SLAG WARS S02E05 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00We're at that pivotal point now and anything could change, so I need to pull these slags
00:23in one by one.
00:24Just make sure everything's okay.
00:25Got any questions for me that can help you?
00:28Emma is doing fantastic, but she could easily plateau and somebody else could take the winning
00:33slags position.
00:34I don't know, I feel like sometimes when I'm away from the cameras and stuff, I feel like
00:38I have all this energy, but I do feel like I get a bit in my head and I feel like I freeze.
00:43I wouldn't think that at all, because you know you've got this.
00:47Everybody has got this and it's that pressure.
00:49We all need that pressure.
00:50We're going out of our comfort zone.
00:51If in doubt, just ramp it up a bit more.
00:53Fake it till you make it.
00:54No one fucking knows, you know.
00:55I certainly haven't.
00:57So push the boundaries.
00:58You know, this is a platform to just go crazy.
01:00If there's any show that you can go absolutely crazy and get away with it, it's Slag Wars.
01:04Yeah, that's true.
01:05That's true.
01:06She told me not to get too comfortable, but she also said she'd been very impressed.
01:11She said she didn't have any negative feedback, which was really nice to hear.
01:14Go and enjoy the rest of your day.
01:16I'll see you in the next challenge and thank you so much.
01:18It's been lovely getting to know you a bit better.
01:20Thank you so much.
01:24How are you, darling?
01:25I'm doing really well.
01:27It's like a dream.
01:28Right now, anybody can take this.
01:30It's a terrifyingly talented cast.
01:32I'm inspired.
01:33I'm horny.
01:34I look up to you and Sophie so much because you guys became a meme and whatever and like
01:39in the kind of public eye right when I was like starting this kind of stuff and like
01:43this is the most like kind of like starstruck I've been or whatever.
01:45Oh, thank you.
01:46No, genuinely.
01:48Every time I look at her, I almost evaporate.
01:50It's kind of like a dream come true.
01:52We know that you have got the funny bits.
01:54We're always good at what we know.
01:56What I want is push your boundaries a bit more.
01:59Something that I'm not expecting perhaps.
02:00I can see he's having a lot of fun, but I want JV to expand his boundaries and take
02:05a risk.
02:06I love laughter.
02:07I love mixing sex with fun.
02:09I can turn on like the sexy.
02:10Let's just fucking try it.
02:11Taking risks is good.
02:13So I'm really looking forward to seeing what else you've got.
02:16Hearing her tell me to push myself into other places that aren't, you know, the funny or
02:20the smart, but you know, sexy.
02:23She's really pushed me.
02:24You know where I am.
02:25If you need to know what you need to do, I'm your gal.
02:28I've got you.
02:29So enjoy.
02:31Freya, all of a sudden you're catapulting.
02:34Is that like prolapsing?
02:36You've come into your own and I think that's really fantastic.
02:39I know that you struggled on the first night, didn't you, a little bit and you probably
02:43got in your own head.
02:44Tell me a bit about what you've been going through.
02:46So I think that's quite a bit you don't really know about me.
02:48I'm autistic.
02:50So I do struggle with like a lot of anxiety and, um, you know, I do get inside my head.
02:55That's kind of who I am as a person.
02:57You're autistic.
02:58I'm ADHD.
02:59So, but you know what?
03:01Sometimes they can be our superpowers.
03:02They can.
03:03My ADHD has, well, let's just say it's not great for memory and concentration, but let
03:10me tell you that H in ADHD, that's powerful.
03:14Don't let that get in your head.
03:15You are incredibly unique.
03:17It was really nice to hear that she's neurodivergent as well.
03:20I guess like big personalities, like it's sometimes a given.
03:24I really resonate with what you're saying about using, you know, our neurodivergence
03:28as a superpower because it really is like it's everything I am.
03:32It's how weird and unique I am.
03:34It's how creative I am.
03:35It's also how sensitive I am and sensitivity comes into sex work in a lot of ways.
03:40These are all strengths and I think it is just reminding myself that they're strengths.
