this, like, insanely talented group of people.
06:41I feel like I've made lifelong friends,
06:43or, like, met people that have always been lifelong friends,
06:45and it's been crazy.
06:48Let's go get ready for the rest of the day.
06:50We have to. We have to.
06:52And, Coco, before we do, please give me your best Naomi.
06:54Naomi in the moo-moo. You'd better work that moo-moo.
06:57OK, all right, all right. Supermodel slag.
07:01Yes. Yes, come on. Yes, bitch.
07:03Come on.
07:04You sell it. Work that moo-moo.
07:07It's just the face.
07:09The last day of the competition is getting heavy.
07:11Thankfully, Rebecca has a surefire way to re-centre our chakras.
07:15Or, in her case, our chakras.
07:18Matt, Fanny, I can't wait to tell you
07:20about my brand-new business venture,
07:23Mistress Moore Meditation.
07:27This is the Mistress Moore Meditation and Relaxation Session,
07:31and they're going to be my guinea pigs.
07:33I thought right now is the perfect time to test it out.
07:36You two have been doing a fantastic job on judging with me,
07:39but I want you to be centred and relaxed
07:42until our last day tomorrow.
07:45The first pose came to me one Saturday night
07:47when I was on my back and I thought,
07:49gee, this has never been done before.
07:51The missionary mistress.
07:53Oh. Mm.
07:59And just relax.
08:00Come on, then, join in. All right. OK.
08:03Whatever Rebecca wants me to do, I'm going to do it.
08:05OK, now spread them nice and wide.
08:08I find I really enjoy letting off a sound,
08:13letting out the bad energy and in with the good energy, like this.
08:21Come on, let it out. That's it.
08:22Fanny, you're a top student, Fanny. Let it out.
08:26More rhythm. Ah!
08:33This is perfect.
08:36I can feel the negative energy just coming out of your bodies.
08:40This is why you are my judges.
08:43We really was doing some yoga.
08:45The arse-to-mouth relaxer.
08:47Ooh. What? Are you ready?
08:50Like this, and then just rock forward.
08:53We mouth wide.
08:54Oh, my.
08:55It is very important you stick your tongue out
08:59and, I mean, eyes open as well, OK?
09:02Ah! Ah!
09:04Ah! Ah!
09:07In with the good air, out with the bad.
09:10I'm pretty sure this is what Goonie is.
09:12Go faster! Faster! Faster!
09:16Faster! Brush those hips! Brush those hips!
09:19Brush those hips! That's it, Fanny!
09:21That's it, Fanny! That's it!
09:22That's my judges! That's my judges!
09:25Matt and Fanny are doing fantastic.
09:27This is definitely getting them in the headspace to do our top four.
09:30Thank you for being my guinea pigs in my trial run
09:32Mistress More meditation and relaxation session.
09:36Did you like it? Oh, I'm ready.
09:38I'm ready to bring good judgement
09:40and keep an eye on these slags for you.
09:43And trust me, I got my third eye on all of them.
09:46Matt and Fanny are in the total right headspace right now.
09:50I can't wait for the rest of the day.
09:52Let's go and judge some slags! Yeah!
10:02It's the day before our finale!
10:08I have no idea what to expect.
10:11I am so nervous.
10:13All of the challenges up until now have been a rehearsal.
10:17There is no foreplay challenge.
10:19No foreplay?
10:21Inappropriate, but OK.
10:22Because you will be repeating all of your passion projects
10:25by the end of the day.
10:27You will be repeating all of your passion projects
10:30back-to-back in one afternoon!
10:32Oh, fuck.
10:36OK, well, you know what, this is a chance to, like,
10:39do it all again, but better.
10:42Every single one of these bitches is more than capable
10:45of turning it out, and I hope I'm one of them.
10:47This is very, very serious.
10:49And I've had to call in reinforcements to help me out.
10:52Scruff are one of the most popular dating apps in the world.
10:56Scruff is a multi-million-dollar brand.
11:00These are not just reality show challenges.
11:03They regularly hire slags like us.
11:07You're going to be doing your passion project for real.
11:10This is real now.
11:12The slag's going to create content
11:13for a multi-million-dollar brand.
11:15Oh, my God, this is, like, going to be a lot.
11:17This marketing and communication degree that I have...
11:21..it's coming in now.
11:22Scruff has even hired me before.
