• 2 days ago


00:01Four housemates face their last resort.
00:05Who will be checking out early?
00:07It's Friday, we're live, and it's Eviction Night!
00:13Please welcome Ije Odudu and Will Best!
00:43Hello and welcome to Big Brother Live Eviction!
00:52That's right, we are live on ITV2 and ITVX, and it's the first eviction of a series!
01:00On Sunday, 16 new housemates moved into the Big Brother house,
01:07and since then they've faced a stay in storage, a half-bored holiday from hell,
01:12and Marcello's musical mastery.
01:15Yeah, it's been an eventful first week.
01:19Thomas won the dare challenge by a close shave, he literally lost an eyebrow.
01:23Rosie changed her name to Baked Potato, which left a bit of a chip on her shoulder.
01:28And we found out that Lily's got more energy than the Duracell bunny.
01:33Eek! Eek! Eek!
01:36So that brings us to tonight.
01:39Four housemates face the public vote,
01:41and one of them will be evicted from the Big Brother house tonight.
01:46Who goes? You decide!
01:49The vote is open.
01:51Head to the app and vote for the housemate you want to evict.
01:55You can pick from...
01:58Baked Potato!
02:13Or Ryan.
02:18The housemate with the most votes will be evicted.
02:23Voting is free and you can access it via the app.
02:26You can vote up to five times. The vote closes a little later in the show.
02:33And we can reveal that we've already had over half a million votes.
02:39But who do you want to evict? Download the app and vote right now.
02:44Yep, you've got to do it. OK, let's go back to yesterday morning.
02:48And the housemates are trying to get to the bottom of Emma's pressing issue.
03:07Day 5, 9.41am.
03:25Last day all together, it's going to be an emotional one.
03:28Take it all in. I miss him so much, man.
03:31Aw, I'm proud of you, though. Yeah.
03:33I'm sure everyone's missing their own...
03:35Do you ladies want to go shower first?
03:37What are you trying to say?
03:39You stank!
03:41You need a wash.
03:43I'm not going to swear.
03:45For the next 30 seconds.
03:47That's like saying you're not going to wipe your bum after having a shit.
03:49Facts. Well, I've not had one.
03:51Have you still not been? No.
03:53I get toilet shy.
03:55Usually when I'm at home, I don't poo, the fairies just take it.
03:58Oh, yeah, absolutely. You don't even have a bum hole.
04:00I don't have a bum hole. It's just like a little diamond there.
04:02When you fart, is it like...
04:04Roses. Yeah.
04:06It smells like Baccarat Rouge.
04:10Moo, meet Ali. Ali, meet Moo.
04:15It's such a close-up.
04:17In the bigger picture, is it your hand going...
04:19Yeah, I'm like this.
04:23Moo's very cute.
04:25Look at his pleading eyes.
04:27Let me go!
04:29Don't do that!
04:31You're making me feel sad now.
04:33Don't do it like that.
04:35Don't kill me like all your other animals.
04:37You know, the worst was when my cat got run over.
04:40I robbed the cat off the street.
04:42She just followed me home one night and I kept her ever since.
04:45Oh, no.
04:47And then when I went to the vet, they were like,
04:49it's not your pet, you can't keep it,
04:51so it couldn't get it stuffed or anything or cremated.
04:56You wanted to get it stuffed?
04:58Are you joking?
05:00Yeah, and they were like, you've just got to say goodbye to it now.
05:02I was like, bye, bye, bye!
05:05Oh, God!
05:08Baked Potato has come to talk to Big Brother.
05:12Good morning.
05:13Hello, Baked Potato, how are you?
05:15I'm nervy, I'm not going to lie,
05:17I'm actually really nervy about tomorrow.
05:19Well, it's the older eviction,
05:22and obviously it's me, Dean, Nath, Ryan,
05:26on the bloody chopping block.
05:28I'm nervy because I know how, like,
05:30all three of those people I'm against are so bloody lovely
05:36they're three big characters with, like, so much to offer,
05:40and I just feel like, oh, man, like, like,
05:44and I just think, I'm just like, I'm just like a little weirdo,
05:48like, what, like, what, do you know what I mean?
05:50Like, what am I offering?
05:52Just at the back of my mind constantly.
05:54Like, I was going for this, like, job,
05:56and in the back of my head I kept thinking,
05:58you are not good enough for this.
06:00Like, you don't deserve this.
06:09..I think maybe I've got that in me.
06:14And I just think, what am I doing?
06:16What am I doing up in here?
06:18Why am I coming in here and getting emotional?
06:21What am I doing that for? Hang on.
06:23What am I doing that for? Like, that ain't the vibe.
06:25That is not the vibe. That's not the morning vibe.
06:28I don't know, I just, I think it's just,
06:30I don't know if it's, like, something that happened
06:32or if I was just born like it, and it's just...
06:40I don't know. I think it's just, like, in me to do that.
06:54Some of the housemates are in the bedroom.
06:58I need my dry shampoo.
07:03Oh, it's such a tip.
07:06Like, I've lost my dry shampoo,
07:08and I just know it's somewhere in there.
07:13Are you tempted to organise it?
07:15No. Like, OK.
07:25Are you worried about the eviction, Dean?
07:27Yeah, of course. Of course I'm worried about it.
07:31I'd be... I wouldn't be a human if I wasn't worried about it.
07:36Anything could happen. Like, there's four of us up for eviction.
07:40That's a one-in-four chance, I think.
07:43My maths is not great.