03:44They're not like holding me back like it was in like, you know, when I was younger or something.
03:48I think it was good for Rebecca to know a little bit more about me and show some vulnerability
03:54as well.
03:55So it's been really, really lovely getting to know you.
03:58I'm loving these massive eyelashes as well.
04:00Oh, thank you.
04:01I was just staring at yours.
04:04Hi, mummy.
04:05Here we are.
04:06I actually want to talk to you about yesterday's challenges.
04:10I felt like the passion project was a little bit dry.
04:13I kind of know what you were going for.
04:15I know this is a risk, a big risk.
04:17To wear the fucking outfit that you had for the foreplay challenge as the therapist, as
04:21the aftercare.
04:22Yeah, like I know that's a risk, but I feel that that would have really gripped mine and
04:27Fanny's attention.
04:28Like this fucking psycho is trying to give me aftercare.
04:31I want to see all of my slags succeed.
04:34I don't want anyone falling off and I want to make sure Braxton has got everything he
04:37needs to be in with a winning chance.
04:40So do you think the challenges that are coming now, like I should really just go for it?
04:44If you want to fucking express yourself, go for it.
04:48After the conversation that I had with Rebecca, I'm feeling like I know the direction that
04:52she wants me to go in and I'm going to take this criticism, you know, I'm going to take
04:55it to heart.
04:56I'm going to use this criticism.
04:57Do your slaggy best deep within and go for it.
05:00I'm going for it.
05:02For sure.
05:04It's a big day in the slag house.
05:09Anybody can take this right now.
05:11I feel like I'm always like upper middle, lower middle.
05:14Sometimes I don't have that like belief in myself.
05:16I struggle with a bit of self-validation.
05:18When you did your first evening and you're on that pole, what headspace do you get into
05:21to get on that pole?
05:22I tell myself I've done this in a strip club in front of a load of men who do not care
05:26and have no interest in me.
05:27So doing this in front of my queers and family.
05:30And you know, you're absolutely amazing, don't you?
05:34You know, you're amazing.
05:35So all it is, is it's a it's a voice and that voice can really hold us back.
05:38So with these next challenges, if your headspace is holding you back, just go in and be like,
05:43I am the fucking shit.
05:45Full throttle.
05:46Bring all of those things that you're brilliant at, throw it all at the table.
05:51Have fun.
05:52I'm so excited.
05:53I was quite open and vulnerable with her and it was quite nice that she was so receptive
05:57to that and gave me such expert advice.
06:01It's so nice to have a one to one with you.
06:03It's wig day because why the fuck not?
06:07Are you wearing it for the all of the commercials?
06:09Do you think I should take it off?
06:10No, I wouldn't keep it on.
06:11Why not?
06:12It's so silly.
06:13Who the fuck cares?
06:16This is insane.
06:17And so fun.
06:18But like, I have no idea, like, I feel like I'm doing like, really great and all the feedback
06:22from everyone else.
06:23And then the thing I'm like, oh, I don't know if you know this, I have autism.
06:26So I don't always understand the brief.
06:29And exactly.
06:30I take it like, very literal.
06:31Got you.
06:32So I feel like I'm like, oh, was I meant to be like that?
06:35But you're doing absolutely amazing.
06:38Your brand is extremely classic, classy.
06:41It would be nice to see something a bit more crazy and different.
06:43I want to see what other angles we can get from you.
06:45Rebecca telling me to like, amp things up and to give more oomph and to not be so classic
06:50and rigid was good advice.
06:51Anything can change right now.
06:53Yeah, and have fun.
06:54So yeah, have fun with it.
06:56And kill them.
06:58I really feel like I can do this.
06:59It just, I need to put my mind to it, you know?
07:04You are such a bundle of joy.
07:06Sitting that close to Rebecca Moore is not only extremely intimidating, but it is highly
07:13I feel like where I am in like, the leaderboard, I want to be way higher.
07:17Like, I need to get my place in that finals.
07:20I know in me, I have it.
07:22Getting a fucking multi-million pound job with me, your life depends on it.