11:26So you'll want to impress them.
11:29Oh, we're getting serious. Holy hell, we're getting serious.
11:32Tonight's passion project is worth up to 50 points.
11:3850 points? 50 points.
11:40What the fuck? That could change the game for everyone.
11:43We are going to select our top four,
11:46so it's still anyone's game.
11:49That's changing my position in this competition.
11:51Branding is...
11:53That's the thing, right?
11:55So I'd like to impress them.
11:56Jonny Scruff will be here soon, so go get ready, slags.
12:09Welcome, Jonny, to the Slag House.
12:12Thank you. It's great to be here.
12:14Have you been enjoying yourself in the countryside?
12:17I have been enjoying myself. It's quite lovely out here.
12:20Tell us a bit more about the Scruff brand.
12:21They have to incorporate this brand.
12:23They have to get the Scruff brand out there.
12:26The client is right in front of them,
12:27seeing where his brand is being positioned.
12:30We're about connecting the LGBTQ plus community
12:32nearby and globally, so I'm super excited to see
12:35what the slags got for us
12:36and how they're going to represent the brand.
12:38All of a sudden, all of the slags are models for real
12:40for a huge company.
12:42They've got to take everything I've showed them and apply it.
12:44Matt, Fanny, are you excited to see how far our slags have come?
12:47I'm so fucking excited. Let's do it, bitch!
12:50Let's do it! It's going to be a wild ride.
12:54First, in honour of Le Coq Cabaret,
12:56the slags have to do a strip tease inspired by Scruff.
12:59Let's go!
13:00Let's go!
13:02Let's go!
13:04Let's go!
13:07Let's go!
13:11Let's go!
13:13Let's go!
13:15Let's go!
13:16Take a seat, sit back and do the show.
13:21I'm going to show off all my body.
13:24I'm going to show off my big, juicy ass.
13:28Full use of the booty.
13:30Oh, oh, oh!
13:32Tired of sleeping on your best friend's couch
13:35and you can't see nothing, I'll kick you out.
13:37So I'm going to start off with some scissors
13:40and give you a bit of danger.
13:41And then I'm going to do the whole wet T-shirt thing
13:43and drool all over my tits.
13:47Oh, look at the back.
13:54I like a slow and sensual beat and this is just, like,
13:57chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos.
14:07This is an absolute banger.
14:09I'm absolutely loving taking off all of my clothes,
14:13getting butt-fucking naked.
14:15I see what she's doing here.
14:19Take it till you make it.
14:21I've got a little bit of steam left in me.
14:23Why not fucking go for it and see what I can do?
14:27Rip it! Rip it!
14:29I ripped all my clothes off, I crawled all my way to the judges,
14:31I gave them each their own personal little show.
14:34Except Matthew, I think he's had enough of me this competition.
14:36Bam, I'll rip the first top off.
14:38What's that? End of a scruff top.
14:40I undo this one.
14:41Bam, what's this?
14:43From the back, she's naked.
14:45Oh, wow, big whoop. Uh-uh.
14:51I turn around, I've got a scruff on all of my titties,
14:53on my body, on my boom-boom.
14:57Hey, hey.
15:03Mind you, he's gooning here.
15:08I did what I do.
15:22Now, that's what we call a trick.
15:25I'm shaking my ass, I'm twerking, I'm sitting on Johnny,
15:27I'm sitting on Rebecca, I'm fucking it up.
15:35Come on!
15:39Oh, that's rare.
15:41Oscar, thank you, Oscar.
15:46Oh, my God.
15:48That was awesome.
15:50Next, inspired by the Kink Olympics,
15:52the slags have to do a foot fetish scene for the judges.
15:55Do you like my shoes?
15:57Love them.
15:58You like them? Mm-hm.
16:01Love you, Mistress.
16:02Great branding.
16:03You want to worship my feet?
16:06You can start by licking my toes.
16:09Can you smell them?
16:11Oh, I can smell them.
16:12I've been running all day
16:14and my feet are so fucking sweaty.
16:21I've been getting a lot of requests about my socks these days.
16:25Unlucky for you, I got plenty.
16:32So, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yeah?
16:40Do you think maybe you could help me clean them?
16:42Would you open your legs for me?
16:43Of course.
16:45What are you doing, Scruff Bro?
16:47Are you looking at my feet?
16:49You want to sniff my dirty socks?