07:45Dean, how are you fitting in with everyone?
07:47I'm a glowing energy of positivity and calmness in a storm.
07:52Which, to be honest, I never thought I'd be in here.
07:54Like, everyone's really like, oh, you're really calming,
07:57and I'm like, me, you should be up here, love.
07:59My head's like a washing machine. It's always spinning.
08:01And I think... I'm not going to lie, I think I'm a hoot.
08:04I think I've got it all.
08:06I think I can give you good vibes, a party,
08:09I can hold a show for you,
08:12I can run a five-star resort.
08:15I'm the full package. No wonder my boyfriend loves me.
08:18Who blames him?
08:20But I've had a great time.
08:23I never want it to end.
08:25I never want this to end, big brother.
08:27Like, once it's over, can I come back and move in?
08:31No. Oh.
08:42Dears and Khaled are in the bedroom discussing Palestine.
08:47When I came in, I didn't want to get political about it.
08:49All I wanted to talk about was the things that everyone can agree on.
08:52Exactly. There's things that are going on that shouldn't be happening.
08:55There's kids that are being killed that shouldn't be getting killed.
08:58And on both sides, too. It's not just saying that.
09:00Like, I always speak my mind, I speak my heart,
09:02and the one thing I wanted to identify between people
09:04is it's not a religion thing.
09:06I worked at a Jewish summer camp last year.
09:08I'm a Palestinian Muslim. Yeah.
09:10Anyone else would have been like, are you crazy, in America?
09:12But I was like, no, I wanted to go there and show a great representation.
09:16But that's the thing, it's moments like that,
09:18when people can see each other just as people,
09:21that's where empathy is built,
09:23and it makes injustice feel very personal.
09:25Yeah. You've heard this one.
09:27I've got Jewish friends that still fly over to stay in my house with me,
09:31and eat with me and everything. It is not a Jewish thing.
09:33It's a humanitarian, not just a Palestinian thing.
09:35And, like, in actuality, if we just boil it down,
09:38it's like, no-one should be getting killed like this.
09:41Like, it's just not OK, regardless of the situation.
09:46Nathan, who do you think is in most danger of being evicted?
09:53Owen. Mm.
09:55I think I'm probably in a bit of danger.
09:57I really do think I am,
09:59because I think Baked Potato is just so likeable,
10:03and I just can't even see any way that she goes.
10:07Dina, I think, is really likeable as well, actually.
10:12I might be wrong.
10:14I think it potentially could be between myself and Ryan,
10:18with probably me a slight favourite to go.
10:21If I had to put odds on it, I'd say I'm maybe one to two to go,
10:26and Ryan's maybe two to one.
10:29Yeah, but I think I'm probably favourite to go.
10:34I'd say so, yeah.
10:47I'm thinking sausage sarnie, that's what I want more than anything.
10:50You're a genius, you're a bloody genius.
10:52Can I teach you tekkers?
10:53You want to teach me how to use an oven?
10:55Not when it comes to cooking sausages.
10:57You want to teach me how to cook a veggie sausage?
10:59Not everything has to be personal, I'm just giving you tekkers, look.
11:02Yeah, but I know how to cook a veggie sausage.
11:04With the grill on, do you do it with the grill on and the oven?
11:06No, but these ones, they come out better baked, I find.
11:08You've got to be careful with Sarah.
11:10Try to teach her something and it becomes a masculine trip.
11:12Trust me.
11:14Can you do a 180 and get out the kitchen?
11:16I introduced her to rap, I gave you a rap name,
11:20I put a firecracker up her arse.
11:22Respectfully, metaphorically.
11:24Can you stop saying things about our bums and things?
11:26God, you have got a dirty mind, I can't even speak metaphorically.
11:30No, because I know Ali's going to be at home thinking that, like...
11:32Ali, I don't want your missus, I've got too many missuses.
11:38Seriously, respectfully, the roster's full.
11:40The roster is full.
11:42Ten, come on.
11:44Get down, get down.
11:54Good boy.
12:06You look very pretty this morning.
12:08Thank you, so do you.
12:10Did you have a model?
12:20Ryan has come to the diary room.
12:22No-one wants to go out first, but it's not really about that.
12:26I feel like it's just coming into play a little bit now,
12:28that's settled in a little bit more.
12:30And, yeah, I'd be gutted to go.
12:32Not just because it's to go first,
12:34but just I'd want to stay in here for as long as possible.
12:37I feel like all the other three people are strong, strong people.
12:40In my eyes, as a fan, I'd be saying they're all finalists,
12:43so it's a bit of, yeah...
12:45It's not looking good, I don't think,
12:47but that's what I'm just going to try and enjoy today, either way.
12:50And I'd be buzzing if I can stay in, but if not, and it's time to go,
12:54someone's got to go out first.
12:56And I wouldn't change anything that I've done or anything like that,
13:00so I can go out a happy man.
13:02What was that like?
13:04Ten out of ten. Absolutely stunning.
13:07Me and Sarah are going to try and wind him up today, though. Why?
13:10I don't know, we just feel like it.
13:12Because he's given on that he can wind us up.
13:14He's like, I've got you all here.
13:16Yeah, we could take him down.
13:18He's given on that he has us, he's our puppet master.
13:22And the puppet is going to become the puppeteer.
13:25Or whatever you say. It's a role reversal.
13:28We'll see.
13:30Marcello, me and Sarah, we're deliberating.
13:33We think we could easily take you down, like one person, in a fight.