07:26Just sell yourself to me right now and tell me all your good points.
07:28I'm very committed to things.
07:30I'm like, this is what I'm into.
07:32This is what I'm going to do.
07:33And if you don't like it, that's fine.
07:34I don't worry that I'm going to be judged or anything.
07:36So that definitely works in my favour.
07:39I brought Coco here for a reason.
07:40I saw something special in her.
07:42And I want to see that.
07:43We've still got time to see that coming out.
07:45Whatever you're doing right now, ramp it right up.
07:47Make everybody your competition now.
07:50Kill the outfits.
07:51Kill the details.
07:52You know I'm looking at details.
07:53I'm looking at your jewellery.
07:54I'm looking at everything.
07:56Smash it.
07:57Slag face.
07:58Slag face.
07:59It was so, so good to get that feedback from Rebecca.
08:00It is so valuable to be able to actually hear what she's looking for and what she thinks
08:04about me and my performance.
08:08Here we are.
08:09I'm very fond of Damien.
08:10But I want to see another side to him.
08:12Bring out that cock destroyer.
08:13I just get a little bit crazy to be honest.
08:15I am a perfectionist to like a crippling extent.
08:20I can tell.
08:21I can tell.
08:23It doesn't show.
08:24That could be a bit of a downfall as well because perfectionism, there's no such thing.
08:28And it's problematic in us.
08:29So we've got to like let it go.
08:32I just want to rough him up a bit and just fuck it and let it go and just stop being
08:35so rigid.
08:36Today, before you start doing your first challenge, just have a bit of time to yourself.
08:42In the mirror and go, I need to loosen up.
08:45Stop being a fucking perfectionist and just go fucking crazy.
08:47Do you know what I mean?
08:48Shake it up.
08:49Loosen up.
08:50You want to fucking get to the top.
08:51I'm excited to bring it.
08:53And I'm starstruck to meet you.
08:54I'm not going to lie.
08:55Thank you, Damien.
08:57I'm planning to basically go with second thought because my default is always like, okay, just
09:02keep it very, you know, this and that and do my job and do it well and look pretty and
09:06But I'm going to just be absolutely as loud and unhinged as I possibly can.
09:11Those were great doxy pep talks, but our slags better put that advice to use in today's foreplay
09:16Slags, welcome to today's foreplay challenge.
09:22I've always used my platform to deliver a message and I want to see these slags use
09:26their platform to deliver an important message about porn.
09:29Millions of people enjoy watching all kinds of porn all over the world, but sadly, a lot
09:35of people hide it.
09:36And in fact, there are some platforms that you can't even say the word.
09:41And so today slags, you're going to give me and the judges an arousing speech about why
09:47porn is absolutely awesome.
09:53The winner of slag wars is going to have a huge platform to use and I want to see how
09:57they're going to use it for important topics.
10:01Porn has long been demonized as a gateway to compulsive and pathological behavior.
10:06Just like any other consumable material, porn in itself is not inherently harmful.
10:11In addition to creating lucrative job opportunities, it can be used in a cum load of fun and healthy
10:19Porn creates so many opportunities.
10:20Who else are we going to have film, direct?
10:23We need a crew to help us with porn.
10:28You want me to get that report by three?
10:33Are you tired of being a slave to your desk job?
10:37It's time to release that inner slag.
10:40Maybe you can be like me, analyzing spreadsheets to spunking on those bedsheets.
10:45My name is JV Marks and I'm here to talk about a silent killer that is gripping our society.
10:50I'm talking about male loneliness.
10:52Luckily, we here at slag wars have an answer.
10:57Jacking off your cock to porn with the homies.
11:00P is for porn, it's good for your soul and O is for orgasm.
11:07R is for right fucking there and N is for nutting.
11:12Welcome to Sabrina's Slutty School of Spelling.
11:15P is for personality, pussy and penis.
11:18O is for oral, orgasms and opportunities.
11:23R is for rules, regulations and regular people.
11:28And N is for naughty, nice and nasty.
11:33Lose the distractions from the day to day stresses, let go of anxieties and become consumed
11:39with a universe of utter filth.