16:50Oh, dirty!
16:52You must want to taste some soap, huh?
16:57You can watch me smoke while I do it.
17:00There I am, smoking my little cigarette.
17:02I'm just there, licking my ass on my foot.
17:07Lick it up.
17:09I think maybe you might want to help me take my snuffing off.
17:13I tried to give them a little bit of burlesque,
17:15striptease-type situation with my feet.
17:24I do a lot of foot stuff online,
17:25so this is right up my alley for sure.
17:28Oh, yeah, let's get all that fluff out of my toes.
17:32So we used that Scruff bandana
17:33and just got all those nice little toes clean.
17:36Yeah, you're kind of cute.
17:38I think we should have a little bit of fun now.
17:42They are a little secret.
17:47Check out the Bader tag.
17:49Oh, yeah.
17:51Could probably fit anywhere.
17:53I don't think you want it bad enough.
17:56I think you can do better than that.
18:01Oh, my, my, my.
18:03Oh, oh, oh!
18:05Oh, oh, oh!
18:12You missed a spot.
18:15The brand.
18:17I write Scruff on my foot
18:18with that Cock Destroyer red lipstick.
18:21Thank you so much for all your help.
18:23For their final challenge,
18:24the Slags are going to shove their funny bones
18:26down the judges' throats
18:27with their Scruff-inspired characters.
18:30What's up, bro?
18:31I'm looking for now on Scruff.
18:33Oh, damn, look at you up there.
18:35Woof. Raw only. Raw only.
18:37I'm looking for, like, mostly, like, gym bros.
18:39Like, if you want to hang out and, like, work out,
18:41we could, like, get coffee or, like, talk.
18:44You can, like, fist my ass in my car later if you want.
18:46Like, that'd be totally cool, actually.
18:48Who's that guy holding a fish?
18:51Guy holding a fish?
18:53My name's Luann.
18:55I live in the state of Tennessee.
18:57OK, who we got over here?
18:59Oh, shit, that's my cousin.
19:01Hello, Abby Lee.
19:03I didn't know you were fruity.
19:06Oh, he looks cute.
19:08He's too big for me.
19:09I have a small, tight pussy.
19:11It's not going to fit.
19:12Let me find something smaller.
19:18She's fussy.
19:19Let's talk to you.
19:21What are you into?
19:23Yeah, sorry, I don't have pics, but I promise I'm good-looking.
19:28Just got on planet Earth and I'm horny as hell.
19:32I need some of this...
19:34What do they call it? Human cock.
19:37Now, the Slags are going to unlock their private albums
19:39for the judges in a sexy, scruff photo shoot.
19:42Dollars, pounds, rubies, gold.
19:45Silver, sapphires, diamonds, pearls.
19:49Dollars, pounds, rubies, gold.
19:52Silver, sapphires, diamonds, pearls.
19:56That I ain't on dirt.
19:58Matt is a really good scene partner when it comes to modelling,
20:01so it felt really smooth.
20:02I felt comfortable with it.
20:03I love the part where I spat in his mouth.
20:05Could do that again.
20:08Asking Matt Camp to goon for me when I'm in charge
20:12was probably the funniest thing that's happened to me in a long time.
20:15There's the shot. Yeah!
20:17There's the money.
20:18From that first photo shoot when we had the Halloween one,
20:21I was convinced that was sabotage
20:22because I know we work good together.
20:24This is my time to show you who Coco Kink is.
20:29I'm making a cute little bikini.
20:30We've got a little halter top with little suspenders.
20:33Love the face.
20:34Very picking up, very cute.
20:36I'm so proud of myself because I feel like
20:37I really just turned it on.
20:41This is my job. This is what I do day in, day out.
20:43So, like, I love this shit. It was really fun.
20:45I hope I took Rebecca's critiques from the last one
20:47and really put it into this challenge.
20:49Oh, wow.
20:52Matt Camp is spitting water on me.
20:54The water droplets are looking hot.
20:56I look sweaty and sexy.
20:57We're both very silly and fun.
20:59I made him spit in my mouth.
21:01Like, yeah, that was cute.
21:03Oh, wow, she's on your toes.
21:04Yes, yes, I really want it
21:07Makes me feel so fine
21:11Got to have it, got, got, I got to have it
21:14I can't see past nine
21:18Yes, I want it, yes, yes, I really want it
21:21Makes me feel so fine
21:25Got to have it, got, got, I got to have it
21:30Judges are going to go inside to figure out their final scores.