13:37Impossible. She would break down in tears before that attempt even happens.
13:42So you'd be left on your own, and then what?
13:45No, because I'd wrap around your neck like a mongoose,
13:48and I'd strangle you.
13:50Oh, just turn me on.
13:54Literally, you won't be enjoying it,
13:56you'll be cracked into little tiny pieces.
13:58He lacks pain, he lacks that kind of thing.
14:00Oh, my day! He's a sadist.
14:02Oh, my goodness!
14:04He's a sadist.
14:08That's what BDSM stands for.
14:10Bondage, domination and sadism.
14:12Wait, Sarah, you do BDSM?
14:14Do I do BDSM?
14:16Yes, Sarah does.
14:18My sex life is not up for discussion.
14:20That's a yes!
14:22Sarah gets a BDSM.
14:24That's definitely not no.
14:26Sarah does BDSM!
14:28Pass it on.
14:30Sarah does BDSM, pass it on.
14:34It could be something as little as handcuffs and blindfolds,
14:36or, like, whips and all, you know?
14:38It doesn't have to be, like, chains and tasers and stuff, you know?
14:40Sarah the mayoress wrote that.
14:44Conversation stops here, everybody.
14:46Oh, my God!
14:52Oh, that BDSM chant's got Sarah in a bit of the mood, hasn't it?
14:56Which she may or may not like.
14:58Pass it on.
15:00I thought you might want to whip the house into shape.
15:02I didn't think it would be like that.
15:04OK, voting is still open.
15:06Remember, you can only vote using the official Big Brother app,
15:08and you are voting to evict.
15:10Don't forget,
15:12we'll have the first exclusive live interview
15:14with tonight's evicted housemate
15:16on Big Brother Late and Live
15:18coming up straight after this.
15:20Time for a quick break now,
15:22but there is loads more house action coming your way
15:24right after. We'll see you in a sec.
15:42Welcome back to Big Brother!
15:44It's live eviction night here on ITV2,
15:48and you are voting to evict
15:50the first housemate of the series.
15:52Yes, indeed.
15:54Will it be Baked Potato,
15:56Dean, Nathan,
15:58or Ryan?
16:00The power is in your hands.
16:02Who goes? You decide.
16:04The vote is open.
16:06Head to the app and vote for the housemate
16:08that you want to evict.
16:10You can pick from...
16:12Baked Potato.
16:28Or Ryan.
16:34The housemate with the most votes
16:36will be evicted.
16:38Voting's free and you can access it via the app.
16:40You can vote up to five times,
16:42and the vote closes later in the show.
16:46For now, it's back to yesterday,
16:48and the housemates get their star rating
16:50for the resort task.
17:14Big Brother has gathered the housemates
17:16to reveal the results
17:18of the first shopping task.
17:20This is Big Brother.
17:22Yesterday, for the first shopping task,
17:24housemates became guests
17:26and staff
17:28at Big Brother's Coconut Island Resort.
17:32To earn a luxury shopping budget,
17:34Dean and his team
17:36needed to maintain
17:38the resort's five-star rating
17:40by being professional at all times.
17:44Ryan's a sausage gobbler.
17:46Only a certain number of mistakes
17:48were allowed.
17:52Big Brother can now reveal that.
17:56I reckon we've passed.
17:58Hannah successfully completed her secret mission
18:00to test the resort complaint procedure
18:02by provoking a guest
18:04to make a written complaint.
18:06Thank you!
18:08Well done, man.
18:10Well done. That's sick.
18:12Staff member Khaled
18:14receives a special commendation
18:16for his impeccable customer service
18:18throughout the day.
18:22Thank you, thank you.
18:24Class, mate.
18:28Big Brother noted the following fails.
18:34Staff member Marcello
18:36ate watermelon from the all-inclusive
18:38brunch buffet.
18:44I'm not going to waste it.
18:46Staff members failed to prevent
18:48half-bored guest Ryan from eating
18:50two sausages from the all-inclusive
18:52brunch buffet.
18:54We knew about those.
18:56Staff member Sarah
18:58insulted guests during the Aquasize class,
19:00calling Martha a
19:02rotisserie chicken.
19:06I was giving
19:08big rotisserie energy.
19:10Big Brother, what if I say I'm fine with it?
19:14Martha, rotisserie chicken.
19:16How dare you point the finger at me?
19:20That is not the service of a
19:22five-star luxury resort.
19:24You're mud.
19:26Staff member Lily
19:28was seen sitting on the laps of guests
19:30during the brunch service.
19:34Staff member Lily ate a sausage
19:36from the all-inclusive brunch buffet.
19:38Oh, no.
19:42Staff member Lily
19:44fell asleep whilst on shift.
19:48Big Brother counted
19:50a total of 51
19:52fails across the task.
19:56Staff members have lost the resort's
19:58five-star rating and have
20:00failed the shopping task.
20:02We failed.
20:06Housemates will receive
20:08an economy shopping budget.
20:10We've all been on right now.
20:12We already knew.
20:14I would have thought they would have
20:16taken into consideration Hannah's task
20:18and the evening show.
20:20We all tried, bro, we all did it.
20:22It's not that deep, man.
20:24That score isn't a reflection on me,
20:26cos my Chinese take-away is five stars
20:28and I've worked there for six years
20:30and it's always been five stars.
20:32That's funny.
20:42Most of the housemates are at
20:44the dining table.
20:46Do we need to have a little conversation
20:48about shoe hygiene?
20:50Pinger hygiene in general, maybe.