11:42Are you feeling dry?
11:43Is your pussy musty?
11:45Do you have cobwebs all over your mutt?
11:47Say get fucked to the dry spell days because I'm here to give you all the boy pussy porn
11:51you need to moisten that minge and drain those nuts.
11:57I'm here to end your pain, improve your life now, go to my fan site now to get your first fix.
12:03This is why we need more trans folks in politics.
12:06Slag, excellent job.
12:09That was actually really, really tight.
12:13But Oscar, you are today's winner.
12:15Well done.
12:17Oscar took my notes and ran with it.
12:21He really took this challenge really seriously and smashed it.
12:24Stepped out of your comfort zone.
12:26I really did actually.
12:27You have gained an extra five points.
12:29Yeah, I won something.
12:31I finally fucking won something.
12:34Going back to that, I do have autism so reading and writing isn't necessarily my specialty
12:39so I'm really proud of myself with this.
12:40Slags, I love over the top porn acting.
12:46Continuing with the theme, today's challenge is all about adult content.
12:50For today's passion project, you're going to be performing in hilarious, filthy porn scenes.
12:58I felt a little bit of pressure because this is what I do.
13:01So I was worried that maybe Rebecca would say, hey Braxton, I'm expecting big from you.
13:06This is porn.
13:07This is what you do.
13:08Two slags are going to be starring in Booty Pirates.
13:13These buccaneers want to be buccaneers.
13:16When a group of pervy pirates find a buried treasure, they are thrilled to find out it's
13:22Two slags will be in Vampire Twinks, The Retwinkening.
13:27A new generation of vampire twinks are on the hunt.
13:30But will they find a mortal to bite and burn?
13:34Third scene, two slags, super hot, super virgin, super best friends, first time.
13:41These two slags are totally virgin.
13:44This is their first time.
13:47And the fourth and final scene is Twerkatron's Revenge.
13:52The scientists who created Twerky may have created a monster.
13:58I'm really excited about this challenge.
14:00I am fascinated by over the top, bad acting.
14:03Oscar, as the winner of today's foreplay challenge, it is down to you to assign the slags.
14:09For the pirate scene, I'm going to pick Damien and Braxton.
14:12I think it's time for us to, you know, surprise everyone.
14:15We're not the loudest in the house, but we have the confidence that people probably don't
14:18know that we have.
14:19For the vampire scene, I'm going to pick JV and Freya.
14:22I have been wanting to do something with Freya since the moment I laid eyes on that alien
14:28Super hot, super virgin.
14:29I'm going to pick myself and Sabrina.
14:32Very excited because I'm obviously a virgin.
14:37For the scientist scene, I'm going to pick Mama and Coco.
14:40I am paired, finally, with my bestie, Mama Mamba.
14:43We can finally do something together.
14:45They are going to be directed by my good friend, Joey Mills.
14:50His porn films go viral all the time.
14:53He is truly the expert.
14:56There's a lot of videos of Joey on the internet, but there's one in particular that I want
15:01these slags to be bringing, the elevator one.
15:06This is the kind of energy I want the slags to bring to their films.
15:10Alright, slags, lights, camera, bunk!
15:20Hello slags.
15:22How are we today?
15:23Very good.
15:24I'm so excited to have Joey Mills here.
15:25What a treat.
15:26What I've built my career on is very big, over-exaggerated faces, reaction where you're
15:31going to make eye contact with the camera, and in true Cocteau Strayer fashion, a catch
15:37Let's make this actually happen.
15:39At this point, my faith is in his hands to guide us.
15:43This is our camera guy, Rich.
15:45He's going to be the camera that you're playing to.
15:46Let's see a rehearsal.
15:47A rehearsal?
15:48Let's see what we've got so far.
15:49No, we don't have a rehearsal.
15:50A little rough patch.
15:53We didn't do that right.
15:55Oh, my God.
15:56Have you heard about twerking?
15:57What's happened with the turkey?
16:02Come here, bestie.
16:03We need to work on this robot together, but first, let's have some vibes together.