21:33Meanwhile, I'm going to go do my own Scruff Challenge
21:36by deep-throating every guy within a five-mile radius.
21:38Thanks, Scruff.
21:50Wow, we just watched, what was it, 500 shows?
21:54Woo! So, yeah.
21:56Today's judgement is really important
21:58because Scruff, they're going to use this content for real.
22:01Johnny, it is great having you here in my bedroom.
22:03Now, as the co-founder of Scruff,
22:05overall, how do you think they all did?
22:07I'm blown away. Blown away.
22:09I mean, they were amazing.
22:10The way the brand was represented,
22:12everyone did an incredible job.
22:13True Cocktaurus style is just go over the top.
22:16Yeah. I wanted to see them really using the brand.
22:19We've been mentoring and teaching the slags all week.
22:22I cannot wait to really get down to the nitty-gritty.
22:24You're actually going to be using this content,
22:26so this is serious stuff.
22:27Let's start with Freya.
22:29You could see a lot of growth,
22:30especially, like, the feet and the egg.
22:33I mean, she almost risked Salmonella.
22:35Freya has come such a long way.
22:38I'm really proud of her.
22:39I think today was a big challenge again for her,
22:41but she overcame that, and I think she really flourished.
22:44What about Sabrina?
22:46She knows her body, she knows how to work it,
22:49and to be honest, I do not think she's a virgin.
22:52Sabrina looked so confident with all of her challenges,
22:54and she's hot.
22:55She's so well-spoken,
22:56and she knows how to engage with the camera.
22:58She knows how to engage with the judges.
23:00I do feel like her foot one,
23:02I don't recall seeing too much scruff going on there.
23:07I was just keeping an eye out
23:08of where they were placing the products, et cetera.
23:10Sabrina did so well with all her challenges.
23:13I just wish her foot fetish had been better.
23:15I needed more branding.
23:17Johnny, what do you think about Braxton overall?
23:19I love him, I love him,
23:21but, you know, I probably could have seen a little more scruff.
23:23You know, some other people really set a high standard
23:25in how much they utilise the brand.
23:27I'd like to see a little bit more branding from him.
23:29Obviously, Braxton is sexy,
23:31but I still need more branding there.
23:34Coco, Fanny, what do you think about Coco?
23:36I mean, she used every piece of product that she could.
23:39Like, every time she scruffed down,
23:41she had multiple layers of scruff stuff.
23:43All through this competition, we've been saying
23:45we're looking for something more from Coco.
23:46She haven't, but we're looking for something more.
23:48We're looking for that edge,
23:49and I feel like today she took us over the edge.
23:53I thought that you were long gone, honey,
23:55but you have stepped it up.
23:57Mama Mamba.
23:59Obviously, Mama Mamba has been a frontrunner.
24:04I think that's so funny, actually.
24:07Mama Mamba has been a frontrunner
24:10for most of this competition.
24:13So do you think she's still there, Matt?
24:14I do. She's been so consistent
24:16throughout this entire competition.
24:19Pinprick precision.
24:20I always say this every time,
24:21but she's so graceful with everything.
24:23Like, from the time y'all started
24:24to the time y'all finished, it's been up and down.
24:27Oh, Clown Slag, JV.
24:35His thing is all about gooning.
24:38He pulls that trick out in every one of his challenges.
24:40He really brings it back to that.
24:42Awesome use of products.
24:44He had holes in his socks,
24:46and put the stickers so you could see it through the socks.
24:48I love that. Yeah, it was creative.
24:49Clever. Yeah, it was clever.
24:51Damien, what do you think, Johnny?
24:53I mean... Well, wow.
24:55I mean, just from the very first challenge when he...
24:58I mean, look, he came right up to me and...
25:01He sure did.
25:02Just, you know, gave it.
25:04Is he making you...
25:05Oh, man, it's like I'm just like, uh-uh-uh-uh.
25:07Damien, Damien, I don't know who that was.
25:11But I just, when he...
25:13His reveals with the Scruff branding,
25:16boom, Scruff, like, bam, it just, like, hit me.
25:18He was very smart to distract you from that.
25:20He did.
25:21He was distracted.
25:22He knew what he was doing.
25:24Damien, everything was so on point.