20:54I picked my nose and I showed...
20:56Oh, no, she's been doing it all...
20:58She picks her nose,
21:00big bogeys, like big ones, chunky,
21:02and then she just goes...
21:04Stop that.
21:06And eats the whole thing.
21:08Yeah, and then giggles.
21:10But what do you do with your bogey?
21:12Blow my nose.
21:14Yeah, but say if you're just laying back
21:16and there's a proper bogey itching at the nose,
21:18what do you do?
21:20So I try to clean my nose quite regularly
21:22so they don't build up.
21:24I'm glad we're all seated at the desk.
21:26Shopping list!
21:28Oh, my God.
21:30We've got an hour starting now.
21:32We need to get this done ASAP.
21:34Cos we haven't got long.
21:38Hi, Emma.
21:40This is going to get salty.
21:42What's getting salty?
21:44I can just feel it.
21:46We don't really want to have any input.
21:48I think we're going to be off.
21:50I'm just going to be like Hargis, whatever you like.
21:52I'm fucking out.
21:54Attention, attention, please.
21:56Rosie and Nathan,
21:58can you lot listen to me, please?
22:00I'm so sorry.
22:02Everyone has their dietary requirements.
22:04Some of us are, of course, vegetarian.
22:06Some of us only eat halal.
22:08Some of us are pescatarian.
22:10Some of us are gluten-free and all these different things.
22:12We need veg. We need halal meat.
22:14We need non-halal meat, too.
22:16We need the bacon. We need all these different things.
22:18Whatever's left, we can use that for snacks
22:20and all these different things, basically.
22:22Fun stuff.
22:31Housemates have been doing their shopping list for 54 minutes.
22:37By the way, we have done this the complete wrong way.
22:40What we should have done is work out the finance first
22:42and allocate it first, then we incorporate the food.
22:44We should have, innit, but we were split.
22:46You had to pray, we had to divide.
22:48We can't use it as a template, but next time we'll do it properly.
22:51Right now, we put the roof on before the foundation.
22:53Khalid, not everyone's here. You can't come from...
22:55No-one's even here. So whoever prioritised, prioritised.
23:00Ali is talking to Big Brother.
23:03This is a house of, like, 15 extroverts, potentially.
23:07I don't consider myself a naturally extroverted person
23:10and I think where there's been times where I've been a bit quieter,
23:14people think that I'm, like, analysing them
23:16or, like, a bit standoffish.
23:18There's definitely, like, one or two people
23:20that I just have a slight question mark about.
23:23One of those people is Emma.
23:25I'm trying to get to know her,
23:27but I don't know that we have that much in common.
23:30Khalid's a good guy, but I sense that he doesn't like me
23:33and he doesn't warm to me.
23:35I know that he has resolved his issue with Hannah,
23:38but she was really upset and, yeah,
23:42maybe that's tainted my view of Khalid a little bit as well.
23:56Nathan has a question for his housemates.
24:00What's everyone's opinion on Nigel Farage?
24:03You keep ringing up Nigel Farage.
24:05I just want to hear what people think.
24:07I haven't got an opinion cos I don't really know who he is,
24:10what he does. I know what he looks like.
24:12He's a personality politician. OK.
24:14But he gets people to listen to him.
24:16He speaks to the masses, he does that.
24:18I believe Nigel Farage will be Prime Minister of this country
24:21and I swear on my mother's life, I mean that.
24:25Hannah is confirming the shopping list to Big Brother.
24:29Hannah, you are still £46.60 over the budget.
24:33Oh, really? Yes.
24:36Maths is not my expertise, if I'm being honest with you.
24:39Last time I done maths was, like, GCSEs.
24:42Yeah, quarter of a day after that, literally.
24:45Hannah, it is time to remove some items from your shopping list.
24:49Take off, what do you call it,
24:52one of everything from the halal meat section.
24:57Hannah, that has been done.
24:59Do you know, like, halal? I don't know what halal is.
25:04The butcher will only say a prayer before they slaughter an animal.
25:08So it's the prayer that's the halal? Yeah, yeah.
25:11You give prayer because that cow is giving its life for us to eat.
25:16I'm learning a lot in this house.
25:19What have you learned so far?
25:21Every cow gets prayed to separately.
25:24I've learned, um, about...
25:28Oh, what was she on about, days and gods?
25:31About climate change, that the world's going to end soon.
25:35I wouldn't have put it that way.
25:37That was the short version.
25:40I don't know the word for that.
25:42Nathan loves Nigel Farage.
25:50Well, there you go. Every day is a school day.
25:53Or every hour if you're in the Big Brother house.
25:57Now, remember, if you've missed any of the action
26:00from an incredible first week of Big Brother,
26:03all episodes are streaming now on ITVX.
26:06Yep, after the break, the housemates face some circuit training.
26:10So we'll see you in a few.
26:26Welcome back to Big Brother Live Eviction.
26:30We are live on ITV2,
26:32and tonight, one housemate will be sent back in from the Big Brother house.
26:37Yes, tonight is your chance to evict
26:40Baked Potato, Dean, Nathan or Ryan.
26:45So head to the app right now to have your say.
26:48Right now, though, it is back to the house,
26:51and the housemates learn the journey's only as strong as its weakest link.
27:16Big Brother has gathered the housemates in the garden
27:20for today's task.
27:22Housemates, it's time to get wired in
27:25and find your common connections in the circuit.
27:32Hidden among you are common connections,
27:35shared interests, experience and opinions
27:38that you told Big Brother about before you entered the house.