16:13And cut.
16:14What is in my mouth?
16:19More interaction with-
16:20With twerking.
16:21Because that's what's turning you on.
16:22All right.
16:23I wonder if twerking has a vibrating function.
16:27No, it's turning me on instead.
16:29Oh, fuck.
16:31Yeah, really.
16:34So, I'm going to take this footage.
16:35We're going to give it to Rebecca, Matt, Fanny, and we're all going to judge it.
16:40All right.
16:42I'll see you guys in a bit.
16:43Thank you so much.
16:44I was a little bit nervous because, you know, we went fast, so I wasn't sure, like, how
16:47other people were going to do, and, like, in this competition, anything can happen.
16:52Well, hello, you lovely slags.
16:53How are we today?
16:54How are you?
16:55You guys have the vampire challenge?
16:57We do.
16:58I'm super excited to play a vampire.
17:00Me and JV came up with a really fun concept.
17:03I wake up on a couch.
17:04I realize I've been transformed into a vampire twink.
17:08She feeds me my twink dinner of blood, and I'm still hungry.
17:11We have a little erotic foreplay, but the foreplay is too hard for me, and I disappear
17:16into a poof of, like, vape smoke.
17:26Where am I?
17:28I transformed you into a vampire twink.
17:30A vampire twink?
17:32But I'm 25.
17:33I thought 25 was twink death.
17:39I said no teeth.
17:40Oh, no, I didn't say that, but no, no teeth.
17:46I think the twink death could be, like, maybe one of the iconic lines.
17:50We were in love with our idea, and we got Joey on board to help us out.
17:54When you do one of these, maybe that could be your reaction moment.
17:57Yeah, like, oh.
17:58Let's start with another run-through real quick.
18:03Oh, now we need to find another twink.
18:11I'll take this footage and let them deliberate.
18:14Joey was super helpful.
18:15He's a consummate professional and an adorable twink.
18:20Well, hello, you sexy slacks.
18:23Have you guys come up with any storylines?
18:24What if we weren't pirates anymore?
18:26We weren't buccaneers.
18:27We were butt-caneers instead.
18:29Damien and I had this brilliant idea of being two pirates,
18:33also sick of our day jobs and thinking,
18:36let's work our asses off and spunk the world together.
18:39But we need to find some booty to have enough money to quit our day jobs
18:42and pursue our dreams.
18:43Do you want to do a little run-through?
18:44Just a little quick improv, see what we're working with?
18:46Let's do it.
18:47Aye, all this swashbuckling and looting and pillaging
18:51has really made me tired and also a little bit horny.
18:55I miss my wife, sir.
18:56Your wife?
18:58The one with the peg leg?
18:59What was her name again?
19:02Let's land this ship.
19:03Oh, what's this over here?
19:05I think this is spunk.
19:06Is that spunk?
19:07It's spunk.
19:08Open it up.
19:09Oh, I think I'm going to blow.
19:11I think he's ready to quit his day job.
19:14Oh, that's right.
19:15That's right.
19:16Who's my nasty buccaneer?
19:18I took her notes to heart and applied them to today's challenge.
19:22When you do the catchphrase, make sure to really accentuate it.
19:24We're going to be the butt-caneers.
19:26We're going to be the butt-caneers.
19:34Well, hello, you gorgeous, gorgeous slacks.
19:36Hey, Joey.
19:38Your guys' challenge is virgins.
19:39I got super hot, super virgin, super best friends, first time for real.
19:43I picked this because I think it's easy and fun and silly to play with.
19:47So run me through what you guys have.
19:48I'm going to start by revealing I'm a virgin.
19:50I'm a virgin, and I'm kind of given the energy of, am I a virgin?
19:53But, like, kind of really convincing myself.
19:55I'm kind of like, oh, yeah, no, I'm totally a virgin, too.
19:58Like, we should totally try it out.
19:59Trying to relate to each other even though you're both lying.
20:01Yeah, we're both lying.
20:02I don't know why you're lying, but I'm trying to lie to fuck.