25:26He was definitely a slag.
25:29What do you think about Oscar?
25:30Very sexy, very, very, very hot.
25:33Oscar's obviously a model.
25:35He's so good at this.
25:36I actually love the photo shoot.
25:38Very good indeed, I've got written down here.
25:40Very good indeed.
25:42Very good indeed, Oscar.
25:44Johnny, thank you for dropping by the Slag House.
25:47I hope you had a great time.
25:49We're going to spend some time now
25:51having a think about which slag's going straight to the top.
26:05It's the final lip ceremony.
26:06I'm so nervous because I think it's really anyone's game.
26:1050 points, anything could fucking happen.
26:12I have no idea what Rebecca's going to say.
26:15I'm so nervous.
26:16I'm so nervous.
26:17I'm so nervous.
26:18I don't know what I'm going to say.
26:24Slags, welcome to tonight's golden lip ceremony.
26:29I'm going to start things off without my notebook.
26:32I am so proud of all of you.
26:36I have watched all of you really push your limits
26:40and also getting to know each other
26:42and making new slag friends.
26:45With that being said, it's now time for me to announce
26:49our top four slags.
26:52The fate of these dirty, dirty slags is about to be decided.
26:56Mama Mamba.
27:01I was really stressed today.
27:02I had a really rough day,
27:04so the fact that I still pulled it out of the bag,
27:06I am shooketh.
27:07You have been very, very consistent.
27:10This really pushed you through.
27:12Overall, your points are worth 169.
27:19Well, I'll be there.
27:21169 points, so I feel like that's a little slight sign.
27:26Our next slag...
27:31..is Damien.
27:33Well done.
27:35Well done.
27:36My jaw hit the floor when she called my name.
27:38I'm sure I was giving this like that.
27:40I was like, oh, my God, that's crazy.
27:42Like, I was just so happy.
27:44You started off and we had our conversation
27:46and you really pushed yourself.
27:49Your strip was really sexy, very Burlesque.
27:52It was very on brand, so well done.
27:54Going into the finale, your total points are 158.5.
28:00Well done.
28:02Tonight was kind of one of those moments
28:04of stop doubting yourself.
28:06The next slag moving into the finale is...
28:18You started off quite scared and very upset
28:22and not believing in yourself,
28:24but you pushed your own boundaries.
28:26Well done, you've done great and congratulations.
28:29Your points going into the final are worth 158.
28:36Matt passing me the golden lips, like, it's just all so surreal.
28:40Like, my brain is just, like, not accepting it.
28:42I'm just like...
28:45The last slag to enter tomorrow's finale
28:48is actually the winner of today's challenge.
28:51This particular slag really ramped up their game big time.
28:56When it came to product placement,
28:58they did not let down the Scruff brand at all.
29:01I'm nervous, I'm excited.
29:03I'm looking around and I'm like,
29:05it could literally be any one of you.
29:06Like, I was happy for anyone.
29:08What I think they did is they went up to the table
29:10with all the Scruff stuff and literally grabbed everything
29:13and threw it all over them, and I fucking loved it.
29:16Coco, you are going through to the final.
29:20What the hell?
29:21Huh? Me?
29:23Well done.
29:25Is that me bestie in the final?
29:26What? I don't know how that happened.
29:28I'm so glad it did.
29:29We knew you had a lot to give.
29:31Today, you just took that above and beyond.
29:33Your points are worth 155.5.
29:38Well done.
29:40Well done, Coco.
29:42I just really believed deep down,
29:44like, I could take that fucking crown.
29:46And then I looked at Coco and was just, like,
29:48overwhelmed by, like, how proud I am of her and everyone.
29:52So I'm really glad that we have our top four
29:55exactly the way it is.
29:56For those of you who didn't make it through to the final,
29:59this is not it for you.
30:01You have done so well.
30:02And I'm so excited to see what you do going out from here.
30:06Coco, my black queen, she was nailing it.
30:09So I'm so happy for each one of them.
30:12I came in as business slag,
30:13and I think I'm doing BDSM slag tonight.
30:17So I'm really proud of, like, the growth that I've had,
30:21and that's all thanks to you and to the advice that you've given me.
30:23This experience has let me let go
30:25and get more friends that I can trust and be around.
30:29And thank you for your advice and your help and everything, guys.
30:32And I love you all. Thank you so much.
30:34I'm just so happy with myself.