27:42I'm scared.
27:43On each post is a statement that connects two housemates.
27:49You must figure out what connects each of you,
27:52then line up in the correct order to complete a human circuit.
27:56That's quite nice.
27:58If correct, you'll trigger the release of the reward hatch.
28:03Oh, come on, guys.
28:05Sarah, you will be my chief of connections
28:09and lead the housemates in building the circuit.
28:12I'm the connector.
28:14Are you ready to connect and unlock your reward?
28:20OK, come on, team. Confidence. We've got this.
28:25OK, you ready? We've got this.
28:27Rate their patience level two out of ten.
28:30That was you.
28:32Mine's very, very low.
28:34Did anyone else rate their patience level two out of ten?
28:37I think I put mine very low. Let's try Hannah and Sarah.
28:40You're going to put Hannah here and we'll see where I'm going to go.
28:45Hannah, I think two's generous for you, to be honest.
28:51That's me. I'm both of these.
28:53Like, if I've got a gun to my head, I'm going to lie to get what I want,
28:56which is to survive. Ready?
29:02It has to be someone that also said,
29:04it's OK to lie.
29:06Well, I said both.
29:08Well, that was simple, wasn't it?
29:10Protesters should be locked up for disrupting traffic.
29:13Absolutely, of course they should. That would be a minimum.
29:16Lock them up and learn them a lesson.
29:18So we think it's maybe Hannah, maybe me, maybe Nathan. OK.
29:21Are you ready?
29:23Rate themselves ten out of ten in bed.
29:25Oh, I said that, yeah. I said that too.
29:28Marcello, did you think protesters should be arrested?
29:31I'm pretty sure, yeah. Sorry, Daze.
29:35Ladies, true stories, all right?
29:37Ready? OK.
29:40Who would like Trump to be president?
29:43Definitely not me. Not me.
29:45Of all the ones, you can be on.
29:47Maybe you go there, and maybe Dean.
29:49I think Dean goes here. OK?
29:51So, somebody that would like Trump to be president,
29:54and they also are open to romance in the BB house.
29:58I'm on that. I said, yeah.
30:00You want Trump to be president?
30:02Not always, the Trump... No, no, no. It has to be both.
30:05Who said they would like Trump to be president?
30:07I said both of these three. Somebody must have.
30:09Then it makes me think maybe I said nine out of ten, cos I'm humble.
30:12OK, so maybe change? Yes. I'll stand there.
30:15Why would you like Trump to be president?
30:17It's just great content, man. I think he's hilarious, personally.
30:20We also found out that Marcello would like Trump to be president,
30:23and, non-surprisingly, he's open to romance in the BB house.
30:27We're very political guys.
30:29I am open to romance on the way to the corner shop,
30:31so it doesn't really, like...
30:35We want to look for someone who's open to romance,
30:38but they also...
30:40..still have... What's a blanket?
30:42Oh, that's me. I have a blanket.
30:44A blanket. Yeah, I have a blanket.
30:46One of you shuffle over here for now.
30:48Are you open to romance as well?
30:50Well, yeah, I'm single.
30:52Now you've shoved up that you've pussed it. OK.
30:57Their pet peeve is loud eaters. Yeah.
31:00Does anyone know for a fact their pet peeve is loud eaters?
31:03One of you, for now.
31:12It's Dave.
31:14But, no, you're definitely loud eaters, so maybe I'm here.
31:17But is Ali also...
31:19..believe everyone should be a feminist?
31:21Do you believe that, Ali? Yeah?
31:26I don't know that there's an alternative position,
31:29and I think that any argument against this sentiment
31:32is a misunderstanding of what a feminist is.
31:34Yes. Boo.
31:36From the candidates left,
31:38do any of you believe everyone should be a feminist?
31:40I might have done.
31:42Get over there, Rosie. Get over there.
31:44Oh, God. Shuffle up. I put this too, so...
31:46I've said all three.
31:48But do you also have had cosmetic surgery?
31:50Yeah. OK.
31:57OK, so, Emma.
31:59You're all surprised. You're all so fucking shocked.
32:01You're not.
32:03You've not had anything done.
32:05Yes, a little bit.
32:07But are you also...
32:09..are parents? Yes! Yes!
32:11Come on, Sarah.
32:13OK. Come on, team.
32:15We're doing good, we're doing good.
32:17But is your common connection...
32:19..you pee in the shower?
32:23Yeah, I'm a dad that pees in the shower.
32:25If you've never pissed in the shower, you never live.
32:28Wash it down with your pee, it's all good.
32:30But do you...
32:32..believe aliens exist?
32:34I reckon I said that as well.
32:36Yes, Ryan! I believe aliens exist, yeah.
32:38But did you pee in the shower?
32:40No, I don't pee. I'm here, then.
32:42Khaled, do you believe aliens exist, correct?
32:44Probably, yeah. OK.
32:46And do you think society's becoming too woke?
32:48Oh, I said that as well.
32:52OK, so should we give it a go?
32:54I'm pretty sure.
32:56I said you can get cancelled.
32:58A term exists, you can get cancelled.
33:00It's sad, isn't it? Yeah.
33:02Because everyone has their own opinions,
33:04but there's more that connects us than divides us,
33:06as we can see here.
33:08I love that.
33:10Are you happy where you are?
33:12Do you feel confident?
33:14I'm not mad about it.
33:16So you two switch?
33:18Are you ready, everyone? Hold on.
33:20If anyone was listening to me...