20:04Yeah, I have no reason for lying.
20:06I just look a bit weird.
20:07She just likes to be innocent.
20:09There's nothing wrong with that.
20:10It's definitely up my alley, and I'm a silly person,
20:12so I know I could get really silly with this.
20:14All right.
20:15Let's go ahead.
20:17Oh, Oscar, I have a secret.
20:19What kind of secret?
20:21I'm a virgin.
20:22I've never had the sex before.
20:25I've got a pinprick pussy.
20:27Nothing fits in there.
20:28Not even this?
20:32I actually have something better that I think will work.
20:34You have micro genitalia.
20:36I actually do, too.
20:37I have a micropenis.
20:39Oh, my God!
20:40That means we're compatible.
20:41We can make this work.
20:45The cameraman laughed.
20:48And also, yeah, I also am a virgin, too.
20:50Yeah, I've never had the sex.
20:51We can just start with kissing.
20:56And you said you're a virgin?
20:58Oh, of course, yeah.
21:02Yeah, that was so cunny.
21:04All right.
21:05That was so cunny.
21:06All right.
21:07So that was great.
21:08I'll be taking this footage upstairs,
21:09and we'll let them deliberate.
21:10Joey was so receptive to everything,
21:13and I feel like he really enjoyed it, which is great.
21:16Oh, my God!
21:27I'm so excited about this one.
21:29It's a near and dear one for you and I, isn't it?
21:31I'm so excited to see this.
21:34It is time for the next deliberation.
21:36I haven't seen these yet, so I can't wait to watch the videos.
21:39They had some great topics.
21:41Do you know what?
21:42I've got to stop.
21:47You and I, I know we're getting really close,
21:49and we're getting on super well,
21:50but do you have your finger up my arse right now?
21:54I would have dared.
21:57What is that?
22:02It's hot under there.
22:03What are you doing under there?
22:05I just wanted to help.
22:06Well, anyway, you can stick around and help us out with this, OK?
22:10My summer intern edits all of the footage together in a snap.
22:13Let's watch it.
22:18Oh, my God, Bessie!
22:19Bessie, what's wrong?
22:20Did you hear about Twerky?
22:21What's happened to Twerky?
22:22He's gone.
22:24We need to teach him a lesson.
22:25Let's go see.
22:28You like that, Twerky?
22:31Maybe if I try and turn down your badness...
22:36Oh, you're turning me on instead.
22:39Is that true, Bessie?
22:40Yeah, it's true.
22:41Oh, wow.
22:45We need to work on this robot together,
22:47but first, let's have some fun together.
23:00OK, Joey, you were there for real.
23:02Tell me everything.
23:03I think the hardest part for them was they had the robot.
23:06Like, them finding a way to incorporate it.
23:08As far as I'm concerned, it's a huge advantage.
23:10They could have just been totally crazy cop destroyers,
23:12smashed the thing up, go viral, but they didn't.
23:15Matt, what do you think?
23:17Interacting with an inanimate object like that
23:19is not easy to make it look sexy, so...
23:22But, Matt, you've interacted with a strange, large object before.
23:27It is difficult interacting with an inanimate object
23:30that looks just like you.
23:32It's quite haunting, and I have nightmares about it frequently.
23:35We've got three more. Let's see the next one.
23:37All right.
23:42All that swashbuckling and looting and pillaging has made me really tired.
23:46And also a little bit horny.
23:48It really makes me miss me wife back home,
23:50you know, the one with the peg-legged.
23:52What was her name again? Peggy.
23:54Oh, she knows my girlfriend, Felicia. Felicia!
23:58Oh, that's right.
23:59You know, I'm really tired of being a pirate sometimes.
24:02I wish I could maybe be something else.
24:04Maybe if we found enough booty,
24:06we could quit our day jobs and become butt caneers.
24:14I think we're there.
24:15Now, where would you hide booty if you were hiding booty?
24:18I think this is it, sir.
24:19I think this is what we've been looking for.
24:21Well, let's open it up. Hurry up.
24:23Is that...?
24:24It is, sir.