30:36I'm so happy with how I've gone in this competition.
30:39I've had the most amazing time here.
30:41I feel like what people know or see of me
30:43is very structured or my modelling
30:45or, like, not a lot about me or my personality.
30:48And I've been able to show how silly and stupid and slutty I am,
30:51and I'm so fucking happy about that.
30:53I'm really proud of everything I did,
30:54and I would have loved to be in the top four,
30:56but I'm so glad that I was authentically myself
30:58through and through this entire competition.
31:00Yeah, I did start off extremely anxious,
31:02but I took on board what you've taught me, Rebecca.
31:05I'm definitely going to take all these skills away.
31:07You were a huge reason why I became a dominatrix in the beginning,
31:10so it means everything.
31:15Thank you. I listened to Rebecca.
31:17I faked it till I made it, and now I'm here in the top four.
31:20I cannot believe it.
31:21When I started off this whole journey,
31:24I didn't actually think, like, this was going to happen right now.
31:27Like, I was just, like, I'm here for the good time, you know?
31:29I'm here to, like, learn some shit, make some friends,
31:32like, have a fantastic experience,
31:34and I have done all of that times ten.
31:36I have so much more confidence in myself.
31:39I can bring my personality in and have fun and just go for it.
31:42I've done that, and now I've got gold lips in my hand,
31:45like, what the fuck? Thank you.
31:46I'll take all the credit then. Yeah, thanks.
31:48I did this, and I have to remember that
31:50and keep that fire under my ass, because clearly I can do it.
31:54I was so excited.
31:55Like, we've done this journey together,
31:57and, like, I couldn't have done this without her.
31:59What do we say?
32:00Fake it till you break it. Yeah. Deep breath.
32:02So, I came in here with crippling anxiety,
32:06but I've pushed through.
32:07Also, I partly came in here as well, like, to show the world,
32:10like, I'm a big girl, but, like,
32:11that's not the most interesting thing about me.
32:13Like, I don't want to be put in that box.
32:14Like, I've got so much more to offer and show the rest of the world.
32:17You did that. You fucking did that.
32:20I'm so excited and get to be in there with Coco together.
32:26I just have this, like, newfound love and appreciation for what I do.
32:30I really love this job,
32:32and it's clear that everyone here really does too.
32:36I'm just really proud of all the work I've done
32:38and all the work my fellow Slags have done.
32:40From the beginning to getting here,
32:42it's been really, like, a test of so much of me as a person.
32:47There were big challenges for me
32:49even getting here in the first place,
32:51and, you know, I've always had this paralysing obsession
32:57with everything being absolutely perfect for, like, my entire life.
33:01It's almost like the universe brought me here
33:04to teach me to let go of some of those things
33:07that I've been, like, so married to,
33:08and meeting you has helped me so, so, so, so, so much,
33:11and I just could not feel more enriched
33:14and more grateful and more happy.
33:16It's here rather than in reality,
33:20and it was kind of, like, a nice experience
33:22to have that happen on, like, a grand scale like this.
33:25This has literally been one of the most amazing
33:27and unforgettable experiences of my entire life.
33:30It's definitely a dream come true.
33:32Oh, my God, I'm going to get emotional.
33:33I've learnt so much from you and all of you as well,
33:36and I'm really thankful.
33:37The little voice is dead now, don't worry.
33:40Dead and buried, like, I'm just so thankful to be here,
33:43and I'm so happy.
33:45I'm happy. Mm-mm.
33:46That's my reward. I'm happy.
33:48Slags, thank you so much for this week,
33:52but Braxton, Oscar, JV, Sabrina,
33:57your job is not done yet.
34:00I'm going to need your help tomorrow
34:02to help me find a winner.
34:03That's right.
34:04You're going to have a bit of a say
34:06on who's going to win this competition.
34:10I hope that means we get to, like,
34:11sit on a special chair or something.
34:13I'm not sure what's going on.
34:15Until then, go de-spunk the world!
34:23I cannot wait to go into tomorrow with the other top slags.
34:27That was so awesome.
34:30My brain is frozen.
34:32I have no idea what Rebecca's going to put us through tomorrow.
34:35Like, honestly, it's all full of surprises.
34:37So, our top four slags are Mama Mamba,
34:41Damian Lenore, Freya and Coco.
34:45Um, hello?
34:49Just end that episode.