33:24We've switched now, so why not just give it a try?
33:26Yeah, can we just switch someone?
33:28Guys, can we give Daisy a chance to speak?
33:30She's been trying to speak for so long,
33:32and nobody's listening to her.
33:34Me and Ali have both said we agree with all these three statements.
33:36So also, we are potentially ones that might need to switch.
33:40As team of connections, my...
33:42OK, do you know what? Fuck it, I don't care any more.
33:44Sarah, Sarah.
33:46Everyone's holding on, right? Yeah, yeah.
33:50I think we've got it.
33:57Oh, my God!
34:01Oh, my God!
34:03Oh, my God!
34:05Oh, my God!
34:07Oh, my God!
34:11This is Big Brother.
34:13Housemates, you have won a Chinese takeaway.
34:22Because you are on an economy shopping budget,
34:25only five of you will enjoy this delicious reward.
34:29Oh, no, don't do this to me, Big Brother.
34:31You must now decide amongst yourselves
34:33who are the five most deserving housemates
34:36to enjoy the Chinese takeaway.
34:38I've got an idea.
34:40Yesterday, the five workers, they worked their arse off,
34:42they didn't get any food. I did.
34:44I did work my arse off. You guys have it, I'm fine.
34:46Dean, you're the fucking manager, mate.
34:48No, no, I was the manager, have it.
34:50Oh, Dean.
34:52Is everyone OK with that, for real?
34:54Yeah. For real, yeah?
34:56Sarah, will you confirm which housemates
34:58will be enjoying the Chinese takeaway?
35:00It's going to be Khaled, Lily, Marcello,
35:04Hannah and me, Sarah.
35:07Yes. Thank you, everyone.
35:09Oh, no, well-deserved.
35:11Really well-deserved.
35:13Thank you, guys, thank you.
35:15I'm so excited for my takeaway!
35:28Lily is on the phone.
35:30This is Big Brother's Chinese takeaway.
35:32Can I take your order?
35:34So, for Khaled, can we have the duck starter
35:38and the crispy shredded chilli beef, please?
35:41Crispy shredded beef, one quart of duck.
35:43I need the fried king prawn in Thai sweet chilli sauce.
35:49It's 36!
35:51Number 36.
35:53I did not know you had your tits done.
35:55When did you have them done?
35:57Literally for my birthday this year.
35:59No way.
36:01I literally flapped.
36:03I don't know, it fucks me off that I've got this body.
36:05It fucks me off.
36:07I fucking hate it.
36:09Are you joking?
36:11I'm not joking, and I get picked on so much.
36:13I'm not just saying it to be petty with you.
36:15I get fucking slayed.
36:17So you get the other way.
36:19I get told I'm too fat and you get told you're too thin.
36:21And I get told, like, what kind of drugs are you on?
36:23Are you anorexic?
36:25I'm like, no, I'm none of those things.
36:27I just fucking can't help it.
36:29Nathan's fucking off.
36:31Nathan's off.
36:33You literally are beautiful.
36:35But you are.
36:37You're kind.
36:39We always want what we don't have.
36:41I swear to God, I would kill to look like you.
36:43The people that say to you, like, what kind of drugs you do,
36:45you don't need them in your life,
36:47that's absolutely disgusting.
36:49They're in a completely different sense.
36:51People are like, look at that fat, lazy slob,
36:53she shouldn't be eating, she shouldn't be allowed to eat,
36:55she shouldn't be doing this.
36:57So I open myself up to that because I've always been bigger.
36:59But, like, Rose, you are so beautiful.
37:01You are.
37:03I hate that you even look in the mirror and you think,
37:05like, oh, not good.
37:07You're so lovely.
37:15Some of the housemates are getting ready to put on a drag show.
37:19We're going to smoke the shit out of you now, Grant.
37:21Yeah, need to look at that.
37:23That's nearly done by my nose.
37:25Trust... Trust the process.
37:37I'm going to be a bachelor tomorrow and I'm going to be good.
37:42Oh, dear.
37:44Are you all right?
37:46I can't see.
37:50What's your name?
37:52It's Marius together for my rabbit.
37:54Oh, I love it.
37:56Why don't you be called, like, Diana DeMure?
37:58Yeah, that's good, Nath.
38:00Diana DeMure.
38:02OK, that's that, then. Crescent.
38:04Cos you're Scottish, you should be called Bag Puss.
38:06Or Baggy Puss.
38:08Bag Puss!
38:12Lily is collecting the Chinese takeaway.
38:19Curry sauce, sweet and sour, hoisin.
38:25Light batter.
38:30Oh, my God.
39:02Oh, my God!
39:04I wish I got excited about literally anything
39:06when Lily gets excited about Chinese takeaway.
39:09You don't get excited about curry sauce, sweet and sour,
39:13light batter.
39:15Still to come tonight, the housemates strike apart.
39:18Oh, you don't want to miss it. We'll see you in a minute.
39:34Welcome back to Big Brother.
39:36It's live eviction night and very soon the vault will be closing.
39:41Yes, for one housemate, it is nearly all over.
39:45Who goes? You decide.
39:48The vault is open.
39:50Head to the app and vote for the housemates you want to evict.
39:53You can pick from...
39:57Baked Potato.
40:13Or Ryan.
40:16The housemates with the most votes will be evicted.
40:21Voting's free and you can access it via the app.
40:24You can vote up to five times. The vote closes later in the show.
40:29If you haven't voted yet, get voting now.