24:26It's Spunk.
24:28Well, I think we're ready to be butt caneers.
24:31Please open the Spunk.
24:33Oh, my God.
24:34Give it to me.
24:36Oh, God, sir.
24:38Who ate that Spunk?
24:40Oh, sir.
24:43I think we're ready to quit our day jobs.
24:48Joey, you were there.
24:50They gave some of the most creative jokes.
24:52I was excited to see how Braxton would perform on this challenge,
24:55and he actually really pulled it off. He did a really good job.
24:58I am very, very shocked to see Braxton act like this.
25:02I'm really proud of him.
25:03He played really well with Damien. It was great chemistry.
25:07Both these boys took my advice and ran with it.
25:10Because we had that chat earlier,
25:11I think I should take all the credit for this one.
25:15Let's see the next.
25:16All right.
25:27Where am I?
25:29You're my new twink vampire.
25:31I'm 25.
25:33I thought 25 was twink death.
25:35I've made you some twink dinner.
25:37Twink dinner?
25:39Oh, I can't wait.
25:45I think I'm turning bisexual.
25:52No teeth.
25:54Get down right now.
26:03Now we need to find another twink.
26:10I do like that they kind of came in and had ideas with special effects
26:14and how they wanted certain things shot.
26:16It's definitely strong, and it made me laugh.
26:18It was very porno.
26:20I feel like these two really know their porn.
26:22The ending with Freya, she clearly watches a decent amount of porn,
26:26doesn't she?
26:27But more than that, she needs to change her look up.
26:29If I was doing this scene, I would have gone through all those other slags' cases,
26:32got some bloody fishnets, and just jazzed myself up a bit.
26:35I am very big on facial expressions, and I think that JV has that in the bag.
26:40And that's the most important part, I would say,
26:42especially with ad scenes straight into the camera with his face.
26:47Well, the slags aren't making it easy for us tonight now, are they?
26:50Matt, let's watch the final one.
26:52All right.
26:53Super hot, super virgin, super best friends, first time for real.
26:58Oh, Oscar, I have a secret to tell you.
27:01What kind of secret?
27:03I'm a virgin.
27:04I've got a pinprick pussy.
27:06I've never had the sex before.
27:09So not this?
27:10Absolutely not.
27:11Not this?
27:13I said I'm a virgin.
27:16Not even this?
27:19I actually have something better that I think will work.
27:21You have micro genitalia.
27:22I actually do too.
27:24I have a micro penis.
27:25Oh, my God!
27:27That means we're compatible.
27:28We can make this work.
27:30Why don't you try?
27:34Whoa, you know what?
27:35It's actually getting really, really hot in here.
27:37Don't you think?
27:38I'm going to strip off.
27:39Oh, wow.
27:40Well, maybe I should take off my outfit too.
27:43Yeah, it's getting very hot in here.
27:46Now, I don't know if this is something appropriate to do the sex.
27:49You're a virgin, right?
27:52Come this way.
28:01I love how it just stops there.
28:03We're left on a fucking cliffhanger.
28:06It's actually super hot.
28:08And I was like, oh, I can't wait to see where this goes.
28:11I was about to give Joey a head job over here.
28:13Me too.
28:15That's amazing, but especially to come in with a storyline
28:18of why we're hiding it from each other
28:20and then to have this idea of, oh, well, this makes us compatible, actually.
28:24I think it all worked out very well.
28:26Pen prick pussy.
28:27Pen prick pussy.
28:29Sabrina, amazing delivery.
28:31Like, if I was scrolling through Twitter,
28:33this would have definitely got my attention.
28:35This is hard.
28:36Like, this is really, really hard.
28:38You know what else is hard?
28:40This guy.
28:43Well, I think we should leave Matt with the content to enjoy himself.
28:47Let's go get ready.
28:48And let's go and enjoy the evening.
28:51What a challenge near and dear to my heart.
28:53But we've got to get these points assigned.
29:06It was another golden lip ceremony.
29:08I thought I did great, but you never know.
29:11Slags, welcome to the golden lip ceremony.
