• 2 days ago
This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the week ahead 21/10/2024. A fine start to the week with some foggy mornings. Then a change to unsettled weather towards the end of the week. Bringing you this week’s weather forecast is Honor Criswick.


00:00Hello, and welcome to your week ahead forecast from the Met Office. It was quite a wet and
00:05windy weekend, but we're looking at a calmer spell to start the week, perhaps some foggy
00:10mornings and then generally things are starting to change from the West as we head towards
00:15the end of the week. Now, taking a look at the bigger picture, we've got Storm Ashley
00:19to the north of the country, which is what affected us over the weekend. That's moving
00:23its way towards Scandinavia, allowing some frontal systems to move in from the West.
00:27But if we move our eyes over to the south, we have actually got high pressure building.
00:32That means it's going to bring us some clearer nights for Tuesday night, Wednesday night,
00:36so perhaps some foggy mornings. And then eventually we see a strengthening of our jet stream towards
00:42Thursday and into Friday. And that is bringing us not only a spell of wet weather, but a
00:46spell of windy weather, too, once again, mainly in northwestern parts. And as we head towards
00:51Friday, there is a slight question mark about what exactly the weather is going to be doing.
00:55We've got quite a split between our different models that we use here at the Met Office.
01:00But before we get onto that, let's reverse the clock and head back towards Tuesday to
01:05start off with. So quite a clear and chilly start across the southeast, perhaps some fog
01:11patches in places. And then as this weather front moves its way slowly towards the southeast,
01:16it's generally weakening. So on the whole, it's just going to bring in some cloud, perhaps
01:19a few showers at times. And across much of the country, it's going to be a dry and bright
01:23day. And with those winds easing off, too, and a slight increase in those temperatures,
01:27particularly across the south and southeast, highs of around 17. So it's going to feel
01:32rather pleasant for the time of year, temperatures more towards average elsewhere. So on the
01:37whole, a much calmer start to Tuesday compared to what we had over the weekend. Now, as we
01:43head into Wednesday, that weather front will slowly sink away towards the southeast. And
01:47this is when we start to see high pressure build. Different story in the north, though,
01:52squeeze those isobars and just some frontal systems moving into the north. But that means
01:56as that high pressure builds towards the south and southeast, it's going to be a fairly clear
02:01and calm night. So that means we could see some quite dense fog patches in places, particularly
02:05for parts of Sussex and Kent, East Anglia, for example. So do take care as this may lead
02:10to some travel disruption. Otherwise, that would generally clear through the morning.
02:15Things will start to warm up. And once again, it's going to be a largely dry and bright
02:19day for many of us. Slightly different across the northwest, though, particularly parts
02:23of northwestern Scotland, more cloud here, perhaps some drips and drabs of rain and drizzle.
02:28And we will start to see those winds strengthening once again. There is a chance we could even
02:32see some coastal gales in exposed spots. Temperatures, though, across Scotland up by a degree or
02:38two compared to Tuesday. So generally, if you manage to avoid those stronger winds,
02:43it's still going to feel rather pleasant for the time of year. Once again, highs of 16
02:47to 17 degrees across the southeast. Now, for Thursday, once again, a chance we could
02:53see some pockets of fog once again, mainly across the southeast. That clearing away largely
02:58leaving once again another dry and bright day for much of the country, perhaps a bit
03:01more cloud around fairly similar temperatures, too. But if we move our eyes to the west,
03:06we can see we do have this next frontal system moving in. So some outbreaks of rain. This
03:11could be quite heavy at times, particularly into the afternoon across Northern Ireland,
03:15Western parts of Scotland and still with those blustery winds, too. So quite a different
03:19day on offer here. Once again, across much of the country, though, there is a bit more
03:23cloud around. It's generally going to be largely dry to end the week. Then it looks like we're
03:29generally going to see that frontal system move its way towards eastern areas, bring
03:33some outbreaks of rain slowly moving eastwards across the country. And then behind that is
03:38generally going to be brighter, still with a few showers, still with those blustery winds
03:42in northwestern parts of Scotland. However, as I mentioned at the start, still some uncertainty
03:48around what the weather is going to be doing on Friday. A few different models telling
03:52us a few different things towards the end of the week. So there is a chance that this
03:56could change. Otherwise, it generally looks like that rain's clearing. It's turning brighter.
04:01Generally, those temperatures are down by a degree or two, so not feeling quite as mild
04:05as during the week. And then as we head into the weekend, that jet stream continues to
04:10push in some weather fronts from the West. There's still a chance of some rain and some
04:14showers, but that high pressure still holding on across this far southeast. So we end up
04:19with a bit of a northwest southeast split by the time we reach the weekend with that
04:23wet and windy weather in the northwest. Though those winds are generally easing away towards
04:27the weekend and elsewhere, largely dry and bright. But just in case that does change,
04:33as I say, those weather models that we use here at the Met Office giving slightly different
04:37outcomes. So, as always, stay updated on our social media channels so you don't miss
04:41an update. Otherwise, have a lovely week. That's it for me. Bye bye.