40:32Yes, OK. Back to yesterday and the housemates take to the runway.
40:57Housemates are putting on their own drag show.
41:02Tens across the board.
41:09We're going to judge the first round.
41:12Starting with my love on the end.
41:15Give it to them, bitch.
41:17Was that really a catwalk or a flop?
41:21Love it.
41:23I'm here for it, sweetheart.
41:25But are you?
41:31Lady Di, please take to the stage.
41:33Oh, God!
41:36Riri, we'll start with you.
41:38I don't like it.
41:40I love it!
41:46Love it. Perfect. Emma, my love.
41:49The greatest fucking disco ball I've ever seen!
41:55Marry Us Together, everybody!
41:58Riri, on the end.
42:00To me, it looks like you've been kicked through a charity shop.
42:03Oh, no. To be fair, I went to Oxfam at the weekend,
42:07cos he live in crisis, babe.
42:09They ain't got nothing left.
42:11Idiot! Babe, I don't think you've seen talent.
42:14I'm not! Are you right there?
42:16Is he giving to me or...?
42:18I can't, I can't. Riri.
42:24I take it it means he don't like me, then.
42:37Ali and Marcello are in the smoking area.
42:41Are you going to join the party now?
42:44I always join the party, in my way.
42:46Try that.
42:48Is that yours? Yeah.
42:51Grape's the best one. I know this one.
42:54He just vape-kissed.
42:59It's a thing. It's not a thing.
43:01It's definitely not a thing. It's a thing!
43:04I'm joking.
43:06What are you doing, Marci? Nothing.
43:08I'm coming!
43:10No, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.
43:15Don't O. Don't O.
43:25I just kissed, didn't I?
43:27I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm joking. No, we did not.
43:29I'm joking, sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't kiss, I'm joking.
43:31Sorry. We didn't.
43:33We didn't, no, I'm joking. No, Marci, don't.
43:35I'm joking, yeah, I'm joking, sorry.
43:37I know, but, you know... Sarah, oh, my God,
43:39that's what I mean about you, so nasty.
43:45I'm joking, relax.
43:48I've put weight on it.
43:53Was it worth it?
43:55Oh, God!
44:10Lily and Diaz are in the hot tub.
44:13I'm so scared for Victor.
44:18I actually think so.
44:20The figures are, like, opinionated,
44:22but everyone's just watching.
44:24And do you know what?
44:26Like, you and Nathan, opinions are complete opposite,
44:29and that's, like, such a weird dynamic.
44:33Like, would you ever vote Nathan? Huh?
44:35Like, you would never vote Nathan.
44:37No, I wouldn't. Absolutely wouldn't.
44:39Especially the other night,
44:41when I had to pick the other person to say.
44:45Emma and Nathan.
44:49I'm so happy we all got out.
44:52Now we're in a hot tub,
44:54baking hot chickens.
44:56Oh, my God.
45:04In the garden, and he said that we kissed.
45:08You? Me and him.
45:12And I'm like, he knows I have a girlfriend.
45:15When did he say that? In the garden.
45:17To who? To the air.
45:19To anyone that could hear. Oh, no.
45:21So long as he says, I know she has a girlfriend, it's fine.
45:25Oh, 100%, 100%.
45:40In the bedroom, Martha and Hannah are talking about Lily.
45:44I can't lie, Lily picking her nose is pissing me off as well.
45:47As well.
45:55She's actually a health hazard.
45:57I know, I know.
46:03Marcello is joining Ali Shegan and Thomas in the kitchen.
46:08All right.
46:15What the fuck is this silence about?
46:18I'm going to go for a wee-wee out of that line.
46:21That's what it means.
46:23We just kissed.
46:26I have people watching.
46:28No, I know, I know, me too.
46:30No, I promise you, I got you, man.
46:32Honestly, beyond the jokes, I'm a gentleman.
46:34Promise. I wouldn't worry.
46:38Trying to ruin my life.
46:40You came in a smoker's room, you knew what you was doing.
46:42Stop it!
46:44Starting it again.
46:46Starting it again, fixed it, then ruined it.
46:48Sorry, I'm fixing it now and I don't want to ruin it again.
46:51And I've had... No!
46:54Nothing ever goes right with me, Tom.
47:07Vape kiss isn't a thing, Marcello.
47:10And he knows it. It's not a thing.
47:12It's not a thing.
47:14So either Baked Potato, Dean, Nathan or Ryan
47:19will leave the Big Brother house tonight.
47:21Who will it be?
47:23I can tell you that the vote is now closed.
47:32Very soon, we're going to find out
47:34who will be stripped of their housemate status.
47:37After the break, someone's coming out!
47:54Welcome back to Big Brother!
47:57Before the break, we closed the vote.
48:00So if you haven't voted yet, I'm sorry it's too late.
48:03Do it!
48:05We are just minutes away from finding out which housemate
48:08is checking out of the Big Brother house tonight.
48:11Before that, though, Emma is having a heart-to-heart
48:14with the Baked Potato.
48:26No-one said bless you. I've sneezed about four times, bro.
48:29All right, bless you.
48:31Quick! Quick!
48:40What are you crying for? I don't know.
48:44I'm all right. Yeah. I am all right.
48:46No, I know. I'm exactly the same.
48:48Just have little moments, do you know what I mean?
48:50Yes, I do.
48:52It's maddening, I think, as well, because I'm like...
48:55And I'm not faking it when I'm all, like, happy-happy.
48:58No, never mind. But then sometimes it's just like...