29:15You slags made it really, really difficult for us
29:19because they were all so good.
29:21And I'm very impressed with those of you who took on board my advice.
29:25Freya, one thing that stood out to me is the outfits.
29:29I feel that you could have really changed the look.
29:31We're kind of getting the same looks regarding the outfits.
29:35Your lips are worth 17 points, Freya.
29:40I've made it this far.
29:41I can do better.
29:43And, you know, tomorrow's a new day.
29:45J.V. Marks, this was so porno.
29:49Some of the actions you were doing were great.
29:51I really love your over-the-top, your humor.
29:53J.V. Marks, well done.
29:55And your lips are worth 17 points.
29:59I didn't think that I was going to want to win this bad.
30:02But I do.
30:04I want to win real bad.
30:05Coco Kink, the pair of you, you kind of played it safe.
30:09I know it was difficult to have a prop like a robot
30:11and making that sexy, but go for it.
30:13You could have destroyed the robot, pissed off all the production.
30:16I would have been laughing, but you would have been right up at the top.
30:18Listen, if I see that robot, it sounds sad.
30:20I'm going to break him in half and I'm going to show Rebecca and say,
30:22now look.
30:24Coco Kink, your lips tonight are worth 18 points.
30:29Well done.
30:30Honestly, moving forward, unless you don't want it broken,
30:33you better put a sticker on it or something,
30:34because I'll just break everything in this set if it's going to make me win.
30:37Mamamamba, twerk-a-thon, whether he was involved or not, I don't know.
30:40I think the opportunity was definitely there.
30:42More messy, more nasty would have been nice.
30:45Your lips are worth 18.
30:49She wants to see us get more messy, more nasty.
30:52And I'm like, okay, yeah, I can definitely do that.
30:54So that's what I'm going to be bringing next time.
30:56Damien Lenore, I really feel that you took my advice on board
31:00and you absolutely smashed this.
31:02You had me laughing because it was a new side to you.
31:05I've been hearing you a bit more vocal.
31:07Tonight, your lips, Damien, are worth 23 points.
31:12The fact that I was trying to be funny and do something hammy and silly,
31:16and it laid, and I got praise for it, was really an awesome feeling.
31:19Braxton Cruz, I love that you wore the wig in this.
31:22It was a home run.
31:23I would have been gutted if you hadn't.
31:25You really fucking stepped your game up, and I'm so happy.
31:28So well done, Braxton.
31:29You should be really proud of yourself.
31:31Your lips are worth 23.
31:33Well done.
31:35I feel like I was maybe coasting before,
31:37and to now finish this week off on a high just makes me feel like
31:40I'm going to attack it tomorrow and be even slaggier.
31:43Oscar, very, very sexy when you stripped off.
31:47I loved it.
31:48This one was the porno.
31:50It had everything.
31:51Super proud of you, and your lips are worth 24 points.
31:56I'm really glad that I was able to take her fatigues on.
31:59I put a lot of pressure on myself,
32:00and this challenge I can finally just actually let go.
32:02Sabrina, you shone in this.
32:05It was absolutely brilliant.
32:08I was like, I don't think she's a virgin, you know.
32:11I'm glad I lost my virginity on the show.
32:14Sabrina, you smashed this one, and your lips are worth 25 points.
32:20I'm skeet, skeet, skeeting my way up.
32:23Slags, you had better rest up tonight,
32:26because tomorrow we're getting down to business.
32:30I need these slags to get to bed, get a good night's sleep,
32:33and a good wank, and I'll see them tomorrow.
32:36So until then, go de-spunk the world!
32:42Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina,
32:45Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina!
32:47After today, I'm in second place, and that's promising.
32:54Come here, baby girl.
32:56After tonight's golden lip ceremony,
32:58here's where our slags sit on the leaderboard.
33:13Next time on Slag Wars...
33:15You will be repeating all of your passion projects
33:18back to back in one afternoon!
33:21I think it's going to be really fucking messy.
33:24I'm so fucking excited. Let's do it, bitch!
33:27They're going to be a wild ride.