49:01Yeah. I need to, like...
49:03Do you know what I mean? Yes.
49:05I don't want to just be...
49:07I don't want to pretend to be happy-happy when I'm not.
49:10I can't. I can't fake it. No, I can't. Yeah, exactly.
49:13I don't want to fake it. I'm not, like, performing monkey.
49:19Hi, Ally girl. You all right?
49:21You all right?
49:23Are you sure?
49:26I just feel like... I just bury stuff, do you know what I mean?
49:32Can I ask you a question? What's going on?
49:34What did you think of me when you first met me?
49:37I just didn't think you liked me.
49:39I thought that of you for me. Did you? Yeah.
49:42Yeah, I just thought, I don't think I'm your cup of tea, like...
49:45That's what I thought. Really?
49:47And then I thought maybe we weren't each other's cup of tea. Yeah.
49:50And I thought maybe that's fine. Yeah.
49:52But I have to say, I feel maybe I got that wrong.
49:55Really? Yeah.
49:57I think, for me, I felt like, because I'm a bit quiet sometimes,
50:01maybe you were a bit like, oh, she's a bit boring.
50:04Yeah, no. Here's a little hug.
50:06I'm sorry for, like, prejudging the situation.
50:09And I'm happy to hold my hands up to that.
50:13Yeah. What is happening right now?
50:15What's going on? I don't know, but it's nice.
50:18I've genuinely come in here and my opinion has changed.
50:24Like, I didn't even get to make a decision on the first time
50:27I walked in. I didn't get that time. Yeah.
50:29All I knew is, there was lads here, that's not my bag,
50:33I'm going to go red. Yeah. That was it.
50:35And every lad that was in the blue loves you, man. Yeah.
50:38And do you know what? I have to say thank you for you guys,
50:42because tonight has proven to me that not all straight men are pigs.
50:49Yeah. The fact that we did that...
50:52Bravo. Yeah. It was very special, you know?
50:55Yeah, yeah. Oh, don't make me cry.
50:57Bravo. Genuine.
50:59That's lovely. No, I know, I know.
51:01Bro, don't, man. But you're so special.
51:03You're going to make me upset. And you deserve the whole world.
51:06It was a special moment for me. Of course it was.
51:08It was quite overwhelming, thinking about it. Yeah.
51:11It's a lot. You guys were amazing. I'm just glad.
51:23Housemates are getting ready for bed.
51:26Someone has to go. I know that is, but the problem is,
51:29I don't want to go first. I get it. That's the issue, yeah.
51:32I don't give a shit if I win next week.
51:34The thing is, you don't know if you are.
51:36There's people that I know dislike me,
51:38but they say enough to my face to, like, look on camera
51:42that they're being nice to me.
51:44Especially Khaled, he's too nice.
51:48He's not too nice.
51:50He's not bad. Khaled? Yeah.
51:52I think what he shows is a genuine part of him,
51:55but I think there's more that is not shown.
51:57I know, like...
51:59Which is maybe not as nice as the bit that is shown.
52:02That's what bugs me, like, they all...
52:04Like, yeah, I love having these kind of conversations,
52:07and it's so nice to, like...
52:09It's no different size. I'm like, oh, fuck off.
52:11Don't shout.
52:13I hate everyone.
52:17Apart from Ali, apart from Lily.
52:20Apart from Baked Potato.
52:22No. You can't not like Ali.
52:25See if I stay. See if I stay tomorrow.
52:27We've got a little gang, haven't we?
52:29Don't! We've recruited a third member.
52:31She will follow us.
52:41So, the time has come.
52:44Who's ready for an eviction?
52:48All right, then.
52:50For the first time this series, let's talk to the house.
52:58Oh, my God.
53:03Big Brother House, it's AJ and Bill,
53:07and you are live on ICB2.
53:10Please do not swear.
53:17Baked Potato.
53:41The viewers have spoken.
53:48We can now reveal that the first housemate
53:52to be evicted from the Big Brother House is...
54:23Ryan, your stay in the Big Brother House is over.
54:28Say your goodbyes. It's time to leave.
54:34Ryan, you have been evicted.
54:37Please leave the Big Brother House.
54:45Ryan, you have been evicted.
54:49Ryan, you have been evicted.
54:51Please leave the Big Brother House.
54:56Ryan, please leave immediately.
54:59Take care, everyone. All right, you've all been smashing it.
55:09Let's go, boys.
55:12Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!
55:1610, 9, 8, 7, 6,
55:215, 4, 3, 2, 1.
55:37Ryan, stand where you are. Give it up for Ryan, everyone.
55:40Make some noise. Make some noise, guys.
55:43Well done, baby.
55:45Ryan, you are the first housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House.
55:49How are you feeling?
55:51Well, it's gutted, to be fair.
55:53But, yeah, trying to switch over there.
55:55Someone's got to go first, hasn't he?
55:57Exactly. Well, look, you were great.
55:59We're going to chat to you. Go and see your friends and family.
56:01We're going to talk to you in a minute.
56:03Join us for the exclusive I'm Evicted interview on Landline.
56:08Yes. OK, so, look, you've had your say,
56:10and Ryan has become the first housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House.
56:15We'll be speaking to him in his first exclusive interview
56:18on Big Brother, late and live, up next on ITV2.
56:22Yeah, and we've also got a huge exclusive
56:24about what's going down in the house next week.
56:27So, please, stay right where you are.
56:29We'll see you in one minute. One minute.
56:37I'm Evicted.